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Show Millard County Chronicle LyrSe Lore Club The first Lyric Lore Club meeting ; of the year was held Oct. 9 at the home of Maurine Anderson following follow-ing a delicious luncheon. Assisting Mrs. Aderson was her daughter, Luana Evans and grandson, Wayne Members were entertained by Laura Lyman who told of her trip to Guatemala. Mrs. Lyman and several of their children accompanied accom-panied Dr. Lyman and other doctors doc-tors and nurses to Guatemala to establish a medical center. They were there 2V& months and found living conditions quite different from home. It was a very enjoyable enjoy-able report. Present were Mrs. Lyman, Eleanor Elea-nor Skidmore, Olive Barney, Thel-ma Thel-ma Black, Mary Bassett, Harriet Eliason, Verna Gardner, Zerma Tripp, Maurine Jeffery, Cora Harris, Luane Evans and Maurine Anderson. .cover Windows, Doors."Porches & Breezewavs PFfor winter-long protection I fN 1 ' Also in 4 ft. widlhs. Ur.JI 'g& flex-o-glass is far stronger than polyethylene-It's polyethylene-It's the onlyrjlastic wintlow material GUARmUTFFn 2 FULL YcARS W& At Hardwaand lumber Dealers Everywhere IVERSOU MOTORS . . . announces this weeks specials 1969 Dodge Monaco Loaded 1969 Dodge Polara- Loaded 1967 Ponliac LeMans One Owner Sharp 1967 Plymouth Fury III With Air Sharp 1966 Oldsmobile 442 Very Good Condition 1964 Ford Galaxie 2-dr XL With Air 4-Speed Very Good Condition Come in and see our new Massey-Ferguson Line YOUR NEW MASSEY-FERGUSON DEALER AND DODGE CARS AND TRUCKS IVERSOH MOTORS DELTA, UTAH 864-2341 W. D. Iverson Owner mam Thursday, October 23, 1969 I Offices of Lyric Lore this year are Goldie Miller, Pres.; Maurlne Anderson, Vice Pres.; and Cora Harris, Secretary. The next meeting meet-ing will be at. the home of Goldie Miller on Oct. 23 (today). Fidelity Cluli Mrs. Vivian Holman was the hostess to the Fidelity Club Thursday, Thurs-day, Oct. 16, 196D at the Sugarville Ward Bazaar. After dinner the ladies went to her home for a book review of "Christy" written by Catherine Marshall and reviewed by Mrs. Mary Tippetts. Members present were Mrs. Hannah Larsen, Mrs. Inez Moody, Mrs. Thelma Seegmiller, ' Mrs. Verna Gardner, Mrs. Zola Wright, Mrs. Donna Sorensen, Mrs. Ora Gradner, Mrs. Romania Bird, Mrs. Thelma Black, Mrs. Lyle Moody, Mrs. Vivian Holman. Hol-man. Special guests were Mrs. Hily Kelley and Mrs. Amelia Cole ' Now is the time to r,.;-- . IT'S SO EAST ANYONE CAN DO II ! Warp Bros. Chicaqo 60651 Pioneers in Plastics Since 1924 Richard Wade Salesman fe Drying Insurance MISS SUSAN CAHOON E'lnegaeged . . Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cahoon announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Susan, to Mr. Michael Smith. Mr. Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith of Dugway. The engaged pair will he married mar-ried Nov. 6, 1969 in the St. George IDS Temple. A reception will be held the following night, Nov. 7, ct the Oasis LDS Ward Church between the hours of 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. ARPRILLA SCOW Visiting at the home of Mrs. Myrle Bennett on Monday was Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ames and baby of Spanish Fork. Mrs. Rae Jensen and daughter, Bonnie left Tuesday by plane for Dallas, Texas where they will visit with Charles and Diane Allen. A new baby girl arrived on Oct. 12 to Charles and Diane. Congratulations Congratula-tions to all. Proud grandparents are Homer and Rae Jensen of Des-eret Des-eret and Charles Allen, Sr., Delta. Daughter of Pioneers of Fanny Cropper Camp held their meeting Friday afternoon at the home of Fern Warner. The lesson was given by Ines Damron. Refreshments were served by hostess Fern Warner and Edna Christensen. Paula Black who is attending USU at Logan was home for the SELL CHILDREN'S EOOKS FROM YOUR OWN HOME. America's Best Line of Children's Literature and Choice Adult Selections Selec-tions Reasonably Priced. No sample purchases required. Worthwhile -Respectable. Send inquiry to THE BOOK TREE 3092 Metropolitan Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Life is sweet, life is as well as people. So can have to make life a little longer will make life a little sweeter. A flameless electric dryer's pure, precisely controlled con-trolled heat provides the insurance of longer clothes life because it protects even the most delicate fabrics. So you can enjoy them a little more, and a little longer. See your electric dealer's carefree care-free new models now. Buy a Carefree Electric Dryer Now Utah Power & Light Company JOT 1 M - mi IS! 