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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, November 19, 1964 Woman $ Paje - Society . . . W$bwj$ . . . Clufc Tleios SUTHERLAND RE A DAWN BRADSHAW Dairymen Invited To 29th Annual Dairy Confab ' Millard County dairymen this week received a pretty invitation to attend the 29th annual convention conven-tion of the American Da;ry Association Associa-tion of Utah at Salt Lake City's Hotel Utah, Saturday, November 28. The invitation came from Beaver County Dairy. Princess Rea Dawn Bradshaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LaVel Bradshaw, Beaver, who will represent this county in the state Dairy Princess finals during the convention. Convention sessions will get underway un-derway at 10 a.m., with a general session for wives of dairy farmers. Using the theme "Old Fashioned Christmas," home economists will present recipes and suggestions for holiday dishes featuring Utah dairy foods. The presentation will be under un-der the direction of Mrs. V. M. Noyes, president of the Utah Dairy Wives, and Dixie Lee, executive director of the Dairy Council of U-tah. U-tah. "There are no finer dairy foods in America than Utah's, and we plan to demonstrate their superior flavor and texture in delightfully tempting arrangements," Miss Lee said. At 2:00 p.m. all dairymen and their wives are invited to attend the annual membership meeting of the ADA of Utah. At that time U-tah's U-tah's "Dairyman of the Year" will be selected and 4-H club and Future Fut-ure Farmers of America scholarship winners will be announced. Highlight of the convention will be a banquet at 6:00 p.m. followed, by the Utah Dairy Princess finals at 7:30 p.m. The finals will be televised tele-vised over KCPX-TV, Channel 4. Seventeen milk-drinking county Dairy Princess winners will vie for the state crown now held by Margaret Mar-garet Winn, Smithfield, Cache County. As - the "First Lady" of Utah's dairy industry, the new Utah Princess Prin-cess will reign over the state's June Dairy Month and will travel thru-out thru-out the state speaking to young people on the value of drinking milk -for more vibrant , health and looks. The new Dairy Princess will also represent Utah in the national Princess competition in Chicago next year. - First Ward Hews LEONA WORKS Mr. end Mrs. Perry Winsor and Maribah Ann attended open house in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lester (Nettie Chynowe.h) Rayle at Orem Nov. 11. They were married Nov. 2. The SuAShine lad es were entertained enter-tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs for their mother, Mrs. Deila Lisonbee on Nov. 5. It was the first time they had all met together to-gether since their Christmas party last year. There were 13 members present and three guests. A lovely luncheon was served. "' Mr. and Mrs. Scott Christensen and family and Carol Ann Christen-sen Christen-sen of Salt Lake spent the pheasant pheas-ant hunt ng weekend with their mother, Mrs. Madge Christensen. Crcol Ann was home this last week end, also. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Gardner spent last weekend in Ogden visiting with Mrs. Gardner's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mankin of Salt Lake spent the weekend visiting visit-ing in Delta with a sister and her family, Mr. and Mrs; Ray Needham. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Lister and family, Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Works, Mr. and Mrs. LaMont Works and Jessie and Mrs. LaFay Corey and David at Hinck ley. Donald Western spent the weekend week-end with h's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Western. ' Dewaine Jackson and Beni 1 Hardy Har-dy spent the weekend in Salt Lake with Mr. and Mrs. LaVerl Jackson and family. Craig Hardy spent the weekend home from school with the Floyd Hardy's. . We are certainly sorry to hear of Mr. E. E. Gardner's accident and hope he will soon be out of the hospital and back with us in church. I guess there isn't any news this week, only snow. We hope we get enough moisture to do us the good we need. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dorius of Los Angeles spent the weekend with their sister, Mrs. Norma "Wright. They left for Salt Lake to visit relatives re-latives there. 4 ? - 7, MR. AND MRS. FRANK OLIVER Ilee option Honors Bridal Pair . Miss Shirley Echols became the bride of Frank Oliver in a double ring ceremony Oct. 14 in Tooele at the home of an aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kruletz. Officiating Offici-ating at the ceremony was Bishop Jones. Grandparents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Dell Ross of Delta. Parents Par-ents of the groom are Mr. and Mrs. RUBY SKEEM 7,500 Read It In The CHRONICLE LSandwichi rffc1 How to livon up potato salad Just mix it with Kraft Sandatick Spread! Special parky relishes in a creamy, setty dressing. Greet on head lettuce, too. And it comes m a handy new wide-mouth jar! KRAFT Sandwich Spread Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Skeem hadj a happy surprise when Mr. and Mrs. Evan Skeem and son Mike arrived Sunday from Lawdon, Okla. Evan has -spent the last three years in the Armed Forces and the last two years in Germany, where he married mar-ried Earola Mattern. This is their first visit home since their arrival back in the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Memmott ot Salt Lake spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. NorveJ Christensen. Other members of the family who called at the Christensen home were Neil Bishop and two sons of Tooele. Dr. Quen and Co. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stanworth and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Bishop and family of Cedar City spent Saturday Satur-day with their parents, Mr. and j Mrs. Clark Bishop. Mr. Monte Bishop and two friends i of Sandy , were with the Bishops for the pheasant hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mathenson of Goshen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson. They had spent the past three weeks In Nevada visiting their children and enjoying a very pleasant vacation. Mr. Bruce Anderson was also home from Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sledge of Murray visited with Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Howell last week. Coleen Gllen, Gwen Stanworth, Mark Skeem and Jane Murray were home from school.. Erma Skeem spent the weekend with her son, Calvin and wife and children. . Mr. and Mrs. Gary Webb and family fa-mily were down for the pheasant hunt. Reed Skeem was home from Tooele where he is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Scottie Berrell and sons, Ronald and Roy, visited witn Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Skeem and they all went pheasant hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson of Salt LaLke visited with friends and stayed with Cassie Johnson. Evelyn Hawley, Howard Roundy and Hilding Sjostrum all observed birthdays on Nov. 4th. THIS WEEK'S NEWS Please forgive me, I have enjoyed enjoy-ed my kids home and my mind was elsewhere when it was time to mail my news in. M ss Young has been staying jwoasn Lows ATTEND THE CHORAL VARIETY PROGRAM Monday, November 23, 8:00 p.m. DELTA TIIIHD YARD THIRTY-MEMBER CAST PRICES: 75c; 50c; 25c TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR with Mr. and Mrs. Fon Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Willoughby of Salt Lake visited with his family, Bishop and Mrs. Jack Willoughby. Ila Stanworth had her sleep dis turbed by a visit in the middle of the night by her mother and Janet from Salt Lake. Evan and Carola Skeem went to Dugway and back Wednesday. Reed Skeem, Kathleen Farris and Stewart of Tooele came to spend Luther Oliver of Timmsville, North Carolina. A reception honoring the newly- weds was held October 24 in Delta. The bride was lovely as s h e greeted guests in her floor length gown . of lace and silk net. Simulated Simu-lated pearls outlined the neck. She carried a bouquet of roses and carnations car-nations accented with pale pink net. Mrs. Norma Kruletz served her niece as matron of honor. Filling best man duties was Tony M. Kru-Letz. Kru-Letz. Following a honeymoon trip which took them to various parts of Utah, the young couple are mak ing a home in Independence, Mo. Raymond and Jennie Callister of Anadarko, Okla. announce the birth of a baby daughter on Nov. 14th. The new little miss has an older brother and sister. The baby is the fifteenth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. J. Lathal Callister. Nov. 12 Fine Arts Program, 4 p.m. Nov. 12 Delta P.T. A. (evening) Judge Paxman to Speak Nov. 13 Delta High School Play Nov. 13 B. Y. U. Extension Class Nov. 14 Delta Third Ward Bazaar Nov. 14 B.Y.U. Extension Class Nov. 16 M.J.A. Leadership Meet ing Nov. 18 First Ward Bazaar Nov. 18 Hinckley Ward Bazaar Nov. 18 Primary Preparation Meeting Nov. 19 Sutherland Ward Bacaar Nov. 20 Delta Second Ward Ba zaar Nov. 20 School Yearbook Dance Nov. 20 B. Y.U. Extension Class Nov. 21 Quorum of Seventies Party Nov. 21 B. Y.U. Extension Class Nov. 23 Delta Third Ward Welfare Entertainment Nov. 25 Senior Hop Nov. 26 Thanksgiving Day and Delta Second Ward Gold ft Green Ball Nov. 27 Third Ward Record Hop Nov. 28 Margaret Eklns Wedding Reception Dec. 4 Evan Skeem Openhouse, Oasis Ward Dec. 3 Deseret Ward Bazaar Dec. 4 Wrestling Juab High Carnival Car-nival Dec. 4 B.Y.U. Extension Class Dec. 5 B. Y. U. Extension Class Dec. 5 Basketball, Delta at South Sevier Dec. 5 Delta Third Ward Gold & Green Ball Dec. 7 Wrestling, Delta at Juab Dec. 10 Wrestling, Delta at B. Y. High and Lehi Dec. 10 Fine Arts Program Afternoon Dec. 11 Oasis Ward Bazaar Dec. 11 B. Y.U. Extension Class Dec. 12 B. Y.U. Extension Class 1 Dec 11 Basketball, Piute at Delta Science Club Dance Dec. 12 Basketball, Gunnison at I Delta 'Dec. 16 Basketball, Dixie High at ! Delta Dec. 16 Primary Preparation I Dec. 18 Wrestling, B.Y. High at I Delta Dec. 19 Basketball, North Sanpete i at Delta School Dance Dec. 21 Wrestling, Pleasant Grove at Delta Dec. 23 Christmas Musical Bas ketball, Manti School Recess Dec. 23 MIA CHRISTMAS DANCE Dec. 26 Arnold Talbot Dance at Oak City Mr. and Mrs. Gam Moody from California visited Mr. and Mrs. Mar ven Moody. Marlon Steele of Cedar City visited vis-ited Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Steele. Also Al-so visiting with the Steeles were a cousin and his wife of Doyle's, Kent and Bess Steele of Ledora, Calif. Kc. and Mrs. George Corry are visiting in Las Vegas, then going on to Los Angeles for a while. Mr. George Prous of Kanosh has been visiting his sister and family, the Doyle Steeles. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Larsen left for Arizona to be in warmer weather. wea-ther. They should of left a week sooner to escape this winter weather weath-er we've had this last week. They will probably appreciate It more. All us neighbors worried about Dec. 26 Basketball, Delta at Piute Dec.28 Wrestling, Alumn' Dec. 30 Basketball, Delta at North Sanpete (Mt Pleasant) Dec. 30 Margery Wright Wedding Reception Dec. 31 MIA New Year's Dance them leaving in such a snow storm. Mr. and Mrs. Eiwin Wright of Spanish Fork visited with Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Owens over the weekend. week-end. Brrbara Jackson and Maralee Young were down from the BYU. Mr. Calvin Jones and Louisa Lov-ell Lov-ell went to Salt Lake last week. Mrs. Wells Wood drove them up. Mr. Jones returned by train and Mrs. Lovell stayed up to do genealogy geneal-ogy work for a while. The snow storms we've been having hav-ing gives us renewed hope on the water situation. We need a lot ot it. ANNE E. MELVILLE DUP Camp. will meet Thursday (today) at the home of Verdella Adams at 2:00 p.m. THE HELEN MAR McCULLOUGH Camp, DUP, will meet Friday, Nov. 20, 2:00 p.m. at the home of Lu Swalberg. Co-hostesses will be Re-va Re-va Bliss and Afton Fullmer. All members are urged to be present. MY SINCERE THANKS TO ALL WHO SUPPORTED ME IN THE ELECTION. I WILL CONTINUE TO SERVE YOU TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY. ALTA ASIIBY the weekend in Oasis with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Skeem. V - vTk V "MEAT-ZA PIE" Make main dish magic with meat-za, the dinner time answer to pizza. The baked meat crust holds a variety of seasonings to tantalize at meal time. Garlic bread and a simple green salad complete this Mediterranean inspired menu. Hoat-za Pio Halccs News VJilli A Seasoned Grcund Dcof Bcso Is your family partial to pizza? Then you'll want to introduce them and their friends to meat-za, meat-za, a main dish dazzler made savory with a multitude of pizza seasonings. The hearty base of meat-za pie has its beginnings in a pound of hamburger with fine, dry crumbs added to stretch trie budget a bit Evaporated milk binds the ingredients together, assuring juicy moist texture in the baking. Most any toppings that please on pizza will give special zest to meat-za pie. A spoon-on sauce of catsup lends pleasant spici-ness spici-ness in keeping with this mada m-minutes dish. The next layer can be as fancy as you please with mushrooms just a start. Golden cheese is the topping that makes meat-za party perfect per-fect MEAT-ZA PIE 1 pound ground beef to 1 teaspoon garl? salt H cup fine dry bier" crumbs cup evaporated milk cup tomato catsup 1 can (2 07, ) sliced mushroom, drained ' 2 to 3 slices Cheddar cheese, cut into strips M, teaspoon oregano, crumbled fine -2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese Place beef, garlic salt and crumbs in a 9-inch pie pan. Add evaporated miik and mix together to-gether with a fork. With the fork, spread mixture evenly over bottom of pan, then form a low rim around edije to hold filling ingredients. Spread catsup over m-8t to the inn. Arrange drain- led mushrooms on top. Place cheese strips casually in crisscross criss-cross pattern over top. Sprinkle with oregano. Sprinkle generously gener-ously with grated Parmesan cheese. Bake in preheated hot oven (400 F.) 20 minutes, or until cheese is melted and lightly light-ly browned. Cut n "'edges to serve. Maker 4 servings. RELIEF SOCIETIES THE AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY HAS A BIG SELECTION OF FISH POND PRIZES. CONTACT BETTY KELLY FOR DETAILS. A Flameless oeie Ira 0 LoosS There re many reasons why a flameleu electric dryer costs up to $40 less to buy and costs less to maintain. Sme of the reasons: An Electric Dryv Costs Less to Manufacture because it's less complicated. An Electric Dryer Is Of Simple, Sturdy Design. Also, there are no pipes. There Is Only One Type Of Energy Electricity Used In An EUctric D,ycr. A flame-type dryr r uses both electricity and gas. Repair Costs Fez An Electric Dryer Art Moderate Moder-ate because major parts of an electric dryer generally cost less. Maintenance For An Electric Dryer Is Less. because there is less to go wrong with it. Often the amount you save on the purchase price of a flameless electric dryer will be enough to operate your electric dryer for several yean! Waltz through washday smoother with a total electric home laundry. FREE BULBS Over a Year's Supply of Electric Light Bulbs with your purchase of an Electric Clothes Dryer from your dealer. Gift packet of bulbs includes: Two 60-watt bulbs Four 75-watt bulbs Four 100-watt bulbs Two 3-way bulbs, 50-, 200-, 250-watt These bulbs will be presented only to electric customers served directly by Utah Power and Light Company or The Western Colorado Power Company who purchase a new electric clothes dryer between Oct. 12 and Dec. 10, 1964. UTAH POWER A LIGHT CO. S3 YOU KALCl'S ICW NOW |