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Show 17 CLAS CLASSIFIED RATES: 3c per word, ads, 75c column inch. Will not be insertion. FOR RESULTS. USE THE For Sale WILLDEN MOTEL FOB SALE (in Delta) Price reduced for e.uluk salu. Reasonable down payment. Contact Con-tact Doug Christiansen, P. 0. Box 34 Nephi, Utah. Salesman for George T. Eckersley Realtors, Pay-son, Pay-son, Utah. 320-tf FOR SALE: One manure spreader, like new. Contact Grayson Rope, Oak City. np-2jl0-17-24 BUY FROM OUR NEW stocks Ol Men's Spring Suits. Men's suits, $32.00 to $55.00; Men's stay press pants, $4.95 to $8.00 pr.; Boys' stay press pants, $4.95 pr.; Boys' spring suits, $14.95 to $19.95. D. Stevens & Co. Men's Dept. "A Public Auction will be held at Done Equipment Company, Delta, Utah at 10:00 a.m., March 17, 1966, on a No. 27 Flexible Disc Harrow; Serial Number 838." 224-3310 FOR SALE: 160 -acre farm. 120 acres cultivated with 90 in alfalfa. Instrument leveled. Melville water. 2-inch well. Good for feed yard 1 miles southeast of Delta. Call M. H. Workman at 4431. 2-17tf VERY NICE HOME FOR SALE IN DELTA No down payment to right party. Small monthly payments. Call Collect . . . Provo, Utah 373-0192 FOR SALE: 2-bedroom home, 142 North Center St., near new school and church. Also, nearly new electric elec-tric stove. Call 3361, np-224-33 FOR SALE: Blazer Tote Goat. 2- speed transmission; 5 H.P. Like new. Contact Bill Iverson, phone 2991. 224 SPECIAL SALE: Carpet remnants. 40 off; Limited number only. Quality Market Furniture Dept. 2124 FOR SALE: Vaughn Allen home on lot 150 ft. by 200 ft., $9,500. or best offer. Contact Enid Hopkins, Delta or Vaughn Allen, 2457 Elm Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. Ph. 484-4860. 210-tf SEE ADMIRAL COLOR TELEVISION at low-low prices. We custom-order for your personal likes. Or choose from our 1966 stock. Delta Auto Supply. Phone 4251. 826tX SEE OUR NEW SPRING SHOES-1 for Girls and Ladies ... at The DELMART. LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A- Diet Tablets. Only 98c at your drug store. 217-310 LOST bright carpet colors ... restore re-store them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Quality Market Mar-ket Furniture and Appliance Dept. FOR SALE: Delta Caned water. Ph. 5120. 33-tf Clearance on all . . . Woolen Skirts Values up to $16.98 now S5.( -AT- MABEL'S PROM FORMALS ARRIVING DAILY UE OVIl THE SPACIOUS THE BEAUTIFUL Cordially invite you and your loved one to make your home with us. You will be happier In either of these SUPERIOR NURSING and CONVALESCENT HOMES. Where You May Be Assured You Will Receive personalized consideration from a kind and sympathetic sympa-thetic staff, Have 24 hour specialized care from trained and efficent personnel. per-sonnel. Enjoy delicious and nutritious meals scientifically prepared. Reside in clean, quiet, pleasant surroundings with comfortable comfort-able accommodations. Participate in religious, recreational, rehabilitative and restorative rest-orative programs. Experience tranquility, dignity, respect and carefree living. Benefit from many other advantages inquire and inspect. Private and welfare patients are welcome both men and women. wo-men. Ambulatory or otherwise, (aged, infirm, chronically ill. terminal). 35 SOUTH 100 EAST ST. GEORGE PHONE 673-3682 71 NORTH MAIN. NEPHI PHONE $23-0511 SIFIED minimum od SOe. Ads over 5 line 15e a line thereafter. D splay responsible, for errors on phone-in ads. Use ol box no. 50c extra per CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE CHRONICLE EACH WtEK. FOR SALE: Accordion, trumpet and an electric organ. All in excellent condition. Sharon Rawlinson, phone 4831. np-3317 BUY FROM OUR New Spring Stocks of fabrics. Big selection at D .Stevens .Ste-vens Co. Dry Goods Dept. 33 FOR SALE: 40 -acre farm. Melville water stock. Two modern homes, adjoining Delta city limits on south Contact Harrison Bunker. Phone 3936. np-3324 FOR SALE: The Frank Roberts home. Contact Quin Shepherd. np-3324 FOR SALE: 40 -acre farm; 2Vi year old home. Electric heat, full finished finish-ed basement, 4 bedrooms, 1M baths large family room, large living room with wall to wall carpeting and drapes. Contact Kelly Peck o call 3981. pd-3317 FOR SALE OR RENT: Older 3-bed- room home. Large lot. No down payment. Small monthly payments. Contact Kelly Peck or call 3981. pd-3317 JUST $600 buys well-built houses. 