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Show THE Thursday, November 26, 1936 Keeping Up cience h 'dcidnceServce aclauc W2U afcumc. win Most Ancient India Is Revealed in Ruins Chanliu-dar- o Trade City Uncovered hy Archeologists Delicate Surgery on Tiny TIMES-NEW- NEPIII. UTAH S. PAGE TIIREA Scenes and Persons in the Current News Fruit-Flie- s ! Aids Biologists CALIF. of incredible delicacy are used for the transplantation of eyes, sex glands, legs, wings, and other organs of tiny insects the size of ordinary cnats, by two vounc scientists. Drs. Boris Ephrussi and G. V. Beadle. Doctor Ephrussi is a Doctor Beadle an Ameri can. The work was beeun In Paris, at Physico-Chemic- d o, v v f7 - ilv .7, ' i Gas From Fruit Skins Stops Potato Growth WASHINGTON. al no-ho- interest-b- earing h ,1 uJiJd 41: : Mounted troops of General Franco's rebel army crossing a bridge on the march on Madrid. 2 Pre n of Egypt at celebration in honor of the recent treaty giving further indecommander in chief of China's land forces as he appeared pendence to Egypt. 3 General Chiang at National Chinese Boy Scout jamboree. 1 mier Nahas Pasha Anglo-Egyptia- Kai-She- Franklin D., Jr., Engaged to Be Married I '.si. . FORWORKERS' SECURITY married that I . f r?f, ; 1 Iv- "1 I V - :- - r that the respiration of the potato Mounds of prehistoric rubbish yielded the slats of bone armor, and the arrow heads, fish lines, har poons, combs, needles, children's toys, and bits of clothing of Eskimos who lived at Cape Prince of Wales, the most westerly point on the North American continent. The expedition. led by Henry B. Collins, Jr., was s joint venture of the Smithsonian In stltution and the National Geo graphic society. The makers of the ancient objects are identified as Eskimos of the Thule stage of Eskimo prehistory. by Mr. Collins. While this type of culture has been known, especially in Greenland and central Canada, Mr. Collins' latest expedition con firms the theory that this ancient culture spread eastward from Alaska. The digging also probed into an earlier stage of Eskimo culture, ' X.;: lrii . A Xk i - i wi im rr int.. ft., fli iA Ethel du Pont and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., son of the President, shown at the home of Ethel du Pont's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene visit of Mr. Roosevelt, Jr. The endu Pont, here, during a week-en- d gagement of the couple was announced by Miss du Pont's parents. The wedding will take place next June. Wy Forms for curity law the gigantic social set-u- p se- have been printed at the rate of a million a day by an eastern printing concern. Thelma ; ; The Cure for Mental and Physical Affliction? ..........u York, supposedly to dispose of her Unit- - Mary Pickford ed Artists holdings, marry Mr. Eogers and sail for Europe, a lot of people sighed with re lief. If only she'd get married and end that story once and forever, they exclaimed, it would be a bless- If you are burdened with seemunfair responsibilities-wo- rk. ingly Greta Garbo may have new competition in the person of Tamara Desni, a foreign importation who arrived in this country recently. Kor- da, who is responsible for so many of the good English films, hails her as a great discovery. You'll be able to judge her possibilities for yourself if you see "Fire Over Eng- Mae Myers is shown holding up a strip of the blanks as they came from the presses. It is estimated that 26,000,000 forms will be needed to keep the records of the workers. land." III 1 'i !tsiw" v5 i( i 2S3ss who Eugene O'Neill, playwright, has been awarded the 1936 Nobel prize in literature. O'Neill's most famous plays are: "The Emperor and "Anna Christie," Jones," "Strange Interlude." Mr. O'Neill is a native New Yorker. , Dangerous If you find that sports events are being broadcast much better than they ever have been before, you can thank Red Barber for the improvement. He went to New York from the Middle West to help announce the World Series; and after his first appearance on the air the inner circles of the broadcasting business were running around in circles applauding his performance. Without any doubt he was the tops, so far as that type of broadcasting was concerned. Time has proved that he's just as good when it's football that he is talking about. Three golf champions try their hands at Florida's latest crop of turf Poor William Powell is still havfor the string