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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, i find thee here, Great Chief, an that they might slay thee?" A smila lit up Croft's fare. If not 3 strictly accurate, this surmise would m suit bis purpose admirably. "Even so I And, seeing thy tribe of a different hue, they were filled with fear and cried, saying .'Let us slay them' " lie had a vague Impression of Biblical eloquence, but it translated very well "And they slew all thy sons In their fear; then ran to their boats. For their hearts are as the fermented breadfruit long stored In a pit" Bobbs-Merrl- ll Co. Cepyrte;ht by The Pausing to refresh his oratory, he proceeded to picture their mutual enemy In lurid colors, assuring the of something, almost yearning, which They will not touch thee without my chief of their downfall. This gave him command. another Inspiration. touched her unaccountably. "I and my tribe would be friendly to "The gods sent us hither to tell thee "It's no worse for me than for you," she replied, responding to his tone In thee and thine. Why hast thou been that thy Vow of Vengeance had al the natural generosity of her heart. He hostile unto us? Why has tliou go ready overtaken the tribe;" he anmade no reply for a moment. Then, tempted the wrath of the gods , who nounced coolly. "But, because thou us with earnest against us, we could not carry lightly, he pressed her shoulder with sent us hither, by greeting spear and arrow?" out our mission. The gods were an his hand. Chimabahoi beat his breast, looking gered, therefore, and visited thy tribe 'Come and tell me when the loneliness Is too bad." fearfully at Croft with sickness. Thou hadst to learn the "it was the Vow," he said in low fear of us and our wrath. Therefore, And he was gone, his footsteps dying Chief, see that thou and thine fall not away upon the loose twigs of bamboo tone. "The Vow? What vow?" cane. gain into sin by lifting thy hands "The Vow of Vengeance of Hate!" against us, the friends of all the gods!" She undressed and stood, fair and to and slim as Psyche, beside the water, a The old man rose, and walked This flow of eloquence made a tre fresh Interest awakened In her com- fro, feverishly pulling his beard, ob- mendous impression upon Chimabahoi. panion. As she lowered herself Into viously laboring under some strong His relief was Intense. That this godthe shimmering ripples, she resolved to emotion. At last he paused opposite like pair, with their wonderful powers. follow up this talk, to press through them, and they saw tears upon his had come upon a mission of peace and "Hearken, friendship, Inspired visions of renewed this thin piece of wall ; and, by a wrinkled black cheeks. process of subtle siege, win the friend- Great Chief!'" he said "The white prosperity In his simple mind. Coming ship which all at once seemed extreme- man came before, not many summers closer, he prostrated himself at their past. He came in great numbers, and feet, In submission. ly desirable. a ! He let loose his magic, After tills they set forth again. It But, as usual, disappointment met he kill ! her efforts when next she assailed the and he kill most of my tribe with his was no longer difficult to make Chimwall. The gap proved to be firmly smoke! It hit them, making holes, abahoi talk. His delight was almost behind. childlike, resulting In a garrulity diffpatched up, even barred across. It leaving little hard was impregnable. Baffled, she could Our homes were near thine own, even icult at times to understand. But Croft only finger the bars and wonder. . . . In the huts beside the waving palms. realized that the little tribe, with the The old chief appeared, keeping a They also were shattered by the smoke natives' melancholy sense of fatalism, My warriors lay had become convinced of Its extincsafe distance, soon after receiving the and Its white man's message. But an out dead, bleeding on the ground. Our tion, this conviction producing Inertia. break of sickness was raging In the women also, our little ones, they Apparently all attempts at cultivation settlement; therefore, much to the spared not!" He paused, overcome, had