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Show mm Fill Your Needs In Nephi Get the Habit j : "WHAT NEPHI GROWS Ncphi, Jiui!. Cninty, The Times, Vol. 22, No. 48 APOSTLESTEPHEH HUMS L VIII IS r T . i W Tluu-'!.i- y. I Vc. 1 1, 193. The Xcws, V..I. L. PROGRAM NEXT SUNDAY EVENING Ctnb'u i evening U'DC wl-1- auu npin CimHaV .w . I -UU3CO I. r U cluing1 ..r V . he pur- - -- - SlSc The Juab Stake Seminary will present the program Sunday eve-inin the Tabernacle at 7.30. The program was presented November 13 in Manti and was so well received that it was decided to give It here. The theme of the program Is "Latter Day Saint Music." The following are the numbers on the program: "We Congregational singing. Thank Thee O God for a Prophet.' Invocation. Ray Greenhalgh. Double Mixed Quartet. "Come, Unto Jesus" LeRoy Whitehead, Wil-mBarnett. Reid Madsen, Ted Garbett, Isabel Bodell, Dorothy Brough. Florence Bean and Donna M. Belliston. Mellophone solo, "Sabbath Echoes," Oscar Christensen. Talk, "History of Congregational Singing." Reid Madsen. Double duet, "Beautiful Home," Ruth Anderson, Melva Jarrett, Eva Sanders. Talk. "Latter-da- y Saint Congre gational Singing," Kathryn Kay. Girls chorus, "An Angel From On Hieh." Talk, "O Ye Mountains High" Wilmer Barnett. Congregational singing, "O Ye Mountains High." Talk, "O My Father," Winona g, of Soni r illc. .Mass., drivi s Ills Isadora Ctioltln, "saJt water tiixl" over the smooth waters of the rtiarlos rivi-- In Ilrst public ileinoiistnitlon of the craft The "taxi," In reality a iliscanlcil automobile, Is nuplorted by pontoons. A series of under water propellers connected to the drive shaft nlve It a speed of ten miles per hour. luvt-ntlv- r nil The annual North Ward Reunion held last Thursday and Friday was atteneded by 5ti0 ward members. Four hundred fifty adult members enjoyed a banquet, program and dance Thursday ufU'rr.ioon und eve On the following day the ning. children were entertained with a banquet and dance. The unique program given Thurs day afternon consisted of the fol lowing numbers: Selection, M. I. A Ladi;s Chorus; Reading, Afton Oarrett; Accordian solo, Stephen Boswell; Stanford Lunt: Song. Piano solo, Nina Chase; Reading, Lorna Kendall; Duet. Ruth Ander- son and Viola Worwood; Saxaphone t p i GASOLINE IS No. 4K or e Still 10 OIL COMPANIES A iwtitlon is being circulated in Juab and Utah counties, to ned by the service station be sig- s of these two counties and later to be forwardt.d tne maJor oll companies oixrating ln these two rU'. Vrndfr, T $ I Annual Reunion ember 5. fifteen days before the delinquent date. The taxes are being paid before December 20 due to a request made Dy tne juao ocnuoi District that the payment be made on December 5 to save the school district from paying additional in- notes Richards, re 13, SEMINARY TO GIVE North Ward Holds System wil arrive In Nephi on Dec- ERfl;. . AKES NEPHI GROW" M The Union Pacific System is pay inc 87.058.08 in taxes to Juab Co unty for the year 1932. which amount was levied for the purposes set forth in the following paragraph. This check from the Union Pacific SPEAKER Apostle Stephen presented the Saturday I'tah. S No Detours for This Vehicle Union Pacific System To Pay Taxes Dec. 5 COHFEREHCE AT MAKE OR Buy in Nephi aunties, askng that the wholesale . niUJU UttflfU, u -- Qt Krt rotailH f Colt altemoon sessions. $6,307. ?n'K-vL- ' General tT e punoses. County Talk' Lake and City all three county pne of Belliston was tn charge ny? ? of stations between sessions of the Conference. and Joe Smith; Selection, Ladles operatorsand service the Salt Lake County Nephl The Chorus. educational instrtutlotis. $7,254.11; line are losing the sale of thousands levies. AU city and town $1,525.71. of gallons of gasoline due to the I YVUIU VUUU, cheaper price in Salt Lake. that the people of Nephl IS HELD areBelieving enjoyed by those who were In at entitled to the same amount