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Show TUB TIMES-NEW- JVKPHl. UTATL S, Items of the town LOOK!! ': Mr. and Mrs. George D. Haymond motored to Salt Lake City yesterday. .k "-- safe :v " battlefields in the that is an officer peace-tim- army e 'N Vaudeville Show Supreme 3V, and Mrs. Heber Fowkes of Starr, entertained the Downs family at their home on Thanksgiving Day. About 40 members of the family were and Mrs. present, including Mr. Clark and Mrs. Bernice Stubbs of Provo, Utah. tuberculosis fighting tuberculosis in the home. Christmas Seals are her soldiers. In fifteen years the death rate from consumption has been cut in half. It can be stamped out entirely. You save human lives when you buy Christmas Seals. You send year round cheer to homes where Christmas joy is is "FUMBLES OF 1923 Mr. of Peace THE PRESENTS Misa Joie Batchelor entertained the members of the S. S. Club to a candy pull Friday evening. The following were present: Martha Cowan, LaVere Petty, Myrl Downs, Fay Ostler, Ruty Sperry, Maurine Lomai, and the hostess Miss Joie Batchelor Help the nurse on the muted by the threat of death. Honor these seals and the work they do. When you see them, buy them. LUNT Venice Theatre Wed., Dec. "He Builds Wisely Who Build Well" 603 Pelt Building Opposite Post Office Salt Lake City Scientific Platework, Practice Inclusive of Gnm Disease TO BUILD WELL X-r- ay Nephi Plaster Tuberculosis U'iih Christmas Seals HAS NO EQUAL WILL L. HOYT The Largest And Purest Natural Deposit of Gpysmn in the World. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Notary Public NEPHI PLASTER AND MFC. LICENSED ABSTRACTER And EXAMINER OP TITLES Utah Nephi Office It Mat Wed. Night Prices 50c, 75c, No Tax. 12 4:00 P. M. Children 25c IN THE DISTRICT COURT, IN AND DENTIST Stamp out MUSIC DANCINC COMEDY AND DRAMA RESERVED SEATS ON SALE AT NEPHI DRUG PHARMACY CO. Charles H. Dunn Christmas --T- 6 ACTS Ml Mrs. Carlos Boswell entertained the Justamere Club Wednesday after noon. In the evening the members and their husbands were entertained. Supper was served at 11 p. m. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Dean Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. George Malloy Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gadd and Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Boswell. FOB HOME AND STABLE The extraordinary Borozone treatment for flesh wounds, cuts, sores, galls, burns and scalds is just as effective in the stable as in the home. Horse flesh heals with remarkable speed under its powerful influence. The treatment is the same for animals cs for humans. First wash out infectious germs with liquid Borozone, and the Borozone Powder completes the healing process. Price (liquid) 30c, 60c and ? 1 .20. Powder 30c and 60o. Sold by HILLAM ROD Prof.. H. R. Merrill of the B. Y. U. Provo, was a visitor at The Times-New- s office yesterday. While here Prof. Merrill delivered an address to the High School Student Body. MM . at County Court House Also When Not to See. There are situations In life when 8chiller Is wisdom not to he wise. COMPANY Where You Are. Do net dosi'se yur situation; In I. you must net. suffer sind conqwr. I'nmi every point of earth we are equally near to heaven nnd Hie Infinite. Fred eric Amlel. FOR JUAB COUNTY,, STATE OF UTAH. When Dinner Is Served Orson H. Pierce Plaintlfl vs. Charles E. Jennings and Vina Jenings and the Gunnison Valley Bank, a corporSHERIFF'S ation, Defendants SALE ON FORECLOSURE. To bo sold at Sheriff's sale, on the 19th day of December, 1923 at the hour of two o'clock p. m. at the front door of the county court house in Nephi, Juab County, State of Utah, all the right, title, interest, claim and estate of the above named defendants of. in and to the following de scribed real estate situate in Juab East Half County, Utah, to wit,-th- e of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, and the Northwest Quarter or the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, in Township 16 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, contain ing 120 acres. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United tates. Dated this 28 day of November 1923. Dan Martin Sheriff of Juab County, Utah. By P. P. Christlson. Deputy Sheriff. P. N. Anderson Attorney for Pltff. First publication Nov. 30th, 1923. Last publication Dec. 14th. 1923 When Dinner is served on Christmas Day you want the Meat to be worthy of the other viands and a credit to your ability as a cook. One of the best ways to insure this is to order your Meat here, where the highest quality is always to be found.- - City Meat Market Theo Harris Prop Highest Cash Prices Paid For A Steady EGGS AND Stream of PflDOTS Ma I if il x. j For heavy duty, hard pulls and l South Main St. next door to Bert Sparks Store T. N. C. PEXTON. Agent xo. a Sedan Interior Features I-O- It gives Four-Doo- HairsCatarrhMedicine Those who are In a "run down" con dition will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are In good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh Is a local disease, it Is greatly Influenced by constitutional iaiakki-MKDICINHAUIH conditions. Is a Tonic nnil Wood Puri fier, and acts thrmiirh the Mood upon the mucous snrfnees of thfi body, thus reduclnu th Inflammation and restor ing normal conditions. All druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, Ohio. 68-6- O I NELSON AND RICKS I-Q- O Because it is pure, dean, straight mn, refined gasoline with a high 0 gravity and quick, sure vaOAS delivporizing points, ers a smooth, steady stream of power to your oombustion chambers. I y fi il CREAM PHONE bad spots that call for unfailing response from your motor, GAS is dependable in every way. : you MORE MILES per A cozy, r attractive interior hai been achievedintheFordFour-DoorSedan- . Broadcloth upholstery, soft brown with a slightly darker stripe, harmoni- zes with the iighter shade in the $685 F. O. B. head lining. Duvri ehtmmrd throng Ik, Wfklj Pimm. Pmrtheit Ornamental Interior fittings are finished in nickel Doors are made of one solid sheet of heavy aluminum,very light and strong JUDD'S GAKAGE, NEPHI, UTAH CHILDREN'S FATAL DISEASES Worms and pnraMites in the intestines gallon. health and so of children weaken their vitality thnt. they are utishle disea so fatal to chili life. to resist th of Thfj P'ifrj rt:t"i h t pive n few Vrrrniiiiec. It destroys Whit"'; , i ! v "K rn without t!i? rlwifc an i t .r activity of the ct. ... f .hi ly chill. J.--: uml'-rmin- I fes Um O books for ttovpoa conoory Jh V- assJL- -tjJQ rt?r i (j)f5 -S 1 , fnr,i . dis y LUNT PHARMACY CO. CARS-TRUCK- S TRACTORS |