32'x24 either 4 or 5 rooms, plus enclosed porches, bathroom and nice cupboards. See Eddie Dutson at Lynndyl. Ph. 2701. pd-313117 SALE ON OUTING FLANNEL 3 yds. $1.00. Buy now at D. Stevens Co. Dry Goods Dept. 33 For Kent FOR RENT: Newly remodeled, modern mod-ern home. See at 486 West 2nd North. Ph. 36. pd-33 FOR RENT: Furnished opts. Utilities Utili-ties paid. $37.50 up. Seme newly deccrated. Linens furnished or unfurnished. un-furnished. Daily, weekly or monthly month-ly rates. Delta Apts., 235 West Main or call Mrs. Abbott. 2931. 227-ti FOR RENT: One-bedroom Apt. Furnished. Fur-nished. Call 385J1. l13tf FOR RENT: 2 or 3 bedroom home for information call 2656. 313110 M isccllan co us BILL'S RADIATOR SHOP: Complete radiator service, roddlng, boll out, repairs. New radiator and heater cores. Used and new radiators. 22Stl FOR BEST water-well drilling on any size well see J. Clifferd Petersen Peter-sen and sons. pd-210-33 HINCKLEY Lions Club ANNOUNCE THE HINCKLEY SEATING RINK IS NOW OPEN Beginners :00 to 8:00 p.m. Advanced 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Private skating parties can be arranged. Call Don Morris at 697J2 THANK YOU We wish to thank all for their patronage of our B. Kitten Clean 25 cent Car Wash the past year. Your business has been very much appreciated. We invite you to continue using our service. pd-224-33 FAT HOG SALE at Delta Livestock Auction, Feb. 8, 22, March 8, 22, or every other Tuesday. Sale begins at 11:00 a.m. NONA'S SALON OPEN Monday to Saturday, inclusive. Permanent wave special, $6.50 up, starting Monday, Feb. 21. BROWNING COAL delivered or in yard north of overpass. Will delivei sand, gravel, sewer rock, top soil fill dirt, redimlx. Call 83, Oak City or 4531, Delta. (Brooklawn Creamery). Cream-ery). 96tl BATTKRIES All sues on hand-Group hand-Group 1, exchange, from $9.95. Guaranteed 12 to 48 months. KELLY KEL-LY SERVICE. Phone 3791, Delta, Utah. 323tf GUEST Miracle Manor IN DELIGHTFUL ST. GEORGE, and Colonial Manor IN FRIENDLY NEPHI ADS ELECTROLUX Authorized Sales & Service. Lowel Edwards, Ph. 799J2. 412-t' Federal Land Bank Representative will be In Delta the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at the Pro fessional Building. Appointments appreciated. Call 5971. 4122-tf FURNITURE NEED REUPHOLSTERING? Have that living room set or favorite rocker re-upholstered and redesigned by Twitchell Upholstery. Upholst-ery. Twitchell's have served the Delta area for over 15 years. Their reputation for guaranteed service and quality workmanship is unsurpassed. For free consultation in your home, drop a card today. Mr. TwitchelL with over 20 years of decorating experience will call with samples of all the latest furniture coverings and help you choose the color and fabric for your sofa or chair. Save one-half over New Furniture Furni-ture prices. TWITCHELL UPHOLSTERY 150 N. Main Cedar City Down Yawnder Continued from front page) "It's brown going-on gray." "Would you like for your wife to dye her hair to keep her more youthful looking?" "No, ,1 wouldn't." "Don't you approve of a woman dying her hair?" "Understand, I have nothing a-gainst a-gainst a woman doing things to her hair if she really wants to. I mean REALLY wants to. But I don't want my wife to be foolin' around with her hair with all those fancy colors and bleach jobs." "Well, Sir, you do like for your wife to look fashionable, don't you?" "Yes. Yes, I do." "Even if it costs money?" "I don't care if she spends money as long as she is reasonable." "What do you consider to be reasonable. rea-sonable. Sir?" "Maybe one or two dollars". "That's quite generous. One or two dollars a week." "One or two dollars a week? I meant one or two dollars a month." "Oh. Well, now let me ask you how do you like the dress lengths that ladies are wearing today?" "They're all right, I guess". "What do you mean. Sir by "They're all right. I guess?"