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Show f I T1IE Progress to Date 10 Per Cent Ahead of Original Plans; Colorado Bore Nearly a Third Complete Denver. The Moffat tunnel, piercing the continental divide of the Rocky mountains west of here, and one of the world's greatest railroad d complete I bores, is nearly and is 10 per cent ahead of the time schedule set by the builders. To date, the pioneer, or water, tunnel has been bored 6500 feet from the east portal and 5490 from the west portal, or more than of the distance. The main beading has penetrated James peak 6316 feet from the east portal and 4700 feet from the west. The crosscut tunnels connecting the main and water bores at Intervals or from 1300 to 1500 feet, have reached a total of 520 feet. Each of these crosscut tunnels is approximately seventy-fiv- e feet in length. The full size railway tunnel has penetrated 3094 feet from the east and 531 feet froi.) the western portal. At present the work of enlarging the main heading, which is being drilled seven and one-haby nine will be 16x24 feet, is proceeding twice as fast as the work at the front. At this ratio, tunnel engineers estimate within a year this work will be abreast of the main heading. The slowness of progress on the western end is accounted for by the fact that builders have encountered soft shale and dirt rather than solid rock. This necessitates timbering every foot of the way at a cost of more than flOO per linear foot. At the east portal solid rock was found after the first few hundred feet and enabled the contractors to speed up the work materially. That the work through the winter months will proceed even more rapidly than during the summer is the Absence prediction by engineers. of visitors through the month when the camps are snowbound, and the lessening likelihood of workmen drifting from their jobs account for theis prediction, it was explained . The men are comfortably housed in camps at each end of the tunnel, where stocks of provisions sufficient for three months are at hand. Each camp has a medical dispensary and hospital with a doctor and nurse in constant attendance. Fatalities, however, have been almost nil, but one death resulting from accident during the seventeen months the work has bee in progress. Terms of the contract call for the completion of the project not later than July 1927. The opening of the tunnel to railroad traffic will start the development of a vast tract of virgin territory in northwestern Colorado, a region heretofore not reached by railroad lines. In this territory lie vast coal deposits, oil shale beds and oil fieds as yet untapped except for one or two isolated wells that have come in for flows estimated at several thousand barrels a day. one-thir- one-thir- d lf Sikl Goes to Jail Memphis, Tenn. "I!attlin" Sikl. the Senegalese negro; his wife, who is a Memphis Degress, and her brother were arrested following a disturb- IN SALT LAKE CITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MAKES SURVEY TO DETERMINE POPULATION i More Women Than Men by 860; In Five Years 4,737 Dwelling Houses and 5,642 More Families Geneva. Actively supporting league of nations is Dr. B. Blinagainst ishti, Albinia's permanent representative in Geneva, who spent a strenuous Sunday circulating information in an endeavor to justify the appeal of Bishop Fan S. Noli, Albana's for intervention. Dr. Blinishti issued a series of communiques fresh from Bishop Noli at Tirana, insisting that the people of Albania, far from revolting against the existing regime, have become more united in "combating the foris proeign invader." Jungo-Slaviclaimed as the invader. Further, the communiques allege the seizure of guns near the frontier bearing marks which prove that they were furnished by the army. Prisoners captured by Bishop Noll's legions are claimed in the communiques to have admitted that they participated in incursions into Albania by orders of the commander at Priz rend. One of the statements says that soldiers of Bulgarian origin who had taken refuge in are also among the invaders and are in charge of the heavy and light artillery." It declares that "the entire transport of munitions and general war material is being done by Jugoslavia automobiles." Another communiques issued by Dr. Blinishti characterizes as an invention out of the whole cloth the report that the insurgent chiefs at El Bas-sacondemned to death Premier Noli and all the members of the ministry. Meanwhile the council of the league of nations, which has just completed a session in Rome, finds itself confronted with a Balkan conflict which it is recognized will require delicate handling and which probably will necessitate a special meeting of the council. Premier Noli himself, who