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Show CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED RATES: ie per word, minimum ad 50c. Ads over 5 Bnes I5c a line thereafter. D splay ads. Tie column Inch. Will not be responsible for errors on phone-in ads. Use of box no. 50c extra per insertion. FOR RESULTS. USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE CHRONICLE EACH WiEK. tie 71 ews VENICE DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Losee and family visited in Salt Lake Satur-familv Satur-familv made a tr.p to Salt Lake day and Sunday. Saturday returnine Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. Alden Shurtz and For Sale FOB SALE: Good used doors and windows; also kitchen sink and metal septic tank. Phone 489J1 or see Floyd Hardy. lll-8 BUY BASKETBALL SHOES. Select from our U.S. Keds. Mens, Boys, Youth's sizes. Buy new fall shoes for all the family at D. Stevens and Co. Shoe Dept. TIME TO WAX YOUR CAR, COME 15 FOR ALL, TYPES J-Wax Si-monix Si-monix Car Plate Turtle DuPont Blue Coral. We are Headquarters. Delta Auto Supply. 419-tf WE1CO Aluminum Siding, special price $65.00 per square, applied. We will not be- undersold by outside applies tors. Valley-Builders, Delta. 712tf ELECTIJOLUX SALES & SERVICE LOVELL ft ROPER Phone X301 ll30tf BATTERIES All sues on hand Croup 1, exchange, from $9-95. Guaranteed 12 to 48 months. KEL-"LY KEL-"LY SERVICE, Phone 3791, Delta, Utah. 323tf LIBERAL ALLOWANCE On your , ; television as a trade-in on new 1963 Admiral TV. Several models, ' : " to choose from. Come in and look at the 23" Admirals, with long term warranty. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY. 118-U oatteries for Cars, Trucks and Tractors. Full Laher line including Mustang, Exeter, Nonstop, Priced from $10.75. Guaranteed 2. 3 and i years. All adjustments made by us. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY. Delta, ti LAUBA BRADFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Losee made a trip to Salt Lake dur.ng the week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meinhardt made a trip to Salt Lake during the week. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Meinhardt and Millard County Chronicle Thursday, November 22, 19(2 the r parents. Those taking parts in the class were Donna Losee, Gwen Shurtz, Vikkl Jensen, Nancy C'ark. Refreshments were served to the bishopric and wives, primary officers of-ficers and the parents. Lois Max-f Max-f eld from the stake primary visited vis-ited them. Doris Abbott visited in Layton over the weekend witn Mr. ana Mrs. Eddie Mills and family. MORE HINCKLEY NEWS Mrs. Ardell Petersen had a birthday birth-day Sunday, and Sunday afternoon, all her relatives came in with gifts. Those who called were Mrs. Verta Stansworlh, Claire Petersen, Zina Petersen, Elaine Dekker, Dorothy Webb. Ardell served luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wright left Wednesday noon, to drive to Salt Lake, where their son, Meldon Jay and wife were driving them to Dil lon, Montana, to spend Thanksgiv- WHY hunt any further.. Shop at Quality Market Hardware. $1 per day rental for Electric Carpet Car-pet Shampooer with purchase of Blue Lustre. Workman's Home Furnishings. Fur-nishings. BEAUTIFUL BEDROOM SUITES: 3-piece 3-piece walnut, $169.95. Workman's Home Furnishings. FOR SALE: Baled oat hay; also baled seed hay. (Excellent horse feed). See Robert Webb. 111-15 POLE LAMPS; assorted kinds and colors. Only $12.95 to $39.95. Make lovely Christmas gifts. At Workman's Work-man's Home Furnishings. JENSEN'S ELECTRONIC SERVICE is now located at 255 s Mh W. Call 391J1 for repair work o washers, televisions, refrigerators, car radios, small appliances Wiring Service Offered MATTRESSES. INNER SPRINGS Regular or Twin. Special this sale, $29.50 up. Workman's Home Furnishings. I TOYS, TOYS. TOYS. GIFTS. GIFTS, Gifts. See our big assortments of Xmas merchandise. Buy now at D. FOR SALE: 2-badroom modern ' Stevens Co., Furniture Dept. home, large lot, at 305 So. 300 West Delta See Vlrgie Broderick, Delta, FOR SALE: Schraam 105 Pheuina-or Pheuina-or Mrs. Hamilton Laird, Eureka, power Air Compressor; delivers 105 Utah, ph, 4336327. 