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Show 'X: PAGE SIX THE Just the Thing for Small Girl -- PstUm 1752 For the little girl who wears cot-tu- frock all year round, this design will be charming In a sturdy bright glngnnm, but the little ruffle will set beautifully In wool as well. Challls Is a nice material for a little girl's dross, f '.rice It has a slight ad dltlonal warmth and It washes beau tlfully. The ruffle at the ed;;e of the yoke Is not ludlspentiihle, as the back view shows. Any child who wears this frok will look at least an Incn taller than she Is, because of the long unbroken front panel and Utile girls, like their mothers, have a yen for that, these days. I'attern 1752 Is avallnble In sizes 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. Size 8 takes 2 Thursday, November 22, 1934 NEPIII. UTAH TIMES-KEW- 1 W5RE O0 I'D I ? r-V -t us-r- e poor mi AND ALL VJCUU-A-LL tE3 CAM t0 SOME" OF My OWJ fWlWKiJ(J nmaamBaesaajaiwiawemasaL. - 1HAI j J THAT rt r - ii ' L w- r- w c- ATfeK. 1 VslELL "TOU WOMAN'S I - w TJJT 3, mm A ua e tu f3 ,.n. y cs'QHt' . A WOMAN'S UA4Ai ..ii I V ABOUT A MAM? ALL.. A Cui-k- ll j A MAN' Ii; FINNEY OF THE FORCE ' CAUSWT EMY kinr J. AV RiT V.-- r. Z1SE VR S? I H a'l&T HITS HimU HOW P&TH6R THIN A WEIGHS BRAINS! U.UB MOf?e r-- T jj a owe vouhq h Y&T. MAPB POC FIST Wi6H? BOUT A A At "THAT TOiMcJ eMlS-rArC- MB WAND WAS.MT TVS BEST PTTlBOMH, s cova cahc THAT UmawaCS . 61ACKBERWES ALOG BLUFF3 MIS TRUS MAS tOEHTiT tms TIMB, T LOMG STIUU RIVER....I REVEALED JOWSSBORO BEEM IKl TM& OOWKl TRV1N' IM TOWN TO flXD 15 HS P -- a -- HE'S COT kal h' alwo I "Drawn and Quartered" An old punishment for treason was the offender be drawn to tha place of execution on a hurdle; that be be hanged by the neck and disemboweled, usually while yet alive; that his head be severed from his body, and that the body be divided into four parts or quartered. "GRAINS OF GOLD" THE WHOLE W HEAT CEREAL "Makes Cream Taste Better" Western Made For Western Trada guess them wnek li' 9 professor KBP' MS TMH PROMT - ROOM AT TMH HOTEL AND PARLOR HE'S MAODA COUPUA FROM THB CITY LOOKTIM' ROUMO ALLWeEK- x- BUT THBy KEEP SAVIM' IT'S HO USE...'. AMO Ra eTiLL.TUBBy! VOL) SAV THAT RICH MAM F(?ieiuDS i.a. BeelPROFESSOR A THS SMITH IS (Ua thane PATRONIZE BOMB INDUSTST I By GEORGE STORM Talk Of The Town! VEi OBTAINED BY THS FuKImu POUMP SCALES BOBBY THATCHER-T- he iiJt A Weighting Game Ol CJOTTA PlArJ re z ctot-t- a suoeT vMeisnT Sally Sez Advisory Board THE FEATHERHEADS JUS OUT COIN' Thi Ask Crocer TIIIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY JMj Th baslncu outlook for ar nation ta MiuUntJr cmrinc brighter. Batter time r ahead (or (Terrene. Ant I wonder when Proaperitr ka tuUr retarned. If w will Iut f orjrottce th economic leaeon tb Depreenon aneald har taacht aa. Bar we learned that It I wia. aa well aa thrifty, ta patronize la dnatriear Bar we acquired the habit af demand-In-aMad Gooaat X anlr hepa a. I harel LEW M. CADg, Hinckley. Utah. AMD HIS ESTABL'SUEO THROUGH "mg EFFORTS Of MIS OLD CLA6S-AAT- S, MOMEf ia DUOLEV ROMSiDES ia V The yards SO Inch fabric. Illustrated step sewing Instructions Included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Write plainly name, address and style number. BE SURE TO STATE SIZE. Address orders to Sewing Circle Pattern Department, 243 West Seventeenth Street, New York City. p S'MATTER POP i And Then A Riot Call -- 5oT4tMTTMM WyUL Jf fWII SinwlKAl i i YE5SII.I r - . CM rr At 400 Utah Oil PAYNE Refining X N. By i7COUT,7o?'