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Show Au(\ 11.1 all SW5 ‘20.: \ N I M ‘ ? F E E R R E V L I S THE SILVER hEEF. WASHINGTON COUNTY, UTAH. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9.l882 m V. H SILVERREEF MINER SILVER REEF, _ WOOD RIVER. A Million invested wmnn Six Months. fialnoua ' UTAH. The New York Stock Report says Published Every—Sgurday Morning. that the developments for the past once—Inna; Building. Lower Main Street year and a halfhave proven that the Photographs. country contains ore deposits in great which are. undoubtedly auoyur..................................86 00 number CAPITOL, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPI’ION: Six Houths........................ 8 51 three Mouths............................. 2 00 One Month .................... . .......... 1 09 Delivered by Carrier. per week............. :10 You who wish to behold your shad- main St., Silver Root. worthy ofthedistlnctlon of mines, and ows of to-day in the future, call on we might say thousands of others James Booth, at the Post which only need pluck and coin to MINER PUBLISHING COMPANY place them in a like condition and valPublishers and Proprietors. ue. But until capital—backed by enI: ergy, perseverance and the desire to don legitimate business —takes a general hold In the country, we cannot L the rush and push in other' BAILEY & PARSONS, expect. business enterprises which the state of (Successors to T. C. Bailey.) Wood River’s mineral development warrants. This want of capital is daily being supplied; new companies Office, who is ready to work THE BEST every day and guarantee satisfaction, at the lowest living prices, 36-lm Wines. Liquors 8. CIGARS. Subscribe Dblahable in lllt Erntcssiount Land Agents and Attorneys Salt Lake City, Utah. Land Agents and Attorneys Salt Lake City, Utah WNotary Public in the oflice. UNITED STATES. J. H. OASSIDY. FOR ASK iron J Union India Rubber Co’s are being formed, mines are- being BIRD & LOWE, --—-——-‘-.¢~——-—-——- opened, .works of all kinds going up, and although the country is making reasonable progress, the field is so large and the change so gradual that itis not generally realized with the force it. merits. The number of min iug sales since the first of January certainly indicates that mpilalists are Ill. 11. 017133. THE UNIIIN, Pure Para Gum Basrsotouzw 1. Q1713! QUIRK BROTHERS AGKPIIO Published Monthly RUBBER BOOTS becoming interested in Wood River. ' BEWARE OF IMITATIONil AT Be. sure the Boots are stamped CRACK A few of the principal sales are P'IOOFon the heels. and have. the PURE brought to mind, such as the Robert GUJI s'Px/A GS on the foot and instep. which prevent their cracking or breaking Wu. are Attorney at Law Irwin, near Kctchum, which brought now limiting them with I UBBEK AND As. $40.000: the Pnymaster, on East Fork [MSTOS Soles which will make lhem last. twice as long as nuv Rubber Hoots made. $25,000; Bob Orr’s Nevadan, on Big FOR ALE BY ALL DEALERS. SILVER REEF, UTAH. Smoky. $20,000; King of the West, ALL KIND RUBBER BELTING. PACK ING. [-10 E. PRING . LO'I‘HING, Little Smoky, $20,000; Dead Shot, BOOTi AND HOE .Hc $30,000; Muldoon, $100,000; Narrow GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. C. MANTOR, R H PEA E Jr. } Gauges on Deer Creek, $80,000; MouB. M. RUNYON. Agents. sun Francisco. Physician and Surgeon, day, $50,000; Wolftone, $16,000; 36—3m Mammoth, $30,000; Lark, $8,000; Union—Next door to Halpiu‘s storeMayflower, $350,000; the French Boy’s MAIN ST., SILVER BEEF. claim on Deer Creek, $45,000; the Sorrel Horse, $10,000. These are the greater portions of the sales wherein MAURICE M. KAIG—HN the amount of purchase money was First door porth of Quirk‘s Saloon. , _,_ “he.“ 4W... .tt.orne y at. Law, made public. The transfers in which the consideration has not been stated MAIN STEET .............. SILVER REEF sun: LAKE crrv,‘ UTAH, will undoubtedly swell the aggregate Drums: No. 81, Main Street, next to Meto over one million dollars invested in Dornick's‘ Bank. THIS TONSORIAL PARLOR IS FIRSTNotary Public in Office. Wood River mining property within clnss in all its appointments. and all work is done with care and expedition. The the past- six months. latest style in haircntting.and the The Pioneer . GIBSON CLARK, Billiard Hall. St. George, Utah, Finest Billiard nnd Pool Tub!