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Show Down Yavnder Continued from front page) and hi equally remarkable record can be found in the April issue of The Readers Dige&t. Turn to page 12S and read a most enlightening account. I'm not trying to adopt a policy ALL BY MYSELF. Such a policy has to be adopted by the area as a whole, I think. And I might remind re-mind you readers that I said two weeks ago that policies are some times made to be broken. MILK and SOUP Did you hear about the latest product caught between the Food and Drug .Administration and the Dept. of Agriculture? SHADES OF MILLARD COUNTY DAIRYING INDUSTRY! I The product is soup, commercially commercial-ly canned and packaged. Both powerful agencies are running true to foj-m passing the buck. And as in the case of the Millard County Dairying Industry the producers are being told to shape up. And as in the case of the Millard County Dairying Industry the producers are in a quandary as to which dept. to shape up to!! It all has something to do with 2 chicken in soups and LABELS. Does that ring a bell? Speaking of milk reminds me of cows and cows reminds me of milk ingyears ago. Did you know that a cow is the nest conuaante tnat a person can have? That or Bossy will listen to anything you hare to say, chew her cud placidly and never repeat a word of your conversation to any one or for that matter not even to another cowl I should have been the boy in our family. I was supposed to have been. Therefore I spent a lot of time doing farm chores that ordinarily, ordi-narily, I guess, are performed by boys. Anyway, the least hateful of the many chores was milking. Not that I was overjoyed but at least I could take all the frustrations that youth is beset with and fling them into the face of old Bossy. She didn't care one whit whether I got to go to a party or not. She didn't care if Papa Pyland and Mama Pyland wouldn't let me go to a show. She didn't care if the family budget wouldn't allow a new pair of shoes. But she'd listen. We had a mutual admiration for each other, though. She had been quite a kicker in her days but SHE SEEMED TO KNOW THAT THIS MILKER WOULD JOLLY WELL KICK HER RIGHT BACK. I did once. She kicked me, I kicked her. And that was that. Mr. and Mrs. George Steele of Goshen, proudly announce the arrival ar-rival of a baby boy, weighing in at 7 lbs. 2-oz., March 24, at the Nephi hospital. Mrs. Steele will be remembered to her many friends in Delta as Mrs. Lola Humphries. Congratulations. HEINZ Pickles, Krinkle Chips 4 for 1.00 SUPREME Cookies 3 p!igs. .89 HALF GALLON CARTON Orange Drink 3 for 1.00 MEAT TYPE Heinz Soups 6 cans .99 Yheaties & Cheerios 3 pkgs. .89 GUARANTEED I.G.A. Flour 50 lbs. 3.39 SELECT PITTED Olives 4 PIERCES NO 2 CAN Pork & Becns TABLETREAT Sslzd Dressing Millard County Chronicle Hinckley SHARON S. WESTERN Literary Uub was held at the iiume ui Angie nan. a nice iuiiuii was served to members: uiaays warier, Lr ay uorey, i-rma uropper, Sebrina Ekins, Elaine Hardy, Betty Jane Morris, Evelyn Morris, Violet Robinson, Rebecca Schena, Ruth Talbot, and Alta Warnick. Also to guests: Marlene Bliss, Enid Dam- ron and Thora Peterson. Erma Cropper reviewed the book, "Safe Bridge" by Francis Parkinson Keys. Mr. and Mrs. Hon Cropper, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Ekins, Mr. and Mrs. George Ekins and Mrs. Lydia Ekins attended funeral services for Mrs. Marion Jensen in Richfield Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gam L. Moody came from San Francisco to attend the funeral services for Clyde Un derbill. Mr. and Mrs. Randall received word of a new granddaughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. James Larsen of Lake Tahoe. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bishop of Salt Lake and Mr. Cleo Don Bishop and son Jerry of Logan visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Bishop. Bish-op. The Relief Society's "Annual Party" Par-ty" was a big success again this year. Almost 120 people were served serv-ed a bounteous buffet supper and enjoyed the following program: community singing led by Delma Jean Galli, accompanied by Verna Taylor; song, Dean Talbot and Wal ter Manis, "Galway Bay"; musical reading, Erma Cropper; song, "Without A Song", Allen Galli; song, "He", Geanil Webb; songs, "In My Father's House Are Many Mansions" and "Danny Boy", David Da-vid Church. Jokes and stories were given at random by members of the audience. College sudents home at semester semes-ter break were Donna Warnick, Donald Peterson, Beth Hepworth, Norene Reeve and Mike Damron. George Farris spent Monday in Hinckley visiting friends. The Cub Scouts held their "Blue and Gold" banquet Monday night in the Relief Society Room. It was a very nice affair. Lonnie Morris did a wonderful job of planning and serving the meal. The Cub Scout leaders are Dorothy Spencer, Dana Bishop and Helen Taylor. They really spend a lot of time with the boys. It was nice for mom and dad to have a night out with their little cubbie. Coalesce Club was held at the home of Lawanna Peterson. Co-hostess Co-hostess was Bessie Webb. The girls made Easter bonnets to wear to club. Julia Carpenter and Carolyn Prices tail cans 1.00 HOT Buns 4 cens 1.00 qt. .35 Thursday, March '26, Stevens won the prizes. Mike Rose of Sutherland showed slides of his Western Canadian Mission. Light refreshments were served to mem bers: Dorothy Spencer, Betty Jane Morris. Julia Carpenter. Carol Bisb op, Anna Lee Hepworth, Delma Jean Galli, Carolyn Stevens, and Berniece Palmer. Guests were Bon nie Manis and Elaine Hardy. nincKiey is going to organize a "Garden Club". All persons, male and female, are welcome to join. Let's clean up Hinckley and make it a prettier place to live. 4-H CLUBS MEET The Little Rustlers held a 4-H meeting Thursday, March 19. We had a lesson on health and safety. Our next meeting will be held Monday, March 30th. PARTICIPATING IN "OPERATION SPRINGBOARD" Roosevelt Roads, P.R. (FHTNC) Monte M. Moore, aviation machinist's machin-ist's mate third class, USN, son of Mrs. lone Moore of Delta, is parti cipating in an exercise called "Op eration Springboard" while serving with Patrol Squadron 56 in the Caribbean. s The operation, conducted annu ally by units of the Atlantic Fleet, takes advantage of the favorable Caribbean weather to conduct assault as-sault landings and flight tarining operations. The squadron normally operates out of the Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Nor-folk, Va. A family reunion of the Starley family was held in Burley, Idaho over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Starley. Present were Mr. and Mrs. William J. Star-ley Star-ley of Delta, Mr. and Mrs. Wells Starley of Fillmore and Mr. and Mrs. Rulon F. Starley of Ogden. They attended dedication ceremonies cere-monies of the new building of the Idaho Bank and Trust Co. of which Mr. Reed Starley is manager. Former residents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Benson are moved back into the area from Montebello, Calif., where they have resided 22 years. They have bought the Ike Sorenson place in Sutherland. Welcome home, Mr. and Mrs. Benson. 7,500 Read It In The CHRONICLE POSTER PAPER IN COLORS now available at the Millard County Chronicle. Colors in stock are red, white, yellow, emerald green, blue, and salmon. Size 22 x 28; 15 cents a sheet or 2 for 25 cents. Fri., Sat., MARCH BREAST O'CHICKEN Tuna 4 I.G.A.ONE POUND Cottage Cheese, 1 lb. DUMAKONE POUND PACKAGES Marshmallovs SCHILLING Coffee 1 lb. .69 2 I.G.A. Milk 8 DOG HAMBURGER 2 pkgs. CLOVER CLUB Potatoe Chips lalij CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED RATES: 3c per word, minimum ad 50c Ads over 5 lines 15c a line thereafter. Display ads, 75c column inch. Will not be responsible for errors on phone-in ads. Use of box no. 50c extra per insertion. FOR RESULTS, USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE CHRONICLE EACH WEK. For Sale LIMITED AMOUNT LATEX PAINT 12 orice. $2.95 gal. Prefinished Mahogany Panel Board, 7ft. $3.95 Grant Church and Son. FOR SALE: Norge Refrigerator in good condition. $50.00, ph. 458J1. 