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Show THE PAGE TWELVE LOCAL fio TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, HAPPENINGS Friday, April 27, 1928. POO WISE This coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kotany color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. o, entertained Friday evening for her children. Thirty five little guests were present Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs I I County Agricultural Agent A. E Smith returned last Friday front the Western portion of Juab county He was out in that section for thfe purpose of demonstration work in the control of rodent animals. P SEE OUR NEW LINE of WOMEN'S SILK RAYON UNDERWEAR We have Just Received another big lot e Women's Silk Rayon Underwear, See them. $1.00. EXTRA SPECIAL Extra Large Heavy Rath Towels 35c 3 for $1.00 e Wash Women's and Girls' high-grad- SPECIAL OFFER To acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are making a special offer for a short time only. Mrs. Leah Chase, left Wednesday for Salt Lake City, on account of the illness of her son Donald Chase, who was operated on at a Salt Lake hospital Wednesday. Mrs. D. K. Brown returned home last Saturday after spending the past four months visiting with her children In Arizona and California. Make your home inviting -.-with Color! S1Tt THERE SHOULD BE A FEW AVDRE PLACES RESERVED IN THE HALL OF FAMf FOR GOOD NWOrAEN DRIVERS - National Week May 0 Surely there we pieces of furniture in your home that need the brightening touch of the paint brush. Why not get some Acme Quality Enamel-Kot- e and do the job up right get any color you want. And how right now? You can Enamel-KotI Just a few strokes of e easy it is to use Acme the brush and there you have a brand new chair I Give your home a personal inspection and note the possibilities for beautifying by the simple means of paint. You've a I Egg -- Mrs. Dee Miller of Los Angeles, Is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -7 visiting Dressfcs j Al Miller this week. Mr. Miller has been manager of a large farm impleBig New line Percales and Wash Goods Just in. ment house in Los Angeles, but lias From May 1st Newest Patterns. See them. is National recently been transferred to San Following other lines Francisco. At present he is attend Egg Week. of activities the poultry industry of ing a convention at Seattle, America, which has now attaiDsd very prominent position in our Our Regular Prices The City officials wish to notify nation, has set apart the first week Why Pay More the residents of Nephi, that they in May to emphasize the import 10 lb. bag SUGAR . .77c 25 lb. bag $1.89 are going to put on an additional ance of the egg industry. The egg industry is fifth in the 2 for 25c night watchman to ride during the Can Peas and Tomatoes cattle and all field, with a quarter agricultural and up gather night, large . . 13c Jersey Corn Flakes small . . 9c horses that are roaming the streets. billion dollar yearly production. 15c, 20c and 25c can Eggs as a food are becoming The Mayor and city council are deGrape Fruit 25c sirous that the people who take more popular all the time. Thev are No. 2 Can Broken Slice Pineapple down their fences should be fully a wholesome part of the human 2 for 15c Pierces Tomato Soup . .' protected against animals damag- diet. can Peaches 19c Tomato Sauce 5c can No. 2 A 'wonderful change has taken ing their flower gardens and lawns, . 29c . .25c size . . 19c streets in Utah in regard to the 40c are the and place patrolled having Tips Asparagas Reg. at night, as well as the daytime. poultry industry. It iH onlv 35c 25c Libbys Rugon 2 cans for Anyone seeing horses or cattle roam- years ago that we were importing 5c Matches 3 boxes for 10c 6 boxes for . . 19c ing the streets should telephone to eggs. Now we are shipping- them 45c d lots to the great eastern the city officials, and they will see in Large White King Soap Powder are taken to the markets. Utah can well afford to 10 that the 29c eBtrays bars Soap Monday Sunny emphasize an increased consunip-tio- n city poundkeeper's corral. of eggs, and heln nromofo the sale of that come from All Prices and Our Compare ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE the poultry industry. OF THEIR SON Poultry people must boost their own industry; if you do not do it, don t expect others to be enthused Mr. and Mrs. Louis Garrett wishes about it. There is a great future for noul- to announce the marriage of their son J. E. Garrett to Miss Eugenia try in tUah. The industry is growBuchanon, of Venice, Utah, the ing, lets al lwork together and make marriage having been performed on Utah second to none in the producMay 30th, 1927. Mr. Garrett is a tion of eggs and poultry products. Junior at the B. Y. U. and has the Peat Coal in Fo mutton second highest rating in the college. us so is Peat, which Worked Long on Novctty extensively Mrs. Garrett is the daughter of CLASSIFIED ADS In Ireland, is actually coal in the first of Mr. and Mrs. Gean Buchanon Light housekeeping on a smal stage of development. Venice and has taught school at fcale goes on In a tiny doll's In a matchbox. Venice during the past year. She The de I have taken the Agency for the was a student at the B. Y. U. for of the minute apartments signet Softest Known Metal Sprlngvllle Floral Company and will two years, having graduated from Charles Aldrldne of Batterers. Kris The softest known metal la land, spent 35 years building It. .inri have Potted Plants and Cut Flowers that institution last year. the next being lead. for Mother's Day, May 13th. Erma making a doll small enough to be th high-grad- $1-0- Address 1- surprise in store and-7t- ACME QUALITY GROCERIES Paint dVarnish With the Spring- The South Ward Relief Society Arithmetic is being taught in HIGH SCHOOL NOTES some kindergartens; so It seems that gave a very fine entertainment atthe even the tiny tots have their days of ward chapel last night, and in order to give the other people of the city reckoning. Farm and Fireside. au opportunity to see this splendid (Continued from page 1.) entertainment, they have decided to And Nobody' Jealous 106 ft. 6 in.; Carl Belliston, 2nd 1st, torepeat the performance again, The only real romance in an David Austin, third. same 27th. The April night, Friday, life Is falling in love with low prices will prevail for tonight's Broad Jump, Carl Belliston, 1st, 18 Farm and Fireside ft. 11 hi in.; Ned Ostler, 2nd, Walperformance. lace Blackett, 3rd. 220 yd. Dash: Ray Lunt, 1st; Remarkable Surveying Ned Government surveyor? have run a Ostler, 2nd; Gean Worthington, Heroism Simple level across the United States with an We can all be heroes In our rlrtnea. 