ceased, with all forethought for future generations. girl's relief, their visit was postponed. for a moment. Croft sat listening intently, with When they emerged from the south Having ascertained from him that no on Islands, with other trade was carried ern end of the forest, the little colony dawning comprehension. "How did they come?" he asked. that no shj came to the south, Croft of huts came Into view. "The lagoon was black with strange threw himself with renewed zest into 'The - huts are deserted," Barbara the building of a new hut. As if to canoes, Great Chief. Beyond, near the observed. "Where Is everybody? drown all thought, he worked Inces- big gap in the reef, floated an Island. "Dressing for dinner, perhaps," he ! a a strange sight, filling suggested lightly. "Oh, lord! I am santly, sometimes moodily silent, some- . . . times seeming keenly to enjoy the new the bravest with fear" He stopped. dry. And they won't supply a whisky comradeship that had established again overcome, and turned away. and soda ! Celestial life has its itself, little by little, between them. Hastily Croft interpreted this conA month or more passed before the versation to the girl. "I wonder what they wear?" "Didst thou attack these white men n'ative chiefs wrinkled black face ap"Who? Gods?" "No. The natives for dinner." peared again, two warriors in attend- first?" he asked. ance. The old man shook his head. "We He gave a shout of laughter, causing ! Croft thrust a hand through her arm, feared their arrival We but gathered Chimabahoi to jump with fright. when they joined the natives; and together, outside our houses, to see the "Oh, Just a reed or two, maybe. What we may come to, yet" again she was conscious of the old Barbara said no more. magnetic stimulation of his personality, which had sustained her during the first terrible nights and days. VII 3 Sinners in Heaven ' 7 ammmnnui -- IT'S SO LONELY" Living In the small EnrlUh village of Darbury, and sedate place, Barbara Stockley, daughter of a widowed mother, Is soon to celebrate her marriage to Hush Rochdale, rich and well connected. Barbara la adventurous, and has planned, with an aunt, an airplane trip to Australia. Major Alan Croft, famous as an aviator, is to be the pilot. At her first meeting- with Croft Barbara is attracted by his manner and conversation, different from conventions of the her small town. They set out, Barbara, her aunt. Croft, and a Word In a few mechanician. the days comes to Darbury thatoccuplane Is missing and its and lost. Croft believed pants Barbara, after the wreck of the airplane In a furious storm, reach an apparently uninhabited inland in the Pacific ocean. The other two members of the party The two casthad perished. aways build a shelter. In Croft's absence Barbara Is attacked by a cannibal. Croft rescues her. Croft discovers a party of blacks, evidently reconnoltering. Croft fixes up an electrical guard which scares off an attacking party. Secure from Immediate dan per, Croft and Barbara serttle down to make the best of things. Croft already has recognized the charm of the girl and fears the outcome of their situation. SYNOPSIS. - PART TWO ball-devi- ball-devil- Continued. Strangely embarrassed, Barbara hesitated, uncertain whether to go or stay. She was In the act of turning away, when he lifted Ills head and saw her. For a moment both were silent. In his face was the look she had seen there on the morning after the wreck. He rose to his feet; and, conquering tier embarrassment, she went toward him. "What Is it?" she asked earnestly. He looked down Into the misty blue eyes raised, full of shy sympathy, to Ws face. "What Is it?" he repeated. "II 1! That's what it is." He stooped to pick "What are you doing tip the fruit. here? Going to bathe?" "I was," she replied, hesitatingly. j5Ut don't go. Can't we sit down and talk? It it's so lonely." Again he looked down Into her eyes, almost hungrily. Nothing she could have said could have hit the mark with surer aim. . Hut he clenched his hands and put them behind him. She gave a quick look at his gloomy face, threw pride to the winds, and plunged with her old. Impulsiveness. "Can't we be friends?" she