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Show THE NEPHI. UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S, Piamond Rings REVEALS ANOTHER NEW ARMY TO BE IN Our diamond rings win the hearts of the ladles, and are prized above other things. We .have diamonds, janiall or large, to suit any taste or fit The mark of PARK Is ny purse. a guarantee. FRANCE REPORTS PLANTING EXPLOSIVES AND MICROBES BY TEUTONS. BUCHAREST ING IN FRANCE. POUNDED 1009 UTAH GERMAN OUTRAG E SPRING MEN NOW IN AMERICAN CAMPS TO COMPLETE THEIR TRAIN- BOYD PARK MAKERS OF JEWELRY IM MAIN STRUT LAKE SALT BARGAINS IN USED 50 iplendid used CITY Additional Hundreds of Thousands cf Protection of United States Shown t Have Been Shamefully Exploited Fighting Men to Be Secured Through and Abused in Expose by a Second Draft Which May Secretary Lansing. Be Made Any Time. CARS Oldsraobiles, Guaranteed first claaa to $00. running condition eaiy term If wanted br Writs for detailed Hit and descripright paitin. tion. Used Car Dept.. Raodall-Dod- d Auto Co., Salt Lake Cltr WHEN FATHER TELLS A Washington. How Germany "shamefully abused and exploited" the protection of the United States by secreting in the German legation at Bucharest, after the American government had taken charge of Germany's affairs at the Roumanian capital, quantities of powerful explosives for bomb plots and deadly microbes, with instructions for their use in destroying horses and cattle, was revealed on September 23 by Secretary Lansing. It was another of the series of Mr. Lansing's disclosures of German Intrigue, made public without comment in the same manner as the Von telegrams which have brought Argentina to the verge of war with letter Germany, the Von Eckhardt f from Mexico City and the Von telegram asking the German to foreign office for authorization spend $50,000 in influence congress. The latest story is told in a report to the state department from William of the Whiting Andrews, secretary legation of Bucharest, and a letter from Foreign Minister Porumbaru of Washington. Plans are now in preparation at the war department, according to information obtained on September 25 to have a large proportion of the drafted men now entering training camps in France by early JOKE spring. It is proposed to give the men the iMother Sees Nothing Funny in It and Daughter's Glance Is Expressive i of Her Pity. When a man bears a Joke which his primitive sense of humor classifies as "'the funniest thing he had ever heard" tie hurries home to bear the glad tidings to his wife. Father produces his great discovery, but mother's countenance remains untroubled by so much es a smile, observes the New York Evening Sun. Nine wives out of ten will gaze blankly Into that interesting' emptiness to which woman's eyes ere continually traveling over her husband's shoulder. The tenth and cruel-es- t creature will wither her spouse with a penetrating stare which registers: "I "see nothing absolutely nothing funny In that." Disgusted and baffled, the husband tells the same joke to his daughter. Her only indication of amusement Is a pitying uplift of the eyebrows and a subsequent absorption In her knitting. With his finger on the last unbroken string, of hope father approaches his nearest masculine relative. At last success is his, for his son or his or his uncle roars, applauds and slaps him on the back. Father bows to Imaginary audiences and compliments his fellow man on his perspicacity and his fortunate possession of a sense of humor. He pities "those women those poor defective women." ' son-in-la- rudiments of military duty and then transport them to the American base in France. There they will be put through a course of intensive training. By these means it is believed they will develop much more rapidly as soldiers besides opening the way to the training of additional hundreds of thousands to be secured through a second draft. Preparing for Second Call. This call will be much sooner than has generally been believed, it is Intimated, and this is largely the reason why the war department is so much Interested at present in proceeding with the immediate examination of the 7,000,000 registered men who have not yet been culled. This proposition is tied up temporarily by the fact that an appropriation Is necessary before the work can proceed. The required appropriation is included in the general deficiency bill now before congress. Figures are extremely taboo with .the war department these days, but it is no violation of the spirit of the letter of the censorship provision to state that it is