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Show r L I ' i j Eng 3“”? r flcgf flfliupr, ot‘ Moody and Sankey’s progressive Hebr'on _1___ avoided. _—. New Harmony . I’OSTOFFICE HOURS. LI—Arr. .m.1111'11:5 1‘11...: North 1111 A MAIL DEPARTS. For North at 2?. 21. From South at 12.1.11 For South at ‘2 P. M. F‘111 Ton-1: rv‘e 1?. M ‘ForToquerv‘e t) A. .11. Office. ope:1 fromS A. .11. until" P M. ‘111111'110 5P )1 toi‘P M "' On Sundays. from S A. )1. to 10 A. M. only. Registering done during office hours: but toinsurt' them for the 11:11‘ 5“mail they must not come later 11111.1 1'3: ‘0 11. HERMAN 1112211 SE Postmaster. BRIEFLETS. A long story made short,-—one woman at. :1 qiriltit L. ;its er for the coming election. hee 11st of Racistration omcers for the County, in this issue. W C. Riggs. Esqr. left for San Francisco. the 3th inst. George Miller. Al Grant: and several other Lakers have returned. . Tncy look happy. Remember all persons are compelled to register whether formerly registered or not The most fastidious can be gratified at Harrison‘s. Ilis table is supplied constantly with the best the market afl'ords. C. ‘V'estover has always on hand the choicest cuts of beef. 1111111011,.111'12111. etc. Parties owing on subscription can aid as now very much by 14111111.Y 11s :1 c:111. Mr. Peter “'1.1lte has gone to Bristol, Nev. Call on Steve ns 11'. Harrison for your surp‘lies. Satisfaction gunr:.1nteed “A mooly cow with crumpled horns" is the latest poetic efi'usion of .1 school warm at the hub. ‘ All persons entitled to vote are urgently requested to register at once. Mr. J. IV. Martin the new school teacher for the Reef is in town. Capt. Lubbock as She-rill" of Washington County is the Latest. Min’h 1: life 11:1s Ct'zle'ld to'bc facinuiugto our friend the Captain. n Mr. John H.IliCe.W1-lls Ear'cro 3 Agent. stirricd for 111-1 metropolis on the 9111 inst A pleas ant trip. Grafton Shoensburg Van'l‘unkat Panacea, New, :1 few Springdale days ago, over some trouble at the horse race which canre ofi‘at that place. The particulars were. not given. Van Tunkrwas arrested and taken to l’ioclre for investigation of the case, and will probably not be liberated soon. He is :1 desperate character of the lowest grade, as many here can testify. W Rzmxgmnthat Llrxflegistration books are. open on‘. y from September 11 19 and including September 11‘Call on A- J. McDonald for anything in the lino ofDru-'s. (‘1_1:1r's. 'l‘ubacco's etc. Grtat reduction in prices! Don‘t target A. J. McDonald. Registration Office at office. Justice Londer‘s August bullion shipments from thr- Clll‘lsiy 9402119. \l'er klv shipm» nts of bullion through “'ells I .11go Jet J loot up to 5151.1312551. Givethe(11".1‘111":1i market a trial. No one necderh to go hungry For i‘rn\ ci gn's and excellent liquors go to Quirk Bros. A Job 11':men is 11' ept at the Post Office. GOOD SCHOOLS. The 11 ated term for the se: son is past and as the cool weather approach1's trustees and those 1.1 lro‘.1: we i: unre- diate control of school rrrzrttr-rs should be wide. awake to the interests of'cducation. hear'te rlr'ased to note the fact that the Distrirt School for the Reef will commence immediately. '1 he trustees 11:1'1e se1 urcd the ser' 1 ices of Mr. J. \'1. Martin who will c0111mencesshool 2.10111'1111 15) inst. J. H. Gardiner, . James P. Terry, 1 Franklin Stevens, 13. II. Gifford. . JJ.1Halp1n ,_MAIN_' STREET, BELOW GENTRE. siLvi—m risen................u1'-Aio ....DEALEBS IN.... “E Importerand Dealer1n - Q @833 3 “BEWARE 010 thing, Groceries, DIED, , 111011 1N1) STE EL.~ MILLINERY, Mill and Mimng supplies ....AND.... Consisting'in part. of allsizes of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. August 31st,1882. . _ Gas Pipe and'TUbl'ng, Iron and Brass Fittings, Belting and Packing, Etc. n ... Additions constantly coming in to our Dry Goods and )Iilliner'y stock which are selected by thoroughly competent judges. so that we can offer the latest styles and patterns of goods. Our stock of genr‘s clothimz. furnishings. boots and shoes. etc.. is complete, and Rail and Bar Iron a Specialty" prices beyond competition. Goods deli1ered promptly to any part of town. A 11111.1. LINE or . W'Give us a. call and be convinced. " ——ooo——-—Dissolution of Assayers’ Goods Copartnership. SILVER REEF, August 15111, 1882. Notice is hcr'ebv When that the copar'tnership heretofore ex \istinO' between (Iharles Westover and Edward Marshall. under the firm name :rnd style. of Westover 8; Marshall, is this lllil! BS!