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Show T Thursday, November 22, 1934 THE NEPI1I. UTAH TIMES-NEW- PAGE SEVEH aptured by American fortes during some on came out and hi released ways barging around vMtlnf each STRING HOLDER the war, but Wlihelm la the sole sur other and having convention, But her. SUNBONNET GIRL vivor of tliem all and likewise dldnt mean that, Tony." these were different Very few men ot being the bold the dlKtliK-tlo-no real re and all big ones; and the whimpered. By CRANDMOTHER CLARK one of all of tlieui to claim th only "You niuiit have." ports coming out Only camouflage Royal Bavarian lofts a hi firat "I didn't Not all of It. Tony. It tuff like about prog rem In smash-In- g home. He sllll wears with pride the was Just for that moment" the atom. But there la some hand bearing the Imprint of the Cer- "We'll have a thousand more like thing mighty big and might; secret. man royal crown and crest, proof of on It thousands thousands !" "There' thing definitely Ills former nso linlons will) royalty. They both were whispering; and known. They write to each other BEVERLY HILLS Well all I Like that other Wiltiehn, nlio was now, though be bad let her go, his and cable to each other about It In Mid so runny years of destined to band was over bers, and be could a code that's so d d good that the, know I Just what I read In the malt Is life on alien soil, and fur whom feel her quivering again. "You don't newspapers, which have got hold of (Jot Q awful lot of Birthday Greet- I n g he was named by his American cai-tocouple of know, Tony. Nobody really knows some of the messages, can't break week ago, I was when It wu discovered through yet Come, help me send them all the cipher and figure It out" his leg baud that he had been bred kinder letting "What's the League of the Last OlO sox-- ie away." , til the Itoyal Bavarian lotis, the pi yxoot ' 70 SAti the thing tilde He helped her; and when the Days got to do with that?'' Tony by, and had even geon Wlihelm carries his yenrs well. guests had gone, he met, at last, the asked. 1 rBnll.H It hit For at seventeen, an age at wlilcli man who had come from South Af"It's the League of the Last Days wont tut most homing pigeons have long since they rica. They shook bands, and for a that communicate with Its members by the code." few moments the three of them you. They want pasKed on, he appears us hale and B to remind you Hendron and Tony Drake and That was all anyone knew; and hearty as ninny much younger birds. how old yon are nor has be lust his excellent tnml nu from under soon Tony left the circle, pushed Itansdell, the malt-flye- r , the Southern Cross stood and out of the club and started home. Instincts. getting, and too When his cab stopped for a red chatted together. you would be surprised at the There must be presentiments; light, be was roused from hi abRetrieved Old Penny presence here surprised Tony. No amount of peoreason why old Iialcom should not otherwise, bow could the three of stractions by the hawking of an exWhile repairing the spire of St. leaned out was and bora tra. He bought one ple that Nicholas church at Bristol Bridge. drop In, If he pleased ; but the rest them always have carried, thereaft er, a photographic memory of that from the bawling newsboy. The on that very day, Nov. 4th, 79. Along of the guests were much younger. England, 27 years ago, a steeplejack on that date In 71, must have been moment of their meeting? Yet no headline disappointed him. placed a penny at the top, 2.10 feel Balcom, halting beside Tony, re- one a for births. Form the and quite three least day of all Scientists Secret of above the ground. While fixing the flected the general discontent of the knew on who most that night But I was mighty glad to bear Eve, "League of the Last Days" weathercock recently he found the day by waving at the city and mur- of what was to come could possifrom all of em, and we can console A second paper told no more. coin Just where he had placed It. lie muring: "In the soup. Everything's bly have suspected the strange reeach other on reaching such a ripe In the soup ; and now Secret World Sensational brought It down and will keep it aa Discovery; cares. nobody Attractive String Holder lation In which each was to stand a souvenir. Scientist Communicating In Coda old age; I am going to start in deWhy does nobody care?" to the others. None of them could manding a little more respect You A ball of string Is Just