likes to make the journey to Geneva and whose picteresque and ironical address at the last assembly of the council made him the most outstanding figure which had visited Geneva in some time, still is actively seeking a loan for his country. As he sauntered through the streets of the city he was easily recognized by his bushy black beard and was pointed out by many as one of the most curious political figures in Europe. Some advices reaching Geneva insist that the failure of Premier Noli to raise the loan needed to give realization to his democratic dreams is one of the chief causes for his present dif's a bishop-premie- r, a Jugo-Slaviu- n Jugo-SIavi- ficulties. The Geneva Tribune declares the present revolution is a natural counter coupe of the Albanian events in July; that it is the logical sequence of the unceasing struggles which smeared with blood the reign of the Prince of Weid and brought into conflict since the proclamation of independence the feudal clans and groups of nationalist democrats Noli. now led by Cosmetics Come High Washington siderably The nation spent more than con- $ Yields Kegs of Firs Water Provinrctown, Mass. From Wood-EnLight to Fernet, more than fifteen miles off the sandy shores of the tip of Cape Cod, five gallon cans of alcohol in wooden cases came bobbing ashore or else floated along outside the surf. Coast guardsmen located and dentroyed many of them. The Race Point station accounted for more than forty cases. The absence the coast of wreckage Indicated, guard officials said, that the cases were thrown overboard. 8ea APPRDPRIAT ID RANCHER BILL PRESENTED TOTAL OF VARIOUS ESTIMATES BRINGS SUM UP TO 1763,810,522 Largest Peacetime Supply Demand Ever Presented to Congress; Some Departments Are Reduced FAILS Ifl DEER DRIVE HEAVY SNOW IN MOUNTAINS PREVENT MUCH ADVERTISED ANIMAL DRIVE Animals in Kaibab Forest Refuse to Act Like Cattle; Movie Men Battle Storm Back to Flagstaff residential tele16,791 in Salt Lake, an increase of 2968 in the five years. Inasmuch as the figures show 33,852 families residing in the city, the average is one telephone to every two families. there are a n Lake City. Salt Lake's pupu-latio- n is 141,732. This figure was announced by the Salt Lake chamber of commerce following the annual surey conducted during the past few months. The figure shows an increase of 33,662 or 20 per cent over the 118,110 given in the United States enumeration of January, 1920. For the metropolitan district of Salt Lake, it ia estimated that the opening of 1925 will find 180,079 persons residing in this vicinity, which is more than a 20 per cent increase over the number here in 1920. There are 860 more of the fair sex in Salt Lake than men, according to the survey, while of the nurriber over 21 years of age, the males have the call, with a surplus of sixty. In the five years, 4737 more dwellings were added to the city's prosperity, while 5642 more families came to Salt Lake to live, the survey reveals. The Mountain States Telephone & that Telegraph Company reports Salt appeal to the Jugo-SIavi- Notes News From A Parts of UTAH 11 Price. Aleck Marshal, 40, a coal minor employed at the Spring Canyon Coal company, at Standardville, was instantly killed in a cave-i- n while working in the mine with his old son, who escaped injury. 17-ye- ar Representatives Now in Geneva Are Busy Circulating Information That They Are in Need of Help I'.uch-enan- Howie Succeeds Bundy Washington. Secretary Weeks has elected Major General Robert L. Howze, commanding the First cavalry division at El Paso, Tex , to succeed Major General Omar Bundy as commander of the Fifth corps area, with headquarters at Columbus, 0., when the latter retires next June. General Howie holds the distinguished service medal for services during the World War and citations for at Santiago during the Spanish war. 141,752 PEOPLE X ALBANIA'S APPEAL AGAINST JUGOSLAVIA MAY CAUSE SPECIAL MEET for Its perfumes, cosmetics and toilet preparations last year according to figures made public by the census bureau, showing aa tnrrettse over V.Vll of ap. proximately ai.ot0,0O0. The total In that year wag !0.0.V5.0ai. The figures revealed that HiS.7,073 was spent In 1!2.I for druggist preparations of ell kinds Including cosmetics, patent medicines and romKunds. as compared with $:m,U'2,2fH in Uttl. The Prince Born on Pullman manufacturing census is taken every lArnmle. A young Hawaiian prince two years, and the figures represent ramie last week. Itorn on the wholesale prices of the goods. graced I'ullmnn car on a train n route from San Francisco to Inver, the Nlppont Frown on Maneuvers Toklo. Thn Tal IH society, In a newly horn son of Prince I.el Kanl, and the mother, were taken from the put. lie meeting, adopted