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Show THE PAGE TWO The Our Sincere Wish Tinfjj-Ncw- s LOCAL Published Every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. A. B. Gibson. Editor and Manager GOLDEN J. S perry returned evening from Salt Lake City, where she his been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. E. R. Johnson. Mrs. Emily 'Believe it or not, the golden rule yields big dividends in business. On the contrary, practices in business will ultimately ruin all those who engage in them. This is the conclusion of B. O. Dahlberg, President, Celotex Company, as expressed in an article, "There's Gold in the Oolden Rule," in the current number of Nation's Business. He says: "Whether he knows it or not, and regardless of his desire in the matter, every manufacturer, to be permanently successful, must contribute to the profit and welfare of everyone who has anything to do with the production and distribution of his merchandise. This, I am convinced, is a principle as irrevocable as the law of gravitation. "Too frequently In our present national distribution, we see the disastrous results of violation of the principle. Manufacturers who attempt to reduce expenses or make more money . .by hedging the other fellow's profits, soon find a lot of costly problems on their hands. "Wholesalers retaliate, and retailers organize to meet the new competition. Everywhere we see one factor or group attempting to take advantage of another in the same or a related Industry and it cannot be done with permanently profitable success to any one. "Whatever success my company has achieved is due to the fact that we have realized the necessity of aiding the producers of our raw material, our distributors, the users of our product, and even our competitors. In 1921, our first year, we produced about 500, 000 feet of a building material we called Celotex, ' made from a byproduct of the sugar Industry. Now we are producing 1,600,000 feet a day. "Starting . from scratch, in seven years we have built up our principal business to a volume of about $15,000.-00- 0 a year. Our product has been used in more than 300,000 American homes, and It exported to 75 foreign countries. We are considered successful; but our achievement would have been impossible if we had not spent many thousands of dollars to aid a troubled industry and to help build up the business of those who influenced our own production." cut-thro- at Eve. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS First National Company Securities Bonds Insurance First National Bank Building Nephi, Utah A may be considered as a truly worth while gift For anyone having relatives or friends who formerly lived in Nephi, and who are now residing in some other city, a is the year's subscription to The Times-New- s best Christmas present you could buy we will mail it to any address in the United States f on " $2.00 per year. The Christmas presents The recipient will enjoy your present all year what more could you ask for the small sum of $2.00? Give fifty-tw- o Candy Big Item in Santa's Pack; He'll Distribute $30,000,000 Worth Mr. and Mrs. Roy Naef are visiting at the home of Mrs. Naef'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Painter. Mr. and Mrs. Naef have been living in Oakland. California, but will return to Eureka In the -near future where they will reside. In Nephi, CHICAGO. Thirty lion dollars worth of candy wl be included to Santa Claua yuletlde pack this year. It Is disclosed by Perdlnand A. Bunte, of Bunte Brothers, Chicago cand f manufacturers, in an address hers. "St. Nick wlU load up with more confectionery this Christmas than ever Mr. declare! before," Bunte. "While consump tion of candy throughout the twelve months Is steady, the first and last three months of each year show about twnty per cent Increase In consumption over the rest of the year. "The peak of the candy business mes at Christmas and New Tear's Ever day. Reason for this Is age-olsince there have lieen Christmas trees and ever since Sf.nta Claus has been Tlsltlng good little boys and girls, sweets have been prominent among tbs gifts to children. "Besides Christmas specialties there are hundreds of tons of hard candles made by confectioners at this time. It tned to be that the Christmas trade pulled the American confectioner out of the red nd Into the black on his ledger. This, however, does not hold steady con Uus today. Theos Is d. Candies . CHRISTMAS TREES Our Oregon Fir Christmas Trees Are Here Select One Today -- - and don't forget your CHRISTMAS CARDS WE ARE HERE TO SERVE! Nephi Drug Company Junior High News . "Lucky 13" Program An excellent program was given to the students of the Junior and Senior high, Friday, December 13 by the Lucky 13" club. The program was as follows: Club Songs Club Members Accompanist, Marie Kendall Marion Christensen Prayer Song and Dance Marjorie Lunt, Aline Ellison, Reva Vickers, Florence Bellas ton, Marjorie Lomax. Marion Christensen, directed by La Vocal Duet .Marjorie Lomax and Aline Ellison Margaret Crapo - A queen bee can lay 2,000 eggs, Reading "Honest Peggy" One act play or twice her own weight in one day. 2. An egg after it hatches increases Consisting of the following members: Peggy Borden, Alice Ord; Clara and In weight 1500 times in 5 days. Louise Borden, Irene Cooper and 3. The same egg that produces the Mrs. Borden, Eunice Margaret; female or worker bee will produce a Brough; Jennie Love, Helen Chase; queen the difference Is in the size of the cell and the food. 4. The queen bee controls the sex of her offspring. 5. Drones (male bees) cannot sting gather no honey and are bossed by the females. 6. The drone befi has no father but has a grandfather on his mother's side. 7. Bees have never been domesti cated. 8. There are from 30,000 to 75,000 bees in a hive. 9. The honey bee must make 20,000 trips to the fields to get one pound of honey. 10. There is no cheaper or better food than honey, and none better than the honey produced In Nephi. 11. Methuselah ate honey and lived 969 years. 