asked. He remained silent, with hands stlli clasped at his back, watching her curi- A-a- The cause of the deserted appear VI ance of the place was soon clear. Fear and curiosity formed the chief Chimabahoi led his guests around the elements of the unusual animation In western outskirts of the little settlethe natives' settlement. Great bustle ment, toward the belt of verdure reachof preparation was in progress spearing down on that side almost to the ing of fish, gathering of fruit, by men; lagoon. Here, in a large clearing used while the smoke of many fires, ascendfor council chamber, with carpet of moss, walls of lofty trees, roof fresing Into the still air, indicated the occucoed with blue and green tracery, was pation of the women. Had not the chief ordered unlimited assembled apparently the entire tribe. Upon the white chiefs appearance a feasting to pacify the stomachs, music to delight the senses of the Terrible walling murmur arose, interspersed by Ones? Balhuaka, the stone god, looked the occasional frightened cry of a At a shout from their chief, child. Incongruous among garlands of trailing vine and the feathery leaves of they all fell upon their faces. Three times they raised their bodies, sway tree ferns. Before him stood the sac ously. "I thought you did not wish It," ne rificial table a massive tree trunk ing backward, then down again to the earth. After the third obeisance they remarked at last. stripped of its bark, upon which was rose to their feet, eying the strangers She sat down upon a rock, abpiled a heap of dried sticks and I curiously, fearfully. stractedly picking out bits of the moss Balhuaka ever demanded a sacrifice While the old chief launched Into a which covered It- now at moon was " the and moon, Rt full She oration, and as she watched lengthy that "II've forgotten our the full ; and the people trembled, for the varying expressions upon their paused, flushing. "If we shared seem the selection had been reserved for the faces. It dawned upon Barbara that thoughts more, things might not Great White Chief, and who could tell these might be, henceforth, the only iilte so bad," she suggested. human beings in her life! This ap The ghost of a smile moved his Hps. what ruthless cruelties he might hot palling probability shocked her, as she "Yon shall have more company soon. exact? sick and child 1 her sat Mearaaa realized It with almost the effect of a by natives. to visit the We are going sudden, reeling blow. Shuddering, she wept. People shunned ber hut. alhave pent a message to the chief." though It was not yet proclaimed tabu. "Thou Hadst to Learn the Fear of Us turned from the small dusky bodies "About what?" In their and looked at Croft's fine physique and Our Wrath." "To come to see me and be prepared She knew well what was His head was averted, his attention en to conduct us back to their settlement. minds. With no superficial civilization in natural The hand of Death tirely engrossed by C'lilmubnliol's gabto their hide them wondrous sight. causing friends." To make stinct of they openly has been heavy upon us, and we were bling speech. "Friends! Those savages " Conscious of mental nausea, like one possible substitute for an small In number, even then. That day. "It's necessary. They leave us alone hulled this Some of her friends even less than half were left alive. . . . drowning, she clutched nt the only renow through fear, which probably offering. If she My sons were all slain. . . . maining link with life the companion won't Inst. They will hate what they taunted her with their hopes. outside. "The d d murderers!" destined to the snme fate. For the appeared hate may the In time only and fear; ! I looked up, startled by first lime In her life she called him by "A-t- a Chlniabahoi Meamaa! .The Weep, the not keynote right remain. That's He little one Is with thee for the day; this burst of vehement Kngllsh. Croft name, grasping his arm : a i.nnnv life here: Is It?" "A! sin!" with the netting of the sun controlled his Indignation, making fursmile a but, looked quietly up at her, with Quickly he turned. In astonishment he shall become as the smoke curling ther inquiries, which elicited