?" "I don't REALLY care what women wo-men wear. I never notice. I just know that my wife is not going to be wearing her dresses up to her knees like some women do." "Oh. I thought you Just said that you never noticed what women wear." "Did 1 say that? Humph. I'd rather ra-ther talk about that love and affection, af-fection, Inez. Seems to me that's where a lot of marriages go wrong. Now take my wife for instances. She complains a lot." "What about?" "Well she complains when I come home late because the meal has to be heated up. All she has to do is turn a button. She complains when we go to bed and I put my feet on her Ittack to warm them up. She complains that she has to wear last year's dress. She com plains that I don't spend enough time with the kids and she's spoiled spoil-ed them rotten. AND I MEAN ROTTEN. ROT-TEN. She complains that I never talk to her or REALLY listen to her. She complains that I don't take her out to dinner more often. Good grief, I take that woman out once or twice a year. She complains that she doesn't have anything in the house to cook. She complains that she's tired and overworked. She complains when I go hunting and fishing. A man needs a little recreation recre-ation and relaxation. Think she understands un-derstands this? Nope. She just keeps complaining. My mother never did complain nor nag my father. She always had his meal on time and could she ever turn out the meals. Why, 1 remember one time " "We're discussing your wife not Your mother. Mow let me asJc you something else. Do vou like lor your wife to study and be informed on politics and world situations? In other words, for her to have outside out-side interests?" "I don't mind her having outside interests as long as she's home when I get there. 1 don't like for her outside interests to interfere with a well-run home. You know what I mean. I like the meals to be on time. I like my clothes washed wash-ed and ironed. I like the house clean and I like to have the children child-ren cared for. You know. REALLY cared for. 1 don't want her outside interests to get in my way. The ruination of this country is going tO be Women and thplr fruHnmc No offense, kiddo. But, I really THESE WOMEN! itfRs 111 "He' a producer with Scran ton; wire me Grazing Fees liaised to 33c A fee of 33 cents per animal unit month has been set for livestock grazing on lands administered by the U. S. Bureau of Land Management, Manage-ment, effective March 1. The fee is based upon average prices paid per pound of beef and lamb in western markets, explained R. D. Nielson, BLM state director for Utah. An animal unit month is the amount of forage needed to sustain a cow or five sheep for one month, he added. Of the 33 cents, one-third will be returned to the BLM grazing district dist-rict for range improvement purposes. pur-poses. The fee, which was announced by the Secretary of the Interior, Is a three-cent increase over the past year. mean that. We should have taken the vote away from all women years ago." "Sir, do you consider yourself a typical American man?" "Yes. Yes, I'd say that. Men have different faces, waistlines, hairlines so you gals can tell us apart. But underneath we're really much alike I guess. I'd say I'm pretty typical." "That's what I thought."' "What did you say these questions ques-tions and answers are for?" "It's for an article in this week's Chronicle". "Oh." "Any objections?" "Well, none that I can think of. Only don't use my name. My ol' lady would skin me alive. Say, save me about a 100 copies of this issue, will you? Might be kinda fun to read again in about twenty-five years or so." "You know, I think you're right. It might be fun. Sure I'll be glad to save you a 100 copies. That will be $10.00 please." Lynette Riding was home from CSU with parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Riding over the