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Show THE The TIMlisi-NKW- ISEPH1, s. Times-New- s every Friday by The Timea NewB Publishing Company iubllhed DENNIS WOOD. V B. GIBSON. . HubHcrlptlon Ua su Your Money Is Ready Announcing' to those of our customers who had the foresight to start a Saving Account with us, that their money for Christmas Shopping1 is ready, for them. If you did not take advanage of our Savings Department now is a good time to open an account and deposit a small amount each week for next Christmas. We pay 4 per cent interest on all saving accounts. First National Bank UTAH POULTRYMEN HIT THE BEST Buy direct from our hatchery. We guarantee safe delivery and full count of lire chicks, no agent's com- l v mission. Member of Accredited Hatcheries Sonoma County. We sell "A- xA." grade chicks for the poultrymen who wants the beat. Special prices on our "AA" stock for early orders. Our catalog will explain. Write for it. White Hatchery, Petaluma, Calif. GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIRING SYSTEM Utah Nephi, Best Material Vaed Prompt Mail Order Service J A Chrlstensen. Prop Observation of Oldtlmer. Some people have as much trouble backing the oar out of the garage as their parents used to In backing the old horse Into the shafts. Cincinnati Enquirer . . '"""f ' $46.95 Bolivia Coats reduced to $44.95 Bolivia Coats reduced to $43.95 Bolivia Coats reduced to $36.95 Bolivia Coats reduced to $32.95 Bolivia Coats reduced to $28.95 Bolivia Coats reduced to $26.95 Bolivia Coats reduced to $17.95 Bolivia Coats reduced to One Fourth To One Half Off A Special lot of Women's Canton Crepe Dresses $24.75 Quality usually sold for $35.00 to $40.00. $16.75 A Special Lot of Women's Silk DressesA Few Women's Dresses and Suits . . One Half Price Only Half Price Big Lot of Women's Skirts 15 Per Cent Off All Women's and Girls Sweaters 15 Per Cent off All Womens and Children's Shoes $1.49 Regular $2.00 Women's Flannel Gowns Corsets $1.35 Grace Madam Regular$1.75 Corsets Grace $1.69 Madam $2.25 Regular Corsets $1.89 Grace Madam $2.50 Regular $1.98 Corsets Grace Madam $2.75 Regular $2.09 Corsets Grace Madam $3.50 Regular $3.69 Regular $5.00 Madam Grace Corsets 3 $1.00 for 40c Ginghams yards Regular and Percales 25c Outing Ginghams, Regular 19c Yard Flannel Yard 24c Regular 30c Ginghams and Percales 3 for $1.00 Regular 40c Jap Crepe 35c or yards . . $1.39 Sale Price inch Storm 54 $2.75 Serges Regular 79c Regular $1.40 Wool Plaids 49c Dress Goods Regular 75c Plaid Regular $60.00 Regular $57.50 Regular $55.00 Regular $45.00 Regular $40.00 Regular $38.00 Regular $35.00 Regular $24.75 All other Coat .... - "1 Add a Piece to Her Set Hau a.uu 41.UU Aiuut-O- Tltll. Governor Charles It. Mabcy, Preston G. Peterson, Chairman of the State Road Commission, Pathfinder P. D. B. Gay of the Ce&eret News, and a representative of the Salt Lake Tribune, stopped off here Monday on their way to Los Angeles. Governor Mabey is making the present trip In order to get first hand information on road conditions along the Arrowhead Trail or ZIon Park Highway. We hope the Governor while making this trip will get a correct vision of what this route will really mean to the State of Utah in the way of tourist travel if only a broad conception of its vast possibilities are taken into consideration. It is our belief that no other route in the state offers a greater field for exploitation and will bring in greater returns to the people of Utah if a broad policy of road improvement and state aid is rendered where the job is too big for the counties to properly handle along this route. Southern California is the place where tourists traved is headed both summer and winter, and ia increasing If Utah is by leaps and bounds. going to reap the benefit --of this travel she must offer the b st route. The Arrowhead Trail can make this offer if united action is taken by the counties through which this route traverses and the right attitude is hown by the powers that be. s 'Most every woman has one or two pieces of Ivory and is anxious to complete her set, so selecting several articles from this display of desirable pieces is a sensible way to complete Watch our your Christmas Shopping-windows. . , We Are Here To Serve NEPHI DRUG COMPANY WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW Grandsons of Patriarch L. A. BailMiss Ina Hawkins of Salt Lake ey came to his home Thanksgiving spent the week end in Nephi the Day and finished building a wood shed, after which they cut up his wood and placed It in the shed. The boys are all Deacons and Patriarch Bailey composed the following verse in appreciation of their act: These boys are as good as boys can be. Magnified their calling you can see All felt cheerful and gay in doing good. In wielding the ax, while chopping wood. The names are: Eugene Beck, Ivan Lee Bailey Bailey, Ray Bailey, Hugh Boyer and Alton Packard. 