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Show " 9 " " "' -- ' j p"- - CUILte; QcSNAPSI-lO- T SHOOTING WITH Tilt SUN IN FRONT BEEF SALES HIGH Ok A AI L. THE xn will fLbuir Aefapwcvt, oicro games' &vt &rfetr u iie rL J league? in,or rrtimper. i 1 Struck out r?. - -- i T tuyier - v. seventeen, CAicago Culr ire 'I, tc or wi ZTtmcndi, n ,.ji Merting Difficulties vv pniU'ulii.-uiiai iiii'ii are. Tli'ise who try to do thlii-- a ft nil full ari lnlimiely better ttmu tlm-- e Who try to do nothing ami succeed. s i Human Kindness man can a groat loader of men unless lie has the milk of human kindness In tils und heart ond leads by n kindness, rather than force. No e suii-i'stlo- si Location of Chan Chan Chun CIiiiii, a ruined and deserted city on the coast of lvni, Is situated 300 miles north of Lima. pre-Inc- a "Yef," says Towser humbly, "my master Is a great fisherman." Outdoor silhouettes like this are made with sun In front, lens shaded, fast shutter speed (at least 1100 sond) and small stop (at least f.16.) What's the Differenc? and again novices forget the slightly from behind, that is, coming rIMErule or that you should from th that heard," said Uncle Eben, "dat politics makes strange bedfelHut dat don' make much lows. illlTunce when dar"s seen a rumpus dat nobody kain't sleep, nohow." "1 liiui says have tha sun over your shoulder when you take pictures, and suffer the penalty of a negative. They see something "pretty" and excitedly shoot at It regardless of the fact that Old Sol may be glaring diInto the eye of the camera. ' rectly It's a good rule not to forget, but it does not mean that pictures can never be taken with the sun in front of the lens. Indeed, considering the number of pictures that ire being bung in salons these days examples of artistic achievement photography. It would seem as If '.he rule is being broken oftener than it is observed. But, be 'ore you try for such pictures deliberately, be sure you have acquired good judgment in the use of stop openings and shutter speeds, because light and shadow conditions with the sun in front are decidedly different from those when the sir; Is behind you. In all such pictures it is ' ly essential that the camera loin shielded from the direct rays oC else "lens flare" on the n is sure to result. This rest with a hat or other object or jockeying around for a poir' !i which a tree or other lofty rit. ; places the sun in eclipse. Or you i" iy edd a lens hood to your camera accessories. Some of the most artistic r.v.r pictures are nude v.. :i ; t sun's rays striking ihe sun-struc- Too haven't "I ahouIJ further more forgotten John We're going to Salt Lake City today I" haven't and have already mutle reservations .t Tha oar favorite hotel NewliouMi. yon bet!" say I 1 sun-in-fro- V- ' Kewlioaiss Ths Hot-e- l Famous Fur Hospitality and Good Food - Ihmhg Breakfast Ssrved side, but strikingly beautiful effects may be achieved with the sun almost directly in front. The resulting "high backlighting" seems to surround the subject with a glamorous radiance. Often, sunlight striking the blowing hair of a child or girl from behind gives a lovely halo-lik- e effect. Remember when you prepare your camera- for the picture that, with most of the light behind the subject, features of faces and the identifying details of whatever the subject rray be, will be mostly in shadow, and often deep shadow. Consequently a large stop opening and longer exposure will usually be needed. It is by shooting with the sun (or brightest part of sky) in front of the lens that outdoor silhouettes are lr.ade. These pictures can be of fasci-r.atiinterest and perhaps are less lafiirult to take than those in which need detail In the shadow parts. . The sun rteed not be shining bril- nnl'y. U:-- a fairly small stop open-v- . fur clear-cu- t outlines and elim-- : vi f t detail on the side of the toward tha camera; then s na-- r i'.'it exposure. Let your outlined against the sky a ': ill or sand dune, with ; .u cr strong light behind them. I." .a ; : between you and the u o.i ," veranda of your home or ili'.t-- 1. lies absolutely certain before you click your shutter that the sun's rajs are masked from the lens. e . ' ; JOIINT VAN GUILDER Single Double $2 $2.50 With all to $4 GeoX Managar V 6- - N A T IONAI perience your wise councillor, caution your elder brother, and hope your i"uardian genls. Booms a ad Depressions and depressions may bt nothing mere titan tidal movement! In the mlids of men. Color Line in Arlington The colored and white members of the military service have separate sections In Arlington cemetery. W. E. SUTTON, $4.50 Bath DISTILLERS PRODU AJAIEI LIVESTOCK It SITUATION LOS ANGELES Unusually heavy marketing of cattle featured the trade of the Los Angeles Union Stock yards during the past week, the total receipts for the period beinfr the largest on the record. While a large proportion of the run consisted of stocker and feeder cattle, there were a number of fat stock purchased by the packers. Indicative of the strong un dertone in the cattle market, the receipts have been cleared up very quickly, and fat cattle walues have held up remarkably well in view cf the heavy receipts. In fact, the better grades of fat steers are somewhat stronger than earlier In the month, with top, grain fed steers selling up to nine dollars, the hiphest price In several past months. All of this indicates that there is a very broad demand for beef and that consumers are better "ble to buy as a result of the im. proved buying power. The action of the cattle market at this time indicates that the eounry is rather short on choice rrain fed beef. There Is also a very broad demand also for stock-e- rf and feeder cattle