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Show THE PAGE EIGHT ALLEN'S CASH STORE SPECIALS DEC. 2 & 3 PEANUT BUTTER 2 CLASSIFIED TIMES-NEW- S, NEPHI, UTAH. Stake Conference Local -- Social LB.JAR d. Seeded Raisins SALMON LIMIT ALASKA PINK 9c TALL CAN 5c PACKAGE ROLLED OATS 9 LB. BAG CHOICE MIXED CANDY LB. CATSUP QUART CAN King Pork & Beans White AND TRUCK LARGE 1 2 1-- CANS 2 IQc CAN LOOSE LARD POUND 1 BeefPotRoast Veal Roast shoulder YOUNG BEEF 1 9C POUND 1 Boiling Beef 1 10c POUND PORK OR VEAL LOIN CHOPS LB WE BUY BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON & EGGS OFFICIAL LIST OF NOMINATIONS. SCHOOL ELECTION, Dec. Creek, was a Thursday. visitor Nephl per packpack- age and 8c per age for small Quick (North Ward) last Jesse Pay Miss Blanche Burton returned to James H. Ockey Provo after spending Thanksgiving day here with her mother, Mrs. T. Albert E. Sells H. Burton. P. J. Sanders Harold Vickers, freshman at the Snow College, was in Nephi during VftCftt.iOn. the tUa TVianlrCfrlvlnff house truest of his mother. Mrs. District Number Martha Rolled Oats will be 15c 2, Quaker Oats. Rolled Oats is not only a good cereal but makes excellent Cookies. Remember the prices. Peanuts 4, Virginia Jumbo Peanuts will sell in our store Saturday for 10c (Nephi Ward) per lb. They will be ready for you In E. Vickers. lb NEPHI to Oakland, Cal. by TELEPHONE cellophane bags. George McCune Harry Foote Raisins Aaron F. Bracken 15 $1.30 I hereby certify that the ations listed above were duly filed in my office in accordance with law, and are placed on the official ballot in the order of their filing, to be voted for December 7th, nomin- n rates) Plus Federal Tax on Amounts over 50c Standard Brand Tomatoes for 8c per can. The above grocery items will all be displayed on our new bargain counter, Saturday. Remember, also that on this same bargain counter we have 1932. DENNIS WOOD Clerk of the Board of Education TELEPHONE ounce packages of Seedless Raisins will sell Saturday for 5c Also per package. large cans of Utah After 8:30 P. M. Only (Station-to-statio- Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Sidwell last Thursday included Mr. and Mrs. Loran Keyte and daughter Marjorle of Mona. and Mr. nad Mrs. G. E. Mclllrath and daughter Dorothy of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Mcllrath and daughter visited at the Sidwell home until Sunday. Wednes- Link Sausage Many Thurs Fri. Dec. 2 Prices 10c and 15c Out of the Comic Strip Onto The Screen an unusual price. Pure Pork Link Sausage will sell for 15c per LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE Sunday breakfasts call for Link Sausage. Here it is at If it lb. Saturday. large size 5c each. Look oui market has make unusual preparations for a ham sale, Saturday. Puritan SkinnOur Smoke curling up through the floor boards; sputtering, crackling sparks, enough to excite any driver. A broken or badly chafed cable may bring serious will sell, ed Hams whole or half, for 15c Center per pound. slices will sell at 23c per pound. results. Looking for and preventing such trouble is part of our battery service. When you leave here after a battery inspection, you know your battery installation is O. K. Stop in today for free battery service. WHEN me i ii BASKETBALL Also Tamales Hams Pot Roasts Baby Beef Pot Roasts will sell for 10c per pound, SaturThese are so day. tender, juicy good and sweet that many of our customers use them for oven roasts. Our R MAPLE SERVICE RUBBERS THERE'S MORE WEAR IN EVERY PAIR WHEN IN NEED OF GOLOSHES AND OVERSHOES GO TO THE ! Nephi Merc. Phone 18 D. a R SKAGGS FOOD "A SURETY OF PURITY A MITZI GREEN MAY ROBSON Drama of Laughter and Tears SATURDAY BARGAIN DAY P. News MARY ASTOR TASHMAN KENNETH MACKENNA SUN.