as Impor When he reached his apartment. Tony disagreed, but he deferred have suspected, because such a re take a dignified fellow that arrived tant in a kitchen as a pot holder or to Balcom by toying, "It seems to his Jap servant smiled at him. lationship was, at that moment, in at 65 years of age, and "Hello, tberes a fly swatter. String Is used for me a highball, Kyto," me, a lot of people care." Bring conceivable to them a relationship Old Bill," and "Look at that old guy many purposes, but where Is It when "I mean nobody who's in the between civilized men and women Tony said. "And hand me that d n' Rogers over there". Well that all And read: you want it? This attractive string Tony know cares. I mean the four or five for which there then existed. In- newspaper." got to stop. From now on there is goholder Is always ready to serve you "A secret discovery of startling men who know what's going on deed, no word in the language. Importance Is exciting the whole ing to be aome "Mr Rogers" used. when hanging In Its pluce somewhere underneath. I mean," particularized My hair is arriving at a sort ot a on the kitchen wall. It Is to be made world of science. old Balcom, "John Rorgan doesn't to a cup of flour blend that It deserves respect it up, and when finished looks like the CHAPTER II "Though denied both by Ameri care. Did you see him today?" for most recipes. A greying head Is a picture shown above. Sunbonnet is else. nothing me can and scientists, foreign "Borgan? No." In any land, so you ot was mark club favorite The colored come made has into of Standard respect possession prints. usually bright "Did you hear of his buying any- TONY'S leisurely men playing of copies of more than a score of guys cut out this rough uncouth face Is painted. The ball of string Is thingselling anything?" stuff. You are speaking to a gentleIn the bonnet String Is used pass backgammon or bridge or chess, cablegrams In code exchanged be"No." man of the old school. The scheol ot Ing through a bole in mouth. A very and reading newspapers. tween various physicists and asThat's It"-- Balcom thought out smoking As Tony entered, however, he felt tronomers In America, and Prof. 79 Bah. catchy, useful. Inexpensive gift loud for awhile. Tony listened. from its slum Ernest Helm of Heidelberg, GerOne fellow was telling me, "I think Package No. 7 contains percale "Borgan's the fourth richest man in that it had emerged In pretty patterns, lines stamped for America ; and normally the most ac- bers. There were only two games many. you are kinder spreading some propin progress; many men were gath "This newspaper has sought out aganda to get in on this old age pen- cutting, painted face and foundation tive, personally. He'll be the richthe American senders or receivers sion." You know they are going to ready to be made up, also directions est man. If he keeps up. He wants ered around the bar. Tony knew at once why the club of the mysterious code messages, to be the richest have that Thats going to be the Just how to do It Oil mines-r- ails Send 15 cents for this package. steel shipping he's in every- was alive. The rumors, spreading who Include Prof. Yerksen Leemlng very next thing. It advocated by in Address Home Craft Co. Dep't To my on the streets, had eddied through at Yale, Dr. K. Beldita of Colum thing. He's only fifty-oneverybody and it would practically Ave. bus, Cole Hendron of the Universal be the way of thinking, he's smarter than these doors, too. thing we ever bad. A., Nineteenth and St Louis Electric and Power corporation, and It wouldgrandest be a great mental relief to St Louis, Mo. anyone else; and this looks like a Enclose a stamped addressed en Prof. Eugene Taylor at Princeton, millions and millions ot old folks. Same market superficially which was today Some of these scientists at first develope when writing for any infor made for Borgan. There Is nothing more terryfylng But for two 44 ago nied that a secret code communicamation. weeks he's gone dead. Won't do a than that thought ot facing the fuon but tion was carried 25c oth ; being ture with nothing to carry on with. thing, either way; takes no posiers, confronted with copies of mes tion. Paralyzed. Why?" GERMAN PIGEON, will I where know Manntaetnred by Baking get they sages, admitted It, but claimed that the dont "He may be resting on his oars." Powder Specialist wktnak money. Take It out ot Increased WAR IS CAPTIVE, they referred to a purely scientific "You