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Show Thursday, November 26, THE Levan News Local and Social DOUBLE WALL MODEL F S. .vS II III NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- THE GIFT -- HOME FEDERAL AGENCIES OK SOCIAL SECURITY r l&sr o 1 I t i QUEER HOW NJffi sl III K rrfJI Pay Leisurely Bailey McCune ay -- served. John I Mrs. Barbara Powell and child- - 73rd ren returned home Sunday Fountain Green where they been visiting at the home of Powell's parents, Mr. and Mrs Jensen. "Where Bargains Await You from! have Mrs. Niels C. CAatrmai. Jiai Jfctams -Director tme Cy 0tori pacific and horn Sat Lako tEM PL o ace or the as: sJt of Alfred cULortal cAampiott. I To the Heirs, known or unknown, of Alfred M. Madsen, deceased, NOTICE i&ntrziZ cfazmbiorv Seven, times learned, ski almost JZ&rteJay. "to ' raw to The petition of Rosetta A. Jen-so- n, praying for the admission to probate of a certain document, purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Alfred M Madsen, deceased, and for the granting of Letters Testamentary to said Rosetta A. Jenson, has been set for hearing on the 15th day of Dec ember, A. D. 1936, at the hour of two o'clock P. M. in Nephi, Juab County. Utah. WITNESS the Clerk of said Court with the seal thereof aff lxed this 20 day of November, A. D 1936. (SEAL) J. H. VTCKERS Clerk Brigham Clegg Attorney for Petitioner 310 McCormlck Building Bait Lake City, Utah ' L"iJl US. cvr&r. fc 1 Hj 4 - Spoilt Much Foo Vera Cruz, Mexico, spoils more good food than any city on earth, of with the possible exception Tokyo. It ruins turtle soup by boiling turtle eggs In the soup. A turtle egg is about as succulent as a Russian sock. Santa Goes Modern on the Wv. ?7 December, f W . K ?V4f hi loaf, ' . c- ::: hout the rotintr y ch se this de.'.'.n uj C'!::us treat"i1 in the ninder.t ::ta nrioon They consider it . irxinMy iipnripn'ute for the thir-ci- h Chii:;'.m'is Seal since the educa-ii- .. d to fiht tuberculosis es the use of modern weapons. S.u !a The Onus tuberculosis co on sale Thanks- ''r.'s' - s " the S'tle of the penny c Jiuinues ( ;S tiirouh Christ- V's thr on v V ' r- - . " needy aged) . Deaths, EirtU. in Holland Though Hollanders are a very healthy peopl, death comes to their lands, too, and brings In Its wake the "aansprecker," a man dressed In deep black who Is hired to go from door to door and announce the sad news. By subtle changes In his costume, he shows whether the deceased was young, or old, man or woman. In former days an assistant, the "huilebalk," accompanied him, weeping at each door when the death was anon need. Today the aansprecker fills other functions, too. When a child is born, he Is hired to go about telling of the glad event, and for this occasion he puts aside his black garb and assumes a happy air. U K A Vj l Castom of Throwing Rice The custom if throwing rice at weddings is probably a survival of thm ancient Roman practice of scattering nuts after a wedding party. Our Graduates Out of every group of 1,000 persons twenty-fiv- e years of age and older 25 will be college graduates and 109 high school graduates. Age of Supreme Court Judge Until 18G2 no justice of the Unit ed States Supreme court had reached the age of sixty. Of the 35 appointee, 17 were In their thirtiei and forties. yj i j I P R 0 E K S -- . Tattooed King Jean Baptlste Bernadotte, who had risen from the ranks to become one of Napoleon's generals, was elected king of Sweden as Charles John XIV In 1818. Upon his arm was a tattooed design put there a French revolutionary days, bearing the Inscription: Death to Kings I (Th present Swedish royal family la descended from film.) Wailing In Fashion Wailing Is a sign of Joy among the natives of the Andaman Islands, In the Bay of Bengal. On any festive occasion, such as a wedding, they huddle together and wall far an hour at a time. D U C T r 1 1 . .A 1 it bri goodness" r taysjiAe OLD TOlVftT TAVERN KEEPER 1936. EM.SW'4, Sec. 30; NEV1NWH, Ilr'ay 3iC0 V does all brinrf men idt 11 j nor 10 an jBgf wmuom wiusicies does V NH-NEt- j ' f. SE'iNE'i, NE4SE4, Section Township 13 South, Range 1 West., Suit Lake Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final proof, to establish claim to tha land above described, before the Clerk of the District Court at Nppht, Utah on the 29th