weekend. Sunday, Sun-day, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Riding, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Riding and daughters daugh-ters Myrna K and Kristine drove Lynette back to Cedar. They visited briefly with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whicker, former residents who are now residing in Cedar City where Mr. Whicker works for the State Road Commission. ANNOUNCING ... OUR ANNUAL SPRING Feeder & Stocker 2) TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1966 Plan now to consign your calves and yearlings to this Special Sale . . . where competitive bidding will bring TOP prices DELTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION, DELTA, UTAH Located on Main Line Union Pacific Railroad Buyers from several states will be here -SALE STARTS AT 10:00 A.M.- AH singles and odd cattle will be sold last BONDED FOR YOUR PROTECTION DELTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION DELTA, UTAH PHONE 864-2361 Elwin L. Pace, Owner lessio message, like 'Stranded in a thousand ..." NOTICE The March 10 meeting of the Fine Arts Guild has been postponed .until .un-til a later date. The program from The Classique Finishing School of Charm was unable to appear on that date. Watch the Chronicle for a date later this month for this outstanding outstand-ing program. DIAPER DOINGS Congratulations to Curt and Peggy Rybicki Overson on the birth of a 7 lb. 6 oz. girl Feb. 24th. Mike and Joy Anderson Bennett on the birth of a 7 lb. 1 oz. boy on Feb. 28th. College students will be especially especial-ly interested ia west Millard County. Coun-ty. Order the Chronicle for your student today. A New Policyholder Every 22 Secondi My company fltaU Farm Mutual insures can at this amazing rate because it off art the moat modern protection available, pro. videt hometown service wherever you drive and paasea Important operating aavinga on to ita policy holders. See if vou can join the company that insures more can than any other. Call toon. Kennard Riding AGENT Phone 864-2291 By d'Alessio e Millard County Chronicle DELTA THIRD WARD FLORA Mr. and Mrs. Arland Peterson of Pleasant Grove are the proud parents par-ents of a new lb. baby boy, born Feb. 19. He has two brothers and one sister at home. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson went up on Tuesday. I Feb. 22 to see the new little grandson grand-son and to visit with the family. A very nice thing is happening t Delta's Main Street. Ray and Daisy Skinner have painted the big board fence around their corrals. It looks so inviting that there will probably be more and more eyes looking over ov-er the top and more and more good looking horses in Delta. Thanks t Ray and Daisy for making a more pleasant place to live. Mrs. Ar'ene Clark spent last week in Salt Lake helping her sister, Mrs. Mervyn Bennion, Jr. who is recovering recov-ering from surgery on her back. Mxs. Bennion is coming to Delta next Saturday to spend a few days with Arlene. "The Great White Way" (Broad-war (Broad-war wns thp thpmo of last Tues day's MIA Social. Under the direc- tion of Miss Judy Vicillio who was dressed in a white sailor suit, the! boys and girls danced and played games. Everyone was dressed as a character from a Broadway Show: Oklahoma, South Pacific, Music Man, The Sound of Music, West Side Story, Camelot, The King and I, or My Fair Lady. Everyone seemed seem-ed to be having a wonderful time. We are lucky to have vivacious Miss Vicillio as a leader for our young people. The Primary Teachers under the direction of Pres. Marjorie Cox and Counselors Anna Lee Church and Corfrine Jarvis. conducted a very successful Penny Parade Drive last Wednesday. All the teachers met at the ward house, were given their list of people to contact and instructions in-structions to be back by 4:00 p.m. They left their small children with the Primary Presidency and went on their way. When they returned they were served delicious refreshments refresh-ments by the baby tenders. Mrs. Cox reports that anyone who was not contacted is welcome to