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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, February 25, 1965 Huth S oele attended funeral Mr. monton, Utah this weekend where vices for a .friend, Mr. Charles Or- Mr. Heyborne will be manager of me &t Tooele Saturday afternoon Bestway Lumber Co. there. Mrs. and visited with friends from Wend Steele returned home Monday ev-over ev-over who were also there for the ening by way of Provo where she visited the Auer Jensen family. She repor s lots of snow in Evanston a blizzard there Monday morning, clearing by noon. The roads were good all the way home. SUTHERLAND ZELDA OGDEN Mrs. Concha Adams is home after visiting her daughter and family, the Homer Christensens In Salt Lake City. Michele Church and friend, Ed Barren of St. Anthony, Idaho visited visit-ed grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Walker. They are both students at Ricks College at Rexburg, Ida. Bishop and Mrs. Ferrell Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Fred T.urner, Gam Turner and Grant Bishop went to the Manti Temple Saturday. Gary Barney visited friends and relatives over the weekend. Gary is attending school at the BYU. Karen Roberts of Kearns visited with parents, the Rrose Roberts over the weekend. Mrs. Eleanor Roberts was in Salt Lake Saturday on businesa ber State College at Ogden., Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Walker were in St. George last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Twitched visl.-ed visl.-ed Linda's parents, Bishop and Mrs. Ferrell Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Cutler Henrie had some of their family home for the weekend from CSU: Mr. and Mm. David Henrie and new son, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henrie and son and Thayne Henrie. Mr. and Mrs. William Bunker went to Cedar City last week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Beagley and family. They went in their recently re-cently purchased new pickup and took some furniture for Boyd and Luana. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bunker had a phone call from their daughter, Vera Paxman of Nephi telling them her husband Vaughn had been J V,Y a a ""'made the bishop In one of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Adams ..,. r and Richard. Phil Is attending We- LEGAL NOTICE CONSULT COUNTY CLERK OR RESPECTIVE PARTIES FOR FURTHER DETAILS NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have . been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate water in Millard County, State of Utah, throughout the entire year. All locations are in SLB&M. 36497 United States of America, Bureau of Land Management, Ful more. Utah. .015 sec.-ft. of water from a 6 in. well 110 ft deep at a point N. 10,711.5 ft. and W. 9,033.6 ft from SE Cor. Sec. 1, T173, K5W. The water is to be used for the a: ock watering of 500 head of cattle. All uses In NEttNWtt Sec. 35, T163, R5W. 36567 Evaxt J. Jensen, Ephrahn, Utah. 10 ac.-ft. of water from Run off at a point S. 1135 ft and W. 1920 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 15, T1&4, R1W. The water will be stored by means of a pond 8 ft deep, 140 ft. long and 70 ft. wide and used supplementally to water 1,500 head of sheep, 200 head of cattle and 3 horses. All uses in NWViSEV, Sec. 13, T18S, R2W. Protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applications with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, TJ.ah, on or before April 3, 1965. Wayne D. Griddle STATE ENGINEER Published in the Millard County Chronicle, Delta, Utah, from February Febru-ary 18 to March 4, 1965. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the joint estates of William Isaac Alldredge and Martha L. Alldredge, deceased, Creditors will present claims with vouchers, to the undersigned on or befort the 15Ji day of April, 1965. Adrian L. Alldredge, Administrator Eldon A. Eliason, Attorney First Publication: Feb. 18, 1965 Final Publication: March 11, 1965 wards. Mrs. Eva Dean Moody is taking piano lessons from ley of the BYU. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Robinson and children of Richfield visl'.ed their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Rose. Mrs. Fern Foote Is visiting two brothers and a sister in California. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Church an 1 children of Provo visited Mr. and Mrs. Golden Erickson. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Wright and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. La-Var La-Var Owens. Barbara Jackson was home from the BYU for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bennett are leaving this week for Ames, Iowa to attend son Jerry's wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Moody entertained at a family dinner Friday Fri-day night and guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Clell Hardee of Denver, Den-ver, Colo. Those coming from ou of town for Karen Moody's wedding Saturday were: Mrs. Robeson E. (Virginia) Yundt, Lafayette, Ind.; Mrs. Anthony (Marjorie) Burr, Jane and Gregory, Walnut Creek, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray (Marion) Church and family, Canoga Park, Calif.: Mr. and Mrs. David R. Calvert and services. Later they had dinner at he home of Mrs. Mary Parsons. Then Mrs. Steele drove into Salt Lake City and visited her sister, Beth Brasher and family. Sunday morning she went to Evanston, Wyo. to visit the Nell Heyborne family. They are moving to Tre- family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard G under un-der son and Mr. and Mrs. CleE Hardee, Har-dee, Denver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Moody and son, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin D. Williams and Karen, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hardee, Reno, Nevada; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pope, Sacramento, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson, Dugway, and Mr. and Mrs. Champ Allen of Springville. A very lovely reception was enjoyed by the large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. John Wind have gone to Lakewood, Calif, for a month's visit with their daughter, Mildred and family. Michael Rose and friend Derrell Kruger of Cedar City visited Saturday Satur-day with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Rose, also, Frances Bonn of Delta and Prof. Reed Nib-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Twltchell of Orem visited the Rose's. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Higginson of Peoria, 111. visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen. While here they and Charles and Alice went to Kingston to visit Ruth Coates; to New Castle to visit daughter Marion Mar-ion and family and to Baker, Nev. to visit Betty Baker and family. While in Baker they visited Leh-j man Caves which the Llinois couple cou-ple enjoyed very much. J Kucn jones, sniney eL.app, Man lyn Stoddard and Don Harris went to Mesa, Arizona to visit Earl Harris Har-ris and attend a Harris reunion. Ivone and Janalee Miller of Fillmore Fill-more visited the Ivo Ogderts Friday and kept a dental appointment Mrs. Armond Ogden of Murray was down and spent Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Steele are the proud parents of a new baby "boy born In Salt Lake Saturday, Feb. 20. h. This is a new grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Armond Ogden. Jay Bennett went to Tooele Mon day to visit his mother who hasn't been very well lately. First Ward News LEONA WORKS Mrs. Fera Little went to Salt Lake a w e e k ago Saturday and came home last Wednesday. She visited wi'Ji Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Little and daughter. While there she made a wedding dress for her sister., Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hardy ani family spent the long weekend in Joshua Tree, Calif, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H. Rice. They returned re-turned home Monday. Mr. Donald Western and a boy friend spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Western. Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Jeffer? end Mrs. Adallne Jeffery were In Salt I Lake Sunday and Monday to visit with members of their famil mic. to attend a testimonial for one of their friends who is leaving for a ' mission. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Church aid 'a mily from Calif, spent the weji; i:. Delta and Sutheivand. They cam; to attend the wedding of Karen Moody and Jim Hardee. Karen and Mrs. Church are sis ers. In DelU. they visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Church and brothers bro-thers and sisters and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Sherling Church and family were to church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hay Jeffery and family of Bountiful spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffery. Mrs. Fonte'.la Bishop has been visiting in Delta and Sutherland for the past week. Kay and Larry Odean were home from school over the weekend with I their father, Mr. Velmer Odean. I Merrill Maxfield spent the week- . end with Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Max-1 Max-1 field. I Mr. and Mrs. Don (Barbara Wright) Morgan and family from Astoria, Oregon were cauled to Salt Lake last week on the death of Don's father, Edgar P. Morgan. They also visl.ed with Mrs.' Norma Wright who is still In Salt Lake at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cropper. Mri Earl Dorius came from Calif, to visit Norma and the Croppers. Visitors al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Deli Searle for .he weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Almon Robison and family of Salt Lake. Sunday Mr. Tex Searle and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Searle and family of Orem, Mr. and Mrs. Don Searle of Provo and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Condie of Salt Lake came for a visit Reed Broderick who has been working in New Mexico for Stewart Drilling came home a week ago to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cloy Broderick and Dennis. A week ago Sunday Reed and Dennis Broderick went to Eureka and brot Mrs. Virgie Broderick down for a visit. Monday Mr. and Mrs. Cloy Broderick, Reed and Virgie Vir-gie Broderick were in Gunnison to attend funeral services for a rela tive, Mr. Edwin Larson, Mis.Jyirgle Broderick came back "afiffi ylsited relatives here until ThiiradjrjJswhen she returned by bus to Eureka. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd jiocUiiclc and ALen of Roy were here to attend the wedding reception 'Of Bdlland RaNae Tolbert - Brown. They- also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Goy Broderick. .:v .-. : Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Crap,- Mr. and Mrs. Tony Deardon of Fillmore Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stevens of Hodden were over during last week to visit Blanch Works at the West Millard Hospital. . Mr. and Mrs.' Elwood Lovell and four children of Monticello spent the weekend in Oak City with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Lovell. Sunday they were all down to have dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Leoyd Lovell. - " ' S. H. HALES SELLS REGISTERED ANGUS BULL - S. H.- Hales, Delta, recently sold an Aberdeen-Angus hull to Melvin Bullock, Cedar City, Utah. SHOP AT HOME SHOP WITH THE ADVERTISERS RecapsTractor Tire Section Repair We Make Your Old Tires Like New Auto Glass CUT and INSTALLED L0.F. Windshields Wheel Align TIRE BALANCING Tune Up SPARK PLUGS POINTS (MUFFLERS and EXHAUST PIPES) COMPLETE SERVICE & LUBRICATION 291 EAST MAIN PHONE 3791 a JW ' I p2r k- - Enjoy Carefree Convenience . TV. ... ::-- UNION- PACIFIC caoano nn iij xmm 7, fit ft mo bi travel Union Pacific Domein er A vacation or business trip on any one of Union Pacific's Domeliners is restful and relaxing And now, while it's not crowded, is a good time to travel. Through picture windows you'll see at eye level - the beauty of the West. Money saving Family Fares apply to Pullman and Coach travel. Food is freshly prepared - both snacks and delicious Domediner dinners. Baggage allowances are generous. And most of all, you'll travel carefree and carfree without weather worries. Next time you travel, go Union Pacific ftOMUMUi "Gty of Us Angeles" 'The Challenger" "City of San Fnnclsco" "City f Portland" "City of Detwtr" "Wj of St lo"" UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD For full information cr reservations please contact your nearest Union Pacific office. PURCHASE k FAMOUS LHjAW-H I ti?ijl3 . I AND V-ITH1 l1 SPRAY jr j-e , I n inra IIP SAW -ns ICM I -rv Sot iwo brand new I I UKJ dfflWv I I M H r3 Proven Model hand saw I I Table h open mesh $feel io XSS IKsYV I I tVV 1 15 for your workshop. 2 I I for cooler ;ronfng. ,2 Wv.'JiT I - I reP'ac"ent guarantee. br'CS' 'ar free -JsutltMReR. ROSE and BARDEH htB,nilirt, r S FUEL1 CYLIMDER O ,J0P a"d Hftl"" 27" ANVIL LOPPER lf plus WM$MM S99 mto wgTu UM OF I CYLINDER W AN EXTRA MOIPSm, AT .THE REGULAR HEAD FOR r JjM CAR DEN SHEAR: Hlah carbon. UmiiinJ bladat: vinyl ANVII 1CPPFR- H.r-anad stacl blade can be rshrpMd. SUI frruU; 22" fire-kardtnod eth bandltt. SALE STARTS THURSDAY! QUANTITIES LIMITED Nylon attracts and picks up dust quickly and easily washes and dries In a jiffy. Handle with spring socket allows easy mop movability. GET A 2 CELL FLASHLIGHT Chroma plattd; prt . focuud blb. 3-way sw'rteh. Rtd jlow-tftg jlow-tftg bead. WNEX YOU WY ONE ISStic FLASHLIGHT FOR o)fo Mm Alniso magnet baldt to any ia slaal wnaca. ro qiowing o; l i -l.i.J. .U.L. cnioma piia, i-mmj -mvi, flaib button. SHOP-CRAFT 2-SPEED 1 V DRILL HlAYYPtfTf I I ncu fl FLASHLIGHT bai i cm THE LOW F Regular site the usual pric standard flashl No dealers. WHEN YOU IUY ONE AT THE LOW PRICE OF 15c 2 for less than ce of I. Fits all ights. Limit I! ror drilling, sanding, polishing; lull capacity 'A steel, l2" hardwood. 2.0 Amp. No-load speed up to 2000 rpm; full-load speed up to 1390 rpm. Bronie type bearings; large internal fan; air louvers. 3-jaw geared chuck with key. UL rated industrial, REG. 14.97 & Q WITH THE PURCHASE OF A U ORBITAL SANDER 95 3 amp. motor develop devel-op V HP; 4500 oscillations par minute; min-ute; bronie bearings; a' cord; 3 sheets of abrasive paper. UL industrially listed. PAINT Si U LCeCfyj 17 Colors! fscT a trunun niu ULI M 4tUVNU nun I FOR ONLY 3 Big 1 6-01. can, easy to us in doors er out. Rust-resistant, fast dryfag, bigk hiding power. OUTDOOR iSy WELCOME MAT K WHEN YOU IUY AN U INDOOR MAT H"xll"; rubber outdoor mat. black and cotort. I9"t27" indoor mat is 100 viscose pile car pet surface on molded rubber base. 6y C DE LTfi'S |