day of December, 1836. Claimant names as witnesses: Burnell M. Hint, Merl Jarref., Bent R. Bryan and Charles O. Miller, all of Nephi, Utah THOMAS F. THOMAS, Register. TAKES more tKan xnera time to sharpen a man's ITwits, bring him judgment, wisdom. So, too, it takes t (Publisher) U. S. LAND OFFICE at Salt Lake City, Utah, November 18, 1938 nuriUE is hereby given that David Russell Latimer of Nephl, Utah, who on September 17, 1929. made homstead entry No. 044223, for AMR. WALTER 1. SASSE of Eiixns- xVl lyn. New York, submitted ,,! first Christmas Seal sketch in while he was still a student at F'r t institute. He has been eager to sec i wholly new type of Christmas Sen pne that introduces a feeling oi modern art and is at the same time deco- Native and colorful. The Advisory Committee of the National Tuiiercu-- , Josis Association composed of fu r members representing the 1D81 s'.:;tc' and local affiliated tuberculosis asso-- 1 Oprv rtorv Co NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION A design showing the twinkling. J.'.'!y old dice of Santa C'laus. popular symbol of Christmas, was su nitlnl iy Wa!lor I. S:ise of Brooklyn SeW York, and was choson f jr t''.e I '.iS t istm is Sesl and for the colorful posters appearing throujthflnt the foariry. The moilrrn treatment In bri!-- ' liant red, green, and yellow tnr,!ics IMs t'hnstmj Seal fairly shout "Good IIcal:h and Greetings!' 1 The above drawing' arranged by the Unemployment Compensation Division shows the channels through which, the ten phases of the social security program functions in Utah. Note that there are four federal agencies and Utah agencies involved. Of the ten phases nine call for state participation and one, the old age benefit (pension) plant, is .operated solely by the federal government. No racially the difference between Un-- '. i ) and Old Age Assistance (aid Benefit Old employment Compensation, Age toj Hrt A I t Claimant names as witnesses: Bent R. Bryan, Charles E. Stephenson and Rufus Golden, of Nephi Utah and Roy McPherso nor THOMAS F, THOMAS, Register, 29. COMPJEASA tocoaea YVrforr 0ozt-c- ( ! V4A "V - that Ruby Throats From South America Ruby throats migrate from South America to this area. Some even po North up to within 100 miles of the Arctic circle. In all there are NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 500 to 600 speel?3 of humming birds, (Publisher) most of them In the northern pari DEPARTMENT OF THE of South America. One species In TERIOR, U. s. Land Office INat Patagonia Is as large as a cardinal. Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 21, 1936 NOTICE is hereby given that Rolf Bryan of Nephi, Utah, who! on November 18, 1931, made stock-- ! raisins homestead entry ....o. 050235 Seal Thirtieth Christmas for SE'4 Sec 17: E Sec 20; SEU- NWU; NWHSW4: WV4NWV4 of Sect'on 21. Township 14 South. 5lange 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian! has filed notice of Intention to niake final Procf, to establish claim to the land above described, before J A. B. Gibson, Notary Public at Nephi. Utah, on the 2nd day of s "5 rea you'll, evening, find a cake has the advantage of easiei' vlce over a layer cake. Reciper good loaf cake are legion but think you'll agree that this cak U superior to many. Chocolate Nut Loaf 2 cups sifted cake flour; 1 teaspoon soda; teaspoon salt: 1 cup butter Or other shortening; 2 cups sugar; 5 eggs, well beaten; 1 cup broken walnut meats; S squares unsweetened chocolate, melted; 1 cup aour milk or buttermilk; 2 teaspoons vanilla. Sift flour once, measure, add soda and salt, and sift together thre times. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually, and cream together until light and fluffy. Add eggs and beat well; then nuts and chocolate and blend. Add flour, alternately with milk, a small amount at a time, beating after each addition until smooth. Add vanilla. Bake In greased loaf pan, 12x8x& Inches, in slow oven (325F.) 1 hour or until done. Spread- - your favorite chocolate frosting on top and sides of cake. A Gpmicoj9s) for Mat jaropran mot r - M. Madsen, Deceased CO A O CrRAM STATE (Vi fetter TESTED RECIPE In the matter of the Estate M1 (mtorw anniversary with a' given In his honor) The immediate fam- -; friends were present By Frances Lee Barton art of dispensing THE linewithout effort Is a greai; achievement for the woman who ha no help in the! ' kitchen. But 11 w can be done wits PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP careful planning I NOTICES: Consult County Clerk For Instance. or respective signers for further' when you expect information. guests for the ' ChsparOimoesv. 