a resolution train and placed In a hospital here. of protest against the IPJTi American The condition of both Princess linl naval maneuvers In the Pacific, ex. and Iht son was reported good. pressing hope that they tie abandoned "out of due regard for International Killed at Skating morality and In the cause of world , pence." A committee was appointed Plttshiirg. Kan. Samuel Kny son of Thomas I'.u. to present copies of the resolution to hnnan, a miner, was Instantly killed Tnlted States Ambassador Kdgar A. when he Ktumhlcfc on a tie and fell Bancroft and to the ambassadors of Santa Ym frelrht train while those countries pnrtlrlpnting In the under Washington conference. at Kadley, near here. skating ance in a fiishionahle suburban here. The pnrty entered the restaurant and called for service. T'p-being Informed that the restaurant was exclusively for white persons, Sikl and his party are said to have protested vigorously. A charge of drunk and disorderly wns plncd ai'sinst the three and Sikl spent the night In the city Jail. a BEFORE LEAGUE PROGRESS! GREAT BORE THROUGH MOUNTAINS IS BEING PIERCED WITH RAPIDITY NEPIII. UTAH S, Finis BALKANS AGAIN MOFFAT TUNNEL IS TIMES-NEW- Washington. The largest peace Flagstaff, Ariz. Efforts of man time supply bill ever presented to to relieve the plight of thousands of congress a measure carrying more deer starving in the Kaibab nations than of a bilion do- al forest met failure when George llars for treasury and postoffice de- McCormick, veteran cattleman, conpartment activities during the coming ceded the futility of an attempt to fiscal year was reported by the drive the herd across the inaccessible chasm of the Grand Canyon of the house appropriation committee. Colorado River. The total is $763,810,522 or Insurmountable obstacles encounmore than for the current tered by McCormick's army of cow$12,000,000 boys and Indians in a blinding blizyear, but approximately less than budget estimates. zard that swept the wilderness, obOf the combined total, $126,911,-10- 7 literated the hopes of the intrepid inwould go to the treasury and vaders and stampeded the animals in $636,209,415 to the postoffice depart- all directions. The first word of the outcome of ment. Included in the treasury item is the drive an unparalelled task in western range annals was brought $11,000,000 for enforcement of pro- to Arizona by a score hibition $783,120 more than recom- of Flagstaff, motion picture men, who bucked mended by the budget, buO341,770 great drifts and sleet storms in auless than the total available this tomobiles to come from the scene of year. The bill carries $20,597,835 for the attempted roundup, north of the the coast guard, which is being used canyon. They were accompanied by to prevent liquor smuggling. Among Zane Grey, the author. the post office department items is McCormick's plan was to drive the transcontinental deer across a slender trail over the $2,000,000 for the air mail service $150,000 less than mesas and precipices stretching for the amount granted for this year. more than thirty miles in the canyon Chairman Madden estimated psr to the south rim, where better feedmanent and indefinite appropriations ing grounds awaited the congested for the treasury department which re- herd, which has added thousands to quire no legislative action would ag- its numbers since the Kaibab was He expects created a national game refuge by gregate $1,340,853,955. a reduction from $865000,000 to Roosevelt in 1906. The film men, who had planned to $830,000,000 next year in interest on the public debt. An automatic in- screen the drive, arrived in advance crease in the sinking fund was esti- of the more than 150 cowmen with mated at $310,000,000 this year and McCormick in the Kaibab awaiting a lull in the storm before packing for $323,175,000 next year. The bill carries $16,656,200 for the the return trip. Food and supplies customs service $322,940 less than of the motion picture men's party appropriated last year; $417,600 for were left with McCormick's band to last them the three days that will be the federal farm loan bureau; for the internal revenue ser- required for their journey on foot for and horseback to Flagstaff. vice, including the $11,000,000 $9,103,101 Eneirely untrackable and showing' prohibition enforcement; for the public health service and unexpected wildness, the deer refused for mint and assay offices. to be herded and less than a thousNo provision is made for mainten- and of the animals were visible from ance after July 1 of the assay offices points of eminence above the plateau at Deadwood, S. D., and Salt Lake occupied by the film men, it was reElimination of these offices ported here. After a day of fighting City. was recommended by the