“ and Notary Public, In the Territory. BY First class J. W. CARPENTER, . Liquors and CigarAlways on hand. , Editor and Proprietor. FINE CLUB ROOM IN REAR! FASHION BARBER SHOP smoothest S. A. KENNER, shaves. Cull and be convinced Only 50 Cents pr apnum. Now is the time to H Horn Saloon Next door to the drug store, Maln Street. Sllver Reef. Utah Subscribe, ....Always on hand the best .... MARTIN KELLAR. Attorney and Counselor at Law. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Proprietor. PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRE. As the First number of the Practices in all the Courts of the Territory. See that your Chimneys and StovePipes are in Order. “Miner” office, Silver Reef. GEORGE MILLER. TAILORING Scarcely a day passes without a fire in some. town or other on the coast. In all its Branches. Only a few days since Austin was partially burned, and was only saved from MAIN STREET ............ SILVER REE? total destruction by the favorable di~ A. LEVY, ..... ED. THOMPSON, Prop'r. ...... Proprietor rection ofthe wind :ttthe time the fire Pine Suits Made to Order Will be issued this month. At this popular resort none but the choicest was at its height. With fire as with many other destructive agencies. “an 3 NOW PREPARED T0 FURNISH Wines, Liquors and Cigars all kinds of liquid refreshments. The ounce of prevention is worth a pound cat brandsol Are dealt over the bar to patrons. of cure.” It therefore behooves everyI?An assortment of fine imported Eng @Priva te Club Rooms attached to the LIQUORS AND CIGARS. body to examine their chimneys and ish Cloths always on hand. establishment. stove-pipes, and see that they are in Salt Lake bottled beer on ice. Shop corner Centre and FirstWest Streets order. This is the season of extensive Q‘Finest Billiard Table in the City. conflagrations from defective stoveA. WINQUIST. ——_ pipes. Everybody should watch their It has a General Circulation throughfines and stove—pipes and have all faulty joints repaired. It is much out Southern Utah, therefore, as cheaper to spenda few dollars in that North Main Street, Silver Reel way and secure premises against fire $LUN£ REOMSE an ADVERTISING MEDIUM, PENDRAY TJENNINGS; than to run the risk of having them Opposi te the Harrison House. burned down. BEST OF LIQUORS dz. CIGARS: It IS among the NE VIII! GLUM E] CABINET SALOON, Exchange Saloon, California Brewery SALOON. I. LEMMON, unornTArErJ Carpenter and Builder. Repairing and all kinds of work done to order. Main St., South of Postofflce. BEG T0 INFORM MY OLD FRIENDS REGISTRATION NOTICE.- and the public generally that I have fitted up and opened a lunch-house. and am prepared to serve the finest oysters and daintiest lunches at any time of night. _ Hoping to merit a liberal share of the public patronage. I remain, very respectfully. And Lager Beer on draught. B E S '1' . Beer, . - . . - - 12; Cents N. JOHNbON. Silver Reef. October 15. 1881. lAFAYETTE HOUSE Lower Main §treet, Bonanza. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FIRS T Class rooms, which can be rented or without board, on reasonable terms. with NO BAR IN THE Notice is hereby given that I will be at Justice Louder’s office in Silver Reef precinct on Monday, Sept . lIth., 1882, and each succeeding day there- The table will supply the best the market uterus. HAHNKEN .& JONES. Summer Beverage after to and including Sept. 16th .. from 9 a. m. to 12 m. and from 2 to 7 p. ll]. for the purpose of regi stering HOUSE. all persons entitled to vote in the said who appointments throughout are complete for the entertainment. of guests . Rates low, which will be forwarded Silver Reef Precinct, Washin gton County, Utah Ty. Wm. H, Harrison, Deputy Registrar. . to applicants by applying to J. W. Carpenter, THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW PRE pared to furnish the trade and families wnh an excellent article of Printer & Publisher, St. George, Utah. GINGER POP! Manufactured by himself. which he will sell in large or small quantities. and deliver to any part of the town. ARRY M. EDWARDS of llalpiu's store. Msnufactory ix}:i rear Welte's Brewery Silver Reef, Utah. I AM NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY the Trade. Families, and the public generally. with a Choice Article of Beer, by the Keg, Quart or Bottle. WBe-er delivered free. to any part of Silver Reef and adjacent vicinities.fi a-The Dancing Pavilion at thoBrewery is at all times at. the service of. the publj“ for the purposes of social recreation,“ No improper characters tolerated. P3133 WELTE. |