hoped to move approximately 125,000 to 200,000 of the drafted men to France to complete their training there. It is hoped in some quarters that this can be done by the end of April. These troops wQuld not be available for trench work, until late in the sum, mer jvt the but they would be in France and the political effect of their numbers would be great, Lux-bur- It EXTRA TEN MINUTES Is Good Business to Be Willing Give a Little Time Over and Above Hours Paid For. to She had been promoted three times within the year, and when I asked her what her 6ecret was she laughed and aid: "Oh,. I guess It's just that extra ten minutes." V ' I laughed, too, for I knew what she meant. It was h.er mother's favorite bit of preachment. "Sell your time for all you can get for it, my dear. But never hesitate to give an extra ten minutes." It is good business to sell your time which means your brains and your work for all you can get for them. But it Is also good business to be willing to give ten minutes over and .bove the hours you are paid for, when your work requires It A few minutes' overtime will often leaving no odds . dear up your desk, It will nd ends for next morning. make a success of a Job that would If you quit only just gcrape through . on the dot. i. ft will prove both to yourself ana care for to your employer that you rour work; that you'd rather do Ita well. That you prefer to sacrifice tittle for the sake of excellence. The successful employer is usually the discriminating employer. Tour extra ten minutes may prove to be your best investment. Exchnnge. ; ' How a Diamond Cuts Glass. litis been ascertained by n series experiments that a diamond does but forces not cut glass the particles apart, so that n continuous crack Is formed along the line of the Intended cut. The crack once begun, very small force Is necessary to carry It through the glass, and thus the piece is easily broken off. The superficial crack or cut need not be deep ; a depth, according to line measpart of urements, of n one Inch Is quite sufficient to accomplish the purpose, so Inthat the appliusing the diacation of much force mond only wears out the gem without doing the work any better. Numertraa tones, such a quartz and other minerals, when ground into proper form, will cut glass . like a diamond, but they ore not so valuable for that purpose, lacking the requisite hardness and soon losing the sharp edge necessary to make the operation a success. tf It ' She Had Experience. An applicant for a telephone Job at ever Memphis, when asked if she had : had any operating experience repliedreadenoids my hnd I have Ten, moved." Long Lines Traffic Doings. 1 1 Real Generous. Estate Broker (to Uncle) Ilounuinia. Suspicion Aroused. Parcels and boxes taken into the German consulate at Bucharest with display of great precaution aroused the suspicions of the Roumanian government. On August 27, 1910, the evening prior to the date of Roumania's declaration of war, some of the cases were taken to the German legation, located in a different building. from the consulate. Convinced that the boxes were not taken away from the legation by the German diplomatic mission on its departure from Bucharest, the Roumanian authorities later ordered the police to find and examine their contents. The police communicated with then in American Minister Vopic-kacharge of (Senium interests, who reluctantly assigned Secretary Andrews levy Praft to Fill Gaps, The difflculay is not S3 much the to observe the search. The boxes were men themselves as maintaining them found buried in the garden of the German legation. once they are overseas. Expert estimates place the ratio at twenty tons Hands Off, Says Crown Prince. of shipping to maintain one man. By London. Bavarian socialist newspaalmost continuous movement of drafted men to France after training period, pers are quoted by the Exchange Telthe war department believes the in- egraph Amsterdam correspondent as struction of men here at the camps protesting against the action of the ka be made )siore effective. German vrown prince in inviting J Transocean Movement Slow. number of singers from the Munich of the United opera to proceed to his headquarters The mobilization States forces is proceeding on a by special train. Two of the newsscales one not even dreamed papers have been suppressed for pub of by the layman but the fact re- lishing attacks on the crown prince. mains that while much success is attending the government's efforts, the Training Camps for Officers. transocean movement is slower than is A third series of offi