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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH. S, LOCAL ITEMS WONU PREFERS OF INTEREST AIR LIMOUSINE Mrs. David Broadhead. left for Salt Lake Monday to attend Conference. Lucile Forrest, spent the week end in Nephl, returning to Provo Sunday evening. Attorney T. H. Burton, left Tuesday afternoon to attend Conference and the State Fair. Mrs. ' E. J. Hall, and daughter Phylis of Provo, visited with friends and reatives in Nephi Sunday. Meet us face to face On The NATIONAL CANDY DAY Rex Ostler, Daken Broadhead, and John Christlson, left Sunday for Salt Lake to visit the State Fair. October 8th We have the candy that will hit the spot " Our milk chocolates and nut tops are grand IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU" LUNT DRUG CO certainly want to money, and you would like to have better bakings. Then use Calumet It's the YOU biggest thing you can do to improve the quality of your bakings and lower baking costs. Calumet is made in the largest, most sanitary Baking Powder Factories in the World. No Baking Powder is made under better conditions none can be better in quality. Owns Ranches and Uses It in Preference to Trains ar.d Automobiles. PLANS TRIP TO NEW YORK It contains only such ingreenaa been dients have officially dorsed by the U. S. Pure Food Authorities. An absolute guarantee that it la pure. California Woman Invites Her Friends Out for Air Flight, Just as One Would for Ride In Motor-M- akes Record Trip. San Francisco. The day of air limousines Is here. Dave Huish, of the Nephl Drug, If you suddenly make up your mind motored to Payson, Tuesday evening you want to hop oft for anywhere to visit his family in that city. within gasolene range, merely call up your air chauffeur and tell him to have Mrs. Alex Gourley, came over the ol' boat ready. from Eureka Sunday for a few days That Is what Mrs. W. A. Keddie, visit with relatives here, returning owner of a string of ranches in home Wednesday. Nevada, did the other day when she decided to fly to Reno. The Judd Garage are having an at Mrs. Keddie. who purchased the tractive window sign painted this plane some time ago, merely called week on the front of their place of op her pilot and said, "lt's go at two business. o'clock." Then she called up her friend, Mrs. Mazle Faulk of San Francisco Mrs. Alta Elliot, returned to Provo and asked her to go along. Mrs. Faulk Tuesday after visiting her parents Mr. accented pronto. and Mrs. Hezekiah Carter for a short Great Convenience. time. W. W. Williams, formerly of the Flying Corps of Canada, who Mrs. Lacy P. Vickers, returned to Royal acts as pilot, had the motor turning Salt Lake Tuesday afternoon after over when the two women, dressed In several weeks visit with her mother. flying togs, reached the Marina. As Mrs. Thomas Goodman. Boon as the women had taken their seats he stepped on the throttle and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Garrett Jr. mot the big Standard J-- l plane, with a ored to Salt Lake Tuesday where they Curtlss K-- motor, was on Its way. attended the marriage of their daughMrs. Keddie, who acts as manager ter Gladys to Mr. Bryan Petty, Wed for her various ranches and calls nesday. Fallon, Nev., her nome, purchased the machine some time ago to fly between Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Linton, Mr her various ranches. She found It so David Broadhead, and Mr. M. Pitt successful that when she found It necmotored to Salt Lake Wednesday to essary to return to Reno in a hurry attend Conference and the State Fair. she telegraphed to Fallon for the machine and stayed another day In San A. H. Malben, formerly of the Ne Francisco, finishing up business affairs. phl Drug, now living in Salt Lake Landing fields have been built at visited his mother Mrs. Maiben, and each ranch and a system of lighting his sister Mrs. Katie Candland, Sun has been Installed so that night landings can be made. She has attempted day. only a few night flights, but she says Mrs. Unity Chappell, Airs. T. H she enjoys them quite as much as day Burton, Mrs. R. E. Grover, Mrs. T. H flying. Mrs. Keddie expects to leave Reno G. Parkes, Mrs. J. A Booth, Miss Wan da Greenhalgh, Wm Bailey, and Orme soon to make a quick tour of ber