8MB BOOKS. FANCY DISHES. GLASSWARE, AND THINGS SUITABLE FOR ANY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. TO INDUCE EARLY SHOPPING WE WILL OPEN THE SEAS ON WITH A BIG SEVEN DAYS' SALE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ALL WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' COATS - r Editor OUR BIG LINE OF HOLIDAY GOODS IS NOW COMPLETE. LARGER AND BETTER SELECTIONS THAN EVER, ALL KINDS OF TOYS, DOLLS, GAMES TOILET AND MANICURE ARTICLES, STATIONERY, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, I A Manager Tfcttl THK GOVKUXOU'S SATURDAY, DEC. 8 UlAlL Genevieve Grover, Forence Cole, and Helen Cowan, returned to Salt Lake Sunday after spending the Thanksgiving holidays here. They are attending the U. of U. this winter f'AHD We wish to of Levan who the funeral of OK THANKS good people so kindly assisted at our father. Also the thank the speakers at the services, and the choir who rendered the musical numbers. ' Mans E. Jennings and family Stanely entertained honor of her mother Mrs. C. W. Tolley, the occasion being her sixty first birthday. An elaborate dinner was served at 4 p. m. to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tolley, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shep-arJUr. and Mrs. Evan Harris, Mr. Lorin Tolley, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Parkin, Ucon, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tolley, Pocatello, Idaho, Miss Marie Parkin, Max and Blaine Norton and the hosts Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stanley. in See us for printed Christmas Cards at reasonable prices N'-- s The Times office. SATU Mi BELOW ARE SOME OF THE MANY GREAT MONEY SAV- ING BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. REMEMEER THE DATES AND COME EARLY SATURDAY DECEMBER 8TH, UNTIL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15TH All TOYS. MANICURE and TOILET ARTICLES 10 Per Cent off BEST NEW CROP SEEDED OR SEEDLESS RAISINS 3 PKGS FOR 40c The Kind Some People Sell for 20c XMAS CANDIES 3 POUND FOR $i 00 ' 3 POUNDS ASSORTED CHOCOLATES $i50 .... Regular $1.65 pink and yell nv Table Linen $1.39 Yard $1.98 Yard Regular $2.40 White Tabic Linens 98c Yard Linens White Table Regular $1.25 65c Yard 75c Linens Table. white Regular Covers Table $2.39 Regular $2.75 Fancy Jap Dozen Fancv Dozen $2.39 Jap Napkins Regular $2.75 4.65 Regular $5.25 Pattern Table Cloths dozen . Table to Pattern Napkins Regular $5.25 match $4.65 Dozen Covers Tab'e $3.79 Pattern $4.25 Regular doz. Dozen Table Pattern $3.79 $4.25 Napkins Regular Covers Pattern Tab'c $2.39 $3.75 Regular Regular $3.75 Doz. Pattern Table Napkins $2.39 Doz. All Curtain Nets, Scrims a;.d Draperies 10 per cent off 40c New Crop' 15 Oz Raisins 3 packages for 47c 9 Pound Rolled Oats 65c 2 packages Rolled Oats 35c 3 packages Shredded Wheat 25c 3 cans Dutch Cleanser 20c 3 cans Light House Cleanser 98c Regular 25c Star Cut Glas.i Tumblers 6 for 98c Regular 25c White Cups and Saucers 6 for 98c Regular 25c White Dinner Plates 6 for 15 Per Cent Off All other Dishes and Glass 15c 25c Kirk's Soap Chips 29c lb. Wall Nuts 35c lb. Brazil Nuts 37c lb. Almonds 20c lb. Pea Nuts 2 lb 30c lb, 55c Ninas Mix Nuts Ask For Ball Brtnd, The Quality Rubbers CHAS. FOOTE guest of relatives. Mrs. Melvin Saturday & $28.95 Regular $35.00 and $37.50 Men's Suits Regular $25.00 and $27.50 Men's Suits $19.95 Regular $11.50 Boys' Suits 2 Pair Pants $9.95 Regular $10.75 Boys' Suits 2 Pair Pants $8.95 Regular $35.00 and $39.00 Men's Overcoats . . $23.95 Regular $22.50 and $25.00 Men's Overcoats . . $19.75 Regular $18.75 Hoys' Overcoats $13.95 Regular $13.50 Boys' Overcoats' $9.95 All Men's Sport Coats, Knit Vests and Sweaters ...... 15 Per Cent Off All Men's and Boys' Nats Caps and Shoes 15 Per Cent Off Regular $2.25 Men's Mu"sing Union Suits $1.98 Regular $2.50 Men's Munsing Union Suits $2.15 All other Underwear 10 Per Cent Off Men's $1.25 and $1.50 Knit Ties 79c Men's $8.50 Silk Shirts '$6.25 Men's $5.75 Silk Shirts $4,50 Men's $3.75 Dress Shirts . $2.93 All other Dress Shirts 1Q per Cent Off 1 Only $,S2.50 Axininister Rug 9 x 12 it $69.0) Only $75.00 AxmiimU-- Rug 9 x 12 ft $63.00 Only $45.00 Axininister Rug 9 x 12 ft $38.50 Only $40.00 Tapestrv Rug 9 x 12 ft $33.50 Only $23.50 Fibre Rntr 9 x 12 ft $17 9r Regular $3.75 Cotton Blankets , $3.25 Regular $5.00 Woolnap Blankets $4.23 Regular $6.25 Woolnap Blankets $4.98 Regular $9.75 Wool Blankets $7.95 Regular $8.50 Ouilts $6.95 HUMMING BIRD SILK. HOiiL. XMAS COX" OF 3 PAIRS FOR $4.2.9 1 1 1 1 SONS |