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Show THE The TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH. S, Times-New- s GERMANS DIG TO FIKQ Editor apt to neglect the building up of a reserve fund, as the man working for smaller wages. No one can afford not to set aside something for the unforseen emergency and the days ahead. In our savings department you .will find courteous treatment and $2.00 $1.00 THE YVATCHWOKD. The trend of thought throughout the nation today la one of economy and retrenchment In all public business. Taxation has become one of the greatest burdens the people have to bear and citizens throughout the country are making loud protests any and all expenditures that call for increased taxation. Over speeding does not produce a prosperous community. That break- and ing speed limits in tax boosting prostrates many cities and towns is a well established fact. Until the country gets back to normal in fact, and not in theory it is a good plan to curtail all unnecessary expenditures of public funds in City, State and Nation. debt-plungi- STATEMENT OP THE OWNERSHIP prompt attention. 4 per cent interest on savings. The First National Bank Mi K Utah - Lloyd George on His Holiday 7 . MoaUt.... Six Is 5 Norlh Main a Manager One Year KCONOMY 1 Marvelous Subscription Rates THE, MAN WITH The Good Income agers are: Publisher, Tims-New- s Publishing Company, Editor, Dennis Wood, Man aging Editor, none. Business Manager A. B. Gibson. jf Myth Comes From Muscha-ke- n in East Prussia. From the little town of Muscbaken Bust Prussia, near the Polish border," comes a story that rivals the wildest tales of the Red Fairy Book of chlltlhood days. It is said that thousands of Germans of the district are making their Golden Mountains, way to the under which is supposed to lie a burled city, hidden by enchantment, Inhabitants of which will overwhelm with gold any one liberating them. The legend, known for years among the natives, has just been revived by an old man who says that since last October he has been visited each night by the ghosts of three of the inhabitants, who come to plead for release. The legend runs that the people of the city were all bewitched by the devil because they were too greedy tor gold, and can never be awakened until this local devil has been driven away. According to reports, the Inhabitants of Muschaken have taken the story seriously, and are now digging for gold on the mountain sides. New pilgrims arrive dally from all parts of the vicinity to join In the search. 2,000-year-ol- d ffi i X '1 12?' Idale Pitt, returned home Wednesday after spending a few days in Salt Lake City. ivrtsa Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Paxman and Mrs. J. W. Paxman, motored to Salt Lake Tuesday to attend Conference. The Board of County Commissioners will hold their regular monthly Fart uf Premier Lloyd George's holiday lu Scotluud was spent ul lUuir meeting tomorrrow, October 8th. castle, seat of the duke of Atholl, who la here seen helping Lloyd George Orson Cazler, shipped a car load of across the moors. Johnathan apples to the Eastern market Tuesday. . Let Us Print Your Butter Wrappers J. H. Lunl, went to Heber City Tuesday, to ship some cattle from, that place. Our Line of Furniture and Floor Coverings Are Full and Complete At and Near Pre-WPrices ar Call and Look It Mrs. Lorln C. Haws of Logan, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Art Ovr BAILEY FURNITURE SUPPLY CO. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Dunn, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Haycock, left for Salt Lake Tuesday afternoon where they will attend Conference. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. C. Pexton, and family and Miss Mary Pyper, motored to Salt Lake today to attend Conference and the State Fair. Mrs. N. W. Haws returned Wednesday to ber home in Logan, after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. Kendall. Sherman Ross Lundall. the baby Willard Lundall of Leamington, was brought here for medical treatment Tuesday but died S(wn after reaching here. J. W. Whltmore, went to Salt Lake Teusday to attend to some business matters. We have the stationery you need for. dainty Nephi Drug Co. WE ARE! TO SERVE HERE ' BELIEFS ABOUT DOVES There ' Is a belief that the pigeon has no gall. The story goes that pigeons have no gall, because the dove sent from the ark by Noah burst its gull out of grief and none of the pigeon family has had a gall ever HOW TO 51 MONEY NOW since. . The pigeon Is supposed to look well to Its own stomach ; hence pigeon-toepeople are said to be stingy. d Once a luuiuei jae, und a ,i .! ! 'o. iiiii Michael J. Nolan has been said by a collie professor to have "one of the 25 most brilliant minds In the country." Today he Is studying engineering at the University of Washington, having been sent as a wounded veteran by the federal board for vocational training. His previous schooling consisted of passing seven grades In Irish gram-pa- r schools. And here's what he's done: Qualified as an expert bacteriologist, six weeks after entering n hospital as a patient; scored 100 per cent In the U. S. navy Intelligence test ; scored 211 out of a possible 212 in the army Alpha Intelligence test, requiring but 14 of the allotted IT minutes and scorning to check bis answers ; answered all of Edison's question but four. DOOMED, HE CRAVES NEWS Under Death 8entno Wants News, Not Religion. A man named Schumann, reports the Berlin correspondent of the London Times, is still patiently awaiting the carrying out of a death sentence for murder pronounced nine months ago Man In IWrlln. He complains bitterly, however, tuat the prison authorities at I'loetzensee only supplied Mm with religious books Instefld of keeping