administra- against the gale, I McCormick definitely gave up the plan to encircle the tion. "From the evidence obtained by herd, the film men said. On the west side of the Kaibab the committee," said the report, "there is no decrease in work to be separated by a range of impassable from the scene of McCoperformed in the enforcement of the canyons, rmick's attempted roundup another prohibition and narcotic act as to part of the great herd is being rejustify at the present time a decrease duced under a limited huntirer plan, in the organization." The committee recommended that authorized by the state and the fornot to exceed $50,000 be expended estry service. Whether hunting will "for the dissemination of informa- be permitted on the east side of the tion and appeal for law observance refuge in view of the failure of the and law enforcement through the use drive could not be learned here. of posts and other modes of public Pennies Buy Memorial appeal." A statue Iloston. of Iaddle Hoy, mail The appropriation for air service is $150,000 less than the White House pet of the Harding adamount available for this year, but ministration, made from pennies con. does not contemplate reduction of trlbuted by newsboys throughout the t'nlted States, will be turned over to service. the Smithsonian Institution of WashWilting to Run ington, where It will remain as th San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. Florence newsboys' memorial to President Prag Kahn, widow of Congressman Harding, their friend. The statue wa Julius Kahn, who died at his home to have been presented to Mrs. Hard-Inhud she lived. Approximately here last Thursday, announced that she would accept a nomination to l.'.ftOO newsboys' pennies have already succeed him in congress. been contributed. three-quarter- $11,-890,6- $48,-021,8- phones Among other facts ascertained by the survey were: Report of City Water Assessor George Lindholm of 20,430 domestic water services in the city at the close of 1919 and 23,789 at the close of 1924t an increase of 3359, or 16.5 per cent. Increase of 15 per cent in the enrollment of public and other schools at the the close of 1924 close of 1919. as compared with Game Is Killed in Parks Washington. Several hundred native wild animals under the protection of the national park service, have been killed by hunters during the recent season. Two hundred and fifty elk, vhich had become restless and left the Yellowstone park, were slaughtered during the last week in Heavy snows in the Glacier National Park in Montana have driven elk anu deer to the lower valleys and out of the park limits. Fifteen deer were killed in and around Bel-toMont., by hunters within a mile of the park. Wounded deer made for the park again, but were caught in the river before reaching their refuge. Oteher national parks, the interior department announced, . report that wild gauie within their limits are in splendid condition. No-emb- n, Opposes Inaugural Ball provided he does not havi to attend. The president believes that those who like to dance should be permitted to do so, but he does not 'care for dancing and consequently will not attend any balls where he might be expected to participate in that pastime. Prophetress Has World Vision Paris. President Coolidge will abandon his post Russia will change its government England will witness a tremendous growth of socialism. The King of Italy will have many troubles. Spain may revolt against the directorate. These are the principal phophesies for 1924, issued by Mme. Teleme, self styled "prophetress of the stars." Christmas Mail Burns Worthington, Minn. One hundred sacks of Christmas mail were destroyed here when the mail car of a Chicago, SL Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway company passenger train caught fire from an overheated stove and burned to the trucks. Divorced Woman Sell, Bonds York. Mrs. Edith Rockefeller McCormick of Chicago, daughter of John D. Rockefeller and divorced wife of Harold McCormick, is offering $1,337,500 bonds in the invest- New ment market Utah Embeizler Is Pardoned Explosion Kills Four Salt Lake City. 9. W. Ross, emSeattle, Wash. Four known dend bezzler, former cashier of the state two others believed dead and two In. land office who pilfered! moro than Jured form the toll of an explosion In $10,000 of state fundi and whom DiHumett mine of the Pacific const strict Judge G. A. Iverson recommend- the coal company, 27 miles south of Panders Are Warned Philadelphia, Pa. General Butler, director of public safety, and hfs police force must not be caricatured by the participants in thia New Year's mummers' parade, managers of the event were told in a communication ed should be kept in prison seven bodies Charles of The