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Show THE TIMES-NEW- CIRCULAT-K- S THE 8 THROUGHOUT EAST JUAB COUNTY AND IS A VALUABLE : ADVERTISING MEDIUM. ! TIMES-NEW- ER FOK THE rail IS A BOOHT. S A GRICC LTUKAXi AND MINING INTERESTS : 1 : JUAB CXUNTY t . THE NEWS, VOL. 6, NO. 21 NEPHI, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1023 T- THE TIMES, VOL. 13, NO. S3. F - WELLING WILL OPEN DEMOCRATIC First Woman U. Senator CELERY GROWING URGED BY is 87 COUNTY AGENT IN REPORT CAMPAIGN MONDAY OCT. 23RD Candidate For Congress Will Discuss Issues Of The Day- Free Picture Show In Connection With Meeting. The Democrats of this city will open their campaign here next Monday evening at the Venice Theatre, When Milton H. Welling, candidate for Congress from this district will the people of Nephl on the current issues in the campaign. , Mr, Welling is well known here, iLvlng served this district in congress He is an able speaker and will no doubt be able to present the Democratic view in a manner that will be eminently satisfactory to the party leaders here. A free picture show beginning at '.30 p. m., consisting of 6 reels, entitled the "Man of the Forrest" will be given in connection with the meeting. Mr. Welling will speak 'at Levan before the Nephl meeting, commencing there at 7 p. m. fc i1l I ;A ill Campaign To Grow Celery In Juab County Next Season To Receive Impetus State Organization Formed. To Nephi Kiwanls Club, Nephl. Utah: Your delegate to the Celery GrowJUDGES OF ELECTION ers Convention which was held in the ARE APPOINTED Newhouse Hotel, Salt Lake City, Ut- NEPHI HIGH SCHOOL WEEKLY HAPPENINGS ah, October 10, 1922, begs leave to make the following report and reThe Board of County Commiss commendations in regard to same: The big event of the High School 1. Courtesies of other delegates met Saturday ioners in this city, of was election the (he past week, and growers In attendance were duly G. (here being present W. Student Body Officers. The nominees Orme, Geo. accorded your delegate and a voice Francom and John Bunnell. were Quite evenly matched and the and vote permitted in the transaction A committee from the Nephi Com contest was close and exciting. The cf all business before the meeting. mercial met Club re the with now Board are supervis following officers 2. The following name was chosen lative the Carters-Wilto e, Presa erection of Dr. who of was a H Fehoo Mrs.'W H. Fclton, of sign at ing the Student.Body activities. an official title for the organizatthe Juab-Uta- h Ga., appointed by Governor member of Congress for manv county line, the com as ident Marcus Burton; Vice President Hard wick to the U. S. Senate, is years. Mis. Fclton successfully mittee stating that it would be a ion: "The Utah Celery Growers Stanford Rees ; secretary and treasA constitution and byJ mighty proud of her honors. She is managed maajr of ber bmband's good advertisement for the county urer Ellen Ostler; manager of sports 87 years old and is the widow now laws were and the following now that was adopted there a Ken Glen Worthlngton; yell master paved road at Presithe entrance to the county from the officers elected under same: neth Kendall; reporter Lois Lunt; North. After some discussion of the dent James Hewitt of Ogden, Utah, sergeant of arms. Paul Grace and matter, the Board ordered a sign ere- Vice President L. L. Brlmhall of Pro-v- o, drum major Osmond Card. S. Y. Utah, Secretary-Treasurto read as follows: "Welcome to cted officers class The election of the Juab County. 16 miles to Nephl the Young, Salt Lake City, Executive also caused some excitement. C Committeemen, E. E. Smith, Davis ounty Seat." Senior Class President Kenneth County, Benjamin Brown Utah CounThe Board Cowan folthen Helen the vice appointed Kendall; president lowing Judges of election ior the var- ty, Lamonl Call, Salt Lake City, Geo-ig- e secretary and treasurer Stanford Rees Cormick Salt Lake City. ious voting districts in the county. yell master and manager of sports 3. A standard crate for shipping The dedication of the South Ward Nephi District 1. Jos. W. Cowan, The Republican of this city held a Orlando Taylor; reporter Edyth and an official brand was adopSmith. rally here .Monday night at the Venice meeting house took place Sunday af Wm. Burton John