prop she expects Greenhalgh were passengers on Tues erties. Later this summer day afternoon's train for Salt Lake to take a vacation an aerial vacation in which she expeats to fly by easy City. stages from San Francisco to New France In normal times makes near York. First on Record. ly 26,000,000 pairs of gloves yearly. The Just made Is the first on trip A searchlight of T.000,000 candle In which two women flew over record power bas been recently exhibited In the summit of the high range between New York. . Nevada. and Only one California A swarm of locusts has been known woman Is known to have taken other to land on a ship In mldocean. 1,200 the same trip by air. miles from land. "Like it?" Said Mrs. Keddie. "Of The hydraulic system for mining course I do. Who wouldn't? I would gold la used extensively in certain not go back to railroad trains and their parts of New Zealand. stops at tank towns for water, fussy People In olden times wore the or automobiles with their habits of emeraia in tne neiier that It pre stalled for anything unless, vented giddiness and strengthened the getting yon know, I could not go by airplane." memory. PROVED HE WAS NOT YELLOW pfeu. h THE FIRST CHANCE She (tearfulsaid ly) You TO BUILD WELL USE if I'd marry you you'd be humbly grateful, and now Nephi Plaster He WellT You're She crumbly HAS NO EQUAL The Largest And Purest Natural Deposit of Gpysum In the World. Soup Solo. little girl was annoyed by ber sister's Inhalation of ber soup. She became restless and finally In spite of elders present at the table, she said: "I bear you enjoy your soup, Elsie." Lawrence Telegram. A NEPHI PLASTER AND MFG. COMPANY A large stock of BEET KNIVES on hand. Diamond Edge, at reasonable prices. Cooper, Pyper & Co. POSTSCRIPTS. In olden times only druggists sold coffee. WANTED. Salesman for Nephl and Commission contract only, vicinity. for spare time or full time. We teach you to sell Income protection through our free school of instruction and help you build a profitable business. Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, Accident and Health Dept. Saginaw, Michigan, Capital Certain species of turtles are often found at high altitudes far away from water. For electric goods and services the sum of $4,200,000,000 was expended during 1920. A new market basket of 60 or more pounds' capacity is fitted with two wheels to facilitate moving It when filled. . Jumps From Williamsburg Bridge en Dare Later 8aves Drowning Friend. There la no doubt now In the m'nds of George Korach's friends as to his courage. He has satisfied them beyond need of further proof that he has no "yellow streak." A month aao ooe of them tauntingly ilared him to lump off the Williams burg bridge and Korach Jumiel. Now he has saved another of his friends from drowning In the East river. years old, Korach, who Is twenty-fiv- e started on a swim with Frank Pospick. They set out from North Fifth street. but had gone only a little way down the river when Posnlck got a cramp and was swept by the current under one of the Brooklyn piers. Korach found him and swam with his friend back to the North Fifth street dock where friends helped them out of the water. , W elLOIMIfT BAKING POWDER ugtib m imii mmer Mf aa a t mtiajsm "1BCST by Turr Calum- -t it received highest Awards, ChiPure Food World's cago Exposition, Paris, Exposition, proof of its super- Paris ve Frances-positi- merit is used by more house- ior It wives, domestic scientists and chef3 than any other brand. That would not be the case, if it were possible to secure a higher quality leavener. Crea Keciu t 5 pastrf 3 level floT, cupi Calumet lj.ilunri Powder, H It is sold at a moderate price. cup butter, Vyi cups granulated auKar, Yolks of 3 w., cold water. cup 1 Whites of 3 AH you have to do is to compare costs to determine how much you can save by buying Calumet. Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 vz. Some baking piwdersj:orne in 12 oz. instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure yo'i get a poundwHen you want it. 6 'He Builds Wisely Who Builds Well" f JAuiBim - eg. orange extract. Then mu in the regular way. teaspoon Sultan Who Solicits Washing. Perhaps one of the most primitive of Independent kingdoms Is the little Island of Johanna. In the Comoro The snlinn boards any ship group. that may cull there and endeavors to secure the washing for his wives. wntie tne prime mni'sier peonies ri conuts" and bBnntuis ' Crackless Porcelain. t I'orceluin truck. lie.iiuse i he glaze with which It t minted expands at a dlfferenl rule from llie eluy of A iniinufactur which it Is oinpiisea. ei in Kurope - now making a glaze thai ha the name eoelli.ient of expansion as porcelain Printing Safeguards i.- Your Money Protect your cash not only with bolts and bars and banks but with businesslike printed forms and records for every transaction you undertake. We can show you a paper The Oyster's Rivai. novel industry, which promises rapid expiinsio.. in ('imudii. is the development of Hi.- - sea mussel. The with the eo operation of Dominion, has proved that mussel! Scientists, ran he produced commercially and old profitably t fhinp rate. A Paper that betrays erasure and prevents fraudulent alteration of your checks, notes, draiti and receipts. For letterheads and general printed forms we use and recommend a standard paper that nai Both. Sometimes They There are two reawms why ome people don't mind their own husities One is that Ihej luiven'l any initid, and the other that they haven't any busluess. Exchange. Another Slam at Art. A family with an artistic temn-ament lm't really as much of an addition to a neighborhood as one own-In- tr s steplndder Atchison niohe we know will give yoa satisfaction. The Times Ne New York. A. pipe won't burn your tongue if you smoke P. A.! Get that Alhtr la ( roW n4 IIm. Mr aWndeaas mtd hmU eand tin Aniaae and In thm tans' Tymtml glmmm Print umU In hmam, ) midae milk mptng effitr . pipe-party-b- ee v buzzing In your BAN AUTO sraoke-sectio- IMl tnHU J. tternatda Atlantic Atlantic City. Once again the ban baa been placed on the use of automobile tires aa floating mattressea for bathers by Chief Heach Surgeon Charles Bossert. Several inga were ascribed to them, and they have been banished from the beach In consequence. The tires act as a perfect buoy as long as they remain Inflated, but once the air begins to leak out or them they leave the bather at the mercy of the waves. "Experience baa taught us that they Invito bathers to venture Into peril. said Surgeon Bossert. "If they were Inpermitted, the use of them would crease, and It would Impose Jmt so much more responsibility on the guards." near-drow- Albertl And, you can wager your week's wad that Prince Albert's quality and flavor and coolness and its freedom from bite and parch (cut out by our exclusive patented process) will ring up records in your little old smokemeter the likes of which you never before could believe possible I 11 Tewaceo C. Wl tales. 1 the national joy smoke AT BEACHES City (N. J.) Officials 8ay Buoys Are Dangerous When They Deflate. nl Know for a fact what a joy'us jimmy pipe can and will do for your peace and contentl Just check up the men in all walks of life you meet daily who certainly get top sport out of their pipes all aglow with fragrant, delightful, friendly Prince You don't get tired of a pipe when it's packed with Prince Albertl Paste that in your hatr fty TIRES iEiiAj LjliSllt n Farmer Demand Barley Beer. of Representatives Washington. grain dealer and farmers of the state Vol of Minnesota, Representative lead's home, have demanded thnt con arena legalize 2.7S per cent barley mult beer as a means of aiding the barley growing districts. JUsfabk J- "fl rrtvffili; TL J J' -l PJ, PI 1- I fjj JIXjj. I A j p mi V 'S&a tfT3 Z0"T7JZlH. . B r', w ,,-' - Iw rri . Ja- - i" m V fa Guests f? woman wnt to wotk in thskircWn ail tha tune. Cole'f Sanitary Down !)raft Range frith Hj perfect Are koldlna. cool inf and baking rwulra meant that n ,n"t ,hl an to proparlT' Not necearv ewra svr minute ol the Holds Fire O-ie- r the hourwite do her work to watch lha time. JsJigKt O V- -i HOT BLAST FUEL SAVING SYSTEM of ComboeHofi meant serine of ta fuel hlll:mrtm roaltive cook, to mtand baking fetiiltt not found In other makes of nwees. and meani rlentv of tune to epend with jmti fueeta. Don't be a drudee to an Interior ranee. Come m to tee ut et one and let us tall sow all about tale wonderful feel, food and labor taest. one-th- one-ha- lf Cooper Pyper Co. The Winchester Store Nephi, Utah L |