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Show Mrs. AFTON FULLMEH Recent visitors at the horns of Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Billings were I their son and family Lt. and Mrs. Bryee G. Billings and four children, Lori I.ynn, Randall Martell, Mel-anee Mel-anee Rene and Andrea Corrlne. Lt. Billings and his family were with his parents for ten days. He has gifts and good been Flight Instructor at Corpus ! Christi. Texas In the U. S. Naval Tracy and Sandra Fullmer and Air Force for the past year. They their two little youngsters Tracy , are now in Spanish Fork, Ut. with Jean a.nd Mathew were here from 'Mrs. Billines' Darents. Dr. and Mrs. ABRAHAM vve aiant nave the conference friends bringing in n down here but thev had SOme wishps trir har r . . . - I ..... in sail Lake. This vandalism I can't understand. under-stand. We visited Little Sahara sand dunes west of Jericho and Lake Point Sunday visiting the Jay . Wells R, Martell. i.ui n siiame 10 wrecK inings line fullmera and Doyle Paces OASIS RUBY SKEEM that for no reason at all Karl and Eleanor Murray spent some dnys last week fishing down at Fish Lake. "The autumn leaves were gorgeous down there," they said. Clark and Reva Bliss drove to Provo Wednesday and also visited Man and Ruth; Bliss in Payson. The Almon Fullmer family were here with us for dinner Sunday. Ann and Ronald Thomas and boys a.nd Elladene Corbett went to Las Vegas to visit Neil and Jackie Sampson and family over the week end (I don't know if Chester went or not). Jackie has had, a tonsilec-tomy tonsilec-tomy just recently. A letter I received from Mrs. Margaret Mar-garet Tavlor said she didn't know is she liked the heat or not in Phoenix. She has to run her air BEA WILLDEN 1 . We enjoyed a visit from Mr. and if Art Newiniller of Fallon, Montana, i These are longtime friends from World War Two. Floyd and Art met at Ft. Douglas and were shipped to Wei had a lovey week this week. fcra.m,e.nt0 CTe Elsio a"d, 1 . . , , ' . . joined them later and roomed to- I looked out my west window one getner We spent Saturdny nt Cove day in time to see our dog chase Fort and Richfield. a deer over 40 acres That Is al- inh.TctnmrAhih hnm. most a "Believe It Or Not" for this MarRnrct Sumlson and children of vaucy as aeer are so scum:, x u- Spansh Fork. Sharon. Joleen and inusi uuuui injf ' lv" "i" jerry Stanworth of Nephl came other saw the beautiful sight, also. wltn her t0 spend Sunday whne her I husband, Allen and Keith and boys, Robert and Tim went fishing. Jim Stanworth went with his Aunt Ann to Goshen to visit his grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. David Piatt of Marysvllle visited her sister, June Stanworth, Sunday then went to DELTA THIRD WARD AREA HEWS BRIEFS Millard County Chronicle Thursday, October 10, 1968 the peoplo at Delta who made myi Sam Roaiback is still in a Salt stay at the hospital more pleasant, Lake Hospital. He had some very especially the staff who cared for, serious surgery about a month ago me so nicely On the desert the farmers are all working hard to finish their fall work. Most of them are Just about and is still in poor condition. We wiuh him the best of everything. We want to welcome out new school teachers. At Callao this vear done. The cattle are all coming In 'Mrs. Ruth Ann Carter is the teacher to the fields now and the sheep and at Partoun Mrs. Leora Ander-will Ander-will soon be coming back. son Is teaching again. Mr3. Ander- We have had a lot of people out S(m has taught at Partoun before to gather pine nuts. This years so she is well known in the valley crop Is one of the best that we ut Mrs. Carter Is new here and have ever had. They say when the w want her to feel very welcome pine nuts are this good.lt Is a on the desert. , sign that we will have a hard cold Being out of town for two weeks spent Friday! and Saturday in Salt Goshen. and .virs. nie letersen is working m A letter I received from Mrs. Mar- tins keot me from reporting any. Lake attending conference tnne telephone office in. Delta. garet Tavlor said she didn't knowinows, i was n Nevada, then up visiting their friends, j-.uiuy mm aivu xoung are at , is she liked the heat or not in A,.th m t An rt nmnnrl . ih hnnu nf present trying to shake bad colds Phoenix. She has to run her air Mrs. A Willden, Mrs. Zola Lam-. Mr. and Mrs. Lathel Callister have uiey nave had for some time, conditioner most of the night. bright and Mr. Wilford McClellan been their children, Mrs. Mark i-mny lias been to Salt Lake and Belated birthday greetings to visited with familv and friends in Bybee and three children of Pan-Provo Pan-Provo visiting her kids there. Alva Cleone Tolbert Oct. 1st and Cecilia, Provo and salt Lake. Iguitch, Mr. Raymond Callister and ...u o.u cic wuiiMiig uii ineir iuueie xoung on JCl. Din. euer laie tr County ranch in the hills. I than never." Mouh visited Mrs. Erma Petersen The Benny and BoydSchenas and prandsnn. born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Home from the service Is their son Ihursday. She is still having a lot Ray Hooelzles