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Show SECOND WARD AREA NEWS BRIEFS tUCILE KIMBER Rot Western, representing the Stake High Council, brot a good program to our Sacrament meeting Sunday evening. Elders Howard Clayton and Tony Western were the speakers. Anyone who hasn't heard Michael Robison sing, have missed & treat. It's hard to realize such a strong voice coming from such a small boy. He is the son of Donald and Elaine Robison. He sang a solo, accompanied toy his mother. The other music was by our youth choir. Malba Jacobean was released Sunday as Activity Counselor of our MIA. We will miss her and want to thank her for her good work in the past. Carol Maxwell was sustained to take her place and we welcome her into our or ganization. Gwen Stephenson with her room mate at the BYU Sue Stockweli of California visited over the weekend week-end wiih Gwen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Stephenson. Marie Whiteley was here from school at Provo visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Edwards. Ed-wards. Mr. and Mrs. Van Bishop and Vance drove to Beaver Sunday and visited with Clair and Caryl Baldwin Bald-win who were at Ci'air's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Abra Baldwin. Boyd Kimber spent Saturday with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kimber Kim-ber and attended the regional wrestling matches. Laura Lee Hansen was home over ov-er the weekend with heir folks, Mr. The Amazing Bird w Famous. Smooth. Mellow ieitwh imitti kwum wwun m moor, eismuo mo mttied iv the famous old mo dbtilurv ccfrankfort, kv. and Mrs. Dan Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Heed Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Don Webb and Rita attended the divisional quartet festival fes-tival at Richfield last Thursday. They accompanied our s ake winning win-ning quartet Lynn and Sue Ann Turner, Scott Mecham and Ann Webb. Although they were beaten out by a quartet from Salina, we are very proud of them. Mr. and Mrs. Garn Brown and family of Salt Lake spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Lemira Bishop and sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Losee. Margaret Hansen and friends. Linda Toliey and Verneen Archibald, Archi-bald, spent last weekend with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wankier en er-tained er-tained Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warner War-ner and Robert Warner and children, child-ren, all of Nephi at a birthday party par-ty Sunday to honor Kathleen's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Arvit Wankier &t Levan visited with their son Lee Wankier and family Tuesday, Feb. 23rd to honor Nan on her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Garth Tolbert and family of Salt Lake along w i t '.i their daughter LynneUe and her friends, Blair Packer, Bonnie Morgan Mor-gan and James Webbs were here over the weekend. They all attended attend-ed the wedding of ReNae Tolbert Brown and visited with their mother mo-ther Mrs. Nell Watson and sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barney. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Branson of Rexburg, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Brunson and Mrs. Isie Brun-son Brun-son of Fillmore visited Sunday with their aunt, Nell Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and son Walter of Nephi visited, with their aunt, Nell Watson last week. Wa.-ter Wa.-ter has accepted a call to fulfill a LDS mission to Scotlond. Marilyn Stoddard, Don Harris, Robert Harris and Ruth Jones accompanied ac-companied Shirley DeLapp on a trip to Mesa, Arilona. Marilyn visu-ed visu-ed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jones and her brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stoddard at Tempe, Arizona. They were gone over this last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Holt spent Sunday visiting with her sister and Melva and family. Melva's husband Neldon Oisbn is at present in the hospital at Price. They visited Eva's brother Geo. Nielson at Ferron and their nieces and nephew Mr. and Mrs. Royce Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Rue Wass and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Peacock at Or-angeville. Or-angeville. Mrs. Bcrlxira White and small daughter of Provo are spending the next two weeks with her parents par-ents Mr. and Mrs. Van Bishop. Mr. and Mrs, Pall Ball of Gunnison Gunni-son spent last Thursday and Fri- OAK CITY MAE H. SHIPLEY The weatherman gave us a few delightful spring-like days. How we aL enjoyed the sunshine and crisp warm air. It surely brot the cars out to enjoy the canyon Sunday. Looks like we have had it for a spell again. Clouds and wind .his Monday morning with a weathor broadcast of rain or snow later anyway better to have winter in February rather than April. . Lets all enjoy our good wea'.her anyway it comes. We always have an extra large crowd out for our mission reports. Sunday evening was no exception when Elder Quayle Dutson gave his report of his mission in England the past two years. He gave a very fine report which was in: cresting to the many friends and relatives present. Quayle is the second son of Willis and Thelma Dutson to fill a mission to England. There daughter Dixie is now serving in England. We congratulate this family. fa-mily. Gordon Anderson, a deacon, gave a talk on Scout laws at this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pike, Miss Wilna Wixom, Miss Kim and a mission mis-sion companion of Quayle's were visitors at the Dutson home. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shipley had their son Larry and wife and little daughter Melinie; also daughter Verna Mae, her husband Don Dirol-linger Dirol-linger and children Michael and Judy to visit and celebrate Ivan's birthday Saturday, Feb. 20. Happy birthday greetings to you Ivan. I wouldn't dare tell how oid you are. You only look and act so young. At the Grant Finlinson home were Mr. and Mrs. Kent Dewsnup and children of Coalville. Kent and Sandra were at the Manti Tempie with Kent's folks Saturday. David and family called Sunday. Ann went back with Sandra Monday for a week's visit in Salt Lake and Coalville. day. with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright have just returned from a two week's visit with their daughter, Shirley and Verue Theobald and family at Northridge, Calif. Want to thank those in charge of Parent's Day. Only complaint is wish it could have been on Washington's Wash-ington's Birthday when more could have attended. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Walch returned Thursday from a two-week trip to Hawaii. We are surely proud of our wrest ling team. Wish them success at the state meet. Mr. and Mrs. Orlan Jacobson ot Ogden visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Jacobson. Mrs. Ada Jacobson and famLy were visitors over the long holiday weekend from Provo. Mr. and Mrs. John LeFerve and children visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nielson had their daughter Dorothy ana husband Burke Giles and children visit. Burke has just had hear, surgery sur-gery and he is recovering nicely. Their home is in Othello, Wash. LYITODYL LAURA BHADFIELD Mrs. Lucile Overson and Hattie Anderson of Leamington spent last Tuesday and Wednesday in Provo and surrounding towns visiting relatives. re-latives. Mrs. Overson also saw the chiropractor in Spanish Fork and had adjustments on her back. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Wilkins went to Spanish Fork last Tuesday to keep a doctor's appointment. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Nielson went to Idaho Falls last weekend to the funeral services of an aunt, Mrs. Sarah Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Bernell (Connie) Tolbert spent Sunday at the home of Connie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lile Johnson. Curt Overson and his daughter Darlene have moved into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Roberts. We are happy to have them in our community. Sunday Curt and Darlene Dar-lene and Curt's paren'.s, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Overson spent the day in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Benson and Sandra spent the weekend in Salt Lake visiting relatives. . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nielson went to Preston, Idaho Saturday to attend at-tend the funeral services for Marilyn's Mari-lyn's grandfather. Their son Glen was home from school at Ogden for. the weekend. . Mr. Eugene Overson and children of Murray spent Monday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Over-son. Over-son. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Wilkins went to Oak Cl.y Sunday to visit their daughter, Barbara Anderson and family. Our family has had a hectic week. Most of the time has been spent in hospitals and doctor's offices. of-fices. We spent all day Thursday in Mt. Pleasant Hospital with my sister, Lilace Christensen who was very ill. Friday we went to Salt Lake where Lawrence saw the doctor doc-tor up there. We stayed with our daughter Rayma and husband Kent Hughes. Saturday they brot us home. We s'.opped in Provo and Millard County Chronicle Thursday, February 25, 1965 CJopper makes tougher steel? Not really. But Utah Copper Division's ' molybdenite DOES! Molybdenite is a by-product of copper production. Ore at the Bingham Canyon Mine contains minor amounts of molybdenite less than one pound per ton . most of which is recovered at the concentrators by flotation. After processing, molybdenite is used to produce alloyed steel that is harder, more resistant to wear and withstands higher temperatures. It becomes part of automobiles, railroad rolling stock,, springs, gears, camshafts, axles, bearings, tools and dozens of other products. Like copper, it is woven into the fabric of modern living. Molybdenite and other by-products from the Bingham Canyon Mine are closely allied with copper, not only in production, but also in economics. They help Kennecott meet the challenge of the high cost of mining and processing low grade ore that contains only 15 pounds of copper to the ton. In the last analysis, UTAH COPPER! MAKES STEEL YQUGMEE3 by-products are a key factor in Kennecott's all-important effort to operate successfully in the highly competitive world copper market. feiv v- Tim K 'A' "r"5cS2Br. v If ft" .V-J.L ) : y-r-m-H -v, frJ J A i (k) IZennccott Copper Corporation JU Utah Copper Division saw Don and Lois Bradfield. Sunday Sun-day was spent in Dr. Steele's office of-fice in Nephi and next Saturday we must be back in Salt Lake to the doctor. I hope they soon decide what to do for him and he can get better. My sister Lilace Christensen passed pas-sed away Saturday. Funeral services ser-vices were held Wednesday in Mayfield, Utah. The program in Sacrament meeting meet-ing Sunday evening was given by Mr. Neiderhouser's Seminary class from Delta. Sandra Moore was in charge of the program. Talks were given by S'.epheny Wright, David Taylor, Marilyn Mace, Rebecca Jacobson, Ja-cobson, Sheldon Jackson and Paul Anderson and Mr. Neidcrhou;er. Carla Church, Ann Marie Day and Kathy Callister sang, accompanied by Sylvia Finlinson. It was a very good meeting. , Mr. and Mrs. Louis Overson cali-I cali-I ed their son Keith who is on an I LDS mission in South Dakota Sat-, Sat-, urday evening to wish him a happy birthday. Kei.h is enjoying his work in the mission field very much. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Carpenter of Hinckley visited at the Lawrence Bradfield home Monday. SHOPPERS WISE ECONOMIZE THEY SHOP WITH THOSE WHO ADVERTISE FARM MACHINERY Massey - Ferguson TRACTORS COMBINES SWAT HERS BALERS Hew Holland BALERS SWATH ERS A UTOMA TIC BALEWA GONS DONE EQUIPMENT COMPANY 9 MILES NORTH OF DELTA .UTAH HIGHWAY 99 PHONE 2991 Q An equal opportunity ?mployer" Qearaic ALE MEN'S COATS BOYS' COATS MEN'S SWEATERS BOYS' SWEATERS MaK (Price MEN'S WINTER SHIRTS BOYS'. WINTER SHIRTS 1.98 1.00 LADIES' WINTER COATS Vi PRICE GIRLS' WINTER COATS Va PRICE CHILDREN'S WINTER COATS Vi PRICE LADIES' SWEATERS Malf GIRLS' SWEATERS " 7 CHILDREN'S SWEATERS rNCe LADIES' CAPRIS Vi PRICE Red Heart Yarn 87c 4 oz. 4-ply Knitting Worsted Fancy Outing Rayon Pile Rugs 3 yds 1.00 2 for 3.00 27x48 1 Rack Girls' Dresses 100 1 Rack Ladies' Dresses 5.00 Close Out of Girls' Formals ... your choice 5.00 KCflTfl-t N DECttRTmCnT ). STOBt |