'j: if I MR. AND MRS. deception Honors weekend with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Black. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Fairchild returned re-turned to Deseret after having spent several days at their home in Idaho. Mrs. Caroyln Haynes of Tooele spent the weekend with her moth er, Mrs. Edna Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Black have been out at their "ranch" for the past two weeks Program at Sacrament meeting Sunday evening was put on by Willard Stephenson. Students home from college to enjoy the deer hunt with their fathers, were Layne Eliason, Martin Eliason, Sidney Ogden, of Cedar; Chad Anderson of Ogden; Dale Jensen of St. George; Bruce Peterson Peter-son of Cedar. Darrel Scow arrived Saturday from Phoenix, Ariz for a weeks' vacation with parents, Milden and Arprilla Scow. His wife, Alice Gaye and daughter, Lisa, have been here visiting for the past two weeks. They will return to their home at Phoenix Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Garth Bishop of Salt Lake spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Allred. The weather was certainly bad for the deer hunt There were several lucky hunters who bagged a nice buck News items cannot be printed if townspeople don't call or hand their news items in. So please, turn your news into me Sunday or before be-fore so it can be put in the Chronicle. Chron-icle. Thanks. short. For clothes any insurance we BUTCH MILLS Bridal Pair Miss Judy Nielson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nielson of Lynndyl, became the bride of Mr. Butch Mills in Sept. 11, 1989 Manti LDS Temple rites. Mr. Mills in the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Millls of Delta. A reception honored the couple thct same evening at the Lynndyl Ward. The bride was radiant in her floor-length gown of lace with its high neckline and long sleeves Colleae students will Be especially especial-ly interested in west Millard County. Coun-ty. Order the Chronicle for your student today. LOOK IN YOUR ATTIC OR THE BASEMENT YOU MIGHT HAVE SOMETHING THAT IS WORTHLESS WORTH-LESS TO YOU, BUT SOMEONE ELSE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE. A 50c CLASSIFIED MAY KILL 2 BIRDS WITH ONE STONE ... 5UKNJ BROOK OISTIILERY 00.. CINCINNATI. OHIO. n f,7 TT; If Woeasytota LOOK BEFORE rfSLr- YOU REAP ! k EASE Wrrrrri W combines mMM TURNER'S cuffed at the wrists. She carried a bouquet of pink roses. Her floor length veil of illusion was held In place by a white velvet bow. Bridal attendants were gowned in street length dresses of pink. They carried single longstemmed roses. Matron of honor was Mr. Mills sister, Mrs. Billie Young of La-Mariada, La-Mariada, Calif. Bridesmaids were Deb Beck with, Sandy Benson, Connie Whicker, Rose Nielson and Phyllis Nielson. Flower girl was Tonya Young. Best man duties were filled by Mr. Arch Young of LaMariada, aatSensaeflfi Select Your Fall Suit How! Boys' Suits PRICED 16.95 to 24.95 ( DC LTPTS nDCMRTmnT STORE BUNDED WHISKEY 86 PROOF, 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRIT?. Ifie cLigkt-cHearted IVfiisJiey Calif. . '.I Bearing gifts were- Darren Young. Sheldon Young and Greg Young. At the guest book was Jane Lyman. Pouring punch was La-Wrene La-Wrene Bradfield. Marie Mankin end Carolyn Lyman were in charge of sifts. The newlywed couple are at home at Provo where both are continuing their education at Brigham Young University. They express sincere thanks to everyone every-one for attending their reception and for the many useful and beautiful gifts received. New Styles New Fabrics PRICED 65.00 to 85.00 Men's Sport Coats NEW STYLES NEW FABRICS PRICED 2150 to 45.00 Men's Dress Slacks PRICED 7.00 to 18.00 s JJ V J i |