118-22 , CFM at 100 PSI. See Pete Shields, JL or call 5122. 1122-1213 run baus: unoice wnisxey ut potatoes, Red Pontiacs or Russetts. Place order with Doyle Pace, Ph. 882J3. 920tf FOB SALE l 22 head joomq Hampshire Hamp-shire ewes and 1 ram. All are registered reg-istered livestock ahow sheep. Call 8824 or see Ronald Baker. 1018tf WINTERIZE your car motor with Wynns Casite Bardahl STP RJslone CD2. We stock them all. Delta Auto Supply 419-U GENTLEMEN Shop now for New Fall Suits. Newest fabrics, newest styles, $45.00 $49.95, $55.00. Two-Pant Two-Pant suits $59.95. Buy Fall Clothing Cloth-ing at D. Stevens Co. Gents Dept. FOR SALE: Pontiac potatoes. $2.50 a hundred. Available at Farmer's Supply, Delta, Phill Nielson or Dean Eatough, Lynndyl. 11122-12:13 STUDIO'S: Only $79.50. 2-piece lir- ing room suite, only $179.; 3-piece sectional. Reg. $449.; only $395. See them today at Workman's Home Furnishings. I T U ...ill ... n . . n tn... B,, God helD us to be Masters of Greathouse and brothers for the - Ourselves, that we may be servants past week left last Friday for her! uck oreene Arue mu ana i vtfitm VniirtT marl a t ha tiit i r Wm to others. .home in San rrancisco. &1 , 'vo Saturday and played in the Herbert Abegglen is a patient in' Luc lie Johnson spent the week- school bamj r t the Milf ord hospital. He was oper- end in Salt Lake with her daughter ( Sunday w"e heid our ward con. ated on Nov. 13. We hope he will Joan and husband and two daugh- forence president june Black, Jay get along fine and be able to come . ters. Neisorii verdell B.shop and John home soon. Bishop and Mrs. Phil Nielson pratt attended the priesthood meet- Mary Johnson spent most of the'made a trip to Provo Friday. They jng and Sunday School. Surprised past week visiting her daughters.! returned Friday evening dr.ving a speakers were called from the aud-Connie aud-Connie Tolbert of Salt Lake and beautiful 19G3 Oldsmobile. I ience. BishoD Shurtz. Zen Boothe. Cloreen Greatwood in Brigham City. I a lovely shower was held Friday LeAuer Shields, Ruth Losee, from Uieryl Greathouse Unz, who has evemng tor Lirida Wilkins. who is the Mutual; Lois Greene, from the been visiting her mother, Margie m an inj mjSsi0n. Lmda Primary; Cecil Shurtz, from the received many useful g fts. Games scouts; Lnda Losee, young ladies and refreshments were enjoyed by class; Allen Jensen, the priests; all. The ladies from out of town Artie Hill, teachers; Choral Clark, were Mrs. Loretta Peterson and Relief Society; Sharon Clark, a Barbara Anderson, of Oak City; En- young mother; Cal Boothe, Priest-1 la Baird, of Richfield; Vera Carpen- hood leader; then an inspirational ter and Dorothy Larsen, of Hinck- talk from Pres. Jay Nelson. In the J ley, and Wilma Lovell of Learning- Sacrament meeting and ward con-ton, con-ton, i f erence talks were given by John 1 Vickie Nielson had a party at her Pratt, Verdell Bishop, Jay Nelson, I home in Leamington last Friday and President June Black and a' evening. The girls from here that song by Roy Losee accompanied byj attended were LaWrene Bradfield, Virginia Jensen. Their talks were' Judy and Phillis Nielson and Sand- very inspirational and enjoyed by ra Benson. The young people had a large crowd. Thelma Black and j fun playing games and eating the Laura Nelson accompanied their goodies served by Vickie's