went to Mt. Nebo on Cjrol) Stewart in Washington, Ut. Kent of Ft. Louis, Wash. ui uuuuie wun ner leg ana is aown the elk hunt. I hope they enjoyea Mrs. McCullough spent some time Mr. and Mrs. Lathel Callister re Steven and Coleen Rowley were visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Rowley. and Mrs. Hamilton McCul-. three children, Lori, Joe and Shau- are rejoicing over a new na jerry and Neil all of Provo. West IMvsorl ROUNDUP BY SARAH ADAMS most of the time. She has been visited this weekend by her son, Arnold and family and Warren and wife. Arnold lives in Layton and Warren has been in Colorado. Lee Ray Talbot and wife of Cedar visited the Lee Talbots over the weekend a,nd attended a lovely stork shower at the Dick Talbot the hunt and were lucky. I helping care for the family. peived word Monday morning of Hal oung is real busy building. yhe 3rd ward Relief Society held the" birth of a new eranddauuhter. its opening! social Tuesday, Oct. Inborn Oct. 6th to Mr. and Mrs. Doug a new home in Delta. Clark and Reva Bliss were out. very nice program and a lovely riding and looking at the beautfiul jUnch was served, autumn leaves and ran into the Elder Kerry Allen son of Mr. and Schena and Atherly group on Nebo. Mrs. Vaughn Alilen has returned Young Danny Atherly and Nenoifrom a year mission in Den-Hoelzle Den-Hoelzle eot them a.n elk. It was morv Ho will civtv his renort Sun- iiujue aaiuraay anernoon, ior jane their lirst try at tne elK nunt ana day oet. 13th in Parley's 5th Ward Johnson. Some real clever games they were thrilled, I bet. at 6:00 p.m. All his many friends were played and a delicious lunch Phyllis Johnson is quilting a and family are cordially invited to was served to a big crowd of beautiful quilt at this time. attend. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Louis LEGAL NOTICE CONSULT COUNTY CLERK OR RESPECTIVE PARTIES FOR FURTHER DETAILS Lots 2 and 3, Block 34; Lots ?, Ivie and, family over the weekend 3, 4, 5, 6, Block 55. were Caroline's mother and hus- The provision of this Ordinance husband, Mr. and Mrs. John (Arda) has been recommended by the Toomey and two little girls. They Delta City Council and approved by also visited in Cedar with Mr. and I the Delta City Planning Commision Mrs. Roger Davis and family. I and the same was set for Public, Mrs. Wally (Vada) Kernell and Hearing on the 18th day of October, two children pre visiting with Mr. 1968, at 7:30 PM at the Delta City and Mrs. Hugh Ivie. Vada is stay- j i Building, and this Ordinance, upon ing phout three weeKs. iney are Tn the Matter of the Estate of publication, shall become effective living in Seattle, Wash. now. ; Etta E. Roper, Deceased, Creditors immediately upon publication, an- Mr. and Mrs. LaVer McClellan will present cinims with vouchers thorized by the Delta City Council received a call from their daughter (Joann) Miles at Altamont, Ut. This makes 29 grandchildren. Mrs. Norma Evans, Mrs. Norma Pearson and Mrs. Marge Calllister attended Relief Society Conference in Salt Lake, going with the Stake Board. Mr. Al Willden returned home Sunday from a three day trip In Carp, Nev. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Newell Knight f.nd Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bennett vere Mr. and Mrs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS to the undersigned, on or before the 1st day of February, 1969. Glen E. Roper Administrator I eamington, Utah Eldon A. Eliason Attorney Delta, Utah First Publication: October 10, 1968 Final Publication: October 31, 1968 NOTICE OF EXTENSION OF TIME FOR PAYMENT OF TAXES followiner Public Hearing. Mrs. Ed (Ruth) Theobald of Ta- Richard S. Morrison, Mayor coma, Wash. She reports that Attested: everyone is fine. Nelle Callister, I Mrs. Keith Ross spent three days Clerk of Delta City in Salt Lake visiting her daughter First Publication: October 3, 1968 and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dut- Second Publication, October 10, 1968 son. also to help Sharon celebrate Third Publication, October 17, 1968 her birthday. They attended Valley Effective date and final Publication, Music Hall. October 31, 1968. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Christensen Transparent Plastic In accordance with provisions of the Statutes of the State of Utah and based upon a petition submitted submit-ted by more than one hundred (100) taxpayers of the county filed with the County Commission requesting re-questing pn extension of time for payment of taxes before delinuen-cy: delinuen-cy: It is ordered that the date of delinquency de-linquency for payment of taxes in Millard County is extended from November 30, 1968 to 12:00 o'clock noon, December 20, 1968. By order cfrthe Board of County Commissioners. Guy L. Robins, Clerk Published in The Millard County Chronicle October 10 and 17, 1968. NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE (Christmas Trees) Sealed Bids will be received by the District Ranger of the Fish Lake Ranger District at his office in the new U.S.D.A. Office Building, 25 South First