- nn'rom's, enumerate. mar-mm. immune POTS. BONE ASE, Lumen 3110... mm. mo. AIBIING FOR -—'— day 111-solved by mutual consent, Mr. Marshall retiring. Arizona or New and 01d Charles Westover, 011011111g and Heating- Stoves Edward Marshall. IMEXICO, AND RANGES ~——————o—.¢——-— parties in S: 111 Francisco. GOOD FELLOWSHIP LODGE, NO. 6, For some years the Leeds Company, A. 0. U. \V. from the. richness of the ore and ex“ EETS ever-1' Thursday evening at 8 ceedingly good management, its mines o'clock :11. Citizens Hall. .‘111 sojourn- Should know that the natural highway from in; B:others are cordiailv. invited. p-rid large dividends and was thought 10 be one. of the most. scenic arid solid Grnsox CLmK, M. Ii . J. N. Locmm. Recorder. _____——_.osah——-———_ cral deposits was tiiougift to be so Dentistry. ast and inexhaustible that it would This is my fifth annual visit. to the Reef take many years to crush the or'e :rpprrr'ently in sight, most of which was . and I .1111 prepared to (lo anytlrinv in the line 'of dentisrrv that may be, required. \ly stay of high grade, ' but as depth was :1!- will depend on how long my services may be l t dried the richness of the mineral de- r (111111 11 I m1y be found.t all hours at, the Harrison House. RIOVILLE FERRY, CARPENTERS’ 1!. BUILDERS At. the confluence of the RioVir-gen with the Hardware. water and 111th anvteam or load and find hay grain and provisions generally on hand. DANIEL BONELLI. Proprietor. The largest and most complete stock or Sash and Panel, mas and Windows F. C. NICHOLS «»- In Southern Uf‘ab. A R. G. M'QCARBIE. D. H. MOP-BIS. DIIXED AND DRY PAINTS» FOR SALE. Company had prospect work on its l0.lt'S. the present condition of :ril'airs} “YO DWELLING HOI'SES. ONE would not have Occurred, and there Silll'ttr'ti 11111111111 the Pr‘sltifllC" eonrnirs1.15131'1-10 1115.1111'111111'1'011 Fast East street lit’LlS seems no doubt that very rich .c 1111:11111111:1111'1-1111111111surr1l :1 collar. \VntJ-r :rr'e still untouchcd which may yet be 1.:1r\(l\‘ 101111111 '11::c-s. '1‘1111 furniture, will be For further pa‘trc,111. 1's :s 1 1111 in sin'1c51iv'1' developed. \ETFIE CLIFFORD. MISS\ 1 :.pulv to '011 the third of last June :rtt‘ach- 1' | ments to the amount of some 5:8,(1110 1‘ served on the Company by lt variety and of best monufactnr Rio Colorado, near the point lorrnerly know1'. Stone’s Eerrv. and o1er a route where accornodations and supplres can be had 11: reasonahlv convenient distances. also that they can there cross the river in all stages 01' The thin- posits seems to have decreased until it.’1 'eased to pay expenses. The prevailing opinion is that if the great the West. and North leads across the Colorado River at. , “'- M’QUABRIE 8: MORRIS Oils .and- Glass, v . DEALERS IN WHITE LEAD, ZINC AND PUTTT ' (E'A well-appointed workshop is attached. Furniiarei with special conveniences for manufacturing heavy and light irorr, copper and tinwar‘e. Purchasing from. first hands; I am pre‘ NOTICE. pared to duplicate Salt Lake prices. 1 Sher'ii’t A. 1’. I-lar'dy, :rrrd since. that l OFFICE or Srormovr S. \l (‘0. . tiure everything has been closed 111111.11 ‘ . 51131 11125? Lrarr 1111' 1.111 183-31 and probably will remain so until the Checks 1:11- _ 1114111111 Silver Mininrr ( 11117111111 or‘ (lat pr' vious to .‘.l.rrel. "1st. 1653. executions are satisfied under sale. will be poil,‘ ('11 prv s11 111rtion at the lulll‘klllg The property above ground Consists. house. or' M.Corni('k 1t: (‘ o , .‘~'111' 1 MW C it). W . IAI LE‘\', 3111111111er. ofa ten stamp mill, oilice, boarding; Mow‘ eruse,hl:rcl(sruitlI shop and several other buildings for ll'rc carrying on “'2 11 week in your own town?! 5.7 Outan exte 1sive business. “1&1”... \orislz. E1'11yt11i111'1.1-\1. Latin: 1 no rrqaircd: “1111121 311rrrist. 