Washington. generally believed. Even the movecers training camps will be opened by ment of men to camps is on a slow the war department early in January. schedule. Candidates for commissions, Adjutant Where there was-- talk only a few .eneral McCain announced, will be seweeks ago of 750,000 men in France eded from enlisted men of the regu that lar army or those called to the colors by spring, the prospects now-ar- e the active fighting forces regulars under the selective draft law, no apand national guard, will be nearer plications from civilians being consid 300,000 than 750,000. . ered. Trading Bill Up to Wilson. Washington. The conference report on the trading with the enemy bill, adopted by the senate, was adopted Tuesday by the house without a roll call. It now goes to the president ior signature. Explosion on. Oil Tanker. Two men were Richmond. Cal. killed here enrly Tuesday in an ex plosion which tore out the forward of the works anil superstructure Standard Oil tanker J. A. Moffett as she lay ut her pier here. Ban on Long Time Credits. Washington. The federal reserve board has taken preliminary steps credils In this to abolish long-tim- e country during the period of the the financial rewar, to conserve sources of the country. Belgians Executed as Spies. Amsterdam. Advices have been received from the frontier by the Tele-grto the effect that thirty residents of Ghent, Belgium, have been put to death In the last three weeks on charges of ettplonnge. af Thompson Seeks Toga. Hale Mayor William Chicago. Thompson of Chicago on Tuesday announced his candidacy for the RepubStates lican nomination for" United James Hamilton prop-arty- ." Sea Water as Antiseptic. Electrolysed sea water possess! ipowerful antlocptlc qualities, and an has been devised by which It and used on shipboard Spparatus keep the vessel thoroughly, dean. jo Famous Horse Killed. Lo'tilsvlllp, Ky. Hoots, rated one of the finest handicap horses In the country, stepped Into n hole, broke his leg and was ordered destroyed nt Iiexlng-ton- , to Information Ky., reaching here Tuesday. f STATE NEWS More than $200 has been paid out for by the clty'of Ogden as bounty J rats killed. According to reports, seven I. W. W. agitators have recently been interned at Fort Douglas. Magna was A great oil tank at struck by lightning Sunday and set on fire, causing a shut down of the Magna mills for a period of two hours. At the University of Utah last week military drill, which is expected to eventually lead to intensive training lor military duty and study of tactics, was begun. In southern Utah great quantities oi fruits have been preserved and dried this season by Mutual association girls, who are doing their bit for nation. hand owners in the vicinity of oodrow, at a meeting held last week, went on retold as being in favor of establishing a drainage system for llu- District. Judge, Fifth Judicial District X. H. Morris. Attorney Oris Murdock. Stenographer W. L. Cook. Btate Senator Dan Stevens. State Representative Orson Caster. U. S. Expert In Charge Experiment Station Mr. Jones. County. County Commissioners J. W. TVhU- more, Oscar Andrus, P. J. Bonner. County Clerk Will L. Hoyt . Recorder Thomas Bailey. Treasurer T. H. O. Partes. Assessor Charles Haynes. Attorney W. A. C. Bryan. Surveyor V. B. Ekloff. Sheriff Dan Martin. Superintendent of County Infirmary Thomas Vickers. Home of the Traveling Men Good Meals Good Beds Large Shady Lawn E. R. Forrest, Prop. -- AST COUNTY MUNICIPAL OF- FICERS. - Millard county. The government will permit sheep owners that live near forest reserves to use the forests for ranging sheep, in order to encourage the sheep industry in Utah. Prigliam City councilmen complained to the public utilities commission last week that fanners of the district were suffering from a shortage of cars for their peaches. Owing to inability to obtain labor and material, the new factory of the Amalgamated Sugar company at Smilhficld may not be ready for operations until November 15. The American Smelting &. Refining i pany has begun the work of construction of a smoke stack at Murray which will be the largest in Utah, and probably in the United States. In a few days thousands of Utah women will begin the organized knitting of socks, mufflers, sweaters and mittens for the men who are serving in the American army and navy. The sailors from the! ranks of the former ships' baud of the Cornioran and Geier, now confined in the detention barracks at Fort Douglas, have organized a baud at their prison quar ters. If the wishes of the farmers who are served