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Show SUTHERLAND DORA ROSE Last week I was unable to report the news because of my not being here. I had, some Interesting news about Mr. Wallace Holman an1 hi.( wife and if it had been printed in last week's news it would still have been too late for Mr. Holman t read. However I think it would be interesting for others to read. Mr. and Mis. Wallace Holman attended a Class Reunion of 1911, his 8th grade class. There were about fifty members present. There were about 47 members la the class but of those who were absent, guests and partners made up for the missing numDers. Mr. Hoiman reported that about one half of them had passed on. The reunion was held at the Wilkinson Center in the Sky Room at the BYU and this was the first time Mr. Holman had been away in a year. This took place just a few days before his death. Mr. and Mis. Kenneth May and children of Spanish Fork, Miss Klouise Johnson of Tooele were here over the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. The Kenneth Mays also visited with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan May. All of the Johnsons went pine nut hunting out In the west hills to Sacramento Pass. Misses Emalee and Judy May were home over the weekend to visit with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan May. Emalee bought her a new c?r so she will be able to make a visit once in awhile from Tooele where she is teaching to see her folks. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rose and Debbie visited over the weekend with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Rose. Mrs. Rose spent the week m Beryl with them. I Mr VfM C T n ..... uuu ..ii m. o. j. riuws ui Kanosh visited with their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Steele. Mr. Brent Rock, DHS Coach, and his wife gave the Sunday night talks in Sacrament meeting. Mrs. Rock played an orean solo. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Benson spent Saturday night, Sunday and Mon-day Mon-day in the west hills pinenut hunt- I I r. Tl 1 . ... . .. mi;, xuey rtnurnea Monaay nignt. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ogden of Richfield visited with the Ivo Og-dons Og-dons and also went pinenut hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Larsen spent a few days In Arizona. They are making arrangements for an apartment apart-ment for the winter. Mr. Roger Ogden returned o Fort IrwLn, Calif, after a 20 day vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Ogden and all his sisters. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Edwards for their new little son who came to them last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunlop of Salt Lake and their son, Joseph, spent the weekend with, their children chil-dren Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mein-hardt Mein-hardt and children. They went to Oak City and spent some time later quilting. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Abbott, Neal and Barbara, had visiting with them this week, Mrs. Florence Speelmon of Terreton, Idaho, Major and Mrs. Bill (Joyce Abbott) Sen sing, Austin, Texts, Mr. and Mrs, Phillip Abbott, Las Vegas, Nevada and Mr. and Mrs. Leigh, Abbott of San Mateo, Calif. They also visited with Josephine Abbott in the Ex tended Care Facility. DESERET ARPRILLA SCOW Mr. and Mrs. Handle Cahoon and son, Varlo went to Los Angeles, Calif. Inst Tuesday where they at-, tended funeral services- for Wallace Cahoon's wife. The Deseret Ward Relief Society, held their opening social on Tues- day afternoon. A program was pre-' sented and a luncheon was served. A large number of ladies were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Western and family of Phoenix, Arizona visited Friday with Harold's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Western. Harold ww ' on his way to Salt Lake where he attended LDS Conference. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Moody and family of Salt Lake spent the week I end with Larry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moody. Larry came to help his father with some farm Millard County Chronicle Thursday, October 10, 1968 ii Em oil A Fireplace from Otto Buehner Co. Adds value to your home . . . Adds joy to your life Whether your preference is a custom design in natural, gleaming marble ... or a pre-cast fireplace of lustrous Iridestone ... or a prefabricated, pre-fabricated, "built-in-look" model that can be installed in a house with no existing chimneys . . . Otto Buehner Company can have a fireplace fire-place in your home in days. Visit Buehner's big display room for free estimates, free ideas. (MSG ,imitM n mm I VENICE DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. Leo Davis and Lois Greene made a trip to Salt Lakej to De there wnen June Mcuriae came fromj the University Hospital Sunday Sept. 30th. She is doing fine Venice Davis stayed for a week with the McBride family. That isj the reason for) no Sugarville items in last week's Chronicle. All are doing fine at this writing. Leo Davis, Lois Greene, Henrietta and Marie Barben made a trip Friday to Salt Lake and stayed until Sunday Sun-day then Venice returned home with them. Lois Greene visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Greene from Logan Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis and family. Frelen Shurtz is home from the hospital doing as good as possible at this time. We are happy to have him home again. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jergens were called when Frelen was so bad and Colleen is staying on until after deer season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frelen Shurtz. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Shurtz and family of Alpine and Mr. and Mrs. Kent Shurtz and family of Salt Lake visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frelen Shurtz and families during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Losee made a trip to Springvllle for a visit with Eph Losee and to Payson for a vist with Ike's sister, Becky Brim-hall Brim-hall Thursday. Abe and Alta Taylor visited Bp. and Mrs. Roy Losee Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Oliver and Saturday they all went pinenut gathering, Bp. and Mrs. Roy Losee, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Losee, Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Oliver, Mr and Mrs. Abe Taylor, Tay-lor, Dona and Annette Losee. They were very successful and had a wonderful time. We sympathize with Vivian Holman Hol-man and family at the death of Wallace. The large funeral and flowers showed the friends he had. We have lost a fine friend and neighbor. The Sugarville Primary will have a Bake Sale Oct. 18 in the. Quality Market. Get your baked goodies then. work. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sargent of Pan-guitch Pan-guitch visited Saturday nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Crop per. Mrs. Sargent and Mrs, Cropper are sisters. Darrel and Alice Gnye Scow of Logan spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mllden Scow and Mrs. Alice Bliss. Mrs. Gloria Tolbert and son and daughter of Woodruff visited Saturday Sat-urday and Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Orin Allred. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Western, and children of Sandy were at the home of Ray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Faun Western over the weekend. Mr. Parnell Hinckley spent sever-all sever-all days at the home of Lincoln and Cleo Eliason. Max and Anne Jensen of Salt Lake visited over the weekend with Max's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mace of Flowell visited; Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dewsnup. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Torrens and children of Orem were down over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Torrens, Sr. Ralph and Barbara Conk of Kearns were down Saturday and Sunday looking after their Interests here. Bishop Dean L. Black attended General Conference in Salt Lake. Bill Conk of Tooele spent the weekend at home with his wife, Lorraine and children. Please call on the phone or give me your news items. I am sure there is more happening In Deseret. A&urmHutwri wanda melson eammctovi . . j Erva Bradfield and Myrtle Niel-son Niel-son went to Salt Lake last Tues-, . - , , r .1. ' day, .rva ior a cnecnup ana iviyrut? visited her son, Bob and family. They returned home Thursday. Claudine Nielson went to Salt Lake last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fenton (Delia) Gunn of a checkup as she hasn't been feeling so good. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Gunn are visiting here with Bill, Claudine and Theron and other brothers and sisters. They will go back to Calif. Wednesday. Theron Nielson took Charley and Beatrice and Claudine to Scipio Monday to visit with sister, Ruby, and Walt Eskland. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Lovell of Cedar were home over the weekend with parents, Mr. and Mrs. LaForge Novell and family. Mrs. Violet Nielson is visiting with son, Giant, Louise and family 'his week. Mr. Fred Finlinson and Fred, Jr. 3f Salt Lake were down over the weekend helping Rich with the rounding up of cattle and other farm work. Mrs. Hattie Anderson is going to the wedding reception in Orem for Eddie Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don (Bonnie) Anderson on the 11th of October. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Anderson and son, John of Provo were down spending the weekend with aunt, Hattie Anderson. Roger took a week off from work last week and helped Pa and Bud do some baling, plowing and planting. plant-ing. Mrs. Francell Nielson's sister, Gwen visited her and Fred last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oxel Johnson went to Ogden to a farewell party for p grandson, Ron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern (Merl) Young who i9 going on a foreign mission. I tried to call and see just where he was going but the phone isn't working agin. I hope we don't have any emergencies emer-gencies or we'll be in a heck of a fix. Mrs. Lorna Mclntyre went to Salt Lake on business and then on to Ogden to see her father. Myrle Nielson went to Milford tJ visit with son, Rolan and family for a few days. POSTER PAPER Poster paper at the Chronicle, in white and a wide variety of colors, now sells for 20c a sheet. ATTENTION ALL REGISTERED VOTERS: In conformity with State Statute, Clyde L. Miller, Secretary of State of the State of Utah, has qualified the following Initiative Petition to be placed on the November 5th, 1968 General Election Ballot. AN ACT RELATING TO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; AMENDING THE LIQUOR CONTROL ACT BY ADDING ADD-ING A NEW CHAPTER 9 TO TITLE 32, UTAH CODE ANNOTATED 19.03, TO BE KNOWN AS THE ALCOHOLIC ALCO-HOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL ACT OF 1968; PROVIDING PRO-VIDING FOR THE SALE AND DISPENSING OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BY THE INDIVIDUAL DRINK ON LICENSED PREMISES BY LICENSEES REGULATED AND CONTROLLED BY APPROPRIATE APPROPRI-ATE AUTHORITY; PROVIDING FOR LICENSING OF HOTELS, RESORT HOTELS, RESTAURANTS AND CLUBS; SETTING FORTH THE QUALIFICA-TIONS QUALIFICA-TIONS OK LICENSEES AND THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH LICENSES ARE TO BE ISSUED, RENEWED. REISSUED, SUSPENDED AND CANCELLED; CAN-CELLED; PROHIBITING THE SALE OR DISPENSING DISPENS-ING BY LICENSEES OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES TO AND THE POSSESSION, PURCHASE OR CONSUMPTION CON-SUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BY PERSONS PER-SONS UNDER TWENTY-ONE YEARS OF AGE; PROHIBITING THE SALE OR DISPENSING OF LIQUOR BY THE PACKAGE OR BOTTLE BY LICENSEES LI-CENSEES AND CLUBS AND THE CONSUMPHON OF LIQUOR FROM ANY PACKAGE OR BOTTLE IN ANY UNLICENSED CLUB OR PUBLIC PLACE AND CONTAINING OTHER PROHIBITIONS ON THE SALE, DISPENSING, TRANSPORTATION. STORAGE, STOR-AGE, PURCHASE AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC ALCO-HOLIC BEVERAGES; RESTRICTING THE LOCKER CLUB SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT OF ALL STATE AND LOCAL LIQUOR LAWS BY ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS; PROVIDING PROVID-ING FOR PROHIBITION OF THE SALE OR DISPENSING DIS-PENSING OF LIQUOR BY LICENSEES IN LOCALITIES LOCALI-TIES WHICH VOTE TO DO SO; AMENDING SECTIONS 32-1-6, 32-1-19, 32-1-27, 32-4-16, 32-8-28, 32-8-46, 32-8-47, 32-8-59, UTAH CODE ANNOTATED 1953, AND REPEALING SECTIONS 32-8-53, UTAH CODE ANNOTATED 1953, 16-6-13, UTAH CODE ANNOTATED ANNO-TATED 1953, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 25, LAWS OF UTAH 1955, 16-6-13.1, 16-6-13.2, 16-6-13.3, UTAH CODE ANNOTATED 1953, AS ENACTED BY CHAP-TER CHAP-TER 25, LAWS OF UTAH 1955, 16-6-14 AND 16-6-15, UTAH CODE ANNOTATED 1953, SECTION 11-10-1 UTAH CODE ANNOTATED 1953, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 26, LAWS OF UTAH 1967 AND SECTIONS 11-10-2, 11-10-3 AND 11-10-4, UTAH CODE ANNOTATED ANNO-TATED 1953. LIQUOR INITIATIVE PETITION A An Act providing for control and limited licensing of qualified restaurants, hotels and private clubs for sale of liquor by the drink and providing for local option prohibiting the same; prohibiting consumption of liquor in public facilities except liquor purchased by the drink from licensees, providing provid-ing for court-review of certain acts of local authorities and the Liquor Control Commission; authorizing supplemental state and local regulation, requiring public officers to enforce all liquor laws and providing funds therefor from license fees; prohibiting undesirable practices including sale of liquor to minors; and providing for license revocation and penalties for violations. FOR AGAINST CLYDE L. MILLER Secretary of State Electors desiring to vote "for" the proposed Act shall place a cross within the square following the word "For' and those desiring to vote "against" shall place a cress within the square following the word "Against" VIETNAM MAP IS AVAILABLE Have you been wanting a good, readable map of Southeast Asia and of Vietnam in particular but unable to get one, If so, sent a $1.00 chock or money order to International Products, P. O. Box 601, Now York, New York 10023 and ask for Vietnam Conflict Map. The company sent one to the Chronicle and we find It Is one of the best we've seen. About 175 principal place names in South Vietnam are indexed on the side for easy location (ie: Quang Trl D-4. Many U. S. base Kites are also shown. Very small hamlets are eliminated from the map making it easily read and not cluttered. It will fill a wall space 29 inches high and 21 Inches wide. This map Is now being used by the U. S. Information Agency, U.S. Defense Dept., both Houses of Congress Con-gress and was recenty recommended recommend-ed by the American Legion Magazine Maga-zine in an editorial. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our rela tives,' friends, and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy extended to us during our recent bereavement. Mrs. Wallace Holman Sons, Daughters and Families Weekend visitors at the' home of Mrs. Nelle Callister were her dau ghter and husband, John and Cathy Pace of Cedar City and her niece and husband, Lt. and Mrs. Ron Butterfield. 7.500 Read It In The CHRONICLE CUTS LIKE SAWS far On-Hand Control s IDEAL FOR WEEKEND WOODCUTTERS! CENTER BALANCED GRIP GIVES CONVENIENT, SAFE ONE HAND CONTROL 169.95 INCLUDING FACTORY INSTALLED 11" BAR AND CHAIN Cuts 6-inch trees in seconds! It's easy as a hand tool to lift, maneuver, use with "MasterGrip" center bal-' ance. Operates easily, safely in any position. McCulloch quality and rug-gedness rug-gedness throughout built to professional profes-sional standards. frE demonstration; QUALITY MARKET Delta, Utah AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES TSHL mm tCEiB q mmm for most vritflino You don't have to write a check every time you make a purchase Wilts GJiuv m QMb m 0 qmiIii m (M) 0 mB m $ (smj &r oil mm emii Hi sm ami ims. mm uehd mm? mmam csa aw web IF YOU DON'T ALREADY HAVE A BankAmericard, pick up an application at any First Security Bank or any of 10,000 stores and businesses that welcome BankAmericard in Utah, Idaho and southwestern Wyoming. mwl .tH tkrnf-() hv IVnili Vrwrin II Ml JIIM Mil I i IMiil Mill Mlllll HllH mil ll |