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Show DESERET MBS. EDNA CHRISTENSEN A farewell testimonial was given companied by Jackie Black, and a prised there was none here. Young folks home to spend the weekend with the'r parents were Eva Alic3 Robison, Nancy Black,' and Douglas Torrens. I Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Warner, Mr.'( and Mrs. Eldon Erickson, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Black, Mr. and Mrs. Bert SECOND WARD AREA HEWS BRIEFS ELAINE ROBISON T At'Ttl IaidIb IiVa Ti-ri-V PrrtC nlafinno in htm ieen called to Tta the Lenore" BunkV I !TMf' S.M1S LuX'tTtoo tad Suse he f ' waiian Mission. A large crowd was Carol Warnick. After the program ..mJK"' d?2 fnce' t endea Tleld oTvenS in attendance and a very good pro- articles were auctioned. We had. JA M ,.,.... RPnnftt imivhm.hM.nmApvit .1 ll"uea seeQ convention ernm wat piven hv relative nf manv hpnnt iful nrtirfM and lot of ! .? Mrs. Lawrence Bennett I only hope he makes a quick exit, there. His brother Joe went with gram was given oy relatives or many beauutui articles ana lots oi t Saturd ay in Prov0- , Mr and Mrs- Diek ciark and him Tony's. Speakers were Dee Peter- delicious baked goods as well as M and M Dewsnup and children charlene and Susan, are " " Huth Bishoo ,lsited ln ,. TV0' fxelaiVeca IT" P0,Pr,J 8nd ca"dy.and hey aUMr. and Mrs. Ormus Dutson spent visiting at the home of Mr. and h Jl th htr sisterl teacher of Tony's; Sheldon Baker, sold at a good pnce. We were tho ..,,,-,, in Tnhf;m . f v nmm. (,n ham City last week with her sisters. a cousin; Grin Allred, a cousin and happy to have Elaine Dekker as Mr and Mrs Cecil Warner t ' Eessie Judd and two oJ her Don Campbell, a cousin and a re- a stake board representative She Wednesda Thursday and Friday in sisters rom Mt p!easant visited up Mr. and Mrs. Kent Dewsnup and so.i Kussell visited in Salt Lake over the weekend and did a little shopping. Miss Pam Morrison from BYU ri- Millard County Chronicle Thursday, November 22, 1962 ovuueum. ueui wiu iguana yyi- an iu w.t.. w.c- , Mrs Norma Randall visited at They v sited in Orem with Mrs. ern, sisters of Tonys, sang a duet, 'suits of our bazaar and certainly ; the Lincoln Eliason home on Sat-'judd's dauehter Janet and family. accompanied Dy a cousm uis tnanit an wno neipea 10 maKe it urday i and went on t0 Bountiful t0 sited over the weekend in Delta I amiin. dy wesiern, a Droiner, sang a "e"- Visitors at the home of Mr. and visit with David Judd and family, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith. Remarks were made by Bishop Lincoln Eliason. Prayers were by Ralph Curtis, a cousin and Thomas Allred,. an uncle. Prelude and postlude music was "by an aunt Ruth Talbot. The ward choir furnished furn-ished the other musical numbers. Tony enters the mission home Nev. 26. We know Tony will make a good missionary and congratulate him on this calling. The Relief Society Bazaar held Friday evening was a real success. A nice crowd turned out to enjoy the fine program and the auction. Lucille Sampson was in charge of the program and was really good as all of Lucille's programs are. Two clever skits were given. Those taking part in the first one were Lenore Bunker, Delores Ogden, Bev- UUf meeting was neia at We m w,ct, a,tA T- i,. ;j r.-., k . i..i.. Mnrritnn home of Lucile Sampson on Thurs-j farewell testimonial were Mary S. new home in Bountiful. Kin Marlene Bogh. who is at- day afternoon. Myrtle Western as-! CampbeU (Luella s sister) and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Chesley and tending the U. of U. s p e n t the hi 6 K,laf,,n,i, Ifot .,c!dauShter Mafy and son Dt". re- Mrs. Ella Black spent the weekend weekend in Delta with her parents, had a house full which made us . Cmtly returned from a mission in in Salt Me city. Mr and Mrs Nei8 Bogh. nappy, uur county captain z,eiaa i Scotland; Rutn Ann Hicks and Re. j Mr- ond Mrs- Dee peterson visited Mrs. H Ida Thompson and daugh-Ugaen daugh-Ugaen was m attendance ana we ; tanna Terryi o Salt uke; Kent at the home of Mr and Mrs Don ter Katny) aIso Joan Bishop spent are always giaa to nave ner. l ne Smjth (cous n) and Miss Owens, of Robison Sunday. Dee was one of the weekend in St. George. Kathy lesson was given oy Ariean Ben-, 0gden, and his sister Louise Smith the speakers at the farewell testi- and Joan attended the Homecom- alter wnicn me nostessesj aUending school at the BYU; Shel- monial in Deseret Sunday night for ing Dance, served delicious refreshments. 