mother, husbands. Barbara. I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Losee visited Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Wilkins and in Baker, Nevada, over the week-Linda week-Linda spent the weekend in Rich- end with their children, Mr. and field with their daughter, Enla Mrs. .Wallace Perk ns and family, CARD OF THANKS Sincere thanks to all the good ing with their three daughters and small son of Cedar City visited the neighbors and friends who were so families. weekend with their parents, Mr. very kind and helpful during the Alice Bliss and daughter, Alice and Mrs. Harry Meinhardt. Sharon illness and death of Hugh W. Gaye, are spending the Thanksgiv- returned to Cedar City and school Twitchell. ing holidays in Covlna, Calif., with The relatives their families and friends. The WISE Winter Traveler . . . BUY FOR XMAS NOW. Select your gifts while stocks are complete. Buy now at D. Stevens Co., Delta's Dept. Store. . For Rent FOR RENT: Three large rooms and service room, located at 132 S. 100 West, Delta. Call La Von Taylor at 2311 or see Eleanor Murray at Quality Market. 927tf FOR RENT: 2-bedroom home, partly part-ly furnished, carpeted. Utility room, garage; lots of storage space. Call 542J1. 118-tf FOR RENT: 1 -bedroom home. Furnished Fur-nished or unfurnished. Call Fon-tella Fon-tella Bishop, 691NJ1 or Lester Johnson, John-son, 7912. 118-1115 FOR RENT: F urn shed modern 2-bedroom 2-bedroom home; also, furnished 1-bedroom 1-bedroom home. Phone 4431 or 3261 or see M. H. Workman. llltf CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS: Cosco utility carts, $9.95 to $25.95; un-painted un-painted chests, 3-4-5 drawer; TV trays, king size; hampers, hassocks, throw rugs; pole hall racks; towel racks. Many other items. Come In and see them at Workman's Home Furnishings. FOR SALE: one-year-old laying or WANTED: Stenographer. stew ng hens. Frelen Shurtz In hand necessary. Call 5461. bugarvuie. i Miscellaneous Baird and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Nielson of Salt Lake spent the weekend with parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Nielson. Keith Nielson, who was seriously hurt at the rock quarry, was able to come home Saturday for a week. Then he will go back to the hospital hos-pital for surgery. We are all happy to know that his condition is improving im-proving and it is wonderful that he can be home with his wife and children for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simpson are the proud parents of a 9 lb. 13 oz. j baby boy, born Sunday morning at the Nephi hospital. The Simpsons I have two boys and two girls be- ' - ' .4 V. 1 u . . Short- sides the new baby. tf FOR SALE: a 1957 Plymouth Station Sta-tion Wagon, A-l condition; also, 1000 bushels oats. May trade for livestock. Harry Meinhardt, Wood-row. Wood-row. 11122-29 ARE YOU READY FOR CHRISTMAS We are, and ready to help you with gifts for everyone. Do your Xmas shopping early. Buy now at D. Stevens Co., Delta's Dept. Store. FOR SALE: Pick up your winter supply of potatoes at my home. $2.50 a hundred. Keith Black, 178 W. 200 S., Delta, Phone 580J2. 10111 WdOedi. C1I0 formerly SALT LAKE SCHOOL oi ELECTRONICS MEN WANTED We need trainees for electronics employment. Technicians, Techni-cians, Radar Technicians, Lab Technicians and others. TO MEN SELECTED WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING: 1. Complete Electronics training sufficient to qualify . you for jobs with pay up to as high as $685 per month starting. 2. Employment service of jobs to meet your expenses of training and living. 3. Refund of all training costs if you do not get an offer of-fer of employment in Electronics upon completion of training. 4. Qualifying examinations given in Delta by qualified Delta resident. 