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Show THE LOCAL NOTES Money To Loan on Improved Farms We make a thoughtful study of your particular requirements, which enables us to C. W. give your business more than ordinary service. Keep you loans at home! Mr. GLOBE - Great Entertainment Program Horse races, auto races, auto polo, circus acts, vaudeville acts,, and the spectacular pyrotechnic display-THWAR OF NATIONS. E down from Excursions on all railroads. Logan this week visiting relatives and friends in Nephi. Mrs. Christensen, having been called to Salina by the sudden death of her father, Mr. C. M' Herbert, funeral services for whom were held in Salina last Friday. Grain, Hay and cotton seed products, when in need of grain sacks and sewing twine see us for prices they will be of interest to you. we will buy your grain paying highest market cash prices. Send or bring us samples of your grain. ,We own and operate seven large flour mills and sixtee n feed mills, hence why Get ready now to atten 29 Dr. F. J. Alexander, day from 12 to Opto- will SEPTEMBER 29, Mon- 8, Oct. 1. Christensen Hotel, Levan, Tuesday from 9 to 12. Those having any trouble whatever with their eyes should not fail to call. ALTON, LOCAL MANAGER the Salt Lake City MAIN ST. metrist of above company be at Forrest Hotel, Nephi, I UTAH STATE FAIR er not sell to consumers. E. R. Johnson is contemplating Office. Ole Christensen was DEALERS Rem-memb- The stage is set for the greatest fair in the history of the west! If Exhibits are being prepared in every corner of the country. ycurs is not ready yet, you'll have to hurry! future. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sells left this week for Kamas Utah where Mr. Sells has accepted a position as Principal of the High School in that city. Robert M. Cooper was down from Salt Lake the early part of this week visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Cooper is employed as cashier at the Salt Lake Post AHD MILLING COMPANY GRAIN Johnson, of Santaquin is moving back to Nephi in the near The Geo. C. Whitmore Co. NEPHI Utah's Greates t Fair spending a few days in Nephi this week. We understand that Ask us how. OFFICE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 200,000 Strong At Miss Mabel, and Cart ie Wright of Hinckley Utah, are spending the week visiting at the home of George Ord and other relatives. Mrs. Lon Kenneyof Sandy is visiting with her sister Mrs, Joseph Morgan and other rela tives in Nephi this week. Satisfactory Terms Reasonable Rates. NEPHI, UTAH. TIMES-NEW- - - 1918, must be filed in my NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Ephraim, Utah, on or (Publisher) before October 15, 1917. Blank Department of the Interior, U. S. APPLICATIONS FOR GRAZ forms to be used in making appli- Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah ING PERMITS cations and full information will Sept. 11th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that Alfred Notice is hereby given that be furnished upon request. This Yates, of Mona, County, Utah, notice does not apply to present who, on, April 7th.Juab beginners' applications for per1914, made Homestead Entry, Serial, No. 012428, for mits to graze cattle, horses, and permittees. NE1-' section 21, Township 11 South sheep within the Manti National B. E. MATTSSON, Forest Super 1 East, S. L. Meridian, has Range Forest, during the grazing sea- visor. filed notice of intention to make At The Cazier Warehouse, Nephi, Utah. son of office at 1 CT. 6. that I concluded to give them a trial myself, and can say that I do not believe there is another preparation of the kind equal to them," writes G. A. McBriee, Headford, Ont. If you are troubled with indigestion or constipation give them a trial. They will do you good. MANY NEW FEATURES AT THE STATE FAIR Fair and Fall Conference State proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk at Salt Lake City Sept. 29th. to of the District Court, at Nephi, Utah, Oct. 7th, 1917. on the 20th, day of October, 1917 Excursion rates on Salt Lake Claimant names as witnesses Route. Edward Kay, David Neilsen, John For above occasion the Salt M. Yates and John S. Neilsen, all of Lake Route will sell excursion Mona, Utah. GOULD B. BLAKLEY Register tickets from all Utah stations First publication Sept. 14th. last Oct 12. as follows: Nephi-Tinti- c district and all points east Sept. 29th, to PEOPLE SPEAK WELL OF CHA1MBE-Oct. 7th. Good returning until LA1WS TABLETS Oct. 12th. From all other points Sept. "I have been selling Chamberlains's Tablets for about two years and heard 28th. to Oct. 6th. Extra equipsuch good reports from my customers ment on all trains. 4, ! three-ye- o urn W0fi!W$ .... ilTAHCtREALFOODCato lllllllllaillll r --J In These Days of High Prices Get back to good economy and sensible living. It will pay big in dollars and cents, and you'll live longer. Select wholesome food.1 substantial foods. Sunripe Rolled Oats offer the utmost in health and enjoyment; and they're economical to serve. Buy a package today. 1 I 1 V illustrated hi It Today P or h viot often that vou The Rexall Store crct i aii opportunity vo secure so viiuaoie a cook, dook te v five and it is not d.Len wo can make die oUqy. It's too ex- pensive. 7- - parses full of the best, als: Utah Cereal Food Co., Ogden, Utah "Mrs. Verne Vickers came down Jacob Bigler came in from Garfield Friday and will be ton Saturday. Mr. Bigler has the guest of her parents litre been employed in this part ot the state during the present summer. for some time. Col-fro- $40. st!" J ed g0 3" 1 Valuable e Cook I nmi lli, the most prepared m in "f" --v a "The Post Office Is Next Door" We carry a full line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Sundries, etc. r noted by cooking experts the country PRESCRITIONS A SPECIALTY. affords. llenicmber, we flo not ask you to can of baking powder, or send buy r.s one penny. Simply say "Send me your latest, beautiful cook hook" und you will receive it promptly. e Peddlers and canvassers have been trying to induce ladies to buy the baking powder they h:ive for sale und as an inducement tire ofiering u cook book, egg beater or Los Angeles and Return ar Nephi Drug Co. a housc-to-hous- Tickets on Sale Daily June 15th. to September 30th. some Stopovers at all points. No validation fee FINAL LIMIT OCTOBER 31, 1917. For reservations and routings see J. A. COTTRELL AGT. NEPHI or Address WM. WARNER, A. G. P. A. Salt Lake City, Utah fat Fine Line of other trinket with every can bought. To our customers and friends, wc Diverse routes via rail and steamer, including San Francisco. Proportionately low fares for tickets including San Diego, Portland, Seattle. are offering our handsome cook book nhso- 1utlv, frnl -If vnn nrtt In tif rl if iiw if will be unnecessary for you to buy something J'ou do not want. Tn1e ndvnntngc of this frr ofH. Wall Paper .,. tfcSt unicao, Kuica NOTE Avoid the cheap and hi? can powders, for l!ic7 - : always of uniform strength andaunl tv. Sometimes Diev tlie bivtiits and pastry bleached and acid, luuiutiuius ynliuw and alkaline, and often unpalatable. tvt e CO 8 Just Received Send for the cook book today. Address CALUMET BAKING POWDER 9 f Wj BAILEY Sill nvs liJf-- j Furniture Supply CI (m |