Belliston. as follows: Crate 16 Inches wide ted ternoon a betore Amos A. 2. District was Nephi which J. attended. well Bowers President congregation theatre Class. large Junior Jr, 24 inches long and 22 Inches deep, Chase; vice president Naomi Broad Senator Smoot, was met on his arri- which filled every seat in the chapel. J. B. Riches, Lisle Blgler. Nephi District 3. M. T. Howard, these will load handily at the rate of Nearly eleven hundred dollars was head; secretary and treasurer Pearl val here by a large delegation of the The occasion was also the ward con 300 to the car. "Famous Utah Celdistributed this week to the boys of Pierce: manaeer of sports, Daken Ladies Republican Club, and a large ference when the local, stake and A. J. Gowers, Arthur Pyper. Mona. M. M. King, Ernest Kay, ery" was adopted as the official brand the local nattery". Tiiis money repre- Broadhead: yell master Ivor Hall; number of the leading Republicans of general authorities were sustained. and to this will be attached the was in Earl Newton. the city. sented the pay for attendance at drills Reporter Lazelle Chase. Bishop A. H. Belliston, Levan. L. H. Mortensen, Herman growers name and number so that tor the mouths of July, August, and At the theatre, the first speaker charge of the services and told of the Sophomore Class President Cam bad lots can be quickly traced In September. In addition to drill pay ille Cazler; vice president Paul Grace was P. C. Hood of Eureka, candidate efforts that had been put forth to pay Christensen, J. L. Francom. Mills, J. E. Robertson, Wm. Orgill, case of necessity. there are a number of the battery secretary and treasurer Deon Bellis on the County Republican ticket for off the debt on the building which Mammoth. I. E. Delhi, A. Foth-4. A survey made by the growers men who recieve a regular monthly ton; manager of sports Glen Wortn- - the legislature. Mr. Hood stated that had been occupied since 1915, but as L. Curtis, that around 200 acres of celery salary. The June pay roll amounted Ineton: veil master Loyle Adams; he was glad to meet with the citizens U is a rule of the church not to dedi was grown in Utah this season and to JS00.00, and their pay while in reporter Helen Bailey. of Nephi, and if elected would ende cate any meeting house until it was eringham, Dave Eager. Silver City. E. R. Higginson, Carl that there will be 150 to 175 cars of Freshmen Class President Lari avor to represent the county to the Paid for, accounts for the length of amp was $1295.00, making a total of time that has elapsed since the stru Miller, Lymnan Baker. this shipped out of the state. which has been paid to the Ostler; Vice President Katnenne best of his ability. Eureka District 1. Carl Fields, 5. A further investigation of the iocal battery boys since it was organ- Starr; secretary and treasurer Kutn Senator Smoot, was accorded a cture was erected. The cost of the business reveals the following facts: ized in this city. Crover: manager of sports Asahel hearty reception, the entire audience building including interest on borrow Wm. King, J. J. Hannifin. of Eureka District 2. Ed Fox, A. J. veil master Osmond rising to their feet when he arose to ed money was over J 15,000.0(1 Another feature of the benefits of rhrfatnHen: (a) That Utah Celery is superior to any other now grown in the United the battery to Nephi is the fact that Card; reporter Katherine Whitmore speak. He at once launched into Nat which amount about $5,800.00 was Whitehead, T. L. Sullivan. Eureka District 3. Vern Firth, States and sells readily on the market ional affairs devoting the greater part donated by the general church autha lirge building is rented here, and Devotional exercises were given of his time, to a discussion of the orities, leaving over $9,000.00 to be John Savage, D. B. Cronln. (b) That the market for thia pro many improvements have been made Calloa, Eph Lewis, W. A. Tripp, C. duct is practically unlimited. . 4 cars which created revenue lor ' citizens Wednesday las by Miss Jacooson. tariff question. He also refuted some na::f. br the members of the ward . . a j: . had" been T&is 'anjoiint had een subscribed A, Stewart, have been shipped East this season . uciT7. Ai uu uuuiui u&ie 111 ime lav The program was planned to honor of the statements Which Trout Creekr WmTsaxtori. W. A. and the t com mission men state that ure, horses will be purchased and and nav tribute to Mr. Poulson on nis made by Senator' Walsh in the latter's for in sums ranging from 50c up to Julian Neilson. 