of tendance. CROSS gasoline In Nephl as can be purThe theme for Saturday even and seventy-tw- o One hundred chased in Salt Lake City, the Nephl a ing onH Rnndav morning was a dinne; BOOTH sumptuous enjoyed perrons Kiwanis Club passed the following Priesthood Convention In connect CALL IS A SUCCESS Folks "Old at annual the Party" resolution at their regular meeting ion with the conference. The pro- at Juab the given today (Thursday) Wednesday moon at the Forrest Congregational sing pram . follows: the Tabernacle. Stake Following Impressive funeral services were! Hotel. A cony of the resolution t iin Man nravpr i . r ; i an dinner, entertaining program held Sunday at 12:15 p. m. in the was sent to the major oil compan- and H. Grace; Selection. Mixed Quartet I The roll call committee was presented by the Mutual ImJuab Stake Tabernacle, for Mrs. ies operating in these counties. ui uic nciuu ah on DDinh nnrnes. Delia worners of the three associations provement Jane Carter Booth. 70. wife of Dr. SatH. Warner, the Red Cross wish to express their will be held services Funeral V. Barnes, and Clarence with Ord, wards, George J. A. Booth, Nephi dentist, who died RESOLUTION w rvkev of the I appreciation to the people of Ne- - urday at 2 p. m. In the North Ward Nephi Tom were: Numbers toastmaster. as won- at 'her home here last Wednesday WHEREAS during the present un- Tvffr fwlcpv treated I uhl. Levan and Mona for the i. D,.0.;Honpv . 16, Cato for Wilson, v iv Chapel C Lfini; Short Ralph J. Alfred i .jim '" j miCTvico nf j nrcan. I aeriui SUUDon Gowcrs; night following a short illness. precendented financial emergency uicj khvc m mo who died at the family home Tues- Prayer, talk, I. H. Grace; Reading. Grace The services were under the dir the successful continuance of local izations in the Churcn to maKeiuiivc mi day afternoon, of a lingering illness Jenkins; Reading, Orson Cazlor; ection of Dennis Wood of the South business depends upon maintaining andled. of heart trouble. The youth was Comic skit, Elsa Harris and Susie Goble. toiler- rov Saints of our boysReval Ward Bishopric. James H. Ockey the faith of customers that local asked Cross Red American 1916 The Harold 8. has Vickers, and in born Trio, May Vickers Nephl. girls"Downs: Vocal duet, Reva Piano solo, "O My Father" Donna of the Juab Stake Presidency of- - dealers can furnish their goods at 150 lived here raise Christensei: life. the Allen that and his Chapter Nephi entire during vipers and Marion Christensen; Reading, I fered the opening prayer. prices comparable to prices in ad- Tnnic. on Priesthood. Raymond Bail-- 1 memberships as their quota for this At the time of his death he was a Florence Chase: Pantomine "The M. Belliston. were: Mrs. unity cnap-- 1 joining territory, and "The Talk, Breaks,, speakers i year, it nas oeen a nuiuuci ui jrcuMorning local caelum: school. Herman Vocal at the duet, high Sophomore ey; Angelus" with Miss Rheta Sperry Afton Garrett. WHEREAS it Is shown that the pell, Apostle Stephen L. Richard?, and James McCune; Report on act-.- ! I since that many have taken out Surviving are his parents, Alex as pianist and Mrs. Max Hannifin Vocal duet "The Morning Breaks' and President Albert H. Belliston, I wholesale prices of gasolh.e to re- ivRies of Seventies Quorum, Harry I memberships in tnis district dui me and Gertrude Sells Wilson, two as violin accompanist. Afton Gar with closing remarks by Dennis tall dealers of Juab and Utah Coun- solo, Elmo committee felt that it would be a brothers. Prank R. of Provo, and rett and Fern Garrett were readers. Mabel and Melba Fowkes. Beagley; Saxaphone I Come Ye Saints.' Wood. A poem composed by Joseph ties are substantially higher than Talk, to "Come, communities our on reflection and singing, of G. Clarence Idaho, Congregational Oakley, Hansen; and Mrs. F. M. Beck related the H. Greenhalgh, in memory of Mrs. I prices to dealers in Salt Lake Coun- Ingram. Count