Klrhy. years, was released on parole to his ft. II. Washburn, Elmer Crlppen, surf from a city council committee. Heretofore the parade has been marked wife by the state board of pardons have been brought to than twenty F.lmer after he had served 1 rpeclal divisions in which burlesby months. Ross was th most notor- the surface. Harry Humecke l In a ques of current events have been ious of those applicants for clemen- hospital here In a critical condition, featured. Female impersonators cy on whose petitions the board past and R. Lazarus also Is In thi hospital, were- Instructed to wear adequate ed. lis 1 not sxpected to livo. wrap. - Robert H. McCoy and Farmington. to Archie Wilcox were sentenced serve not less than five years and to the period of their natural lives in the Utah state prison by Judge George S. Barker in the Second district court upon their pleas of guilty to a charge of robbery in connection with their holring up and robbing the Bountiful State bank of $750 December 5. Salt Lake City. Salt Lake's participation in the natonal dog derby at Ashton, Idaho, February 22, is assured. It was announced by the special committee of the chamber of commerce that ten German police dogs will be taken from the city, fully trained, and seven will be entered in the race. Last year's race and one-hal- f was over a twenty-fiv- e mile course. The assets of the Bingham. Cen- tral bank have been purchased by the First National bank of which E. Chandler tional bank and has is regarded banks in the Geo. is owner. The First Nais capitalized for $100,-00- 0 a surplus of $25,000 and as one of the strongest state. Salt Lake City. Damage, roughly estimated at from $15,000 to $25,000, was done by a fire which destroyed part of the buildings and equipment at Beck's Hot Springs. The blaze was burning fiercely when the fire department arrived about 1 o'clock, but an hour later Fire Chief W. H. Bywater announced that the flames were under control. The loss is said to be covered by insurance. Salt Lake City. New traffic ordinances for Salt Lake which will relieve congested conditions in the business district were discussed at thet meeting of the city commission. The elimination of left-hanturns in the middle of blocks and shorter parking hours for automobiles and the rerouting of street cars, thus taking them from Main Street, were among the remedies suggested. Salt Lake City. Gasoline tax re ceipts for November will total $62,-00- 0, it was estimated by Charles Heiner, chief deputy in the secretary of state's office. The figure will $2000 less than for October. d t President Coolidge Washington. put his foot down on suggestions for his inaugural reception. He does not object to a ball held in connection with the inauguration, Ogden. Much protest against tha building of the proposed isolation hospital on" the grounds of the Dee hospital is being shown by the residents of that section through the circulation of a petition. The hospital is to be built and maintained by the county. ' Hyrum. Fire destroyed the Allen Brothers general store of this city. The amount of damage is said to be over $25,000, of which $14,000 was covered by insurance. Salt Lake City. The University of Utah requested the state board of examiners to authorize a deficit of $9,263.83 in the maintenance account of the institution. The petition will be considered at an early meeting of the board. Dr. George Thomas, president, said that the figure represent the amount spent in securing five dinosaur skeletons from the Jensen quarry. The skeletons were obtained for an exceptionally low expenditure. Dr. Thomas said, since the Pittsburg Museum spent nearly tern times as much in obtaining a similar collection. Spanish Fork. The Spanish Fork Fish and Game association has gone on record as heartily in favor of protecting catfish in Utah lake. At a meeting of the association held at the American Legion club rooms, various subjects concerning fish and game were freely discussed, chiefly the present method of trap fishing In Utah lake, which was condemned because of the careless methods used by trap owners. Ogden. Eighteen thousand dollars damages was awarded Ernest Gublcr in the United States district court to be paid by the Oregon Short Line Railroad company. The federal jury was out about forty five minutes following the completion of the personal injury suit, returning with a unanimous verdict for this amount Gubler aud for $30,000. Love Is Life's Chief Part Life Is a sleep, love Is a dream; and you have lived if you have loved. de Mussel. Al-fr- Best Perfumery Customers Women Id America and Franc to be the greatest users of stated Farmers Should Thrive are per-fn- t. of $49,000,000 la pent each day la Otis country for food tuffs. An average |