of coming winter golf tourneys at Miami. Left to right, ing trouble with that left eye and and Lawson Little, Canadian Ralph Guldahl, Western Open still reigning as a Open champion, look on as Johnny Revolta, the reigning P. G. A. king, favorite 1 v informal match. putts in an "Libelled Lady" is his latest, with Myr-n- a Loy, Jean Har- lnuf amrl Ciuhim, V Tracy, and a swell , picture it is. One of . lyi imiih the best things J,J,,,..v..y....tr-....ii,.,..,,.,,;,,. about it is Jean Harlow's return to a role. When-vsw- .t comedy k. ever she goes dra- matic, as she did in w ,iiim "Suzy," most of her admirers implore her never to do it title-holde- r, box-offi- ,i,...,g.-- '&' - ones. e New San Francisco Bay Bridge Carries Traffic -- If you are happy keep right on working. Idleness gives room for doubts and fear. If sorrow overwhelms you and loved ones seem not true work. When faith falters and reason fails just work. If disappointment comes work. When dreams are shattered and hope seems dead work. Work as if your life were in peril. It really is. Work is the greatest material remedy available. Mississippi Vocational News. There has been a lot of speculation about whether Randolph Scott's bride would live in Hollywood or not. Most of her interests, (except her husband) center in her country Character First place in Virginia; it's said that she "Safety first" is a good motto. tried to persuade him to abandon except when character is in Hollywood and live there, but he re- volved. fused. Now she's consented to try Hollywood, but if she doesn't like it she'll return to Virginia, and the marTHE FIRST COLD MAY BE riage will develop into one of those long-distanc- DONT LET IT GET A RUNNING START I very first !?a ol chwt cold or bronchial irritation, mako poul-tic- o Al oi DonTM how Mud and quickly tho concostion diaappaars. Always kaap packaea oi Danrar Mud in tho madicina chast. At All Drug Storaa Practical Family Sim. 50c Si. 25a ARE YOU THIN, AILING? Mrs. Mary Simpkins of 639 No. Water St.. Idaho Falls. Idaho, said: "I was in a weakened condition followins childbirth. I had lost several pounds in weight. I used about four bottlea of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and I gained weight and strength, had a good appetite, and it was not lone befom I felt as well as ever." Buy today! Mew sise, tablets 50 eta., liquid $1.00 k S1.1S. SALT LAKE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY i Our lobby Is delightfully air cooled during the summer months Radio for Kvery Room 200 Rooms 2 OO Baths i again. CHICAGO. Cinchona trees Dozen Years Added to the source of quinine, have been Woman's Life found growing wild in the Cen- Average tral American republic of Costa Washington. Eleven years have ODDS AND ENDS . . . Doris Dud-le(first picture, "A Woman Rebels," with Katherine Hepburn) is through uith RKO, because they wouldn't let her have a voice in selecting her roles . . . Incidentally, she wasn't very good Ferdinand in her first picture Cravet, French motion picture star who'll work over here (and is expected to boul us all over), brought his wile with him . . . She's worth mil lions . . . Bebe Daniels and lion Lyon have been chosen as the first television stars ol the regular television service in England, where they are making pictures . . . I aramount may make a series of shorts with Cornelia Otis Skinner (whom you've heard on tie air, no doubt) based on sketches written by her, v Rica. been added to the average man's Specimens of this unique discov' life and 12 years to the life of the ery have been received at the Field average woman, it is revealed by Museum of Natural history here, life and 12 years to the life of the Wild cinchona trees have not hitlv census. United States departmen crto been known outside their an of commerce. cient home in the Andean highlands At the beginning of the present of South America. century, the average length of life The world's supply of quinine in the United States was 48 years at present derived from plantation for white men. Now, these new figtrees in the East Indies. The old ures give an average life length of South American cinchona forests, 59 years. For women the average lifetime In 1900 was 51 years. Now mercilessly exploited, were practi it is nearly 63 years. cally wiped out many years ago. it was Clark Gable is to have the coveted role of the hero of "Idiots' Delight," when the play is