the an full of hidden meaning. "We may never see any other huof the Great White swers he expected. nostrils the to then up a flushed She little; "No." all men," the native told man beings!" File gasped. were Meamaa!" Chief! "They Weep, can't I "But gave a dreary laugh. With his usual swift penetration he Yet she was one of themselves, and him. "Afler they had killed, they fled cirImagine what could be. In these a favorite. She thought none away to their canoes. They were covunderstood, by the desperation in her chlM the cumstances." the overwhelming hor: and voice not like unto each knew dark with the ered eyes, of clothing, worse them they "Can't you?" lie looked away at the the double-facemasks. When they spoke, they spoke rors raised bv this thought. For a mo each. of art wearing bowlder over the huge wntfr tumbling his ment he hesitated; then, pulling her Meanwhile, the dreaded visitors were strangely here," he stroked catching here mid there flashes of sunwords were like the haml down Into his. he clasped It close, "and their some throat, with escorted dignity branches of network being light through the At t:ls reassuring one whose stomach sounds made nothing. overhead. "You were going to find out through the Intricacies of the thick Is too full, and bywho must return some- saying faded grad loneliness awful touch the obviously all abotit that. In crowded cities; Inland vegetation. Although ually, as the sutntun mists when the terrified, the old chief bore himself what lying therein." weren't you?" This vivid description of the Teu- sun breaks through. well, maintaining a natural dignity "AboMt what?" A sudden outburst of exultant cries tonic tongue convinced his listener. his which Is with you humility. "Vhi the keynoteto the vast hard d Huns! I thought rent the air. The lengthy eulogy came The "Ha! a friendemboldened by Chimabahoi, have found missing He again Interpreted for to an end at last. The pathetic relief ly overture, put Into words a question as much." mony of creation." his side. "Now let me In every swarthy brenst manifested at the him. girl troubled She glanced at him In pleased sur which had long dwell thy tribe, O Mighty think. We must turn this to our ad- Itself In wild leaps and Jubilant shouts. "Where prise. Croft, like Mr. Mlcawber. was not vantage. It proves what we tn'ked "How nicely you express it I never Chief?" lie Inquired, with some trepida- about d n't slow In seizing an opportunity for elothe that were evening by visible river; warriors white all "No was ; It tion. as tlmt realized It so clearly The effects of our 'civilized" war quence, liaising his free hand to com Yes. I suppose that Is what around thy dwelling upon the coral It? vague. were felt even here!" He ran his fin- mand silence, he glibly reeled off other in the live Do they, perchance, I felt. It's strange, but I haven't folt shore. his hair, watching Chimduties assigned to hltn. In within through the gers holes deep rocks, or It so much here." It was, he stated confidently, the abahoi thoughtfully. earth?" fruit his Collect Mm watched She "And thy Vow was of vengeance gi.ds' desire that he and his wife should was other the moment a mystishe For the found keynote?" "Have you live tipon the Island to assist the tribe fied. Then, remembering the natives' upon all white men?" iked boldly. In the recovery of Its strength and Great "Even Chi.." so, this seized he moment a advantage tribal Instinct, He looked at her . This provoked more up. ." His bmtn "H'm! fertile If arms cs his projwrlty. and stood up, waving thoughtfully; then answered,Andguardedspeedily conceived n plan which. If roarious shouting. I have to Include the universe. It Is. what "I know ly: wild, was yet founded on fact. since "My tribe," he explained equivocally. only fully realized Its necessity "Chief," he began confidently, "those ; It ever surrounds us ! ever present "Is use substitutes all We coming here! Of course this stats of affairs men who murdered thy sons It has a lot of Armed and ready at any moment In-to white out In the world. cannot nn enemy tribe willing war last It's against human were It our aid. Perwaits, to come though branches