know d n well he isn't nothing bat Baking Powder. Income thousand a is there ah, tax, Investigation which was being con Not Borgan now. There's only ENJOYING have taxes countries that other that ducted by several groups In one way I can explain ; he knows we havent touched yet. Why a match, eration. They denied that the subSixteen years .ago. Just before the something d d important that the and a salt tax in many countries are were under of Investigation jects rest of us don't There's an underthe biggest things they have, India end of the World war, writes Helen public Importance. tone don't you feel It? that's dif Loo nils In the Detroit News, Amer"But matters are coming to a almost has war with England every C ferent I met Borgan today, face ican soldiers participating In the St. And Lux over tax. salt the year Newfoundland head. Today It was discovered that to face; we shook hands. I don't uries? Why we havent started tax- Mihiel drive in France found two a special courier from South Africa, Newfoundland is a separate like the look of him. I tell you he pigeons, Rhelngold and ing them yet But I dident write homing sent by Lord Rhondin and Profesdominion, having the knows something he's afraid of. He Helene, In a dugout that had been same relation to the British Btarted off on any eco to this sor of Bronson had get Capetown, empire did a funny thing, by the way, soldiers. Both Germnn by nomic theory. I havent got any, but occupied flown the length of the Dark conCanada has. In creating the Tony. He asked me, 'How well do were taken captive and Rheln that birds to old see want sure an I do 1867 a in black age of box Dominion with ; Canada tinent promysterious you know Cole Hendron? since rechristened Wlihelm, vision was made for the entrance at Cherbourg he took the fast ex pension, if we have to print the gold, "I said, 'Pretty well.' I said, health and alive is still enjoying good of Newfoundland into the federatpress steamer Europa and upon his money for it 'Tony Drake knows him d n' welL' at the pigeon lofts of the D. S. A. arrival was taken off at quarantine Here is a letter from Rex Beach He said, You tell Hendron, or have ion, but such an arrangement has N. at Fort Monmouth, and hurried to Cole Hendron's Rex lives down in Florida, and in signal corps never been made. Drake tell Hendron, he can trust L. Clewell, public Capt. Edgar addition to being one of the most J., apartment me.' That's exactly what he said relations officer of the signal corps, "Dr. Cole Hendron, chief consult Three Judges of Hades Tony tell Hendron that he can best authors in America, be reports. ant of the Universal Electric and constant trust N. J. Borgan. Now, what the According to Greek mythology the Is an expert farmer, got a great eel A of were other number pigeons Power corporation, only today reh 1 Is that all about?" Three Judges of Hades were as plantation, does it scientifically. turned to New York from Pasadena, ery who Inspected follows : "I don't know," said Tony, and Minos, Holt of Rex Hamilton and Professor where he has been working with determined those and almost added, in his feeling of the arriving Rollins Liberal the famous College, the scientists of the observatory on moment "I don't care." For Eve their place of abode; Rhadamantus, Rex Florida. Winter Park, College, . . . Wilson. Mt. Eve in His Arms; Her Lips on His was returning. who presided over Tartarus, the to give "To add to the disturbing and Is an old Alumni. They want Again, as He Had Had Them abode of the wicked, and Aeactis, She had slipped away from her non -of me kind a a paying (a degree, STOPPED UP spectacular features of this strange, who presided over Elysium, Todayl in Now old what the partner and signaled to Tony. Toage pension). scientific mystery, It Is learned that of the blessed. a de I" be I world with gether they sought the solitude of him. would one hailed Some "Hi, Tony doing the scientists associated In this sethe end of the terrace. gree? A lot of guys that earned em "Hello, Jack I What's up?" Investicret and yet Each Hair Tiny Tuba "Tony, can you start these people what to do with em, much "You tell us!" gation are In a group which Is called dont know home?" Each hair is really a tiny tube me know what less wouldent "How could I tell you?" that of the Last Days. What the with infinitesimal scales. covered "Gladly," rejoiced Tony. "But one. was. Stone know Hendron? this League one "Don't you Fred Use gave Menlholatum