7 J2 to prjO75 yrafs of f Painter celebrated his birthday family dinner at his home. "y and close at the dinner. 4jr WM KNRR . IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICAL DISTRICT Df AND FOR THE COUNTY OF JUAB, STATE OF UTAH. t AoA Srrm er Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Wankier entertained a numDer or relatives Mrs. L. A. Bailey Jr returned and friends Monday evening at the Sunday evening after visiting and Sunday In Salt home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wan-jurdkler. A delicious goose supper was, City. I NEXT YEAR heso t"c L - YB0UR FIVE How UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION I . Fits In With The General Social , Security Plan. J. W. Brougii had as her j Mrs. T. I 8cho-- 1 Mrs. Maurine Btepherwen left guests Sunday Jonn Schofleld of' and field Mr. last Saturday for Lehl where she Provo. j will remain Indefinitntely with her mother, Mrs. Nieoline Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Boswell turned home Sunday after visitMr. and Mrs, P. B. Day, parents rt In Salt Lake City for some of Mrs. Lyman Chrlstensen. and ing time with relatives and friends. A. W. Mrs. and Mr. and family, a.unay ana iwo cnnaren 01 nil- MUs Margaret Wright went to more s!mt Sunday here at the Sall Lake City Wednesday where iiuiiie vi oar, and Mrs. Lyman shr will spend the Thanksgiving ' Chrlstensen. holidays with relatives and friends.1 Chrlsten-mMr. and Mrs. Preston i Mr. and Mrs. George Thomrwi.,' I and family spent the week of Idaho Falls, Idaho visited last end in Salt Lake City returning week at the home of Mrs. Thomphome Monday. They were guests son's mother, Mrs. J. R. Downs. or Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hofhelns. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson Mr. and Mrs William Ingle. who ,n(1 M, -- nd Mrs. Edear Boswell have been living in Fountain Green gpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.) or some time have movted back Boswell. t. Levan where he has employment Stephen J at the Pyraid Oypsum Co. Mrarid Mrs. A. w. Conoverj and children are visiting this week Joy, Axel, Joseph and Ben Step-- 1 t the home of Mrs. Conover's moth- hensen and William Sorbe motored er ' Mrs. T. H. O. Parkes. . to Deseret Sunday where ttiey visited at the home of Mx and. Mrs. Frank J. Sanford of Spring- Mrs. Elmer Cahoon who are the vine spent Saturday and Sunday proud parents of a daughter. Mrs at the home of her parents, Mr. Cahoon was formerly Miss Josephand Mrs. John C. Painter. ine Stephenson of Levan. Mr . and Mrs. F. M. Beck had Mr. and Mrs. Christian Chrlstenr.s their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs sen and family visited on Sunday L. E. Beck and family of at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. eph Chrlstensen at Aurora. Mrs. F. M Beck spent a few Mrs. Norma Bailey of Nephl is days of last week visiting at the visiting at the home of her par- home of her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. Alden Crow-thents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. of Provo. Mrs. Supreme FORYOUH M. . PAGE mora than just ago in the charred-oa- k barrel to make whiskey as good as Town Tavern. Of coarse, Town Tavern hat age. But this mellow, smooth rye whiskey baa more than that. In Town Tavern, age is married to all the goodness of sun-rip-e grains, safeguarded and enhanced by the eostly and painstaking care of Na- -, tional Distillers expert throughout the entire distilling process. That's really why most folks prefer it to othex ryes in its price class. lunoHiL marnuna nooocra coaposunox OgUm, nw Tmk. R.T. V WIUO llVe aT muo m - iii-- a 1 rm XCode No. 153-- C 4j?r ajv Code No. 1J1 Pu e wriiskey A t dtfisas1MBaBBfcasatt9etteBB1s)iB',u fw S I! t 41 Enamel in 19th Century The medieval Industry of enamel lug was revived at Limoges, France, at the end of the Nineteenth V .aina-MiM- If; T'in - iritmrntmlUn . n i, , i .im.i j m niminmi urn n imi.m.i. 3Li |