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Show Friday, April 27, 1928 THE TIMES-NEW- PAGE NINE NEPIIL UTAH S Air Cadets, America's Future Flyers, Organize Ship Runs Aground in Uncle Sam's New Canal " ftgf fe v Iff X f 1 This vessel, the passenger steamer New York, from Boston for New York, ran aground in the Cape Cod canal recently was purchased by the United States government The passengers were all removed unhurt and the steamship was not damaged. which Soldiers Leave fcr Three Years in Panama Island Where View of the S. S. St. Mihtel leaving her pier at New York for Panama, car rying enlisted men to duty in tb Cannl Zone for the next three years. In the foreground are friends and relatives of the soldiers giving them a cheery sendoff. TSggav. ,, .... WyiMtffW"'- fx fii.'Cirv si'i r.m 14' is i Flyers Landed German-Iris- h IJlL - fc -' aw$?3 4 i tv ? V r View of Greenly Island in Belle Isle straits, shown, g the lake on the frozen surface of which the crew of the plane Bremen landed after their extraordinary lliyht across the Atlantic from Ireland. WINS A BIG PRIZZ " ! Wff Here is a group of members of the Air Cadets of America, with their model planes. They have an airport near Hadley field, New Jersey, provided by Philip Castelano, a wealthy aviation enthusiast Left to right they are: Maj. Sgt. Nicholas Bartolotta, First Sgt, Diego de Caro, Angelo de Caro, Diego Mancuso, Jr. ; Sgt. Salvator Angell and James Bagge. 'I?, T"7" !: Wife Attends Trial With Sinclair Herman-Iris- h Chinese Flood and Famine Refugees 'KING" OF COCOS 1 s,v 9 t' v. v. x' ' j ' A -- fey J , .11 laundries of the I'nlted j - Mrs. Mervyn ruinnngan of Portliitid. -- - Ore., who won the world's prize of a trip around the plnlm and SJiiHl to hoot, for her essay titled "Why the My Washli.s." Laundry Should I IIjIs contest was sponsored by the 4 ' " ' - 1 1 I' 'II - 1 , Jlj - St;itos and were re- C'nniidii. nnd 1.01l.:iTJ essay ceived from competitor!. Mrs. nlso won the Oregon state prize of $225. Fred Sutter, who was recently z appointed by President Blcnrdo of Costa Ilica as 'king" of Cocos Island In the South Pad lie, where the largest unfound treasure In the world Ilea burled. The buccaneer. Captain Morgan, plundered the brie Mary .11m-Ine- Pim-tiaga- n OFFERS AIR PRIZ: Sinclair, oil magnate on trial In Waslmiton for nlleged Harry consjiiracy, with Mm, Sinclair, who attends every session of the court with l.er husband. K. Three Columbia Seniors Honored Dyers, Inden with $ l.'.tHKMH'O l A5?' 4. i- w Singer's Home Given to War Veterans 1 M I I $f& y - If vnn Nye-il- t, Baron Ouy van chairman of tht; P.oynl Aero rluli. who 1ms olTered n prize of ?(i.".r(t for the first nonstop flisrlit from New York to CKtend. The between June flight i.it'st !e mnd "JO Hi:d of tliit year. July Dai'y Practice "Maud lKists tint fhe can a tlr- - more quickly llirin n m;in." "Well, consider bow mtuh more piucii' n girl tins In changing nttire." 1 IT- V : Straw blankets, thrown over a piece of rope, form the only shelter for many hundreds of Chinese peasants who were fortunate enough to escajni the famine and Yellow river floods, which have left 4 . x , i Orientals starving in Shantung province. OCEAN FLYER 1 .. worth of Peruvlnn treasure, nnd went to Cocoa. The crew mutinied anil killed each other. Sutter Is looking for a queen to marry before he sets out to search for the treasure. Jx. S V . U ' l v - : f !iT-::.:.--.-;- V:- imiwiti nn thiee seniors of Columbia :( men : MWahaifcJiiMMiJ bt have been honored university ly their rlamnte. I .eft to ricbt: William Ma'Men, rbs n ns the het athlete; Serg Slcherbitisky, roost ntdnt lover, ond Perce C. Howe, tiie most dignified, of all students of the unhersity. Mere nie ,l mn,,.. mi n n j .ii ...... Tl Ii MnJ. James l'itzmaurice of the Irish Tree State nir force who flew across the Aflanti. with P.aron Von llueneman nnd Captain Koehl in the plan"? Bremen. Mine. Schumann I famous singer, hns presented to the teiernns of the World war her beautifid estate a' Grossmont, southern California, as tm expression of her love for the men who called her mother." The phot graph shows a corner of the house and grounds. |