or. rather, sub keys. How would you write And were nature. their tribe. my ways Imitaagainst mortal eye. Karthly visible to haps few people ever discover It tion Is not necessary for the White treacherous, their weapons terrible I the next installment? have dip." your linrharn, Well, Chimabahoi was unusually Intelligent He was about to turn away; bat, Chiefs warriors." for a native. Quick to grasp the meanun about old native beTh glanced acting upon inie Impulse, paused (TO UK CONTINUED.) stranger, who spoke a diaeasily, a look of alarm overspreading ing ofso this hind her. a his own, much lect sense resembling of drama Ills rising "Is It nil ry dreary for you here? his face. In lilrh rlr rise bfn to11! with the situation, AJan stretched out flash of comprehension leapt Into his Is Vst"f effective remover of Iron ras sn to yon hate Ita so much?" tinnsual eyes. a regal band. There wns wonderful, "And they came hither thinking to from materials. "Peace, O Chief I Have no fear I U bis voice an undercurrent l -- P P 1 I" Ca -- nr Ti li JO ' r ' ill i? 40 1 ivjps iftrt 75 ?! ' jta " Ltrizr ' ' Ln mintis by Bsssraspsnnnsi fejp , V I it 13 rf js CiT JaipisWi iibj T"l ' 35 mmnimmJ Uol 7 " 73 io 5i a ""17 """i ji 11 I Hi 'Tilfffffl ' "IS I 5 P ' ll Re-i i i c Dij CL1UE ARDEN gl GROSS IMIsBBlsBaMJw. Walttrn Horizontal. iwsfl I i I 1 I I Newspaper Usioa.) 10 Near Shore toward which wind blows Those who plunce Into 18 Implement to hold veaael la 12 Ilrnrdlrllon place bant 13 Narrow 20 Shipahape 14 Kartkweaterm state (abbr.) 21 lilt hard 16 Exist 2 Prow of a veaael IT Th.ee-.ue-d 24 Instrument of torture 18 Of ase abbr.) 87 Set of Implementa 10 Old oriental cola SK Sailor's sleeping; quarters IC1 Distress alKnnl (abbr.) 3ff Pleasure veaael 13 .Seamen's tales child 4UMlarlilevons 25 Above 4Z Sailor SO Fate name 44 t.lrl'a 27 Buckle or elaap 4.1 Craft propelled br paddllna; 28 Crack that admits liquid 47 Propellor of a steamer HO Slng-l49 Woman under religious vows SI Repetltlaa M Printers' mraaures 82 Skill B2 Military anpplies (abbr.) S3 Jewel Lifetime S4Anc!ent Hebrew measure 65 Inlands la Engillah channel 3. Steam veaael tabbr.) (abbr.) 86 Pertalnlna; to BS For example (abbr.) 41 Imperaonal pronoun 67 Prrfla meaning two 43 The land of the tree and the 68 Boy's nickname home ot the brave (abbr.) 44 Part of "to be" The solution will appear la next Issne. 4.V Director of a ship 46 Instrument to determine direcSolutlon of Last Week's Puzzle. tion 4B Point of compass 7Suffden 11 fc nlnrrsl Bluish gray 1 IS wind kom- - t- -- e Rt B2 B4 B7 BO 0 Spread to the wind Implement for rowing Unit of meuKurement Small aaillns; vessel Banner Order of parasitic fund i 2 4 6 5 p51r a ' A SB aft-risK- ed 7 n Ik ' ; Vertical. 3 EN A JkMlO!PlE A NLM 1 AlSOQiAiMEisnT ITTT inn rr W i iv i t.iitS" 53 fi iItTd'a JJ sm-. - LULL--- ft M U E'L ' Boats used In Venice Note in mnalcal scale To s;e on shipboard for m Jour ney At no time (abbr.) Indefinite article vessel Fore and Country In southern Knrope (abbr.) I.andlnK nlnce Member of Creek Chrlatlaa cbnrch 1 mmmmm L -- n-- I I fc ".-- . UlslM hi C C tic. gaiA.IV!ePIeTa JtibJWT. R N'SFJfl P EILIO 3a WeTdmm eTa LQJn URSERY RHYME PUZZLE &zU?r i a - d 1 fr gen-tlo- 3t, IARBER, barber, shave To see a wig, if it won't grow, Poor Dolly's hair's been falling out For 'most a week or so, And may be if it's cut a biV It may improve, you know. Find two other customer!. Uppe f tight corner down, llonf. euSMlon; upper left corner down, along should er. Work ot Ancient Scholar rit Nire alut 112 lllliparrlius IV C. Is credited with the determination of latitude and longitude as well ss with Hie discovery, during astronomical work done In trie Island of Rhodes and at Alexandria, of the precession (if the pqiiinnxrs. He also made a catalogue of l.fiSO stars, (tiv-I- n tie latitude and longitude of eacb. For Mutual Benefit iii'iinifrs iph! in nu aww lion of persons who desire, so far as possible, to do their buying In such a way as to further the welfiire of those A make or distribute t'.ie things bought. The movement started In Kngland In 1S50, and about tbe same time was taken up by the Worktaf Men's society In New York. who |