. Service Stations in Utah and Idahd The Big Gooseberry Season The big gooseberry season is aa expression used in England to de-- . note the time of year when there is so little of political or social Interest going on that editors of newspapers are prone to use stories of giant gooseberries, sea serpents and such as fillers. " ' MISUNDERSTOOD As the ship was about to leave the harbor an old lady was knitting on deck. "Cast off there," shouted an officer. "Thank you, officer," said the old lady tartly, "but I am quite capable n of doing my own knitting." Collieries Magazine. Ash-Ingto- "KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES" TiP" thank F MW ve gods: ewo "4Hli i' ; is Business It Butineu "Yassah," said old Link, "business very good. Done bought a pig fo' ten dollars, traded pig fo" a barrer, barrer fo' a calf, calf fo' a bicycle, and sol' de bicycle fo' ten dollars." "But yo' don't make nothing, I Jnk I" "Sho 'nough, but look at de business Ah been doln'." Toronto Globe. pi-e- . shut niJ til h 'i 1 1 t yL'iy ii Ain't It Th' Trulh? " go;: itry ff i Tj i WELL Hsen Keep Clocks Fast docks on the outside of railway stations in Paris are purposely kept two or three minutes faster than the ones inside. The theory is that this will help speed the tardy THfi vou'Re mot, pii gm CUT FUEL COSTS 25 4 The new SILENTITE Pre-F- it Window will lower fuel costs at least 25. Yet, it costs no more than ordinary windows. No rattling or sticking. Prtcrotty Hi 13 IS See your lumber dealer bbl ill Really Lengthy "She uses words I don't understand." "Polysyllabic?" "Yes; and some longer than that" o He Went On "Win your dog bite?" asked the tramp. "Yes," snapped the woman, "and he doesn't care what, either." 0r Pet Peeve & Co. Morrison-Merri- ll DlatrRmtora t rnf Wr By GLUYAS WILLIAMS Rattling The Angelic Doctor Thomas Aquinas (1224-127was called the Angelic Doctor. He was also known as the Angel of the Schools because he discussed the' difficult points in connection with, the being and nature of angels. 4) Goldenrod Aside from the white goldenrod which is commonly called "silver-rothe is the only common species which chooses tha forest as its habitat and which thrives only in the shade. tiirCJ d" MVFLAHHEli THIS blue-stemm- . ANO SCRUBS SVE COrTCS THE PAWN TAKE5 A 100R ROUND NORSERV IB SEE THW EUEWUlNfi HAS OME THRO06H THE NieHrStfELV ff (10 D,"J.UU P ,h week will be paid lor article "Why yon boa Id aee Intennonntaln made Gooda Similar ta abort. Bend your story In areae ar reraa ta Intermonntain P rod Oct Column. P. O. Box 1555 Salt Lake City. If year .tory appears thia eolomn yon ceiea check for T' ,n - - $3.00 Weok Na. J147 wishes parents wood UP MP COME IN NOW RKtUES CRIB, WHICH HE HWa EfrtCfiVE IN WAXIN6 PA WAKE TOVHD RENTS. 15 STiLL TOO SLEEPY RATTLE HARD 10 0B5EWES HIS woclV Voe HAS FALIEN M&HT. TRiE OUTOFCKlB IN 1& PEACH HIM mm 6TtS RWHER TAH6LE0 DP WITfl CRIB BARS WUMN6Tt6Ef D06 (OwtI, W, l, o I (Cnpyrinht. y Th Bn gywditw. Int.) Hh5 NOTION Of CUMBlNfe OVER TOP Of CRIB BUT toESNT 6Ef VERY FAR SEtTLES DOWN ID SERIOUS BU&INEfeS OF PfcTUlNS CRIB UNTIL PARENT5 COME IM W.N.U. Salt Lake City Largest Caves on Earth Attesting how slowly natural wonders attain universal celebrity is the case of the Carlsbad caverns in New Mexico, which have been recognized for almost twenty years as the largest caves on earth, but continue to draw almost half of their visitors annually from ths neighboring state of Texas. Untruthfulness "Untruthfulness,' said HI Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "is most dangerous when it takes the form of |