30: . ”'1 l. Sherifi' Hardy has taken ptllthHHll 511v11hin': Td 111v are 11111.1;1111r lorrunr-s. pains to keep everything in good Ladies 111 11:11 as much as 111-11. and boys and girls make arr-:11 pay. Read-1111' you want a shape since 1111 has had charge by hav- business at which you c111 11111111 err'at pay 11 ing :1 watch on day :rnd night for the J. J. HALPIN- Window Curtains, Cornices, “Tall. Paper, Baby Carriages St. George, Utah. W. B. Sager G oods delivered at Very Lowest Rates _ Main Street. SILVER REEF....-........r..$...a....1113’11111 . momma]: 121...... {FCorrcspondence Solicited. a the Iirne you work. write for particulars to l H.11allctt& (‘11.. Portland. Maine. protection ofthe propertv. \\ e see no reason 11 by , in the near future the indebtedness should not be l raised and the Company resume 11 ork. l oaocssres l A FULL LINE NotFail ROCKY" IROADS. CLOTHING-,. ....0P.... _. , to send for» A cloudy night fora ramble ’ 11119111 Street, ‘Sllver Reef, Utah authorized to collect all outstanding bids. .1. E. JOHNSON. $1!) par v:1ln11,o\\'ne1l principally by were. $311113“?! 61$ (Successors to Jirliué Sultan) .' tail :1 special representative of the :1 favor bv immediately settling the errgn for the purpose ot'giving afew_arrre with A. J. Macdonald, who is 'cornpanies in the country. s- - STEVENS .11 11111111180111 September 3. 1882, after :1 severe sickness off) weeks, Daniel Earrings ton, aged 4 years the 28111 of last JarrLEEDS MlNlNG PROPERTY. nar'y; was born at Fall River, Mass. As inquiries are. frequently made Pa'erhis name Cornelius and Mary by private individlrals and some le:r1l‘~ Harrington. inf: newspapers of the, Pacific Slope concerningr the. past history and present condition of the Leeds property, Notice. situated in tlri's district. upon which, Parties line: ,,2'- themselves in— suits have been 13611111113,“ for some time, we have taken the trouble to de- debted to J. E. Johnson, will confer gardinfr the above Company. The Leeds Cornpant “ere the first to commence the dev elopurent ot ruiner'al deposits in this district, :rnd have, until last June, of the presmrs year. been almost. constantly engaged in opening up :rnd vigrously working their claims which are situated on the Pride of the “last or White lcci'. The mines belm-ging‘ to this Cornpany which have yielded so much sil1'111' or'c in the past, are the Maynard. Sheppard and Lernrrrorr, Bonanza :urd 'Hanlcy. The capital stock is 60.000 shares of - ' Roht. W. Reeves, we learn bv pri "rte letter that Ed- Rockville \1 ard Coflee was shot and killed by true statements Of :1 general nature re- H Wififluautmlfi. Edwin N. \Iurptry, George. Isom, Duncan’s Retreat 51400711111; AT 'P‘ANACCA. i James I". Pace, 'l'oquerville _Virgen City . ~ ‘ F 'anklin O. IIolt, SATURDAY. 1 . 1 .........SE PTEMBER 9. 13821 In J Daniel M. 'l‘ylcr, hy’m‘us, all this might have been Guulock l t ‘ ' our PriceList for ' along the rocky strccr, you fall and try to scramble. but can‘t do it. Your nose is the first. part that reaches terra Iirma, the rest of your person looks like. you had telescoped with :1 falling sandbank and been bz'.11y taken in. The way of the tr'ansgr'essor is hard. Now if you had bought a double-barreled lantern, 11111-1111 oii'yorrrlong-toed shoes, cushioned yourself r'orrnd about 111111 springl mattresses,. and sung one - PRECINCT REClSTRAT10N CFFICERS FOR VJASHiNCTON COUNTY; Silver Reef Leeds Washington St. George Price Santa Clara. Pine Valley Pinto 1332. Free ‘ plicaiicn. Contains dc-'ptions of 1:1'ervthing . le. II. Harrison, ed for I"; .cr:;1i or locally use, I'vl‘nlll"1 Charles Connolly, with over 1,909 illustrations. I'i'esell Joseph R. Iloag, 5'El goon-1 1.: whole 0521-!0 prices in Arthur B. Cort, (,1.1..nti.i-s .o sci: he p11 rclraser. The L. Jaru‘es Larson, only institution in America. who. make L. H. Little. 3 their special 121:5 nera. Add.cs: Abner Pellis, Cleats’ Furnishing Goods: .‘)0 .u- .- . \z..‘.’wé1 .. '.'_..:;.'.1, L......'._' -, -._ _ 1 ~"' ' 1." STATIONERY, 2101110513,. . 7 [srrrrarrarrj 1 — HatsJ'rdot-é 1.11.11 Shoes: Tomcat},— cféans, {35331111.35%? 11151311975 of. (31:3. John H. Harrison, 1.11111 11.1111 13 ' to any arid: 35 111011 ap- It fi‘fii i J. J. IIALFIN’S. '1 WINES: 1:11:11? - met-1. |