5. No cost or obligation for pre-training and employment interview and examination. We are now selecting men to begin training and employment. employ-ment. We will contact you of time and place in Delta for information and exams to select qualified men. NO PREVIOUS ELECTRONICS TRAINING NECESSARY SEND NAME, ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER TO: 1931 South 11th East Salt Lake City, Utah LAND LEVELING Contact Bob Clark, or Phone 5125. 322tf GET READY lor w nter Radiate, recored, new core, complete service. ser-vice. .Get it done now before winter sets in. Bill's Radiator Shop. 927tf WANTED: Ironings to do in my home. Elva Stone, phone 495J1 during dur-ing evenings. 1122-126 BROWNING COAL delivered or in yard north of overpass. Will deliver sand, gravel, sewer rock, top soil fill dirt, redimix. Call 83, Oak City, or 4531, Delta. (Brooklawn Creamery). Cream-ery). 96tf WE WILL AUCTION Fat and Feed- er Hogs every other Tuesday at 12 o'clock Nov. 20, December 4 and 20. Bring them in early as our regular regu-lar rattle sale will follow the hog Auction. Delta Livestock Auction-Phone Auction-Phone 2361. 518-tf WANTED: an old fashioned metal-type metal-type organ in reasonable condition. condi-tion. Also an old rocker. Will look at other old fashioned furniture. Madeline WJson, Fillmore. Phone 743-5729, 743-5340. 11 !l-29 GENTLEMEN; Shop now for a new Fall Hat. New colors, newest styles, Alexander Brand, $6.98, $7.98; John B. Stetsons, $9.95, $11.95, $14.95 to $20.00. Buy new Fall Clothing at D. Stevens Co. Gents Dept. RAWLEIGH Dealer wanted at once. Good opportunity in Millard Coun ty. Write at once. Rawleigh Dept. UTK-180-105, Denver, Colorado. lljl-22 Judy and Phillis Nielsoh spent the weekend in Delta with their girl friends Sidney Dalton and Dixie Lee Merrell. Dina Hawlsey of Delta spent the weekend with Selma Potts. Joe and Emma Jean Evertson of Salt Lake spent the weekend with Emma Jean's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nielson. The program in Sacrament meeting meet-ing Sunday evening was very good. Kenneth Finlinson of Oak City was the speaker. He just returned from an LDS mission to the Western States. Attending church in our ward were Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Finlinson, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Finlinson, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Dut-son Dut-son and son Quayle, all of Oak City. Prayers were offered by Bud Best and Keith Overson. Linda Wilkins farewell testimonial testimon-ial will be held at 7:30 in the Lynndyl Lynn-dyl Ward. Happy Birthday to Estella Dut- son, Cloreen Greatwood, Nila Niel son, Dena Harder and Kay Nielson Let us all give "Thanks" for the many blessings we have received in the past year. Don Bradfield killed a huge 4- point deer on South Nebo. It weignea zim ids. rne horns are beautiful. Russel Creathouse, Eric Nielson and Allen Nielson didn't get their duu elk, but on their way home, just above Leamington, they got a cow a range cow. Killed it with their truck. AI1UAIIAM MRS. AFTON FULLMER IT'S FALL and time to fill your, nome ireezer before the game season sea-son starts. Have it done now at Marion and Dean's, your complete processing plant. We also have pork and beef on hand, quarters or halves, all at wholesale prices Marlon and Dean's. Call 2441 or Talbot Packing Co. 9,6U" POSTER PAPER IN COLOHS now available at she Millard County Chronicle. Colors in stock are red. white, yellow, emerald green, blue, and salmon. Size 23 x 28; 15 cents a sheet or 2 for 25 cants. FOR RENT Furnished, clea, cozy one-bedroom one-bedroom Apt. Completely Insulated; new rug; oil heater; large storage room, 12x16 living room. -ALSO- lovely two-bedroom home; completely remodeled and insulated; new paint inside