'Mcmnriin.frv. w . ni u ...u. u. v Mrs. Venice Knignt ana tveiyn ( Ray and Fayetta western and son Van B'shop spent one day last spending the summer and part of """v '"i Davilt' limit a Pnvno of IiEnn' uvcalr in Nonh vioitincr hio fothof tho urlntor In Tramnnlnn TTf.V. In Robison visited Bryce t i a, n i rrovo lasi ouimay. J Mr. and Mrs. Dee Peterson and two William H. Bishop. Mr. Bishop Is in back home again to stay with his A. T. Black and F. M. Western !cc f w0iiin. t; c;.u . u . a :i j .. spent Wednesday in Salt Lake. VIS. ailU IVllo. J1CWCU V1111L tUUIV j Pat Pace to Las Vegas on Tuesday j i sons, of Wellsville; and Lois Smith a rest home there. He just cele- parents and family, Mr. and Mrs. of Hyrum. brated his 82nd birthday. Congrat- John Adams. He has been living w'lth the Dee Peterson's up there, and returned home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. LaMont Bennett visited vi-sited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bennett Friday evening erly Eliason, Cleo Eliason, Lucile They were on their way home to Sampson and Boyd Bunker. LuAna j Richfield after being in Salt Lake Jensen and Elaine Moody were in . and stopped to get their little girl the second skit. Sheila Sampson who had been staying with her did a tap dance. Musical number 1 grandparents, were a vocal duet by Orin and Mrs. Denise Palmer returned Jean 'Allied,-accompanied by Jac-'home Saturday after spending last' kie Black; vocat solos by Irish An-. week in Denver, bne said tney derson and Dorothy Croft, both ac- really had snow there and was sur- Hinckley - - historic 1 Give i rr: a m vple -tlwbourhon moiepeq prefer to mm nfhfir THE OLD CROW OISHIXERY CO, FRANKFORT. KT., KINTUCXY STRAIGHT 80UR60N WHISKEY Si PROOF CLARA STEWART I am sorry I haven't much news this week. You see "Old Rocking Chairs got me" for a few days. I was coming home from a party Thursday n.ght when I stepped in a deep cement hole just north of the lunch room fence and fell and hurt my ankle. X-Rays showed it was just a bad sprain, but 1 have really suffered with it. George E-kins E-kins fell in this hole on the way into the party and Ralph Crafts said he fell and about broke his leg in this same hole a couple of years ago, so its been a booby trap for a long time and had better be covered before someone gets really hurt. Waldo Warnick Is on crutches, too. A cow kicked his ankle and he Ekins. Elder Dean Naylor recently returned from the Australian Mission, Mis-sion, gave interesting and inspirational inspira-tional missionary experiences. Closing Clos-ing speaker was the father Mr. Naylor. Special numbers were rendered ren-dered by the choir. Benediction was by Stephen Naylor. It was a wonderful wond-erful meeting. Wish I could have been there. The Literary Club had their Thanksgiving turkey dinner at the lunch room Thursday evening. An-gie An-gie Pratt was chairman for. this fall party. Enid Damron, Dana Bishop, Bish-op, Harriet Spendlove, Belva Morris Mor-ris and Vi Robinson were the other members on the committee. The long tables were beautifully decorated decor-ated in a Thanksgiving motif. After Af-ter dinner rook was played. Mem-hprs Mem-hprs nrpspnt were Mr. and Mrs. Ben had X-Rays showing a bad, Schena. Mr. and Mrs. Bla.ne Spend- sPrain- love, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. Hilton and Mr. and Mrs. George Ekins, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Theobald went Mrs. Lynn Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. to Salt Lake for a World War I Waldo Warnick, Mr. and Mrs. Dana meeting Monday. On the way home Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Hon Cropper, Roy and Fanny went to see their Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morris, Ruth new twin great-grandchildren in Talbot, Clara Stewart, Violet Robin-Benjamin. Robin-Benjamin. son, and Gladys Carter. Score a-Mrs. a-Mrs. Dot Spencer has her par- wards went to Clara, high; Erma, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Glover, 2nd; Lynn Talbot and Gene Mor-of Mor-of Alton, here with her. Her moth-.ris grand slam. er has been in the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake for a month with a heart ailment. , Mr. and Mrs. Heber Bishop left Thursday for Salt Lake to stay until un-til after Thanksgiving with their children. The Lihoma girls, the three oldest old-est groups of girls ln Primary and their parents held a Primary parent demonstration Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ann Cropper in charge of thej girls was in charge of the meeting. He decided he was homesick for dear old Delta High. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith on the birth of a baby ooy born last Friday at the Delta came home that night then Ronald went back to register at BYU where he will go to school this winter. Elwin Wright is out of the hospital hos-pital and convalescing at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Wright in Hinckley. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lewis of Salt Lake spent the weekend with parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morris. Congratulations to Zane Crafts and his lovely little wife Elsie Jensen. Jen-sen. We wish for them all the best things in life and welcome them in our town and hope they come out and enjoy the ward activities. Zane bot the home Walter Manis used to have. It" is the Chris and Lottie Bishop home across from the Lafe Nelson (used to be) home. Mrs. Gladys Carter had some visitors vi-sitors Saturday and Sunday. They were her son Jeff and her daughter Louise Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sly, all of Ely, Nevada. I called Arvilla Workman, she said she and Karl drove to Salt Lake on Wednesday. Karl had a meeting, but she visited her daughter daugh-ter Paula and aunt Bertha Slaughter Slaugh-ter who sent love to all of us. Friday Fri-day they drove to Cedar City to see their grandson, Karl Wayne in the school play, "All the Way Home"," directed by Fred Adams who used to live in Delta. hospital. The baby was taken Into Salt Lake to the Primary Childrens' Hospital where it had have an operation. op-eration. I talked to Leon Sunday and he said he thinks the baby will be all right now. We surely will be praying for the little fellow and hope he can come home real soon. Sacrament meeting in ward Sunday Sun-day night was very good. Elder Kay Bassett who recently returned from a m ssiongave his report. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bassett Bas-sett gave a few short remarks, after af-ter which the choir gave a special number and then Kay talked. He has a very strong testimony and he gave one of the best talks I have ever heard. Welcome home Kay. Last Trursday night in our ward was the Relief Society Bazaar. A lovely ham dinner with all the trimmings were served to a large cro'wd. They had a nice display of things to sell. Congratulations to the Relief Society ladies for a Job well done. Kent Miller and a friend Shannon McCune, spent the weekend in Delta Del-ta with Kent's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller. Kent Is attending school in Provo. Ruby Vodak spent a day in Salt Lake last week. With her were her sister Virginia Sperry and mother, Clara Killpack. Mr. and Mrs. Clayson Cahoon spent a day in Salt Lake shopping last week. They visited in Layton with their son, Alton and family. This Sunday night in our ward U the farewell testimonial for Elder Anthony Adams. It will start at 5 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. Let's all come out and support Anthony. He is a real swell fellow and I know he would appreciate your support. I guess thats all for this week. If you come or if you go, someone else would like to know, so call 4181 and I'll print it. See you next week. Happy Thanksgiving. County Agent Says: CANNOT MOVE SWINE WITHOUT PERMIT Effective on and after October 31, 1962, the Intrastate movement of swine from counties quarantined for swine scabies will not be permitted per-mitted without prior permit, from this office for eacn suc.i smpnieitu Such permit may be secured "by contacting the State Veterinarian, Utah Department of Agriculture, 412 State Capitol Building, Salt Lake ' City, Utah, Phone DAvis 8-5421. A separate permit will be necessary for each