transferred to the screen. Alfred Lunt, the very talented actor, has been doing it on the stage for some time, with his wife, Lynn Fontanne, playing opposite him, and the play is so successful that a staggering price was paid ror the screen rights. Golf Champs Try Out Florida Turf NOBEL PRIZE WINNER WASHINGTON. Bone armor worn in American bat tles a thousand years ago, when Europe's fighters went clad in mail, is among the trophies of an archeological expedition re produced by the living skin of sound Alaska. apples, has on potatoes. He found cently returned from "Wild Cinchona Trees .Found in Costa Rica s ing. es Found in Alaska wilful transgression of law which corrupts the character. There is nothing like the candor of boys toward each other's faults. Noah never wrote a book on natural history when he had the best of opportunities. If his wife is the best dressed woman at the party, a man thinks it's worth it. night. learned that she was on her way to New egg-layi- of ripe apples, pears and haw thorn fruits produce a gas that keeps potatoes from growing, Dr. O. H. Elmer of the United States Department of Agricul ture has found. Doctor Elmer measured a large number of the effects that this gas, when And s. se Of course, Mary Pickford's plans aren't really exciting news any more, but all this autumn newspaper editors in the East have been spurred into action by the rumor that M i s s i Pickford and Buddy Rogers were being 1 I Wilful Transgressor It is not the compelled, but the do. Theskins Ancient Bone Armor was speeded up, and consequently the activity of all the other proc esses directly connected with the potatoes' respiration was also in creased. Sufficient concentration of the gas stops potatoes from sprouting, and keeps them well preserved for long periods of time, the experiments show. Chemical investigation disclosed that the unknown gas was ethylene, the gas used in carbide lamps. Interestingly enough, this gas has for some time been used by produce experts to keep citrus fruits while in transit, and to aid in ripening them. five-doll- ar one-doll-ar transplanting technique while still infants, in the larval or grub stage. Only Sixth of Inch Long. Althoueh even the largest of these larvae are only a sixth of an inch of an inch long and a twenty-fiftin diameter, both scientists work at the same specimen at the same time. The oneratine table is a small elass laboratory dish, and the two biologists work with hollow glass fineneedles, drawn out to hair-lin- e ness. Each man watches through a double - barreled microscope. With the needles they pluck up the rudi mentary "buds" of organs which have been dissected out of one larva, and inject them into the body of another. The "host" larvae, with their added transplanted organs, are then placed in an incubator and kept at a temperature of 77 degrees Fah renheit for four or five days, during which time they transform themselves first into pupae and then fruit-flieemerge as Transplanted Organs Grow. Some of the transplanted organs. of course, are never of any use to the insect that has acquired them. An eye grafted into the abdomen of becomes a perfect eye, a fruit-fl- y but because it lacks the proper nerve connections does not help its unconscious possessor to see. On the other hand, transplanted ovaries often successfully make connection with a female insect's apparatus, and these then function quite as well as the owner's original pair. These experiments have a pur-Dodecidedly more serious than just showing that so difficult a bi ological stunt can be carried throueh successfully. Drosophila has been the most important or ganism for demonstration of the basic principles of heredity ever since Dr. Thomas Hunt Morgan, now director of the biological at the California Institute of Technology, carried out the pio neer researches in this particular flpM manv Tears ago. But certain tissue transplantation work, of value in studying these principles, has hitherto been possible only with larg er but less understood animals, like insects, fishes and frogs. n i l- o, Chanhu-dar- o had homes of burnt brick, and the brick was just about like modern brick In size. The houses bad bathrooms and drains that are pronounced superior to the sanitary arrangements In cities of other civilizations of their time. The people were industrious at many lines of skilled labor. They made toys for children of cities around the