-MO- "THE PHANTOM OF CRESTWOOD" RICARDO CORTEZ KAREN MORLEY You heard it on the air Now see it on the screen TUES-WE- IIP with RICHARD ARLEN LITA JOHANN FROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES (Consult County Clerk or Respectiv Signers For Further Information.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of George C. Malloy, de ceased, and Thelma Malloy, deceas Creditors will present claim with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Will L. Hoyt, Nephl National Bank Building, Nephi, Utah, on or before the 17 day of January, A. D. 1932. Albert N. Sowby. administrator of estates of Geeorge C. Malloy and Thelma Malloy, Deceased. Will L. Hoyt, attorney for estates Date of first pub. Nov. 17, 1932 Date of last pub. December 8, 1932 Mrs. Thomas Vickers returned to her home here Sat. evening from a two week's visit in Salt Lake City with her and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carver and family, and other friends. son-in-la- w NEPHI 50c refreshments Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vickers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Olpin and Mrs. Melvin Stanley motored to Herriman Thursday to spend the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Willard J. Ockey had as Thanksgiving dinner guests at their home Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ockey and daughter Lucille of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ockey, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed V. Downs son Paul and daughter Joyce of Nephi. Mrs. Brigham Garrett was hostess to members of her family at dinner Thanksgiving day. Covers were laid for: Brigham Garrett of Delta, Mr. and Mrs. Vick Dahln of Magna, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pitt and son of Kamas, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Molyneaux and son of Mona, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Garrett. J. H. S. News Aaron F. Bracken was the principal speaker at the weekly assembly held in the high school auditorium Thursday afternoon. The program was given under the direction of the F. F. A. Mr. Bracken developed as his subject the necessity of education. He explained how the Chinese had preserved their civilization for so long a period, and how the lack of education had resulted in the downfall of Egypt. Prayer was offered by Clarence Greenhalgh. Other numbers included a vocal duet by Ruth Anderson and Viola Worwood, a vocal and live solo by Ralph Stanley, sparks by Harry Beagley. basketball The second game will be played Friday night in the high school gymnasium with the Juab high team opposing Wasatch pre-seas- on Academy. The first game played in Mount Pleasant last over nesday when Juab won atch with a score of 28-pre-seas- 8. was WedWas- After 8:30 P. M. Only CparamounfC 35c PROVO (Station SATURDAY DEC. 3rd ONE DAY ONLY "ARIZONA to Station Rates) Plus Federal Tax on amounts over 50c. TELEPHONE THOROUGHBRED WRANGLERS" in Person with Sleepy Shorty Slicker Uncle Iron Tail A Dynamite Nubbins THOROUGHUltED rOK EVERY HEAD1 Hungry Loyal Underwood, "The Sheriff of the Arizona Wranglers As Masters of Ceremonies And the Rest of the Gang At Every Performance 1:103:055:00 6:558:5010:45 with Midnight show Matinee 12:40 Adults 35c Eves 50c (Inc. Tax) Children 15c Courtesy KNX Come in and let us help you select your new hat. You'll be delighted with our new shipment of THOROUGHBRED HATS they'e full of style and We're real value. sell them. to proud The Toggery JUAB HIGH SCHOOL Second Team Game 7:10 JUAB HIG H GYM A J 8:15 First Team Game ADMISSION 25c T to Grantsville, Ut. were served to ten guests. (Mabel Sowby, Reporter) "THOSE WE LOVE" LILYAN joyed. At 10:30 P. M. Co. Nephi, Utah Local and Social day. S3 ALL BRAND companies. The above resolution was unanimously passed by the Board of Directors of the Nephi Kiwanis U. Club, held at Nephi City Hall, Nov ember 28th, also unanimously ap Camp Birch of the D. U. P. will proved by the entire Club at