1- Aunt Anna, Marie Kendall; Aunt NEPHI O T F T ...3, 0 0 4 Celia, Donna Belliston; Mrs. Hal-for- d, Bryon Howard, rf Reva Vickers. Hal Oadd, If 0.0 ..0 The program was under the Max Gan?t, 'tfZ. . 11 ....0 0 0 of Melba Dastrup and Belva UTed uarC, rg 1 1 -...0 Aaenzie, ciuo sponsors. jonn eaviw, ig 1 7 ....3 The club members wore their Harmon Bryan, If 1 1 of green tiSJses Weldon Kendall, rg ...0 uniforms, consisting 0 0 rKJ trimmed In tan.-...0 Jack Brough, c The club was highly complimented on their porgram by th Principal). Mr. 5 4 4 14 Total G T F T Sperry. Club Reporter, Helen Chase. LEVAN Edward Blue, rf ...J2 Blaine Taylor, If ...0 The return basket ball game, Nephi Lewis Anderson, c ....0 vs. Levan was played Monday, Dec. 16. Robert Stevensen, rg Reese Taylor, lg ..0 The new suits consisting of yellow Joy Nielson, lg on the shirts with the letters, H 6 1 1 13 Total front and purple trunks were worn by the Nephi team. in The result of the game was 13-A game between Nephi and Payson will be played Thursday, December 19, Nephi's favor. The game showed good team work4 at 5 p. m. Everyone be there, we need your help! Student Body Reporter among the players. Helen Chase. The box score was as follows: yw 14 M NOTICE OP PUBLIC HEARING ON MATTER OP APPROPRIATION OP COUNTY FUNDS FOR THE ANNUAL BUDGET Holiday Qift A Oft er . Complete Electric Cookery Outfit $205.00 j Notice Is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Juab County, Utah, will meet at the County Court House at Nephi, Utah, on Monday, the 30th day of December, A. D. 1929, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. to consider the appropriation of County funds for the annual budget to be used during the year 1930. Witness my hand and seal this 18th day of December, 1929. J. H. VICKERS, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. December 31st Range is Beautiful Nile- Creen finish with 17 oven, oven temperature control and cabinet base. Equipped with complete set of high grade aluminum cooking utensils; for surface cookery, a skillet, CLASSIFIED oven meal. FOR SALE two large covered sauce pans, spatula and meat fork ; for oven cookery, a unit for cooking an entire ", Order your Christmas Trees Now. Oregon Fir Trees, $1.00 and $1.50 Nephi Drug Company. ROOMS FOR 7 TUBE ATWATER FOR SALE Kent Radio and Speaker. Battery type. Price $30.00. E. R. Shaw. See J. Walter Paxman for BABY CHICKS purchasing agent for the Utah Poultry Association Poehlmann Hatchery, Hatchers of Better Quality Chicks. Breeding stock under the tf supervision of W. H. Warner. - iquimiht- HERE'S tf 's FOUR CQQKIH6 a real bargain. This beautiful MONARCH Electric cabinet base range with a complete outfit of high quality aluminum utensils . . . designed especially for electric cookery ... the entire assembly as illustrated above . '. . priced as a Christmas Special at less than the regular price of the range. Such an offer might mean little if made on an unknown range . . . but this is a MONARCH . . . the very acme of electric range its quality . . . famous for its "Speed-Oveneconomy and its beauty. This exceptional offer is made possible by a special concession from the manufacturer and cannot be extended beyond December 31st Be sure to see this remarkable value now on display in our show rooms. AT JOHN KEPT FOR SERVICE CHESTER White Boar At Kenneth Black-etttf corral. OR j Offer closes HOLSTEIN BULL KEPT FOR Service at W. H. Howell's corral. Rent Mrs. D. K. Brown. ' ' Installation Order your Christmas Trees Now. Oregon Fir Trees, $1.00 and $1.50 Nephi Drug Company. THREE ?v Price includes Complete FOR RENT THREE ROOM HOUSE Good location Phone 69. th Clocks Diaries Buying Now Insures a Fairly Complete Line To Choose From Mr. and- Mrs. Charles Haynes left last Saturday evening for Los Angeles, and Long Beach, California for an extended visit, where they will visit their children, who are residents of Southern California. They expect to visit with Bert and Clyde Haynes, Mrs. M. M. O'Gara, Mrs. Nellie Crandall, children of Mr. Haynes, and Bert Connell, son of Mrs. Haynes, and other friends and relatives. They expect to be absent from Nephi for the winter months. PURE BRED BOAR, KEPT FOR Service at Alvah Howell's Corral. sumption of candy throughout ths year, with the cold months and ths Christmas holidays marking the peak. "All holidays have their special candles and no confectioner ever passes a red letter day without paying It some fitting tribute in some specially designed candy, but he makes his greatest effort at Christmas. Even in countries where the Christmas tres is unknown, candy is a universally Latin America, present. popular where the Three Wise Men typify ths yuletlde spirit, supply their wise men with confectionery to be given as presents to youngsters as a reward for being good throughout the year." Santa's $30,000,000 worth of candy f all presents Is about the candy consumed during ths say tire year." Mr. Bunte said. Memory Books George 8 perry of San Jose, Cali fornia, Is spending a few weeks In Nephi, with his mother, Mrs. Emily J. Bperry, and brothers and sisters. Mr. S perry has been employed In the Cali fornia city for the past five or six years. FEW FACTS ABOUT BEES POP CORN Wilkeys. mil- Toasters Waffle Irons Percolators Atomizers Hand Bags Ivory Sets Vanities Kodaks Boudoir Lamps Sheaf fer Fountain Pens and Pencils Necklaces Bath Salts Pearls Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Carter spent last Saturday in Salt Lake City, where they visited with relatives and friend-- Times-New- s ; 1'-- Give Useful Gifts For Christmas HAPPENINGS Mr. and Mrs. E. Tanner returned to their home In Nephi Tuesday after spending several months In Provo. RULE DIVIDEND - It is the sincere wish of the First National Company to all the citizens of Nephi that Father Christmas leave infinite joy when he descends each Chimney on Christmas Thursday, December NEFHI, UTAH TMES-NEW- S, 'THE ONE PRICE HOUSE" Co. Dixon-Taylor-Russ- ell Nine Busy Furniture Stores |