through the project are consid ered, the state land board will foreon the close its $80,000 mortgage property of the Price River Irriga tion company. Duriner the summer vacation, one Ogden high school boy, aged 16 years, earned $050, obtaining that amount in commissions from the sale of automobiles. Another boy, 15 years old, earned $70 a mouth. In the opinion of T. E. Banning, sec retary of the public utilities commission, the collision at Maxwell on the & R. G. railroad" would not have happened if the block signal system bad been installed on the line. "Government officials, after making Hotel Forrest Meat Co. City GEORGE GARRETT. Pioprietoi All Kinds of Home Cured and Fresh Meats Kept in NEPHI CITY OFFICERS. Mayor Alma Hague. A. H. Councilmen Beiuston, Thomas Bailey, James Garrett, Jr., O. Ostler. Mark Bigler, George Recorder A. V. Gads. Treasurer J. H. Latimer. Attorney T. H. Burton. Marshal Samuel Linton, Jr. Justice of the Peace Wm. Stout Street Supervisor Jas. B. Riches. Quarantine Physician Dr. T. D. Rees. Building Inspector I. H. Grace. Chief of Fire Department w. a. Keilson. Superintendent of Water Works A. J. Gowers. Members of Board of Health Dr. i . D. Rees, Alonzo Ingram, Wm. G. Orme. Sexton C. E. Bigler. LEVAN TOWN. Refrigerator up-to-d- Business being run on cash basis, enables us to sell at very reasonable prices. Courteous Treatment to all Dr. J. G. IRONS VETERINARIAN NEPHI t: i: UTAH Graduate Veterinary College University of Pennsylvania PHONE 187 President Board of Trustees Alma Diseases of domestic animals treated' Dalby. Trustees M. w. Mangeison, s. r. Taylor, Alex Peterson, George Nellson. Marshal Nells Mortenson. Justice of the Peace Neils Schow. Health Officer Henry Hendrickson. ak ouhtsous Juab District Board of Education I. H. Grace, President; Lorenzo ManA. NIELSON. Proprietor geison, Vice President; A. P. Paxman, Clerk; J. H. Lunt, Treasurer and Jo- Two Doors South of taints' Pharmacy Newton. seph City Barber Shop ntinan EAST COUNTY PRECINCT OFFlJ CERS. Mona. Justice D. O. Young. Health Officer N. W. Ellertson. Nephi. Justice J. R. Black. Constable H. T. Knowles. Health Officer Dr. T. D. Rees. Levan. Justice E. W. Peterson. Constable Richard Iverson. Livery and Feed Stable Bus Meets All Train. Qood Livery Rljpi. Dray ana Bxpre- Wagons. Agents for Coal. .Phone No. 44-- 1. H D. GOLDSBRO VGH, Proprietor . Dr. Charles Dunn DENTIST Modern Woodmen of America No. 10,700, meets every Tuesday evening Phone No. S H Woodman hall. Visiting Woodmen Post Office BUff. Welcomed. CHARLES STEPHENSON, Consul. J. H. LATIMER, Clerk. I O. O. F. No. 16 meets every Sat urday evening in I. O. O. F. hall. Vis- TJs. - Nephi Thos. H. Burton study of the nematode, sugar beet Attorney at Law Notary parasite, in Utah county and other iting brothers cordially invited to at Public . the that sections of the state, report tend. Office In Rooms 1 and 2 Ostler Bldg--. HERBERT ROBERTS, N. G. pest may be controlled by the appli JOHN S. COOPER. Secretary. cation of an Inexpensive method. Utah soldiers who may be in serv SAINTS' MEETINGS ice or In other states or foreign lands LATTER-DAJ. may not vote 'at the coming municipal UbIN I IS 1 South ward 10:30. School. finndav elections, owing to the action of the at ward School Nephi building; Office Rooms Nob. 6 and 7, Venice last session of the state legislature at High Tabernacle; North ward at meet- Theatre Building. In deeming it unwise to provide for Ins house. Phone No. 123--J voting by mail. M. I. A. Sunday, 7 p. m. South James H. Movie, national Demo Ward High School building; Nephi cratic committeeman from Utah, has ward at Tabernacle; North ward at accepted the position of first assist- meeting house. ant secretary of the treasury of the Primary South ward every Tues House Demands Investigation., United States, the cabinet post offered day at Tabernacle; Nephi every FriWashington. After the stormiest him by William G. McAdoo, secretary day at Tabernacle; North ward at meeting house every Friday. session in years the house of repre- of the treasury. Physician & Surgeon, Priesthood meeting every Monday convlc sentatives Monday afternoon sent to to In order The prosecution the Tabernacle and North tho rnles committee two resolutions Res. Phone 2. office Phone 64. defendant charged with having evening at ward meeting houses. demanding a thorough investigation liquor in his possession must prove and South Office 4 & 5' Venice Building. Relief Society South ward first and of the statement made by Representathat possession was obtained after the month at 2 tive Heflin