3112-3126 PRE-SEASON SALE Lawn mowers. all kinds, riders self-propelled. Garden Hose (10-yr. Guarantee). Priced to sell. Grant Church & Son Second Ward Hews BARBARA BLACK Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gardner and family from Sandy came to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gardner, Friday night. They spent the day Saturday, and returned to their home that night. Wally Wright and friend, JoAnn Peterson visited with the Ronald Wright family over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright ar rived home from Calif. Saturday night: Mr. Wright has been working work-ing in Las Vegas and Calif, this past winter. They report they've had a very enjoyable time but are glad to be home. We're happy to have them back with us once a-gain. a-gain. Pres. and Mrs. June Black went to Salt Lake, Friday night, for the wedding of Mrs. Black's nephew. They spent Saturday night with their daughter, Bonnie and family in Provo, and returned home Sunday Sun-day morning. - Doug Church was home from college at Cedar City, for the weekend, week-end, to visit with his family. Vol Bunker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bunker, was home for a few days this week. A missionary farewell testimonial testimoni-al was held in our ward, Sunday, for Elder Jim Corry who is going to serve in the West Central States mission. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Heyborne Corry. Jim left Sunday Sun-day afternoon to enter the mission home in Salt Lake. We wish him success in his labors. Mr. and Mrs. Applegate, from Richfield, came to visit with their son, Thayne, and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wind from Wendover, and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ber-nard Wind of Provo, were here Saturday Sat-urday to attend funeral services for Mr. Clyde Underhill. 27 and 28 cans .89 2 for .55 Eggs VELURE Toilet Tissue TABLETREAT Bread ALL 5-CENT Candy Bars ALL 5-CENT Chewing Gum 4 p!igs. 1.00 rvn lbs. 1.35 .97 .49 i9 cans MEATS Franks Lunch Meat Hams SHANK PORTION pkg. IGA FARM FOR SALE between Oak City and Lynndyl, 112 acres farm land; 16-inch irrigation well; 721 acres pasture land; 3-inch stock well; small grazing permit. Clark Lovell, Oak City. 419 FOR SALE: li story cement block home located at 290 South Second West in Delta. Large lot, large front room, large kitchen with bath and bedroom on ground floor. Two bedrooms upstairs. Central heat. Partial basement with large storage stor-age room and garage. Contact Warren War-ren Jensen at 884J1. 3119-49 FOR SALE: Good quality alfalfa chaff. See Clayton or Wallace Jef-fery. Jef-fery. Ph. 3831 or 8844. 3126 FOR SALE: Choice f'rst crop baled alfalfa. Kenneth Adams. Ph. 798J1. 3119-412 SPRAY-FREE HAY FOR SALE: at McCornick. Contact Austin Lovell, Oak City. Phone 22. 412 FOR SALE: Long formal, size 12. 2 shorts formals, size 7 and 12. Ph. 798J5. ' CAPP HOMES NEW QUALITY HOMES now being offered in the Delta area. Homes are pre-cut and made from Quality Douglas Fir. We have financing for everyone. Use your own plans or ours. Don't waste time. Build now. For more information, Contact ..LYLE BUNKER, 2281 or 5881.. FOR SALE: 3-bedroom home. Must be moved from present site. House has new roof, asbestos siding and coal furnace. See Al Willden. Ph. 4961. ll14tf BATTERIE&J-AU sues on hand Group 1, exchange, from $9.95. Guaranteed 12 to 48 months. KELLY KEL-LY SERVICE, Phone 3791. Delta, Utah. 323tf FEEDER and STOCKER SALE at Delta Livestock Auction, Tuesday, March 31, starting at 10:00 a.m. FOR SALE OR LEASE: Modern 3- bedroom home, 148 West 1st So. Contact Grant Workman, 1357 Ath-erton Ath-erton Dr., Salt Lake City or see M. H. Workman. Phone 4431 or 3261. 2127-tf Saltine Crackers 2 lbs. LARGE FOR CANDLING 3 dozen 10 rolls 5 loaves 6 for 6 pkgs. 2 lbs. 3 lbs. lb. fctd FROM wall to wall, no soil at all, on carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Lus-tre. Rent electric shampooer $1. at Workman's Home Furnishings. FOR SALE or RENT: Clean, compact com-pact furnished 1-bedroom home west from Hospital. Call 289J1. 