contribute con-tribute if they would like to do so. Wrestlers from our ward at the State Wrestling Meet at Heber City were: Cyde Wood, Neil Callister and Dennis Alldredge. Also from the Third Ward is Ladd Holman, a 9th grader who did a fine job wrest ling for Delta this year. Four wrestlers wrest-lers from a squad of 12, is not a bad record for one ward, I'd say. Jim Porter and I grew up neigh bors and I sometimes wondered if he would ever amount to anything except a first-class tease. But he has turned out to be a first-class coach. We are proud of you Jim, and we are just hoping that bigger schools and better pay won't tempt you too much for a year or two. I was glad to see so many people peo-ple from Delta at Heber to support their wrestlers. It was also a pleasure plea-sure to see our old friend and Seminary Sem-inary teacher, Mr. Gary Neider-hauser Neider-hauser there rooting for Delta. The A & W is stirring to life these days. Irvin and Olive Allred will be the new managers. We wish them a successful year, and I can assure them that my children will keep the path warm between our door and their window. Mr. and Mr3. Roy Wood took their daughter Beverly to Salt Lake for medical treatment last week. We are happy that she is feeling better now. BUY... New Spring Suits y i " i y a IS x ; - . y . j I I i , $ t ; I ? Mil ' " - 'A J j J - . ' Boys' Stay-Pres Pants 4.95 pr. SIZE 4 to 12 Men's Stay-Press Pants 4.95, 5.95, 7.00 and 8.00 pr. K DC LTP'S DCPflRTfncnT STORE Thursday, March 3, 1966 AREA HEWS BRIEFS WOOD Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Alldredge were surprised to find Lindsey Roundy and family of Salt Lake waiting when they returned from Heber City late last Saturday night. They visited until 3:00 a.m. because be-cause they had to return early Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson and Carl left the State Wrestling Meet long enough on Saturday morning to take Carl to Salt Lake to the doctor for a check-up on his arm. The doctor's report is that he is doing very well. Orvil Jeff erf and his wife. Donna, were speakers at Sacrament meeting meet-ing last Sunday evening. When Donna told us about her daughter, Judy, bringing her flowers for her (Judy's) birthday, and saying as she handed the bouquet to her mother, mo-ther, "These are to thank you for 'borning me", I wondered why I hadn't done something as thoughtful thought-ful as that for my mother. Mrs. Lon (Lucille) Wood is spend ing a few days in Manti visiting with her sisters, and settling some business that she has there. Dorothy Atkinson's mother, Mrs. Melvin Roper, is here for a few days to visit with her new grandson. Dorothy and Jay have a name al picked out for this handsome little fella, but they aren't telling anyone any-one until after he is blessed. Little Sandy Peterson has the mumps. Hurray and get well Sandy, and for goodness sakes, don't give them to the neighbor's kids. Robert and Iris Harris h a v e a new son, born Feb. 23rd. I wonder, Robert, if this little creaetion of yours came equipped with a volume vol-ume control. I remember your asking ask-ing the same question about a creation of mine. Not a son, but a bright blue jacket that I had made for Clyde. No hard feelings, Robert, its just that he hasn't worn it since. Hoping to see all good Democrats at the annual . Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. De'bert Mitchell and family of Salt Lake City visited with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mitchell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Perkins went to Ogden and attended the gball ame between Dixie and Boise last Thursday where Dixie won the Jr. College ICAC Championship. Their son, Dean, is a member of the Dixie squad and consistently plays good ball. Dixie will go to Phoenix to play for the regional playoff March 7th and 8th. , KFFP AMERICA. SBEAUTP' Published $ i public tarvlc In coop-ration coop-ration with Tht Advertising Council. Men's Suits 32.00 39.95 45.00 49.95 Boys' Suits Age 8 to 10 14.95 Age 12 to 20 16.95 to 19.95 |