of Alabama that thirteen prohibition law became operative Au third Thursday in each p. m. Nephi ward first and third or fourteen members had been acting gust 1, according to a decision ot Wednesday In each month. North suspiciously. Salt Lake Judge. ward first and third Thursday in each Cache month, at respective meeting houses That the potato growers of at Portland. o More Men Strike county are doing their bit to aid In PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Portland, Ore. Approximately 4000 the food shortage Is evidenced by the Winn Building Main Street workmen In three Portland steel ship- fnet that at least forty carloads of Sunday school at 10:30. yards laid down their tools Monday potatoes have already been shipped Everything New and and joined the 3000 men who walked from Cliche valley, and the shipments Class Work out of the Partland wooden shipyards have only begun. Courteous Treatment to all recently to enforce their demands for It was announced last week that Who "He Builds Wisely Shoe thine stand and bath tub In connection higher wages and the closed shop. about 30 per cent of the individual Builds Well" Work on government contracts at the consumers of coal, of Salt Lake City A(t (or SALT LAKE STEAM TROY LAUNDRY steel yards was halted by the strike. had already laid In their winter's supROBERT LOMAX. Proprietor TO BUILD WELL ply of coal, and are now rftrlcken off Kansas City Strike Ends. USE the list of customers who will nave to Kansas City. Striking freight hand be supplied (his winter. Assurances were contained In a tele lcrs, yard and checking clerks, switchFine Watch, Clocks, Jewelry, men, mail and baggage handlers, team gram received last week from W. W, and Spectacle Repairing. sters and chauffeurs ended their two Armstrong, state food administrator. BBSSrMBasBMBBHHBBBBBBl weeks' strike here Sunday when Ihey who is now in Washington, that the No Has Good Work Guaranteed voted to accept the settlement offered Utah, Idaho and Colorado wheat crops will not be moved until an ndeqtinte by the railroads. Purest and 1 The Largest .oin.lv bus been provided for local natural deposit of Gypsum Requests Economy in Sugar. consumption. Administrator in the World. When an automobile stage traveling Washington. Food Hoover has appealed to the American from Tooele to Salt Lake leaped from people to reduce their consumption of the roadway Into a ditch, three miles sweets to leave a share for their enst of Magna, two of the passengers Nephi Plaster & Mfg. Co, P. O. Box 297 Nephi, Utah French allies, who are facing the were pinned underneath the machine or wn In a Inches with few months two of drowned and entirely prospect out sugar. ter. while five others narrowly missed HI1111 the same fate. Strike May Soon Be Settlid thou Sun Francisco. Twenty-fiv- e Phone 25, sand striking Iron workers ami shipWith Horses. 8uces to work Nicely equipped. Steam Heated, builders are willing to return Horse breeding requires more capi pending a final settlement of tlnl tal. Is more profitable If successful and Giving a uniform temperature. wage differences If a temporary wage Involves larger losses than any other --oOoBind of stock breeding. agreement can be reached. Maternity cawt solicited; bo reftrfctiona Petrograd Universities Closed. Cows 8uftr From Exposure. as lo your medical ot surgical attendant All her nnlversites the Petrogrnd. The dulry cow often suffers the Medical and surgical cates cared tat. Hotel. the Forreft door Next to I he medical schools have been except most from exposure to the weather closed for a year, in pursuance of a before real winter has begun. Miss Ida Linton, . Supt, X Prices, $12.00 to 20. per week. plan to evacuate the unnecessary pro In the Petro of population portion Good Layers and Breeders. j 1 grad. Only vigorous, norninl pullets Will make good layers and breeders. Dr. A. BOOTH Dr. D. O. Miner. Irish Convention in Cork. Cork, Ireland. The Irish convention reassembled here Tuesday. Though no definite arrangement yet litis been reached with the Ulsternien, it is said that the speeches of some of their couched in eloquent and leaders, good friendly language, have given grounds for hope of a peaceable settlement. niram) "Why, listen; here's what I'll do: I'll tnke your farm and cut ft up Into building lots and give you senator to succeed the two best lots free of taxes for Lewis, Democrat. two years for the rest of the s g Bern-storf- euj-Best- THAT DIRECTORY. OFFICIAL THE Palace Barber Shop; Nephi Piaster Equal E. L. Boucher Leading Jewelry Store Nephi General HOSPITAL |