Your Many Blessings ; i tan Deiow tnat quota mis year mver three sisters, Mabel. Florence and story of "The Angelus," Reading, by Hazel Musical Booth. was read by Mrs. Ednalty. and I Come, "Come, Red reading, so aid from the much Garrett. all of receiving Ida this Benediction, Raymond city. Ned I Higginson; One act play, Ye Saints," Margaret Crapo. Cazier. this discrimination WHEREAS, i was cross tne iorm in session the year in be the will past services under The The Sunday morning 'Grandma Pulls the String." Char Musical numbers included: A sel- - enables dealers in the Salt Lake "The I of stock feed, Hour Congregational singing, and follows: as ciotning. Funeral Anderson of direction Congregation outlined the acters were: Grandma Blessington, : by the South Ward Relief I area to retail gasoline at a price and interment will taite Mrs. Delbert Fugal; Mrs. Cummlngs Spirit of God Like A Fire Is Burn ection and choir. "Now Let Us Rejoice-- II with this in mina tney pui ionniHomei -J Quartet, "I Know That My I substantially lower than local deal- Society ing." responextra "What efforts and the Selection R. people S. Biuft tne ln Winn; vine cetnetery Eva Pav Weitziel;. Julia Cummings. place Prayer, Redeemer Lives"; Selection, "Lead ers can compete with, thereby caus- Mildred McPherson. Benediction, i aa unu i aea a Mrs way wonaeriui Be?" in Harvest Shall the unoir, Ida Bean; William Thoijciton, Elmo : Me Gently Home," Mixed Quartet, ling thousands of motorists to re- 0 1 result we not only went over the' ni c.rcnn soloist: Talk. "Influ-Hansen ; ; Norma Cummings Beaver, Clarence Warner, Ralph Barnes,! duce their purchases of gasoline ln I raised the our and but in quota Women top of Individually pmp Deloise Robins; Hildegarde Cumm Alice Crapo, Florence Winn; Rest- - I this section to the minimum In or- I Through the Church to support I total of 155 memberships and one ings, Thelma Hansen; Magician act ing Now From Care and Sorrow." I der to take advantage of lower prl- or two the tnat of others Sells Nina tney promised the Priesthood," Roy Mayers; Prayer, Jesse Pay. South Ward Relief Society Chorus. Ces in adjoining territory, and I will come in before tne nnai cnecK Relief Ward Topic North Society; Appreciation is extended to the John E. Lunt offered the bene-- 1 I WHEREAS, the inability of local is association up What the Primary committee, the townspeople, and the in the City dealers to compete with Salt Lake the and diction, grave mem $155.00 doiner for their boys to become wor-- 1 raised in the ripcirips .local business houses for their co cemetery was dedicated by H. Car- - Prices, not only reduces sales of and I bersnips, approximately $10.00 was thy and efficient deacons owm w operation in making this event a son Healy, a of Mrs. I gasoline in this section, but has a Lieoi ine received as contributions and in scouts," Reva Moyie The Public Affairs Committee ol success. to the dedication of I tendency to reduce faith of country Prior Booth. taxes "The of the utilit T.aiK, a of public o meivan an(j Nephi number people the Nephi Kiwanis Culb will ask the Primary association; ies of Juab county are coming in the grave, the Service Star Legion people in the ability of country Priesthood Supervision I who could not contribute money Forest Aaronic Service to budget fifteen I Mabel D. Dunai service ceremonial was read I dealers generally to compete with on good" says exceptionally Levan this pro thousand dollars to complete the Page Eighv) offered produce. In (Continued 1 Salt Lake prices, now therefore be "and by officers of the local organizat-treasurer, Christison, county to the Relief scenic road from the head of Red duce was distributed I it a was Mrs. Bootn which of ion, taxes balance are of the the was coming member. given Creek canyon, behind Mt. Nebo, to Society of that ward and I RESOLVED that we Detitlon the I cut for in as good as could be expected, , 