East, Richfield, Utah, up to and not later than 10:00 a.m. October 1L 1968, for 3000 Alpine Fir Christmas trees on an area of about 80 acres in Section 35, T. 25 S., R. 1 E., Salt Lake Meridian, adjacent ad-jacent to Pole Flat on the west slope of the Fish Lake Hightop Mountain. Bids will be received in three lots: one lot of 500 trees, one lot o 100 trees, and one lot of 150O trees. Bids by any one individual or company may be submitted for one. two or all lots. Bidding is on the basis of total i value per lot of Christmas trees, rather than on a rate per tree! basis. The minimum acceptable bid is $205.75 for Lot no. 1 of 500 1 trees, $164.50 for Lot no. 2 of 1000 trees, and $744.75 for Lot no. 3 of, 1500 trees. This amount covers both stumpago and sale area betterment.! A Certified Cheuk, Cashiers Check, Money Order or Bank Draft, payable pay-able to the Forest Service, U.S.D.A., must accompany each Bid. This deposit de-posit will be applied to the purchase pur-chase price, refunded, or retained in whole or in part as damages, according ac-cording to conditions of the Bid. 1 The right to reject any and all BHs is reserved. Before Bids are submitted, full information concerning con-cerning the trees, the conditions of (lie s?le and submission of Bids 1'iould be obtained from the District Dis-trict Ranger's Office in the new US.D.A. Office Building, 25 South First East, Richfield, Utah Published in The Millaid County Chronicle October 3 and 10, 1968. Storm Window Kit GRANT CHURCH & SON .J4, TRANSPARENT PLASTIC EASY TO INSTALL Inside or Outside STORM WINDOW KIT 39 a. Kit consists of 36" x 72" tough plastic sheet, 18 ft. fibre moulding and nails. STORM DOOR KIT 49?.. Kit consists of 36x84" tough plastic sheet, 21 ft. of fibre moulding and nails. ,Hordwore lumber oeo, Everywhere Warp Bros. Pioneer Chicago rt.fTkwAJ m Plastics Since 1924 Quality Market HARDWARE Sorry to have missed so many weeks at getting the news sent in. I spent some time in the West Millard Mil-lard Hospital for some surgery but I am better now so I'll try to keep the news coming in. First I would like to thank all of Carl Dee Bennett of Salt Lake. Also visiting the Bennetts were their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob (Carol) Ammon and three boys of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fillmore and two girls of Spanish Fork visited Mrs. Al Willden Sunday. winter. 7.500 Read It In The CHRONICLE Transparent Plastic Itoow C&it D. STEVENS & CO. Time to make Your Home WINTER-TIGHT. . . DRAFT-FROG I k ONLY 36 I YkjU-! Also in 28" end 48 widths : IjESS2- ll I vjt Use Crystal Clear 11 wL 111 Shatterproof Flex-O-Glass to Cover iw Your Windows . . Doors , . Porches and Breezeways im'Tstcut 111 JALEX-O-GLASS is the only plastic HI flex-o-gass lU ; ftvl& window material that caries a . Uo size and ta- in , ifJJjSln 2 YEAR GUARANTEE. Loo1 for the 11.1 over scpeensj ii tfgp J name FfcEXO-GLASS othe edge. rSzj Look For Genuine FLEX-O-GLASS At Your Local Hdwr. or Lmbr. Dealer 7 i d. The greatest threat to agriculture n w vs ..j;r ens. ISskiW today is not drought, or fro . ' ' urn h isease, oneaerai restrict. l . V OHDINANCE An Ordinance amending Chapter XXIV, Section 24, of the Revised Ordinances of Delta, Utah, 1956, entitled "Established Zones" and particularly to amend the Zone Map of Delta City, Utah, which ira! is made part of the said Ordinance, Or-dinance, by amending the Map to include within the 1-1 Industrial Zone certain parcels of land in Delta Townsite, Plat "A", and to make them subject to the requirements require-ments of the said 1-1 Zone. I BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of Delta, Utah: ) That the Zone Map of Delta City, which is part of the said Ordinance Ordin-ance on Planning and Zoning, be hereby amended to include the ( following property in the M Zone: , ' Lot 3, Block 11; Lots 2 and 3, Block 12; Lots 2 and 3, Block 33; (9 fi It's high property taxes! We see shopping centers and subdivisions sprawling into farm areas. We see land promotions, ,. selling sites for summer cottages and " . .. retirement homes. This expansion inflates prcpeiy texes or. farms, just as if they were to be used for homes or commercial property. Since farm income cannot support these spiraiing taxes, there is an increasing number cf forced land sales. Now., if we lose our farms, Utah loses a hi rpora than farmers. Food prices will go u The market for machinery and supplies will continually grow smaller as agriculture declines ... not to mention the loss of jobs., , Farmers aren't asking for a tax cut, just a fair method of assessment. There will be no loss of revenue to the state. Your vote will allow the state legislature to make this change so farms can be taxed as farms . . . not shopping centers. Vote yes on 4 the proposition to save the greenbelt of. agricultural land around our cities. to T IS A nTtr - " ' 1 . 5 J' Oi This ad paid for by Citizens for Greenbelt Your neighbors in agriculture who want to remain your neighbors. A non partisan issue, included in the platforms of both political parties. |