and outside; new floor coverings; cov-erings; oil heater; stainless steel sink and drain boards; ew garbage disposal. SEE DAVID JACOBS 31 W. 2nd or Phoo 3851 or 21S S. 4th W Delta, Utah Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clark enter tained at dinner Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis. Many of the parents from here attended the Back to School Night at the Sutherland School Friday night. Sunday afternoon the Primary class of Lavern Terry entertained them (Kenneth and Ranae) good luck with their large family. . . . TAKES ADVANTAGE OF SE RANCIIO WINTER RATES located near shopping, business, and industrial centers, Se Rancho's special winter rates offer you the maximum of convenience at minimum cost. Room TV, rodio, flashing light message service, serv-ice, and 24 hour telephone switchboard will all help to make your stay a pleasant experience. And for your convenience and pleasure, Se Rancho is just a-cross a-cross the street from beautiful Rancho "42" Lanes Recreation Center. Make your next r'sit to Salt Lake complete . . . reservations res-ervations at . . . Se RANCHO MOTEL 640 West No. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah Do Ucul Xmas QlioWi OaK I v Samsonite Streamlite nrirpd tn fit. nnv nhrintmnQ "Rndaot I can hardly bel'.eve it has come to the day of Thanksgiving. We have more than ever to be thankful thank-ful for this year, after the scare we had about the Cuban situation. I realize it isn't over but anyway I'm thankful. What a wonderful country is our America! Margaret and Ed Taylor returned Friday from a stay in Arizona with their children, Barbara and Sam and their families. Sammy is doing fine after breaking his foot in an accident. Ray Hoelzle went to Salina Saturday Sat-urday to get his winter's supply of coal. The water is all turned off for the winter. The reservoir looks real j low to me. I Eleanor and Karl Murray have' gone to California to spend some' time this winter. Their daughter Marilyn lives down there. Beatrice Schena has had a had case of the flu. There seems to be J quite a bit of it around. I Sherman and Gladys Tolbert hears from their son Elder Verl Tol-' bert In Florida every week. He is' enjoying his mission and making' lots of friends. Our other mission-' ary from out here Elder Warren Petersen, also is in Florida. Warren ' is due home in February I believe. Mrs. Shirley Schena is home from the Nephi hospital with her new baby girt Maria Jane. Both mother and baby are doing fine, except j Shirley has caught a cold and al- so a number of her family also' have bad colds. I Its surely been cold weather this week. If there was snow on the ' ground it would be really cold. I Mrs. Raynae Wright of the South Tract has her 12th child. She looks real young and seems to have good health. We certainly wish it's the berries All decked out with looks that thrill: smooth, tapered tines, rich luxurious linings, fashionable colors. A most present-able gift! Ladies' Wardrobe ....$2495 Ladies' O'Nite $1695 Beauty Case ....... $14.95 I i - Men's Two-Suiter .... $24.95 Wen's Companion Case . $16.95 Executive Overnight . . . $19.95 An prict! pfvi ru IB PLENTY OF PUNCH Overflowing with long rearing rear-ing features. Triple-stress Triple-stress construction, protective pro-tective vinyl coverirg. Resists Re-sists scuffs and stains, full of Christmas spirit! r Send them all merrily en their way with Streamlite...the value-packed gift with the price that fits any budget. The carefully planned interiors make picking fun... and easy. Cases open Tat. provide a place for everything with room to spare. Give Samsonite Streamlite, the luggage that packs plenty of pleasure for many seasons to come. Four high fashion colors for women. ..three for men. etiras "N |