They may mean. . . ." can I stay?" Some hair contains more coloring Haven't you seen him?" Well he deserved it I can think of a to help open the was nothing more but spec There "I'm afraid not I've got to work." matter; in other cases, the scales nostrils and permit Jack IJttle stepped away from a ulation and wild guesses. Tony hundred reasons why he should be "Now? Tonight?" are harder or more numerous. All freer breathing. cluster of friends who, huwever, tossed aside the newspapers. The knighted. "As soon as I possibly can, Tony, soon followed him ; and Tony found setin these factors their part play I It of the Last other Finnland the Talked Days might. League night I'll tell you. The Europa isn't in, himself surrounded. tling the hair problem to curl or of course, have been manufactured and here is a lot of nice letters. but Ransdell was taken off at quar not to curl. 1 h In the have "What scientists of the sensational newspaone most Those the are Finns by apprecia antine arid brought on ahead. He's under their hats, and thus Tony?" about countries fact tive all spread Itself, pers in the people, In Father's study now." "I don't know. Honest," Tony the city. But Tony too vividly are. Here is a banker, J. Rowland, "Who's Ransdell?" denied. recollected Eve Hendron. from Youngstown, Ohio, who wrote know. I set I haven't "Nobody , "Then what the devil Is the before this last election and says with ; his him-yethighball Kyto appeared on eyes Tony. He's Just of the Last Days?" and Tony sipped slowly and that it is Roosevelt and not the the messenger from Africa, You League "What?" thoughtfully. If this had meaning. bankers that are in the "Dog House1 see Tony, some some things were "The League of the Last Days be that some amazing and as I said. He knows more now that being sent rush, by airplane, and by an organization of all the leading It must when the Europa, to Father from Africa, scientists In the world, as far as I unique menace threatened human he did before November 6th. was at a moment A note from Sam Fordyce, St Well, they've arrived ! and I do his can make out," Little informed him, society. And it ani when, more than ever before in his Louis pet politician. Amon Carter of measuring for him, you know." "Never heard of It," said Tony, life or In his Tony Drake Ft Worth Texas sent me a saddle "What measuring?" so quickly and effectively soothe and heal. Bathe freely with "I Just did," Little confessed, wanted human dreams, with him In from soma Smith society, "The delicate measuring, like the Soap and warm water, dry gently, and anoint with the OintIt sudden it with him and Eve In It to go American Re- began to organize "They I like the position and amount of ment. It is surprising how quickly the irritation and itching all over the world, In the winter, on as it was. Or rather, as It would public on his flymovement shown by stars and other ly, in absolutely the highest scientific be, if stop and how, after a few treatments, the eczema disappears. nattook their things simply ing trip clear bodies on astronomical plates. For circles and It's is nothing better for all forms of ekin troubles. leaking out" There just course. ural South weeks; in around for months, fact, Tony Last "The of the Soap 25e. Ointment 25e and 50c. League Days? on In his her I America. Hps hear his Eve arms; the astronomers in the southern PlUNldOCt Pottor Drue A. Chamieal Corp.. Maiden. Maaa. does "Wnat it repeated Tony. I Demohe them as had the next bad today again, hemisphere have been watching mean?" To possess her, to own her comcratic Convesomething." I what "That's thought you might pletely I He could dream of no hu- ntion is to le "What sort of something, Eve?" Uae for Reindeer Skin In the general theory of relatell us. Hendron's a member, of man delight beyond her I And he held in Dallas. I reindeer skin makes a fine The "Something of a sort never seen course." the age-olJ attempt to give a tivity, n this D her would have am hear to League glad before, Tony. A sort of body that type of leather, suitable for gloves, mathematic description of natural "The head or it I bear," some of the Last Days I What were the It. She deserves and breeches The they knew existed by the millions, purses. riding phenomena has achieved its greatbody else put In. scientists hiding among themselves? It. Its a great hair is long and can be used for the est probably, all through the universe don't know a thing about it" "I triumph. (TO