3112-3126 FEEDER and STOCKER SALE at Delta Livestock Auction, Tuesday, March 31, starting, at 10:00 a.m. FOR SALE: 796J3. Fresh Eggs. Phone 3112-3126 IF YOUR TV CONVERTER is acting up, try a "Transistor Channelmast- er" Converter. Smooth out those TV blues. Delta Auto Supply, ph. 4251. 312tf PRE-SEASON SALE Lawn mowers, all kinds, riders self-propelled. Garden Hose (10-yr. Guarantee). Priced to sell. Grant Church & Son SPRING SPECIALS on the following: follow-ing: Tools, hardware, car mats, hub caps, portawalls, spotlights, bicycles and bike parts. Delta Auto Supply. 312tf LIMITED AMOUNT LATEX PAINT 12 price, $2.95 gal. Prefinished Mahogany Panel Board, 7ft. $3.95 Grant Church and Son. FOR SALE: Four-room farm house. Can be moved or will sell lot that home is on. 2 miles from Delta. Contact Warren Jensen at 884J1. 3119-49 For Rent FOR RENT: modern apartment, partially furnished. Call 3662. Mrs. Grant Snow. FOR RENT: 1-bedroom apt. Furnished. Furn-ished. Lights and water paid. Call 3851, Jacob's Apts. l23tf FOR RENT: Modern 4 -room home. Call 4431 or 3261. M. H. Workman. 227-tf FOR RENT: Furnished opts. Utilities Utili-ties paid. $37.50 up. Some newly decorated. Linens furnished or unfurnished. un-furnished. Dally, weekly or monthly month-ly rates. Delta Apts., 235 West Main or call Mrs. Abbott, 2931. 227-tf FOR RENT: Two bedroom home, partly furnished. Call Lucille Kim-ber Kim-ber at 5182. 2127-3112 FOR RENT or SALE: Two-bedroom house at 357 West 100 North. Newly New-ly decorated. Call 564J1 for information. infor-mation. 319tf SIPECSHAILS Wheel of of Fortune Free Samples .53 1.00 .5? 1.00 .23 .23 FROZEN FOODS ASSORTED Frozen Fruit Pies 4 for 1.00 ROYAL GARNET Strawberries Meat Pies GOLD and RIPE Bananas Green Onions .89 1.00 .39 - jT - r iy CMOCOlM k ifBTbSfl 49C H WANTED to bur 0 trade fori milking machine. Contact Neno Schena in Abraham. WILL THE PERSON who found my gift wallet in the Laundromat Monday Mon-day morning, March 16, please return re-turn the wallet, cards, etc., by mail. WANTED: Five can-can dresses to be used in the production of Delta Junior High School Follies. Call Julia Bogh. 326tf $100.00 REWARD will be paid to the person giving information leading lead-ing to the arrest and conviction of person or persons who have been stealing snowflake obsidian from my claim known as Snowflake o. 2. Give information to the Millard County Sheriff or local Deputy Sheriff. Glenn C: Osborne, Box 258, Garrison, Utah. 326-416 FOUND: small wrist watch near high school. Owner may claim by identification at Chronicle office and paying for this ad. READY-MIX CONCRETE Made with screened sand and gravel weighed to correct proportions. 4 trucks ready to meet your concrete need. For free estimate call Lyle Bunker, 2281. 312tf WE HAVE electric motors for every farm and home use up to 34 H.P. Electric drills all popular sizes. Shop lights and electrical parts. Delta Auto Supply. 312tf AVAILABLE for work with back-hoe back-hoe and loader. Call Hale Jeffery at 4451. 412 LIMITED AMOUNT LATEX PAINT 12 price, $2.95 gal. Prefinished Mahogany Panel Board, 7ft. $3.95 Grant Church and Son. LOST: Cushion from Tote-Gote. If found, please return to Oscar Kelly at Oasis or leave at Kelly's Service Station. 3126 BILL'S RADIATOR SHOP: Complete radiator service, rodding, boll out, repairs. New radiator and heater cores. Used and new radiators. 228tf AVAILABLE for income tax work. See or call Ladd Black, 332J1. 116-49 BROWNING COAL delivered or in yard north of overpass. Will delivei sand, gravel, sewer rock, top soil fill dirt, redimix. CaU 83, Oak City, or 4531, Delta. (Brooklawn Creamery). Cream-ery). 96tf NOTICE All cattle slaughtered in a State Inspected Slaughter Plant must be brand inspected and a fee of 20 cents must be paid before be-fore slaughtering. 3112-412 WE WILL AUCTION Fat and Feeder Feed-er Hogs every other Tuesday at 11 o'clock, Feb. 11 and 25; March 10. Bring them in early as our regular regu-lar cattle sale will follow the hog auction. Delta Livestock Auction Phone 2361. 518-tf 5 pkgs. 1.00 6 for .99 PRODUCE lb. .10 3 bun. .10 |