1., f.'r, Thanksgiving. In Nephl the the end of the road above the Pay-so- n ni out - ot - town relatives and l Continental Oil Company. The Tex- iit oi i . considering the fact that the date frlends n( thns wh would eive nro- station, ranger during canyon were: as Company, The Utah Oll Refln- attending the funeral of delinquency has been extended For Schools Discussed duce will be given to the ward Re 1933. I Ponce Thomas orricer Haiiaday. to ing Company, the Standard Oil will December which enable 20, lief Society presidents and they will The estimated cost of the fifteen of the taxpayers to make and Mrs. Albert Haiiaday, Mr. and I Company of California, the Shell many collect and distribute It as they de miles of road is fifteen thousand The family of Edward Kendall of taxes, who otherwise Mrs. vern Haiiaday, Mr. and Mrs. I Oil Company, and the Independent T.ATTF. HTTY. Nov. 28 Plans I 51re- dollars, but the committee will ask entertained at a birthday party in payment Fred Beamen, Mrs. Rod Snow, oil Company to adopt a change of would let them go delinquet." qit.t out to re be know interest of that it nextl that the It at completed the project Mrs. Ted Warner, J. E. Booth, pollcv with resnect to nrices char- honor of his 72nd birthday anniver for thA schools' Droeram o or It more costs for wertil raised member of $155.00 whether of the man thr gardless legislature ccdnn sary, Tuesday evening at the home Edgar Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Peter ged to local dealers in gasoline in of this amount. Satthis less in half this than chapter ships of Mr. and Mrs. John Wllkey. discussed at a joint meeting oroneman, Mrs. Mary uarier, oi (Continued on page 2) will at or was J amount, the decided remain ln $77.50 This action committees upon o- delicious dinner was served to 45 rrovc; Mr. ana Mrs. rjepni tsessie i urday of the leglislative all contribut 1 and the local of the the I associqt-Board Nephi guests: Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keller chapter f tv,o TTtjih school regular meeting and daughter Naomi, Mr. and Mrs. used be noon. will will The which assocClub ions Kiwanis remain, Wednesday strass and family of Provo, Mr. and John C. Reed, son and daughter of Utah Feeds Fine For The or, and the Utah Education I for relief purposes in this district. Public Affairs committee will co- Mrs. Elmer Kendall and family, Mr. iqH manti; ivir. uuu ivxrs. reii, iuner, i I It is a small Item for us to return we our chamdidn't at Well, the with money get operate Santaquin and Mrs. Harry Kendall and famFattening of Livestock Mllford; Mrs. Hyrum Carter and The meeting was executive, but - I $77.50 and commerce . from France to and Skidnational It ber of the the organization England. Payson ily of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. son Malon, Mrs. Hyrum Jensen its conclusiort Charles H. looks to me like their attorney the great amount of aid they Lions club In putting this project Fred Kendall and family, Mr. and Mrs. Phyllis Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. more recently elected state superin-lfhad filed a demurrer, or better Jay M. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. r.f nnhiin instruction, said I gave to this district in the past year. over. Mrs. Paul Kendall and family, Mr, Utah is fortunate in having a at venue. have sure a who those is of ask for feel This taken We that was up still, being taken change that project and Mrs. Thomas Kendall and fam Healy, Katherlne and Donald Mc- wonderful variety of fattening feeds that ithe only action feel the present time because the Forest Uy, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Tolley and Looks like the Lame Duck sesorH tr a nian for the re-- 1 supported this worthy cause Omie, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. McOmie and feeders who take advantage of not given in vain Service will budget their 1933 ex family, Mrs. Isabelle