country. They were workers In bronze and copper. They turned out quantities of beads, making some so tiny that forty to an inch could be strung, and boring holes so fine that nothing coarser than a hair would thread these beads. trade was on As Chanhu-dar- o route, the goods of the city were or pedler's dispatched by pack to other, distant cities. It Had Great Floods. The picture of a trade town of ancient India, as old as the famous Is the ruined city of Mohenjo-darresult of excavation by two Institutions, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and the American School of Indie and Iranian Studies. It Is only within three years that the Indian government has changed Its law, to permit outside universities and archeological organizations to dig in this region. The Indus valley, where Chanhu-dar- o stood, had its trouble with floods, like Ur of the Chaldees and many another ancient town. The field director of the expedition, Ernest Ma ckay,. finds that at least three 'great floods attacked the city. After such a flood, the people were forced to leave the place entirely, and in some sequences of the city's history debris pile over the abandoned ruins before settlers came to re build. After the Harappa culture, as the oldest civilization at this site is named, there followed a people of about 2000 B. C. who lived in mat ting houses, and had only rough paving under their feet. These people made great quantities of pottery which archeologists hope will shed more light on the migraions and trade relations of their era. Movie Radio f7 The Mark Stays Gossip la like mud thrown X gainst a clean wall; it may not tick but it leaves a mark. By VIRGIxNIA VALE Be natural, sorrowed garments eldom fit well. EVER was a girl more ex-There are people who think they cited over her first trip observant, who can't tell you to New York than Olivia de are offhand what arc the pictures on a Ilaviland was, For years she bill or a bill. had dreamt of taking the trip to Profit Ability from her home town (SaratoThere is sometimes much abilga, Calif.) but she had always ity in knowing how to profit by Mipposed that she aiid her good advice. The life you lead writes its story mother and sister would make on your face, but only the clever it in a car, stopping everycan read it. where, seeing everything. Things that "cannot be done" Naturally, she had no idea that are done within the following some day she would take it by plane years. because, as a motion picture ac- twenty A chest is one) tress, she couldn't be spared from that girl's to accumulate begins the studio long enough to drive! bonds. But that's the way she finally did Silence is the wisest argument it. And the thing she liked most was the view of Tennessee from the of the ignorant man and the wise air in the very early morning. She man can frequently use it to adhad a grand time in New York. Her vantage. smile, smile if you like, latest picture, "The Charge of the butSmile, don't pound people over the Light Brigade," had just been re- head in enthusiasm to make leased, and the critics had raved them doyour it. about her beauty, as they always The archeologists a buried of city in India, showing more the InsUtute Biology, and has been continued at vliat ever than before, vividly the William G. Kerckhoff Laborathe most ancient civilization of tories of the Biological Sciences at India was like. The ruins, the California Institute of Technofound under mounds of earth logy. The insects operated on are favorite experimental animals at Chanhu-darnorthwestern the of geneticists, the handy little fruit- India, date back five thou- flies known more learnedly as Dro- sand years in their oldest era. sophila. They ere subjected to the AMERICAN ! ! Glass Needles and Microscopes Used PASADENA, STAR DUST ... m A view of the recently completed San Francisco-Oaklan- d Bay bridge as seen from Yerba Buena island. The city of San Fratciso. it in the background. Steadily increasing motor traffic is using the bridge across 'he h?. & Western Newspaper Cnioa. HOTEL Temple Square Pates $1.5Q to $3,0Q Hotel Tempi 6faar hu m tmos desirable, frirnclly highly You will always find it (rntuac-- u p her. Ia t e, supremely comfortable, and thoroughly agreeable. 'ou can there-founderstand why this hotel hi Tfi ca HIGHLY RECOMMENDED You can also appreciate why t it's a mark of distinction to stop at tills beautiful hostelry ERNEST C ROSSITFR. Ai |