shipment. Swine from these quarantined areas consigned to an approved auction market, or state, or federal slaughter plant shall not be received re-ceived at these establishments un less they are accompanied by a permit authorizing movement from this area, or evidence they have been properly treated for swine scabies. Swine that have been dipped twice in an approved acaracide 10-14 10-14 days apart shall not be restricted restrict-ed in movement to market. Whenever When-ever 75 of the sw.ne population in a quarantined area are properly-treated, properly-treated, the entire county will be released with those not complying quarantined as herds to their premises. pre-mises. The counties under quarantine are: Beaver, Cache, Duchesne, Garfield, Gar-field, Iron, Kane, Millard, Piute. Rich, Salt Lake, Sanpete, Sevier, U-intah, U-intah, and Utah. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS I Tpachprs of the eirls are Jacouel We want to congratulate Mr. and lHardv. Hilda Wrieht and Golda Tal-1 In the Matter of the Estate of bot. They separated in three groups uCrau. Mrs. S.d Carter on their marriage and wish them much health, wealth and happiness. They will make their home in Hinckley and we welcome wel-come them. Sunday evening church was given gi-ven by the Joel Naylor family. Paul and Mrs. Naylor each gave a short talks after which Robert and Joan ! sang a duet accompanied by Roma and girls gave demonstrations of their work for their parents, the bishopric and Primary presidency. Refreshments were served. Stake visitor was Mrs. Dale Bishop. . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morris met their son Ronald in Salt Lake Thursday afternoon returning from First Publication: Nov. 8, 1962. his mission in New York. They final Publication: rov. 2a, istz. Here come the new 1963 model cars factory fresh over Union Pacific . . . v"tts n POCATlUxV CHVNN OMAHA J ' ' J own ALTtAKtc'TV O KANSAS CTV G JJ ANPRANCOCO LAS VI OAS I " J Three deep over a sfeej highway that's ho today's new cars mcve sure'y and sift!y from assembly plants to markets. Mu!ti level cars are just one of many types of special purpose cars a.a.lju'e to shippers on Union Pacific. Whether it's I product cf factories, mines or apiculture. Unis Pacific's electronic to!!;: controls, communicat'ens, aid slil'ed rersenn assure shippers eff c ent aid dependable trans portatiori to, from or throti'iojt the West . . . tte rjtorratej f:t ay. UNION PACIFIC CCVELiNER TRAVEL IS WINTER SAFE. WARM ASD CCV.FC STABLE - NO ICY hlGH AAf HAZARD! ors will present claims with vom- chera, to the undersigned on or before be-fore the 10th day of March, 1963. Edna H. Christensen, Executrix Eldon A. Eliason, Attorney SHOPPERS WISE ECONOMIZE THEY SHOP WITH THOSE WHO ADVERTISE Have Your Old SOFA or CHAIR-RESTYLED CHAIR-RESTYLED and RECOVERED SAVE 50 OVER NEW FURNITURE PRICES Finest Selection of Nylon, Mohair and Naugahydet COVERINGS QUALITY BRAND NAME FLOOR CARPETING at SALT LAKE PRICES Installed by expert with years of experience -CONTACT- & CARPET COMPANY 750 North Main In Cedar City Free Pickup and Delivery and Terms if Desired FREE estimates on furniture or carpt. No obligation. ogb M90 mm oGaooQ ommm STOKER FIRED SPACE HEATER :L I. I I A :- i i . I FEATURING THE COMBUS-TIONEER COMBUS-TIONEER STANDARD FURNACE FURN-ACE TYPE CONSTRUCTION lnt!d. Mi Cembuttioir "77" it ni9qd and practical, ith K T' of nfinMiiat lpar'ttnc built M. Heavy interlocking fir brick lining protects round htat-ex-changer and injures long life. b-: ? - 'i DELUXE CABINET HAS LIVING ROOM BEAUTY. Pattvrai a J ted blewar tfcarma-ttatlcaMr tfcarma-ttatlcaMr caMrollad - M AUTOMATIC caal aat. 11 -I Tka lho praMwa la it aat-matkailf aat-matkailf nqttH4 t j fitt air a4 fl miitwr tor ma.mvn bri fKic 14 . olt motet that t rubbw-mcaMad tea itt pati. Trt cltl ald. taH lvk. rkatinaj tranito at b tad ia Carabirtiear atia; q..pa4 tor K W'l H i ot-ciion ot-ciion macliiaad mi ta Con ktt-r tacry and ri cut rad tot t fttu Canttracttd ef kV fait trl wiH Mm and joifttt lcttlcIIV aldad, tnai haat aati la MM pro;a rn t rroak-tra kaitinf Hti'ct- jikdeanesf, most ccmjolc. iecd fiicm. ego TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS DIRECT FACTORY TO YOU OFFER NOW! Valley Builders, Delta, Utah |