a regular meeting, held Wednesday hold their next meeting on Friday 1932. December 9th, at 7:30 P. M. at the Miss Melba Bird of Provo visited November 30th, o home of Mrs. C. W. Johnson. In during the latter part of last week addition to the regular lesson, a prowith her grandparents, Mr. and gram concerning Christmas is being Mrs. Joseph Price. prepared. It is the desire of the officers that all members and as many Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Memmott and others as wish, to attend, be family were in Sclpio for Thanks Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Steele had as giving, house guests of Mr. Mem guests at their home last Wednes mott's mother, Mrs. Jane Memmott, day, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steele of All members of the Fort Wall "Los Angeles and Douglas Larson Miss Ruby Painter was down from and Miss Grace Chrlstensen of camp, Daughters of Utah Pioneers are urged to attend the regular Salt Lake Citiy to spend the holi- Manti. meeting to be held Friday, Decemwith her parents. day and week-en- d ber at 2. P. M. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Painter. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Worthington Mrs.9th, Warner. A bioearphv of Kaysville spent the holiday week sketch Amy of the lives of her grandGeorge Parkins' and daughters end in Nephi visiting with relatives parents, Edward D. and Emma BilLeola. Lucile and Georgia visited and friends. During their visit they in Provo Wednesday with Mrs. Mar- were house guests of Mrs. Worth lings Holt, will be given by Mrs. Warner. Verena JaJcJJobetaoiooo tha Scott, a sister of Mr. Parkins. ington's mother, Mrs. T. H. Burton. Warner. Verena Jacobson will give A the Thanksgiving day house guests at Mrs. J. W. Schofield, Mr. and variedTrail, "Earlywil Tradesman." also be program the home of Mr. and Mrs. J! E. Mrs. Glen Schofield, Mrs. Rita An Lunt were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bea-ge- drews and Andrew Blackett atten and daughter and Boyd Lunt ded the funeral of Robert C. Black Mrs. Eva Jones, and sons Eugene of Salt Lake City. ett in Salt Lake City last Satur and Raymond were Thanksgiving day. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Miss Lois Lunt, insctructor at the D. Pexton, parents of Mrs. Jones, Weston High school at Weston, IdMr. and Mrs. George Christiansen aho, visited for a short time Friday were pleasantly surprised at their returning on Friday morning to night at the home of her parents, home Wednesday evening. A var their home in Murray. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lunt. iety of games, and music were en very attractive some items every loam tr WEAR ly Tomatoes J. Earl Re id Charles R. Jenkins Robert Winn $2.35 What Better Guarantee? TEN MILLION PEOPLE son-in-la- Saturday's price on Crystal Wedding Oats Number (Continued from page with Mr. and Mrs. George urday afternoon at 2 in the City holidays Miss Nina Litttle will be Christiansen in this city. present. Mrs. T. F. Boley of American Fork is visiting in this city at the w home of her and daught er, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whipple. 7. 1932. Ned Ostler, who is employed with District Coal Company at Clear the Eagle Kiwanis Passes Resolution the Juab and Utah county area so Rue Sanders underwent an op as to enable them to compete with eration for Appendicitis last Wed the dealers in the immediate adSalt Lake area. nesday In Provo at the Aird Hos joining BE IT FURTHUR RESOLVED All those interested in taking pital. that a copy of this resolution be Red Cross classes, either Home Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mayer of forwith transmitted to each of the above named gasoline distributing Hygiene or First Aid. are requested to attend a meeting to be held Sat- Lynndyl spent the Thanksgiving 10c Hall. Local and Social o