Larson and sion of Congress will be mostJr., Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. this varietv will flnrf If. tn ,omiQtir,r nf .the state board of I that they have tn of we the B's month and Bills, Borah, express appreciation penditures! during Beer, ly again John Booth, Cedar City; Ralph I be a valuable factor ln securing rducation family, Milo Bracken, Mr. and Mrs, Kiwanians rec-local the Bunk. 1 and for their support, December, and family, and the John A proposal to divert half the Booth, Los Angeles. heavy gains at low cost, is the adare desireous of getting the ap honor Wilkey guest, Edward Kendall. vice of Prof. E. J. Maynard, exten- eipts irom ROLL CALL COMMITTEE for made the project o propriation Headline in papers say Beer Chairman Whitehead, LeRoy next re for year. By January 1st. I heard someLadies Literary Uub Mas tension service of the Utah State Jl lillCT ooat, t j vf- 0 , one say Thursday, why wait iiie annual convention of the School Clarence Cox Marries In College. Corn silage and Meetinff at Judd iHome Agricultural January 1st. 1 can malt, - Ci UUCV ISUlfJ, UCCv lilt Oliagc:, W American Legion AuxUiary Rabbit Hunt At Holden Colville, Washington until 1 yeast cake, some sugar and t fin? Q nrl hopf mnlaccoe era all dvpoI- I of An water the Beer been taken up at the meeting, but Holds Meeting Wednesday interesting By meeting Monday. Is Scheduled for Sunday wMy. tr. Ladies Literary Club was held on add no action was taKen. to ration. the variety is of made Announcement the He described the meeting as bein? Monday evening at the home of A country town Is a place In fattenlng lamb3 wlth barlry of . All Nephl hunters are Invited to marriage of Clarence W. Cox where American Legion Auxiliary know all the the preliminary in nature, ana s held and alfalfa this e1" and hay com- people son of Clar in held a very interesting meeting participate in a rabbit hunt at Colville, Washington, another meting was to be comes news before the paper hvl bination may be greatly improved "LiS?,,!0 fei December 4. ence Cox of this city, to Miss Alice the near future, the session having Wednesday evening. A talk on the Holden, on Sunday, out and only reads the paper d S?f& of sugar addion ot a St who wish to Join Haggerman, also of Colville. The call. to his sportsmen Nephl subject was to see if the editor printed It adjourned, given by the Salt Lake party who will be marriage took place on November beet molases or a half - pound of - "Veterans' Hospital" was ization. The Mr. Skidmore, though not a mem- Dr program following T Bo(jai. Song carmenla here up right. whpat. bran npr hpnd ul.Von will make Sunday morning, should see 24th. and the couple ove presented: Banjo solo. David Aus- ber oi eitner oi me w'"u bar-tiChorus, Evelyn Brough, Director Russell in the home their city. Hawkins for oe . . . In .many Instances . particulars. 10 Kenneth invitea been by accompanied Judd; had Sarah Hall and Florence pienu, Readings, Most anyone can be a country "" "c" . Tuhen the session began, was eiecxeai Melba Piano selection, Christensen; ln r ton' newspaper editor. All the editor c "Homes of Outstanding Am- - J r wokw rvidirmfln of the loint session. It vas Last had to do is to set at a desk six Paper, fattening operations. should he Is erican give Mrs. E. R. that Women," Forrest; furthur agreed udft GowerSi Reva Moyle. Edna ton beet molasses added to a days of the week, "edit" such Paper. "Child Welfare", Miss Mabel cut the publicity. Robins, Lucy Miller, Margaret Mil- stuff as this and alfalfa 5atiantt. ? The plan to reorganize the state , Sperry. In attendance were: Mrs. "Jey. at Wilson Glazier, Mrs. G. M. Whit- - fattening A number of business . problems 5aJ "Mrs. Jones let can opener slip nroiet of the were M. Christensen, Mrs. Mrs. J. more, j wraiW disposed of. The unit voted last week and cut herself ln T. H. Burton, Miss Lulu McPherson; "i oarle' Df V"""11 