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Show THE NEf HI, TIMES-NEW- S, UTAH f3E CLASSIFIED Our Best AOS I I HAPPENINGS LOCAL Wishes to our Customers and Friends for their liberal patronage' during the past year, and we hope that the present cordial will continue throughout the M Our Greetings go out to you in the hope that the New Year will be bigger, brighter and more Prosperous than ever TO ltriLl) WKLL Nephi Plaster 1 1 HAS NO EQUAL g The Largest and Purest Natural Deposit of Gypsum Io The World jjj I NEPHI PLASTER 1g AND MFG. COMPANY Ilill!IIIIIIIIIIHIIIII!IIII!lli:illlllllll!!lillllI!lllll!llll!llll!l'!!l!i:illllll'!l"' ed happiness and prosperity the coming year. May your business dealings with others be as pleasant as ours have been with you. I Clapl.lira rutiiKitAl tin. via from. Twin Bridges. Mm.. yesterday tana, where she haa besn visiting with relatives for a few weeks. She was accompanied from Salt Lake by Mr. ClaridKe. 1 Poople who are suffering from Pyorrhea, sore, bleeding and inflamed gums, to use Townsend's Guaranteed Cure. At your Drui' Store. We wish all our friends oi rid. ru T." o I j A Joyous and Prosperous New Year Lost a brown fountain pen with The out of town teachers left for two locker keys attached. Finder their homes in various parts of the return to Dorothy Stephenson. state Wednesday to spend the holiSchool days with their relatives. Lost a bunch of ksys. Finder 'will re. .open again until Alan., not office. .News call TJie Times. day, Januury 6th. Lost a big log chain In the South The PooH of Mnrmem was portray.. West part of town. Kinder notify td in song and tory Sunday afterClarence Paxman. noon at the Tabernacle, under the WHKUK GOOD M KIM 'H A NPISK IS (IIKAI'KK auspices of the Nephi Ward Sunday nota Finder Lost wrist watch, A large audience numberSchool. ify Miss Rheta Carter, ttv the Times ing six hundred, greatly appreciated ..News office. the efforts of those, who took part. E3E By the use of lantern slides various boar white Chester bred Pure colored effects were given which kept for service S. R. Winn. CHILDREN'S FATAL DISEASES CARD OF THINKS made the production take on the Worms and parasite in the intestine form of a pageant. of children health undermine and o We wish to sincerely thank our Not Mnrfs Frvm Rice weaken their vitality that they are unable ACCREDITED CHICKS friends and relatives for their Rice paper thul is used so exten many to resist diseaars ao the fatal to child life. Which Foot the Shoe I On FOR SALE The safe course ia to five a few dose of assistance at the death and funeral lively In the imipufaeture of cigarThe rcHsnmiltleness uf wnise ettes is not niaip from rice kernels White' Cream Vermifuge. It destroys of our dear little girl. Also thor Write for our prices first, fviow U the on whether you are dolag It or and or straw, but Is the product of tunirsna. an 4 expels the worms without the slight- who spoke words of comfort future for done. It in Iliiluth Uenild order time to get yout delivery. est injury to the health or activity of the rendered musical numbers at having a pithy plant that is grown In China. tlm child. Price 35c. Sold by Korpn and Japan. White Hatchery sells only S. C, White services, all of which we are en pec . Ll'XT PHARMACY X. tally grateful for. Leghorn AA accredited chicks at single flans Boot Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fowkea an.l XOTICK TO rUKMTORS Your ConverHon A prices. Full count arid safe delivery family. Estate of Lewis U. Quarnberg. de"PERFUME" guaranteed. ceased. Creditors will present claims ACCRl.IITl: WHITE LK;ilOK "Perfumes," nuw used as lux Write for Price List No. 50. with vouchers to the undersigned at OC.U.ITV for Spring 192... (HICKS necessities. urles, once wer his residence at .Mills. Juab County. di WHITE HATCHERY livery from CKKTIFIKH KMX KS Tlie word comes from the Latin on State of or before the 23rd Utah, nf selected, heavy-layinPetaluma.Califoinia fn e .rang j words which mean "from" and day of February, A. D. 1925. ben mated to double pedigree cock"smoke." The first perfume? JOHX WILLIAMS, erels from famous specialists. N. were derived from the Administrator of the Estate of lights or forcing method In . no of aromatic woods and Li ghtning Strike Rarely Lewia Q. Quarnberg, Deceased. breeding. 