1600 ears can be marketed as readily kept here and attached permanently book of beautiful poems "Songs of speech at Ogden. The speaker then $215. the latter being the largest Parker, A committee from the Nephl City a? 150. to the battery, which will furnish a the Toilers." All the poems read explained the reason for his vote on single donation. After a few remarks by Presi- Council met with Jthe Board, and (c) California prefers Utah celery market for hundreds of tons of hay were of Mr. Poulson's own composit the bonus bill, declaring that had his there dent Rees, Apostle Talmage occupied made request that a road project be and is in the market for a large sale tax bill been accepted, and grain, which will also help the ion. Mr. Johnson was no doubt but what the President the remainder of the time, preaching created for a distance of 1 4 miles This state consumed 3700 farmers of this city. prayer a powerful sermon on the subject of through Nephl on the state highway. carloads of imported celery last year Margaret Foote would have signed it. Takon altogether this paper is of Piano Solo The Senator then told of his vote Holy Places, speaking for over an After discussion, the clerk was dir- and drew her supply mainly from the opinion that the organization of Favorable Comments on "Songs of Miss Jacobson in favor of Senator Newberry, and hour. ected to arrange a convenient date lexas and Florida. Two buyers from th battery In this city has.L,. the Toilers" Stanford Rees gave his reasons for voting to seat At the close of Dr. Talmage's dis- wit 11 the state road commission for a Calilornia are now in the state and benefit. The young men are being Mr. Poulson's Life - Mildred Ellison are bidding strongly for all the surhim, stating that he well remembered course, he offered the dedicatory hearing on the matter. trained to take care of themselves, Vocal Solo . Lazelle Chase the persecution he endured for three prayer. ..... After attending to several other plus celery in the state. During the services vocal They, are learning what discipline "The Wayfarer" Thelma Warner years when he first entered the Sen- solos were rendered by Mrs. Allie minor questions the meeting adjourn(d) A committee report showed mefns, They will be better citizens Autum" Ellen Ostler ate. Ted" Belliston and Mrs. Geo. O. Ostler. ed until the date of the next regular that since the announcement of aa for the training they are now receFrancom Musical numbers were rendered The opening and closing prayers were laetlng. organization eight wires and forty iving which cannot help but give them "Maid of My Heart" Wanda roote during the rally 'by a quartet, and offered by J. E. Lunt, and Jas. W. Margaret "Mother" letters have been received asking for a better conception of their duties to Rth "ootn selections by the Cole Sisters. A one Paxman. the community and to their country. Pal O'Mine" celery in carload lots. Annie Stephenson reel picture was also shown. The 8tunand tables were decorTENNESSEES PARDNER" Evening" (e) That 1000 to 1200 dozen bunated wlth lyitiful flowers which ches are ordinarially grown per acre, with the i keeping seemed to Next Thursday and Friday after BURGLARS MAKE RAID TO BE PRESENTED according to method of planting. FEDERAL BUILDING of the btvices. nature noon the High School Basketball class (f) Sales this season have brought OX BUSINESS HOUSES In the eveningDr. Talmage spoke will be played at the the grower $7 5c to $1.25 per dozen ASSURED TO THIS CITY series Is expected in the Tabernacle under the auspices Hall. Keen competition bunches in the field which makes the Under the auspices of the North of the M. I. A. of thevthree wards of frr.m th teams entered. From these of an acre worth $750 to product The Lunt' Pharmacy Co, and the the city. His subject Coach Durham will select his squad the Mutual Ward Sunday School Che play "Ten $1000. Pyper Company's places of for this season.tWe Stand nessee's Pardner" will be presented ig) That the labor, land and water After many years of waiting it to represent the N. H. S. In the Neno