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Show DESERET ARPRILLA SCOW Mrs. Joyce Moody accompanied her mother, Mrs. Rod Shields, to Salt Lake City, Tuesday. Milden Scow was in Provo on business, Wednesday. Mxs. Rose Dewsnup, Mrs. Edna Torrens, Mrs. Josie Moody, and Mr. and Mrs. Wells Robison went to Ruth, Nevada Thursday, to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Crafts. It was Mrs. Crafts' birthday. Elaine Moody was hostess to the Deseret Rook Club at her home on Thursday evening. Luncheon was served and One High Rook played. Members present were Lucile Hales Bessie Webb, Jackie Black, Lucile Sampson, Delores Ogden, Arprilla Scow, MarGenne Rowley. Guest was LuAna Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Mace attended attend-ed Funeral Services Tuesday, at Tooele, for Mrs. Mace's uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Allred attend ed the State Wrestles at Heber City, Friday and Saturday. Their son, Robert, was one who repre sented D.H.S. Congratultions to the DHS team who took state, and to our two Deseret boys, Robert All red and Bruce Peterson, who placed 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Western and sons from Sandy, spent the weekend week-end with Ray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Faun Western. David and Rawlene Hales, who are attending BYU, were home for the weekend with their parents, Bert and Lucile Hales. There were a large number of basketball fans from Deseret, who went to Milfard Friday to see the Delta-Milfoj-d game. Gary D. Dutson from Logan, was home for the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Winona Dutson. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Bennett spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Salt Lake City, with Verland and LaRue Willden and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Roper and sons, from Kaysville, spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Damron. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Christensen of Magna, spent Thursday and Friday with Phil's mother, Mrs. Edna Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Black and son and daughter, of Tooele, were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Black over the weekend. Paul Peterson from Cedar City, was home a few days with his parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Peter son. Mr. and Mrs. Milden Scow spent Friday evening at Manti, with Dar- rel and Alicee Gaye Scow. The program in Sacrament meet ing Sunday evening was put on by the Bert Hales family. Talks were given by Bert, David and Rawlene Reading ty Melvin Barber. Vocal duet by Stanley and Lucile, and an organ selection by David. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffery of Delta, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Matthews of Nephi, attended our Sacrament Meeting, Sunday even ing. They are sisters of Mrs. Lucile Hales. Mrs. Henry Larsen and Mrs. Ver- nell Baker spent Monday in Provo Lincoln Eliason, from CSU at Ce dar City, was home for Saturday and Sunday with his family. We extend a 'hurry and get well' wish to Mrs. Carol Warnick, who spent several days in the West Millard Mil-lard Hospital, but is now at home Darwin Dewsnup, who has employment em-ployment in California, was home over the weekend with his parents, LaMar and Aletha Dewsnup. home again. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Sheriff re turned home Saturday after two weeks in Ogden. One week Wilford spent in the hospital. He has really had a bout with pneumonia. He is some better but weak and unable to go to his work yet. Their daughter daugh-ter Margaret and children Colleen and David came home with them for two weeks. Some of our boys and girls were in Provo for the Seminary Conven tion Saturday night. Bishop and Mrs. Lyman Finlinson were at Heber City Saturday night for the wrestles, alsa Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nielson and others were a. so at the wrestles. Mr. Ivan Shipley celebrated his birthday with a family dinner. Seventeen Sev-enteen members of his family were present. Second Ward News LUCILE KIMBER The priesthood boys were honored hon-ored at our Sacrament meeting Sun day and were given their individual individ-ual awards by Pres. Verdell Bishop. Mrs. Anita Douglas gave an outstanding out-standing talk. The special music was by a boys' chorus, with the youth choir giving the opening and closing numbers. The Boy Scouts held their annual dinner Tuesday, Feb. 22 under the direction of Scoutmasters Cecil Lo-see Lo-see and Lee Wankier. Glen Seeg-miller Seeg-miller was emcee for the nice program pro-gram which was enjoyed by a large crowd of parents and leaders. Many of the boys received their earned honor badges. Hinckley Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller spent the weekend in Las Vegas with their daughter, Joyce and Duane Terry and children. Evan and Betty Robison and daughter dau-ghter spent Washington's Birthday with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer El-mer Robison. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Robison and Veda's sister, Bertrice E r i c k s o n spent the last weekend in Provo with Douglas and Bonnie Robison and family and in Salt Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Evan Robison and Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Robison. A large crowd attended the basketball bas-ketball game at Milford last Friday. Fri-day. I didn't get all the names from our ward area, but we do congratulate the school coach Mer- Millard County Chronicle Thursday, March 3, 1966 lin CVristensen and all the team for their success and wish them well in the State Tournament. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen spent Saturday in Provo with their children, child-ren, Mr. and Mrs. Kimball Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hansen. drove to Heber to attend the State Wrestling Matches. More congratulations congratu-lations are in order to Coach Porter and the boys that brot another award to our Delta High School. Albert and I enjoyed our grandchildren grand-children Janet, Kathleen, LuAnn and Michael Farnsworth of Hunts- ville over the weekend, while their parents Gale and Norma went to Eeaver to attend the funeral of Gale's uncle Taylor Farnsworth. Sorry, there isn't more news, no one called any in. And I was unable to get out and dig anymore out. Mrs. Ellen Siggurd- and Mrs. Ina Larsen of Brigham City are in Delta Del-ta visiting with their father, Mr. A. E. Stephenson. They will return to their homes within two or three days. Give your college student a subscription sub-scription to the Millard Co. Chronicle. Chron-icle. Order today. Bulck's i.GQO.OOtrsweeDstakes. You may have iyon $2332 casfi! Oak City News Mrs. Mae H. Shipley We were sorry the Oak City .News did not get printed last week. It was mailed as usual Monday morning. morn-ing. At Sacrament meeting talks were given by Roger Anderson, Kerry Nielson and Byrant and Gordon An derson; accordian solo, Gaylen Niel son; Floyd Anderson, piano solo; Paul Anderson, vocal solo. Registration Regis-tration cards were given to 13 Cub Scouts, 23 Scouts and 7 Explorers, also group charters were given. Five deacons received their achieve ment awards; six teachers and seven sev-en priests received awards. Mason Finlinson received his Duty to God award. Congratulations to all these t i THE FARM BUILDING YOU NEED? You'll probably find i. described in a big, new colorful booklet on new Cuckler Circle C farm buildings a special feature fea-ture of "Farm Journal" magazine. Write or phone us for a free copy, plus building plans for your farm need. Valley Builders Delta, Utah 5 S((WM9&--- fine boys. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Anderson and grandson Hyrum of Salt Lake visited visit-ed with his brothers and sisters in Oak City. Mrs. Amy Faust of Salt Lake visited vis-ited relatives and friends in Oak City Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shipley spent the weekend in Oak City with parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shipley. Their little daughters Melonie and Cindy were with them. It was Cindy first visit in Oak City. She is about two months old. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Finlinson had their son Dishop Jerald Finlinson Finlin-son of Denver, Colo, spend the weekend with them. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Lovell are in St. George visiting with their children. child-ren. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Anderson spent a few days in northern Utah visiting with their children. We are happy to say Mrs. Willis Dutson is home from the hospital and improved. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pyke came home with Thelma for a few days. Mrs. Grant Finlinson visited several sev-eral days at Coalville with daughter, daugh-ter, Sandra Dewsnup and family. Grant went to Coalville Saturday with children RaNae, Robert and Douglas to bring Ann home Sunday. Sun-day. Miss Claudia Jacobson spent Sat urday and Sunday in Oak City. She is teaching school at Murray. Miss Mayvonne Dutson is home from her work in Salt Lake. She will stay home for a while now. We are glad to have Mayvonne SHARON S. WESTERN Our ward held its "Great White Way In MIA" party Tuesday night. The gym was divided in half so it wouldn't be so big our small group. Broadway themes were played for dance music. The first and second year Bee Hive girls had booths set up for serving punch and cookies. Duets from shows were sung by Gayle and Natlie Bennett, Harold and Anna Lee Hepworth, Craig Talbot Tal-bot and Chris Petersen and David Corey and Linda Jo Diehl. These four couples danced a floor show number. Many of the young people agreed it was one of our most successful suc-cessful activities. Mrs. Linda Riding and small son visited with Golda Talbot during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Cleone Talbot Tal-bot of Provo spent Sunday with Golda and Jimmy. Reed Stewart visited his mother, Clara Stewart Sunday. Reed and his family live in Magna. Claire Spencer spent the weekend with her parents, the Doug Spencers. Spen-cers. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Scow were home from Snow College for the weekend with their mother, Alice Bliss. Literary Club was held at Elaine Hardys. Members present were Clara Cla-ra Stewart, Ruth Talbot, Reva Talbot, Tal-bot, Gladys Carter, Golda Talbot, Enid Damron, Angie Cahoon, Betty Jane Morris, Alt a Warnick, Thora Petersen, Dana Bishop, Fanny Lee Hilton, Erma Cropper and Sharon Western. Guests were Alice Bliss and Linda Riding. Dana Bishop reviewed re-viewed the hook, "Dear Mable". A PTA meeting was held in Fillmore Fill-more Saturday for all officers and the principals of the schools. A meeting was also held on "Project: Head-Start". Those attending from here were Dana Bishop, David Church, NaRae Petersen and Sharon Western of the PTA and Mrs. Se-brina Se-brina Ekins of the Adult Education Program. She was in charge of the program. Leslie and Diane Diehl were weekend guests at the Ken Dam ron home. Mrs. Parry Taylor and daughter Tammy and Margie spent the week end at Eureka and Payson with Jeannie's sisters Betty Thomas and Patsy Holden and attended a baby shower for Betty Bebone. Before re fore returning they and Mrs. Tay lor spent Sunday at the Duane O neen's in Goshen. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Alloway of Ek' ker's Ranch and son Kurt spent Fri day at the Parry Taylors. Mr. Jack Chamberlain of Fort Bridgier, Wyo. also visited during the week. He is employed near Ekker's Ranch. We wish to express our sympathy to the family of Lazette Erickson Especially to the members of her family who live in Hinckley. Her sister, Mrs. Arvilla Swensen and her brother, Carl Theobald. Miss Beth Hepworth visited her mother, Mrs. Fern Hepworth from looele where she teaches school. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ekins visited the Ekins and Greener families from Logan Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Western and Karen visited the Alma Westerns Saturday. A new list every week from now until March 3 1st. 429 first prizes. 012 2E51 2S51 363L 3J63 3W53 45569 4J58 4W53 614K 6K2 8940 0J2 2E63 2W54 3A76 . 3J66 3W61 45667 4K2 4W58 620C 744 814 0K2 2E64 2W65 3A78 3J67 3W64 45669 4K31 4W60 622A 762P 8J2 163P 2E67 2Y89 3D51 3J68 3W66 4D52 4K32 4W62 624P 7J2 8K2 112 2E69 2254 3052 3K31 3W69 4D53 4K41 4W64 625K 7K2 962A 1J1 2J51 2Z65 3053 3K32 3Z51 4054 4K42 4W65 626L 804B 962W 1K1 2J52 2Z71 3061 3K41 3Z60 4061 4N64 4W66 628M 824F 963D 21537 2J61 2Z72 3E60 3P43 3Z64 4D62 4N72 4W68 628T 824M BJ2 21637 2J62 2Z74 3E64 3P52 3Z66 4E52 4N74 4W69 ' 630M 834C BK2 21767 2J64 2Z76 3E66 3P54 3Z68 4E53 4N76 4Z48 631K 834S 21867 2J65 2Z78 3E68 3P62 3Z69 4E58 4N78 4Z52 632A 844A 232 2J69 31747 3E72 3P65 3Z72 4G60 4P51 4Z53 634 . 854K. 233 2K31 31767 3E74 3P69 3Z74 4G65 4P52 4Y83 635T 862S 234 2K41 31847 3E76 3S64 3Z76 4G66 4P53 503 635W 863S 2A71 2K47 31867 3F32 3S66 41367 4G68 4P54 514 636K 864K 2A72 2P51 31869 3F43 3S69 41467- 4G69 4P61 523 638L 864M 2A74 2P52 332 3F49 3U76 41767 416 4S52 532 662L 864T 2A76 2P61 333 314 3U78 41867 4J2 4S53 533 663W 874C 2A78 2P62 334 3J43 3W51 434 4J52 4S58 542 615 874W . 