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Show PAGE FOUR THE TIMES-NEWS- 3 EE . Thursday. December NEPIII, UTAH 19. 1929 "j t t . i1 ...... .,, .f .' i ci v . K1 r wMdMMeflafl. SLOWS DOWN DRIVING a I Ira ; , 1. A wet gas is an atomized DRY (VAPORIZED mix-- i ture of gasoline vapor in which are iSuspended drops of raw gasoline. 2. These drops of raw gasoline form an uneven mixture which resists the action of the spark. 3. Result: Destructive crankcase dilution, difficult starts, slow acceleration a sluggish motor. V i 1 Driving through traffic with a wet windshield slows you up. You just creep along barely making progress! 9 Wet gasoline acts in the very same way! Sluggish, uneven in power, it slows you up hesitates when instant response is needed and stalls most unexpectedly! I Today, try Texaco. It forms a dry gas. It yields its power instantly, smoothly and completely. When your foot signals for action, your car leaps ahead iny' a flash! 9 On the hills, in traffic, cr on the straightaway, your car does what you want it to when you want it to if your tank is filled with Texaco. The new and better Texaco va- -. porizes so readily that it forms a 1. dry gas an active mixture of gasoline and air. 2. This pure, dry gas responds instantly to the action of the spark. 3. Result: Lightning starts, rapid The NEW and BETTER. TEXACO GAS O LI acceleration, smooth action power! i Mountain View Service Station HORTON GASOLINE, OIL AND AUTO ACCESSORIES Utah 6 THE PAGE MQTO Service Station GASOLINE, OIL AND AUTO ACCESSORIES Mona, i E SALES AND SERVICE Utah Santaquin, NePhi Utah FTI. SILVER TvlAPLESERVlUE GREEN GARAGE ACCESSORIES AND TIRES GENERAL GARAGE WORK Up-to-Da- te FORD SALES AND SERVICE Auto Laundry Satisfaction Guaranteed Mona, - - - Utah - Fountain Green and Mt. Pleasant, Utah Utah J Nephi, 4 Reno Memmott Taylor Service Station and Garage .... EMM AUTO ACCESSORIES AND GENERAL GARAGE WORK Levari, Service Station TIRES, TUBES AND ACCESSORIES Utah Utah Scipio HONS. AGENT NEPHI, UTAH 3Ej 233: 3E 3H 3E 3cj 122 |