3rd. h Pole Vault: Carl Bellitrton, fiirst, of error of no more than In our homes. In onr lives. James 10 ft; James Smith, second; Bert foot. Rills. s J DOC WISS ego-tiat'- s one-tent- Powell, third. Wallace Blackett, 2,20 Hurdles: 1st; Grant Sperry, 2nd; Cline Leavitt, 3rd. 880 yd. dash: Gean Worthington, 1st; Willis Linton, 2nd; Maurice Starr, 3rd. Relay 880 yd: Sophomores, 1st; Seniors, 2nd; Juniors, 3rd. r The annual election of student was held body officers for 1928-2- 9 last week. The results were as follows: President, Easton Clariage; Lucille Evans; Secretary and Treasurer, Maxine Carter; Reporter, Lorna Kendall; Editor, Mabel Wilson; sport manager, Dee Hawkins; yell master, .Maurice Chase chief of police, Veloy Vest; judge, Lynn Greenwood; attorney, Bert Powell. Vice-Preside- Mike Gannon, test car driver of The General Tire and Rubber Co., and former nationally known athlete, believes the law of averages makes chances for accident In his more frequently than In the case of the average work, occur .motorist- Gannon and his men wear out many new automobiles In their work of testing new type tires for the General factory engineers. A new Fork coupe purchased March 1. this year will he worn out and Junked or sold as an old car May 31, after running about 62,000 miles In the 90 period. Recent similar runs with new type Fords and Chevro-let- s demonstrated for General engineers that a 30x4.75 tire will go several thousand miles farther on these cars than a 29x of 30x4. GO tire, usually put on at the factories: also that tires, will go farther carrying even number of passengers than they will carrying odd numbers and that tires will give the best mileage on 32 to 35 pounds of air, depending upon the average passenger load. The men In the picture are Mike Gannon, left, and Mike Fitzpatrlck. Phone 246 SILVER MAPLE Ncpbi, Ut. SERVICE The Senior class had their annual Senior Sluff Day last Friday. They spent the day at the Snow Normal College at Ephralm. In the morning they went to an Interesting assembly, and spent the afternoon at the track meet and picture show. The day ended with a Orand Ball. Everyone enjoyed during the day. themselves all The Seniors are all displaying their class rings. From all the reports that are coming In we believe they are the "Classiest" rings that any class has had'for a number of years. It Is a question whether or not the school will be able to get along without us next year but we will try and leave our high standards and all of our good dualities to the school so they can go on with the work of the N. 11. 8. after we leave. We are proud of the class that is graduating this year with cue of the highest records ever made by a claim of the Nephi High. Our commencement program has been arranged which will be a fitting cllmar to our four years work in the school. Cam- Paint-U- p Our stocks of colors now complete. Let us show you at the Nephi Merc. Co. & SONS A masternlece ot tlnv occupant. craft. It Is completely furnished, even to on he walls and u cover Ing on the table. and Clean-U- p - SAVE. Lunt. - paign now on, and everyone endeavoring to the utmost to earn for our city the admiration of tourists and visitors as well as the satisfaction that comes to ourselves in having beautiful surrounding's we all admit there is nothing- that adds to the appearance of a home more than a new coat of paint. car-loa- Day now - e, . Sum ... It's economical to use Acme Quality Enamel-Kotthe beautiful, an- during finish. For interior woodwork of every kind. Sec coupon above. 1- -2 5. FOOTE ' !i I r i "Tnr"n rm m i i miTi i! REOO S.PAT. OFF. Depend Upon "Caterpillar" TO VVAj you through When the late rains hold up your ranch work far beyond the usual time, and the quick change to warmer weather threatens the efficiency of your spring cultivating when it becomes necessary to double up in order to get important work done on time, and you keenly feel In need of more power to do your work DEPEND UPON "CATERPILLAR" TO PULL YOU THROUGH! Get the thrill of surplus power feet the firm grip oi 'Caterpillar" Tracks, delivering that power at thfe drawbar in any soil, any weather! Know the satlsfectlon of freedom from delays. Make the most of your time, your soil, your rainfall. Collect bigger dividends on your ranch investment.. With "Caterpillar" Power and Traction, you can handle larger units perform two or more Jobs in one operation increase production per man and reduce cost per acre. 236 Y. Landes & Company Salt Lke So. Temple St . WOMEN HAVE TRIED TO DUPLICATE THE MEr? IN EVERY WAY EXCEPT THE MU9TA9H,I,E1 THEM TRY 1WATAWH1LB Here's A Tip For The Fellows Who Graduate This Year When it comes right down to buying a most for your money" clothing- value, there are several things to consider be- fore you can make up your mind you've found it Words alone do not prove, You have to Style, Fit and Quality. try the clothes on, . . they must fit you ...they must he becoming to you individually ., .they must be of material and workmanship that is an evidence of quality. That's why we say, conic in and try on those we're offering now, tailored by CLOTIICRAFT. After you have, it will be an easy matter to select a suit that fits your figure fittingly. A real "more for your money value" too. $22.50 to $45.00 r7 jMlif n Clothcraft Tailored Clothes The Toggery fc,. ,;7 ) ... ft City i |