Dr. Harrison will be at the Nephl Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Warner and Drug store Tuesday December 6. family were Thanksgiving dinner Have your eyes cared for now. o guests of Mr and Mrs. Orlando Tay lor in Levan. Local and Social FRESH GROUND 6, POUND 8C Hamburger RIB AND BRISKET 1 week. POUND 1932 Mor-monLs- 65c ALL FOR 1, Held I (Continued from page 1) Plan." Alfred J. Oowers, chairman of the Stake Aaronic Priesthood Committee; Song, "Let Us All Press On," Oholr and Congregation; Topic. "How faith promoting stories presented in Deacons meeting liave filled me with a desire to go on a mission." Tom Hall; Topic, 'What my experience as a ward teacher has accomplished." Glen Mangelson; Topic, "Awakening in the great Gospel plan." Grant Oardner; Address, Apostle Stephen L. Richards, subject, 'Service". Selection "Calvary," Choir, Ralph Barnes, soloist; Benediction, Franklin Greenhalgh. Apostle Richards discussed the present economic condition, in his address Sunday afternoon. He said: 'Our difficulties have arisen from bondage of debts. Men should never repudiate tclr obligations except in the better Interest of all." He referred to the advice of our Church leaders, ''Keep out of debt." He also stated that the greatest need for the Church today is miss ionaries. Other speakers and their sub jects were: "The Fruits of Bishop Thomas Bailey; "Blessings of the Priesthood." Pres ident A. H. Belllston. Musical selections, "Peace. Trou bled Souls," and "In Our Redeemers Name," were given by the choir. Choir and congregational number were: "We Thank Thee O God For A Prophet," and "The Spirit of God Like a Fire Is Burning" Lorenzo Mangelson offered the Invocation, and the benediction was given by Bishop E. P. Peterson of the Levan Ward. Walter Be Ills ton. University of A FEW TONS OP WANTED BARLEY Juab Co. Mill & Ele. Co. Utah freshman, was a Nephl visitor over the week-enBasketball, 7.10, Friday night 25c. Mr. and Mrs. Max Hannifin were GOOD MILL RUN, $1150 PEP among the Thanksgiving day visTON, Smaller quantities 55c sack itors in Eureka. OUR POULTRY FEEDS ARE OP Mrs. Elbert Warner of Levan was QUALITY St PRICEf 19c THE BEST RIGHT Juab County Mill c Ele. C a visitor Sunday at the home of her perents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Orme. Basketball, 7.10, Friday night 25c. Mr. and Mrs. George Golden left Housewives, don't embarrass your Saturday for San Diego, California neighbor by asking to borrow her where they will spend the winter. sharp shears. Our machine gives Mr, and Mrs. George McCune yours a keen cutting edge. Special Price 20c. M. L. Read. Burton & were among the visitors In Salt Lake City Friday, returning to their home Read Barber Shop. the following day. 25c Basketball, 7.10, Friday night 25c Lincoln Orme, a student at Snow COAL AT $8.50 PER TON College, spent the Thanksgiving 15c GOOD vacation with his parents, Mr. and delivered, at Nephl or Levah Frank Philllpson. Trucking als Mrs. Alfred Orme In Nephi. 10c done. Phone 360. Mrs. Samuel Linton left Friday Basketball, 7.10, Friday night 25c, for Salt Lake City for an Indefinite visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. SOUTH WARD PRIMARY JUNIOR A. R. Paxman. CHRISTMAS DANCINO PARTY, Miss Ruth Wedel returned to her DEC. 23 AT THE ARMORY HALL. home In Montpelier. Idaho TuesBasketball, 7.10, Friday night 25c day, folowlng a week's vLslt here, the guest of Miss Maurine Lomax. Olendale Heatrola, FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. Allen Simons of medium size, new $60. sale price 9C $35, good as new Call 240 lor par- Payson were Thanksgiving day vis itors at the home of Mrs. George R. ticulars Stanley Auto Camp. Howard. CHRISTMAS TREES. 50c, 75c and Misses May and Lucille Green- $1.00. Phone 106. halgh were among the Salt Lake PHONE 81. DRESSMAKING City visitors on Monday of this Dec. Thursday. |