01 wen at me the pantry." leave on adopting a disabled w, Mrs. Ralph Belliston, Mrs. Byron MOTUtaXVsUdmore.nresent. some to him of with low of man, supply grain prices as at Miss Bertha McPherson. ent, extremely molasses has a J th Mrfteia the necessities of life Mrs. George A. Sperry, Mrs. E. R, and hav,' thls A mischievous lad threw a sent were baskets uJlL" AtCntT there are three to Thanksgivingmen and families. " stone and struck Mr. Pike In Forrest, Miss Mabel Spery, Mrs. not to state superintendent the alley last Tuesday. Roy T. Cowan, Mrs. J. L. Belliston, Per fn- - nearly twice its cost, of these-t- he W. Allred, f nihii instruction, tne Dresiaenn - XL- Mrs. Will L. Hoyt and the ration, which has proved very worth it,, nf TTtoh and the Brough, on "Joe climbed Hatfield the Wheat bran added to a barhostess, Mrs. G. R. Judd. Mrs. Judd, while. nrpddent of the Utah State Agri- Mrs. James D. Pexton roof of his store last week ley alfalfa ration in a recent feedinqr. of the club, Ml presided Observes 75th Birthday looking for a leak and fell, test, increased gains on the lambs by over the meeting. Th nian as outlined also invol striking himself on the bread 5.2 fxmnds per head in a little over o amendments constitutional ves three basket." 10 days. t.11 fnr the same Durpose, that of Two pounds of corn silage or pea now; celebrated Pexton D. Mrs. James which In eliminating the provisions Nephi Couple Marry "While Harold Green was esvine silage, or four to six pounds of - her 75th birthday anniversary on electan make the superintendent Manti Temple Wednesday wet beet pulp may be counted on to corting his girl home last night ive officer. Under the proposal, hei Thanksgiving day, November 24, at a dog attacked them and bit Improve and cheapen a barley-alfalf- a would be chosen by the state board her home. At 2 p. m. a dinner was Mr. Green by the town pump." The marriage of Miss Jeessie Mor ration for fattening lambs. rf oHnrntinn nresumablv on a basis served to: Mrs. Eva Jones 'and sons gan, daughter of Mrs. James Morgan Wheat bran has been used with exand Miss of his qualifications, scholasitc and Eugene and Raymond, "Israh Trimmer was playing of Levan. and Earl Worthlngton, cellent success also to supplement otherwise, as an administrator, ana Marion nana 01 Murray; Mrs. i. with a cat Friday, when it son of Mr. and Mrs. Orson Worth- wet beet pulp. In a recent feeding not on the basis of his ability toH. Burton, daughter Blanche and scratched him on the Veranda." lngton of this city, was solemnized experiment the use of approximateet a oarty nomination and a state sons Alma and Clark; Mr. and Mrs. ely one half pound of wheat bran Wednesday ln the Manti Temple. Jack Wright, daughter Margaret and election. "Jacob Holyoke, Miss Morgan has been employed with barley, wet beet pulp and alwhile harnMr Skidmore announced It Is des- - son Dee; Mr. and Mrs. J A. Burton with the Forrest Hotel of Nephl for falfa hay Increased the gain by essing a broncho last Saturday irpd not to attempt to flool the leg- - and daughters Beth and DaNell was kicked Just south of the the past several years. Mr. Worth- 8.5 pounds per lamb at the same Mrs. of rather and Glen but Mr. school bills, with Worthlngton lflature corn crib." lngton is road and trail foreman on time decreasing the feed cost and to present a carefully considered I Kaysville, and Mr. ana Mrs. James WATSON the local forest reserve increeasing the selling cost per cwt. D. Pexton. woearm. Old Folks Enjoy Annual ?"'JJteH.iSSS ROLL RED Dinner and Programme Funeral Saturday For Ralph Wilson -- oi, r- 1 , mcnuH w Dunl-- er UUU FUNERAL FOR JANE 1 - 1 ROAD PROJECT UTILITIES TAXES 1 FOR NEXT YEAR ARE BEING PAID son-in-la- Party In Honor of ic5.a.. nans Edward Kendall i Watson Says: or iirVrun , SirSSSSlL5taha thf J SnB ?nl71 Tti ..r;;.T half-poun- ',, us, " What, He Back on the Air Again? .mn Pus '.' .,."7" tti nt n, 'c.u pres-Howel- ls, |