him Informed of current events. He says that he l not anxious to work, as be is absorbed In mediation upon his own "second ego." He does not fear death, as he has been a soldier, and he Insists on carrying out Of the sentence aj be considers It would he Illogical of the I'rusalan mlnlxler of justice not to do so, so long as capital punishment remains In fores. CHILDISH GUIDES ders in the vicinity of Boulder, Colo, this seanon will be materially aided In their quest for attractive scenery by the school children of that city. Twenty-fivhundred school children devoted the first week In May to a study of Boulder and Its natural re sources In order that they may bars correct Information to pans along to tourists during the 1921 (us son. The children attended an exhibition f pictures of Boulder county scenery tnd display of Its various civic, educational and Industrial developmmta. They also wrote themes on various phase ot coma unit progrvM, e . invitations, regular correspondence or memo tablets Also, pens, inks, pencils, erasers, mucilage-Oh- , every- - "- -' ...... .,. thing for writing at home or school In Scotland a white dove followed by a black dove means Ills followed by joys. and Mrs. David Cazler, gave a dinner last Sunday afternoon for Pupils Want to an Exhibition and Will Miss Florence Casier and Mr. Edgar Htlp Tourists. Thousands of tourists who will vis-I-t Cazler, who are leaving this week for the canyons and other scenic wontheir home In Wyoming. boy of Mr. and Mrs. : Turtle doves In your bouse are said to banish rheumatism. ft Mr. ' Saturday evening Mrs. J. A. Kendall entertained at dinner In honor of her mother, Mrs. N. W. Haws of Logan, Mrs. Lily C. Welstenholma and Mrs. Jos. Jones of Salt Lake. It is just as necessary that you have proper styles in your stationery as it is in your dress; and proper stationery is the hallmark of good breeding. To feed strange pigeons will bring true friends. er Local Happenings Writing materials and 5upplies. In That the owners are: Dennis Wood, Elsie E. Wood, A. B. Gibson, Mrs. A. A. Gibson, all of Nephi, Raymond Wood, of American Falls, and C. L. Gibson of Salt Lake City, owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of stock. 3 That the known bondholders, mortgages, or other security holders (if there are none so state) Mergen-halLinotype Co of San Francisco, Calif. DENNIS WOOD, Editor Sworn to and subscribd before me this 5th day of October, 1921 W. C. ANDREWS, Notary Public, Nephi, Utah. My Commission expires Feb 25, 1925 Stationery for All Purposes. Story of Credulity in Maaagement, etc, required by the act of Congress of Augest 24th, 1912, of The Times-New- s, published weekly at ONE OF 25 MOST BRILLIANT Nephi, Utah, for October 1921. MINDS IN UNITED STATES Before me a Notary Public in Juab County, State of Utah, personally appeared Dennis Wood, who having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the editor of The Times-New- s, and that the following is, to the best of his knolwled-g- e and belief, a true statement of the ownership, mangement etc, of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the act of Congress Aug. 24th, 1912, embodied in Section 443, Postal laws and regulations. 1 That the names of the publisher Editor, Managing and Business Man- 2 Correct LEGENDARY BURIED CITY I'ubllHhad every Friday by Tke Time News Publishing Company DENNIS WOOD. A. B. GIBSON ' When a pigeon perches upon the house in Hindustan the owner takes It . to be a forerunner of ill luck. In India If a young woman whose husband is away sees a pair of doves. It Is a sign that he will soon come back to her. In Lancashire white dove at either a recovery to take away the the appearance of a the window means or else a good angel soul. If you hear the first notes of a dove spring while you are lying down, yoi will have 111 health all the year; If you are walking, perfect health; If sitting, moderately good health. In GATHERED FACTS The Interest of Great Britain's war debt to the United States amounts $250,000,000 a year. Bisons are the to only horned cattle native to America and they have never been domesticated. It Is said that soft under pressure becomes considerably harder than hardwood under pressure. field-bean- Eubher trees grow at a tremendous At four years old from planting rubber tree will measure 18 Inches In girth and Is then ready for tapping. pace. For some years ultraviolet rays hsve been used for sterilizing water, mirk nd other fluids. The Idea has now been applied to the disinfecting of . The women of the Marua tribe of Africa have a rich brown skin, but ever since they saw the white skin of some Caucasian travelers tbey have been making a pasts which they smear over their faces until It gives thew the appearance of wearing a false face. Wonderful Transformation. t ignteM from Maine show thai rap-Itof SH.OtMHMi Is invented In I lis buxines of ti anfiruiliiC the raw herIttnoo ring 'tito the hskd srHn sl TrsniM-nii- t Cardinal Principle uf Conversation s gooil ronvernHi tonal-IYou tlie moment you hult your o n ml slid slurt luienlrig Hiwly to ot ttm ottier fellow's.- - HI. Joneih ten. Sheep lined Mole Skin Coats $6.90 Leather Lined Goats - !. - $5.90 Corduroy Leather-line- d Coats $7.90 to 8.45 Reverseible corduroy & leather coat $19.90 Flannel and wool shirts to 3.98 Cotton and wool hose 12 $1.49 Leather Mittens 59c to 1.98 Heavy Work Shoes ' wood In many of the rural parts of England the singular belief prevails that In leap year all s grow on the wrong side of the pod. barrels and casks. rMn BIG $3.25 to 4.98 LOT BLANKETS JU5T RECEIVED Cotton Blankets $ .98 Wool Nap blankets 1 to 4.50 All wool blankets $6.90 to 13.75 Novelty Blankets $3.98 $3.98 to 5.50 to 2.49 Crib Blanket 98c Mmm DEPARTMENT Nephi, Utah STURtS |