100 per cent delivery gums. They were used originalW. A. C. Bryan, Attorney for Adminonly one in every 100 flashes of light-ni- t guaranteed. IllUHtrated Chick Hook, ly to counteract the odors .v'lic'i reach earth. thp istrator. attractive prices and othr Informatresulted from (he horning of Date of first publication. Dec. 19, ion gladly sent on request. Establish . flesh In living sacrifice. 1924. ed 1S98. L. F. Jules de I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j- M Payer Date of last publication Jan. 9th, MI ST IMTOI IXCTHATOU CO. Ine 1925. I7H Seven'h Slreot IVIhIiiiiio, Cullf. Nephi Merc. Co. Chas. Foote & Sons 1 prompts us to wish you increas- line of Mr. and Mrs. Aymer Peterson of Mutual Richfield. Utah, spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Elizabeth Jennings, mother of Mrs. Peterson. R. C. A. first to talk across AtlanMr. and Mrs. R. A. Morris, came tic Ocean by Radio. Product Bold by down from Logan, Utah, yesterday Judd Garage. to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ockey, parents of Mrs. WANTED! coming year. Well" Season We carry a complete Poultry Feed and Corn Creamery Co. re-atio- ns "He IJuilds Wisely Who Builds The Spirit of the Clyde Olpin came down from Salt have a com Met" line or elbrtric Lake yesterday to spend the holimaterial. See ma for any electrical days here. work you may have. C. J. Pyper 96 West Center Street. Otis Horton, who has been 111 the past two weeks with pneumonia, ia R. C. A. first to send pictures to now recoverlug elowly. Europe by Radio. Sold by Judd Mrs. Kenneth Kendall, came down Garage. from Provo yesterday to spend the Let Frank fix it. All kinds of holidays with her parents. Novelty Work. Give, me a trial. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Abner C, Blgler, Sparks Phone 158J. have gone to Salt Lake City for an leave your ord- extended visit with relatives. PIANO TUNING ers at the Dixon. .Taylor. .Russell Co, Sheriff Pan Martin was over from for piano tuning. K. p. Mayhew. to Eureka Wednesday attending Let John A. Orme design you a some QdieiiU business in this city. Radio to fit your pocket book. Sut Isfaction or your money hack. More Clyda Ockey came down from Salt than 12 years experience in Radio. Lake yesterday to spend the holi Call Orme Shop or Tlione 14BJ, days here, I g, n I 1 1 1 1 1 mmmM WE THANK YOU ItKorporataJL 571 DEPARTMENT STORES A THE GOOD -- A WILL Jiy. - UiiJiK of our patrons and friends is one of our most valuable assets. The spirit of the Season brings to us renewed appreciation of our Old and New Friends. The J. C. Penney Company, its St, off- and personnel, extends to all the people of East Juab County their best wishes for A Happy and Prosperous New Year. (, iiipiain vt ihe Univer- sity of I ctiDijIvanU o,ccer team, aajrf there is a k'mhI lot of football materlHj iti'mt 'li'nese atudeni who an J.uii'ii' ii,.ifl by lack of proper coachIj. was horn lo Tientsin ing. H'xis. Oertnan parents, lived In China for tt rt r Jm1- I'. I., ile Payer, ) feam and a ef-j("hloeM !!' ffimous i'rt ni li nn tlc explorer. youth arc ynlhuslastlr almut Amerl-ta- n Fr:ru next M.irWi lr;ne sifirts aal fame. II learned ith airplanes, to pisy aorref trhila la a. bo4 at Tlent-alo- . I;in5rlp)) ll.ml and bemma supplies nnd a rrew of sever meuiber at turn i'ena n ' n uml will stten a ill.-- ht frfxr mjiiad In hit freshman year. Maw b there to the North prU. la rlaswd aa fn of the best player tn fr tw-jen- rs- An.erlrso n;i!ixrann!r:n:';n!i;!iiii:;i:::ii;;i;:!i:.!i:r5!.r:nn:; icers rotloftsfe a S Nice ! FOR YOUR CAR THIS IS THE PLACE 1 I Call 1 g SILVER MAPLE. ranks. e Something! s "Sure' I I 1,11 op You" II May Your Every Anticipated Joy In The New Year Be Fulfilled 1 I 1 G() ANYWHERE TO SELL INSURANCE Mans K. Jennings Fire, A" to, Life Insurance Ix vaii, Utah 4li.lU'il').Mltl end r . 3 For Our Wonderful Success During the Past Year 1 1 The Toggery |