BB CONTINUED.) t will Amon l. were sure must of mattresses. be, something they making tried to move back p.. go but the general existence of which Tony protested, and japs did not know If and When Air Surrounding Planet to South America, Govenor Ryttl has never been actually proved. It away. Actually, heIn too Would End It All well with this talk fitted "When de food ain' comin along ot the Bank ot Finnland, Is In this to Pounds it may be the most sensational but Inch Fifteen race human be The entire could Eve bad told him. Her father so reg'lar,' said Uncle Eben, "I corfact for us, from the beginning to what The poet writes of "trifles light country, and wrote and thanked me, wiped off the earth with only 60 rects had been chosen by the scientists my superstition and admits concert old my the end of time. I can't tell you of the world to make Wagner, Charley we of and as often talk air," "airy some extraor pounds of the toxin which causes dat a rabbit's foot ain' near as lucky Itch more than that tonight, Tony; yet has the got again, the deadly food poisoning known as a announcement. But the nothings," but the atmosphere which manager, pig's foot" thinks the Country is ripe for one by tomorrow we may be telling it dlnary of the Last Days I She had surrounds our planet and accomas botulism. League of winded concert tour to all the world. Rumors are get those on Its long It journeyings through panies not mentioned that to him. Hypocriay talks of mine. No, I am going to let Is not so light as we often Imting out and so some scientist who Two Leaves in Lifetime "How did you hear about It?' space will be believed, must make an au "Hyprocrisy often makes a great Its average pressure is 15 the country alone. Its had enough agine. a is of fine There $150 for digLI show of happiness," said HI Ho, the thoritative announcement. And the Tony demanded of Jack ale. trouble without me adding to it pounds to the square inch. ging up the rare Tumboa plant of sage of Chinatown, "In the hope of "From him," said Jack, jerking scientists of the world have select The barometer, as its name Im- Thanks for the offer, Charley, a southwest which Africa, plant toward the man who had ard that plies, Is an atmosphere weigher, and Thanks tor the wire, Malcolm Ste ed Father to make It sincerity to sharing its disgrows only two huge leaves in its luring comforts" "Now, help me, Tony. You clear Cole Hendron headed the League. on the varying weights, noted over venson, the international polo play lifetime. these people out; and then you run "I got it this afternoon,' this fel large areas, depend our dally weath- er. Here is one telling about the Fall.' Roar Is Loud For I've measurements to low said Importantly. "I know the er forecasts. A change of an inch record of the American Airways, along. Rediscovered by French make and report to Father; and he city editor of the Standard. lie had in the height of the mercury colThe roar of Cumberland falls in from Los Angeles to Ft Worth, and vast French rediscovered the The where water plunges 08 has to check over calculations made a reporter a smart kid named umn means a change of atmospheric from there to Chicago, with their area of which Missouri is now a Kentucky, can be heard from a distance feet, by the best men in the southern Davis on it I was there when the weight of half a pound per square first new Douglas. They ramble, part, after the earlier Spanish ex- of 12 miles at times. half of the world. Then, by tomor kid came back. It seems that some inch on the earth's surface, so that those babies. I also have the good plorations proved not to be permarow, we may know, for certain months ago, the scientists the toj -- ven a change of of an new here of the terrific bit Fred nent what Is going to happen to os all." men like Hendron stum Died on nch in the barometer represents Stone made in his new show in New Borrowed Perfume Formula seem: tons So that arm about mile. It his he Greek perfumers borrowed A big 3,000 York. Things are looking np since something big. per square her; Tony had Early Father of Electricity formulas from the Orient, but their felt her suddenly trembling. He to have scared them. They've been liange of an inch over the land election. I tell yoa If they would Queen Elizabeth's physician, Gi- later the Greeks created new prodswept her up and held her agalns having meetings about it for irea of the British Isles signifies Just quit having those things we lbert