to be used as replacement on the California ranees and In feed lots. Despite he rather hieh prices of feed stuff, he cattle feeders on the whole seem to be of the opinion that grain markets will warrant the me of relatively high prices feeds. Early rains gave cattle ranges in the state a good start and of course this has had a verv benefic ial effect upon the market for thini cattle suitable to go to the past ures ana ranges. While the dry, hot weather of the past few days has given green feed a set back, there is plenty of water and another pood rain would assure a bountiful supply of winter feed for both cattle and sheep. The slaughter of cattle and calves in California continued at a record high level. Records of in spected slaughter in California for the first nine months of 1936 show, ed that a total of 764,000 cattle were slaughtered, compared with the extremely high kill of 694,000 for the same period last year, and 5 aver593,000 during the age. The slaughter of calves also shows quite an increase during the period, the total being 358,000, against 338,00 last year and 313,000 for the seven year average up to on: ?inr mo wow KENTUCKY PINTS Straight Bourbon Whiskey Code No. 55 ISTllUO S SOTTlf s sv fflenmorejBistjlleriu FSFTHS Code No. 54 This Whiskey Is 16 Months Cld "r'4VtiW' I I' H 1 M f 1 1 some time to come was reached on the I os Angeles market this The trade appears to be week. in very sound condition and livestock feeders are looking forward to a period of satisfactory prices. conditions in the While drouth southwest have forced a good many cattle into the market this has reacted favorably to those who are buying their stocker and feeder cattle in at values which should assure a fairly remunerative season in 1937 if the cattle market is as good as it was in the spring of 1936. A good many competent market observers are of the opinion that the price levels should be 1935. some-wh- at better next year than eatThat California people are have been during the present they a tremendous amount of meat season. ing is shown by the over figures, and by the fact that our hog slaughter has also shown a treMrs. John Chase left Tuesdsy mendous increase over 1935. for Ogden where she will visit A good many people believe that the low spot in the market for 1929-193- 1 1 t'Ji'Jrri J .1 1 1 11 1 1 1 , nl-Yi-i- : 4 1 ; I ICi Booms "THANKS A MILLION" FOR MORE THAN A MILLION z C T RULES THE ICEL ON f, Bourbon whiskies in its price J-- 4 NOW 18 MONTHS OLD J. II J -- jm :..:-', Butnt"r' IS The builders of Chevrolet country; you have conferred this same are thankful for many high honor upon Chevrolet trucks by purthings, but most of all for the warm chasing more than 205,000 commercial units; you have made 1936 the most friendship of the American people. successful year in all Chevrolet history. And so again at this Thanksgiving And now, to climax these expressions of season we say, "Thank you, America," for you have given Chevrolet a measure friendship, you are displaying even more marked preference for the new Chevrolet of good-wi- ll without parallel in the annals for 1937. of modern industry. It is difficult to express adequate apprefor a moment, all that you Consider, ciation for gifts so great and so generous have done to inspire Chevrolet's apprecias these. ation during the past twelve months: AH we can say is, "Thanks a million" You have purchased 1,130,000 Chevfor more than a million cars in 1936; and rolets; you have made Chevrolet your all we can do is offer you the still finer favorite car for the seventh time in the Chevrolet of 1937 in return for the finest past ten years; you have given Chevrolet friendship ever bestowed upon any motor car manufacturer. strong preference in every section of the CHEVROLET MOTOH COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN .C.fv' .J ' -- ' V ii &y 1 93 ,JH JVATTOJTAt, rHODUCTS Piw lark, PROOF-STRAIG- BOURBON HT IISTTLLEH3 CORP. WHISKEY America has bought 1,130,000 Chevrolets during the past twelve months, thereby giving Chevrolet the greatest year in its history and the greatest measure of buyer preference it has ever enjoyed. ioSm Wilton An e J Plie (oinpfc:Le Can - ComplkteEij T "fCHEVEOLET'93? N. Y. I !3r 1 Meaning; of "Perplexity" One la perplexed in understanding rather than In feeling; intricacies or unforeseen difficulties per plex. The future perplexes. Thai which perplexes depends on both the individual and extraneous circumstances. Any condition or thlni that Interferes with the making up of one's mind as to the pursuit of a course perplexes. Perplexity has not the unsettling of the faculties Implied In confusion, ner the overwhelming of the faculties implied In amazement or astonishment; It is not the magnitude of the things to be known, but the want of full and definite knowledge that cause perplexity. Perplexity has been described as "the drawing or turning of the thoughts or faculties in different directions or toward contradictory conclusions." Llteryry Thev all look alike.. Juf me THE ICE, before the opening face-ofhockey seem much the same. But, wait till the puck starts to fly and see how one player stands out as the starl So, too, by its brilliant performance, does Windsor win among strai (fa. Mucnsaims! HtnTucirv If iodoform. J IKS. J. H. WATERS, President RATES How to Be Successful you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosons friend, ex- Earliest Trio of Drug The fifth edition of the United States Pharmacopeia, published In 1870, contained only three synethet-l- c drugs chloroform, chloral and 7.h:ul Extra Cost FiCsni to in Your loft-han- d right-han- sui-j-.-- Sunday Thursday, November 26, 19o6 THE TIMESNEWS, NEPHI. UTAH PAGE FOl'R - |