Cooper, business were broken into Saturday slogan For a Pure Life ThroHh Clean by local talent at the Venice Theatre cosU seems possible that Nephl may have a Division for the coming season. approximately $300.00 to $400-.0- 0 and Sunday evening. Entrance was This was next Thursday afternoon and evening Federal Building erected here within Thought and Action." acre. per In both effected instances from the handled In an able manner and was The proceeds are for the benefit of Altho the Seniors are outnumbered While Senator the coming year. of these facta In consideration the Sunday School of the North your delegate wishes to make the folSophomore, ana rear of the building, and the work is listened to with rapt attention. Smoot was in this city Monday he was by the Freshmen, of who that here. live boys evidently In who those It are hand have the highest Ward, and waited upon by Mayor Winn, and a Junior classes, they recommendations: are asking for the support of the en- lowing Three of the stu At the former place about five dollars TESTIMONIAL FOR committee from the Commercial Club ciasa in school. 1. That cooperation be made with in camera. were a also taken, the people of this the Utah Celery Growers Association and the Kiwanfs Club, to ascertain dent body officers come from the mig At pennies SERVICES RENDERED tertainment from Cooper, Pyper Co, all the pocket city. when the contemplated federal build hty Seniors. We also find among knives a vigorous campaign be made In stock were taken to the known In the afternoon of Thursday, Oct. and to get ten to twenty five acres of lng would be erected here, calling them a Taylor (tailor), better a Smith value of nearly $50. A testimonial was tendered Mrs. 26th, there will be given a matinee to his attention the fact that the site for his yells than his stitches, At the local railroad station Sat Ella Cole at her home Wednesday to commence at 3.30 p. m. the price celery grown in Juab County next tor this structure bad been purchased altho It does not happen 10 dp offiseaeon. Relief the Society afternoon, by box was admission being 25c for adults and A Broadhead, an Orme urday evening the phone 2. That publicity be given this unby the government over four years blacksmith. cers and class supervisors of the Ne- of broken of the absence the into stren of during On the children. In the lac for evening ago. Senator Smoot, assured these and two Footes (feet) for at once and that an auto Relief faithful Ward dertaking Society, phl to operator. pro night the same day, the curtain will raise excursion be made by those interestcommittees that this city was now at gth of this the Seniors mean in services the rendered organization No made arrests been have yet at 8.15 p. m. and the price of adthe top of the list and the money gress much this year. but the officers are keeping a sharp as a social service worker and super- mission will be 50c for adults and ed, to some of the producing sections would be appropriated, and the build afterof the state to study the methods of The work. teachers visor of lookout and It Is expected that clues was sewing, In- 25c for children. Is Ing erected or at least commenced noon entertainment growing and handling this product. some to WE'ER FRESHMAN lead will obtained charalready The following the cast of within the year. 3. That representatives of both one getting Into the toils of the law structive talk on Hawaii, and music acters who will take part In the play: and the growers associatLun the Cole Sisters. furnished the be cannot by before many days. Somebody wll say that It Arthur Pyper as "Caleb Swan" ions buyers be Invited whenever possible, to cheon was served at 5 p. m. to the Keard dealer ENTERTAINS ON SILVER done. and blgh visit the legitimate community to (Ive Informatfollowing: Mrs. Lillie B. Sparks, toned. MARRIED IX LOS ANGELES But we with a chuckle will reply. WEDDING DAY on the growth and marketing of E. ion Mrs. u Mrs. Jennie Mary Lunt, we won't give Earl Gadd as "Asa Bice. Swan's this valuable "Maybe It can't but plant. A wedding of local interest took Pexton, Mrs. Elva Bailey, Mrs. Ethel side Mr. and Mrs. James Bowers, enter till we try," pardner. 