2E26 2P65 3620 3J47 3W52 45567 4J53 4W52 604M 6J2 884A II the first part of vour car registration number is here, you might De a winner. NAMED TO HONOR ROLL Lewis E. Rawlinson and Dan Mason Ma-son Henrie, both DHS graduates, have been named to the fall quarter quart-er honor roll at College of Southern Utah. To be named to the CSU honor roll, students must maintain an average of 4.0 in all academic subjects where 4.0 is the equivalent of an "A". Here's hour it works. Look at the first symbols (the prefix) on your vehicle identification slip. Then look at the symbols listed above. If you find yours on the list, you've taken the first step toward being a winner. Now go see your Buick dealer. He has a list of 72 winners posted in his showroom. If you see your entire vehicle identification number on the poster the symbols plus the rest of the numbers num-bers $2332 cash is yours. (If your prefix isn't listed in this ad, don't give up. Your numbers may have been posted during the past few weeks. And every week there are 72 new winners posted on the showroom wall. So watch for next weeks list of new symbols In this newspaper.) No slogan to invent, no puzzles to solve. In fact, you don't even have to own a Buick to have a winning number. While you're in the showroom, get a good look at the Buick Special. The $2332.00 happens to be its price. MinnfKturtr'i wtgested retail price for Special V-4, 2-dr. coup. Price includes Federal Excise Tti ind suggested dtiltr delivery end handling charge. Contest Rules. Residents of Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska may, if they prefer, send In a postcard to R. L. Polk and Co., P.O. Box 1347, Detroit, Michigan 48231 and receive the weekly list of winning numbers by mall for comparison with their own vehicle identification identi-fication number. An official entry form will be included. in-cluded. Sweepstakes limited to persons over 21 living In the continental U.S. Not valid In Florida or states where prohibited by law. DuiGk's $1.000,OQO Sweepstakes. There's an authorized Buick dealer near you. See his ' Double-Checked used cars, too. EARLY fWl BIRD tlTUJdx JALITY MARKET HARDWARE DEPARTMENT SUNNV BROOK EMSTUlf RY CO CWIKNATI OHIO BlEHOtD WHISHT 86 WOOF. 6S GlH NFUTWU SPIRITS. IpIliBI ; - ur?. ft i 1 1 fincSS9 d0 , immk r I - Outes AS. iinri-niffl nriftrirwunniiim --n-'r-f -- ---iiwti 'Trtrt ''J- in'. gkr rahJiii eB-3ei eemewm s titWm COUPON O SAVE HALF 99 D Re?. L98 Roomy 454" x 5WxW sewing caddy. Lift-out tray. Magnetic needle holder. 700 xmir u f Unique extra process rounds off NEW mildness ! its e3ges. Brilliant, h.ttt-17 .l Voted tops among 6783 people NEW enjoyment! !ampleJ. Brilliant! NEWsmartness! gingnew-Conpo-bottU. NEWpopuIarity! SSlT V ' - TODAY'S BRILLIANT CHOICE IN WHISKEY! Put bright light vhere you need it! Compact fluorescent lights install in minutes! SPECIAL LOW PRICE K99 No special wiring needed. Just plug it in. For workshop, kitchen, garage. 18" long. 15W. Baked enamel finish. W118 SAVE 1.50 Nine-Piece Ezee Barber Kit. ..Everything Needed to Give Haircuts! 'Arr Special Hvt I Price Save 17 Specially Reduced to a99 GREENBRIER y4" DRILL Professional quality power drill with industrial capacity: W ia steel, H in hardwood. Double reduction re-duction gear for full power. Precision Pre-cision 3-jaw geared chuck, pistol grip, trigger switch. Mirror finish. 96054 5 Pays for itaelf fast! Includes smooth cutting electric clippers, clip-pers, barber scissors and comb, tapering attachment, 3 butch combs and instructions. 47460 SAVE 4.07 Greenbrier T CIRCULAR SAW 23s8 NOW JUST Balanced design ith 8 amps cf power to spare. Automatic cluUh prevents kickback. Self-lubricating bronze bearings. 96264 rrTnffnl 1488 "zSL cut 25 133 Feather-Touch Plastic Broom with Qoated Hard' wood Handle New cleaning magic! Four full rows of split-end bristles electrostatically electro-statically treated to attract dust B1-4401 SPECIAL PURCHASE BIG IpiSS&Sp Gallon II Plastic 11 II ! Trash II - mm Our Lowest tJ44 Price Ever Rinses clean in seconds! Won't crack or chip in any weather. Positive Posi-tive locking lid prevents spilling, locks can securely against winds and pets. Sturdy, ribbed construction. construc-tion. Resists fumes, won't leak. 65 88c SALE BUY NOW AT THESE REDUCED PRICES Tinwear Bread or Loaf Pan 33 SAVE 5.07 Regularly 19.Q Trustworthy -in. Drill SALE PRICE Industrial rated! Drills V in steel, V ia hardN70od. 2 6 amp. Double reduction gears for smooth performance. Mirror finish. Q23 Memo Minder 88c Colorful, convenient. con-venient. Three slot Handy key hooks. White with gold trim. 6221 3 r7ANj Flannel ffTl tVk Self- Paper Lf". Stick Bag f7Y -"WW Protects ,r , , ' IS, i I VeMPresson. Holds ill I; 0 hc all sizes, i: III FLAN 304 r1.' II it 8 Oz. Teflon Cleaner Sale QQC Price OO Removes stains on Teflon. No rubbing. 502 Tin Cookware 10"xl" Lay Cake Pans 2010 Set of 6 Brass Hanger Aids Sale QQC Price OO Ends closet jumble. Spaces, separates garments. gar-ments. Clip on. 106 Sweater QQl Box (JO Crystal clear styrene plastic. 14 long, 11" wide, 4 deep. 653 SALE- MARCH 3rd, 4th and 5th |