made experiments with mag- ucts of their own. he colossal total of consldernbly never would have bard times. him; and kissing her, he met on her months. netism and electricity, and has been "Nobody thought much about the more than one hundred thousand Hps a new, Impetuous passion which 1914, Mc.Yngil Sy'4tcmH, It. called the father of modern exalted and amazed him. Then meetings at first Scientists are al million tons of air I Firtt to Locate New Star 1 0 rs 1 i'iv WNU Sarvle. SYNOPSIS David Ttansdell, noted aviator, baa oommlitsloncd at Capetown by Lord Hhondln and Protestor Bron-otha astronomer, to deliver a rase of photographic platci to Dr. Cola Hendron, In New York. Tony Drake calla at tba Hendrona' apartment. been n, CHAPTER I Continued 2 "Ton drive me mad. Eve; yon know it. You're lovely In face, and eautlful In body; and besides, with a brain that your father's trained so that you're beyond any other girl and moat men, too. You're way beyond ine, but I love you; and you don't listen to me," "I do. "You're not listening to me even now. You're thinking Instead." "What do you want me to do 7" 'Feel V "Oh, I can do that, too." "I know, then why don't you and atop thinking?" Do "Wait I Not now, Tony. you suppose that's the Europa?" "Why do you care? See bere. Eve, Is there anything in that newspaper story your father and you have been denying all afternoon that something nnusual is up between all the big scientific leaders?" "There's always something up, in science," Eve evaded. . . . The doors were flung wide open. In the drawing room a half dozen people continued to dance. Another group surrounded the punch bowl. Some one stepped out and asked Eve to dance, and she went with ... him. Tony Drake wandered In from the terrace. An arm encircled his broad shoulders. "Hello, Tony. Say give me the n on what shot the market to h 1 today." Tony frowned; his eyes were following Eve. "Why do you compliment me with thinking I may know?" 'It's something happened In Africa, I hear. Anyway, the African cables were carrying it. But what could happen down there to shoot h I out of us this way? Another discovery of gold? A mountain of gold that would make gold go cheap it would unsettle everything?" "Cheap gold would mnke stocks dear not send them down," Tony objected. "Sure; It can't be that. But what could happen in South Africa low-dow- that" W,:; KG e. BAKING POWDER price as co-o- p n father. Yet Eve was not the sort who preferred "intellectual" men; intel-lectualls- as such. Immensely bored her. She liked the outright and vigorous and "normal." She liked Tony Drake; and Tony, knowing tills, was more than baffled by her attitude tonight. He believed her when she told him that her tantalizing abstraction was not because of another man. Then, what was its cause? Tony was drawn from his reverie by the appearance of Douglas Bal-cosenior partner of bis firm. His years fr LIFE self-governi- he-abode NOSTRILS. world-spannin- Tony returned alone to the terrace. Ills senses were swept by thoughts of Eve: A seductive perfume. Gold lights In her hair. Dark eyes. The sweep of a forehead behind which, in rare company, a woman's in stincts and tendernesses dwelt with a mind ordinarily as honest and as a man's. All the tremendous Insignificances that have meaning to a man possessed by the woman he loves. He stood spellbound, staring through the night. Anthony Drake was an athlete that would have been the second observation another man would have made of him. The first, that he owned that trait which goes with what we call good birth and breeding, and generations of the like before him. He also had intelligence. His university companions considered it a trivial side issue when he was graduated from Harvard with a magna cum laude; but the conservative investment house with which he afterward became affiliated appreciated the adjunct of brains to a His personality so compelling. head was large and square, and It required his big physique to give that head proportion. He was entirely normal. His at-- x talnments beyond the average were not unusual. Tie belonged more or less to that type of young American business man upon whom the older generation places its hope and trust Eve was really a much more remarkable human being not on account of her beauty, but because of her intellectual brilliance, and her unique training from her 3IS-- A-- g Why Suffer with Itching, Burning ECZEMA Cisiicura Soap Cutieura Ointment d one-tent- h |