4. That the unqualified support Jennie Mrs. Mrs. Grace Judd, place recently at Los Angeles, when Gadd, tained Sunday evening at a family So we'll buckle In with a trace of the as "Gewhllllker Robt Park Hay" of this club be given enthusiasm and Mrs. Alice McCune. Mrs. FlorWinn, son Charles Mr. of Haynes, Clyde KHn. in In dinner party honor of the twenty the camp. greatest liar to this project In order to make it of If wa'er worried we'll hide It, Haynes of this city, was Joined In ence Rees, Mrs. Katherine Bowles, fifth anniversary of their wedding R. H. Bracken as "Tom.Romalne and the Florence Mrs. guest the permanent value to this community Miss Los tackle to we FIrmage, Nina Young of marriage Nettles younger brother." day. Music and social chat was en We'll start to sing as and county. Is well of honor Mrs. Cole. The Angeles. bridegroom thins as "Barlow" Gerald remainder the of the quick, evening. joyed Pyper connect servered Sister has do Respectfully submitted. we'll In Cole, and lived known done be Nephl having here, couldn't That The following were present: Mr. and but well meaning. A. E. SMITH. the of ion with Relief now the Is Society life. He of his the offiIt. greater part Mrs. C. II. Price, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Q. DOrlus as "Spike" the her and County Agrl. Agent taken In up In Delegate Ward, the Nephl Freshman California husfnesss having We'er city, cial coroner Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lin Is doing well. This paper Joins residence In the North Ward. and as "Tennesse Miss Mr. Arvllla William Mrs. and ton, Lunt, Stanley, can with their many friends In wishing Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. Ord, Mr. and Mrs There are Seniors to tell as It FIRST SHIPMENT OF Kent" from Smokey Mountain. WITHDRAWS GARFIELD BISHOP and the prosnot couple be young happiness done, Louise Paxman as "Nettle Bice" BEETS SENT OUT Dennis Wood. Mr.' and Mrs. Lenard TICKET DEMOCRATIC FROM to prophesy There are Juniors perity. the bride. Linton. Mr. Jacob Bowers, Mrs. Oen failure. Miss Viola Worthlngton as "The eva Allred, Florence Price, Thea Bow A change was made necessary the The first shipment of sugar beets The South Ward Missionary Comare Sophomores to point out to two thirds of Gewllllker." other De irs, Tola Bowers, and Louise Bowers There In for this season were sent out Tuesday the mittee surprised Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd early part of this week us one by one to the Moroni Sugar factory. The The dancers that wait to assail us Hobbs at their home Tuesday even- mocratic County Ticket due to the crop from this city Is estimated at 30 MILL GIVE IIALIjOWE'EN TARTY But we'll Just bucrle In with a bit of ing. Games and music were enjoyed fact that Bishop Raphael Garfield, FORD CARS TAKE DFOP OF FIFTY DOLLARS car loads. A car a day Is being shipand delicious refreshments served to had withdrawn from the ticket. The OCTOBER THIRTY FIRST a crln. Ford cars took a drop this week ped so it will take thirty days at coat and go to It the following: Mr. and Mrs. James E. Democratic County Committee met We'll take off A. Foote this of T. selected city Cowcf W. ard $50. Mr. Jos. we tackle tti Mrs. as They are now selling for this rate to load the crop. and Memmott, The Ladles Literary Club will give We'll start In to sing The farmers of 8tarr will have an, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Memmott, to make the race for the four year $62 cheaper than at any time before thin a "Hallowe en" Dancing Party at the 86 cars, according to Mr. String-hacommlnsioner. Mr. Foote Is a mem the war. In another pnrt of this papd we'll Irons. Mrs. Mrs R. E. and done be Booth, October 31st Harry couldn't That Tuesday, Arlington, of the Moroni factory, but the of the firm of Charls Foote and er the new prices on these cars are ber Mrs. Rufus Golden, Mrs. Henry Mila worn will be and It. costumes "Spook" of securing cars is greatly In known well Is advertisement of the Sons and the difficulty and the given throughout Athella Miss Freshman Booth, We'er town ler, six piece orchestra from out of the shipping of the beets. local dealers. Judd the Hobbs. hampering Mrs. the 8. Mr. Garage, coonty. H. and Reporter guests of honor Lois knot, N, 'will furnish the music. SMOOT TALKS TO WARD CHAPEL CITIZENS HERE ; IS DEDICATED BATTERY GETS DRILL PAY . r er v V, 4. 1 1 1 m 3-- . or m |