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Show SUTHERLAND MBS MEL CHUHCH their children. Mr. and Mrs. Jack , . Fowles and their brothers and fa- Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Owens, Mr. mjije& ana Mrs. Miiiara uwens ana mr. and Mrs, Eugene Owens went to On Tuesday a special program ,6r,lc v-c.i. ..,.... ,r hoM f Coiot,, rhiet- Sa t Lake on Sunday to attend the ""a l v. miionarv farewell of heir neDh-'mas glt suggestions were shown missionary lareweu 01 i:neir nepn-. . . . oTari,i iinrf r" -&. ...... ...... Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wind of Wendover visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. John Wind and Mr. and Mrs. Reid Tippetts from Sunday Sun-day until Wednesday. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson over the week end were Shirley and Gemel Chris-, o Centerville visited on Monday tensen. Also visiting were Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs. Alva Young and Mrs. Mason of New Zealand. Theyjfamiiy They are sisters of Mrs were menas 01 nowara s wane rm young's. College students home for the for the day The Sutherland Ward Relief Society So-ciety bazaar will be held on Thursday Thurs-day night, Nov. 15. The Sutherland Elementary School is holding the Annual Back to School Night Friday, Nov. 16th. Misses Grace and Ann Thornton was in the mission field. Miss Julia Abbott of Provo where she is attending BYU spent the weekend with her grandarents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Abbott. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Abbott of Las Vegas, Nevada. Mr. Lawrence Abbott and Mr. weekend were Elwyn and Kathy Johnson, Gordon Johnson, Thayne Henne and Pamela Robison. Some news from last week: Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Anderson were in Salt Lake on Sunday to attend the farewell testimonial for and Mrs. Dale Abbott of Salt Lake , the missionaries which included were here for the weekend with their son David. It was held at the their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elnath- Assembly Hall. The Wednesday be an Abbott. s fore they had been In Salt Lake Sacrament meeting was under to see David set apart by Elder the direction of High Councilman John Longden. Eugene Owens. Speakers were El-1 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Miller and wyn Johnson and Eugene Young, two children of Orem and Mr. and Marilee and Hally Kay Young sang Mrs. Faye DeLeuw and two child a duet accompanied by Barbara ren of Salt Lake spent the week- Jackson. I end with Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Fowles of Salt Lake visited last week with 7.500 Head It In The CHRONICLE Jill LIVESTOCK QUOTES By Win Walker November 13, 1962 Starting next Tuesday, Not, 20. auction sale will start at 11:00 a.m. Cattle salable, 585. 75 of today's run was feeder cattle. Most of the run was taken by local feed lots. 20 head of choice standard cows, 50 head of choice heifers and steers showed some improvement in the price. The top for today was a 800 lb. heifer fed by M. J. Moody and pur chased by Joe Doctorman for $26.50. Choice steers $24.25 to $25.40; good $23.90 to $24.25. Holsteins, fat, $22. to $23.80. Feeders $23. to $26.30 in lots of 20 to 42 head. Holstein feeders $19. to $21. Choice heifers $25.50 to $26.50; good $24.50 to $25. Crossbreeds $24. to $25. Standard cows $16.40 to $17.60. Commercial $14.50 to $15, Canners $11.60 to $13. Dairy kind $14.50 to $15.20. Pairs $192. Stock cows $13. to $14.75. Calves sold as stock calves or weaners; steers $31.75 to $32.50. Heifers brot $31. to $32. 50 head of Holsteins by head $78. Baby calves $47. to $66. ABRAHAM Mrs. AFTON FULLMER Neno Schena is the proud papa take it easy. We hope he is soon of a dear l.ttle baby girl born last fine aeain. iMnnnv in the NeDhi hosoital. I t hnn tin nn nhiects to me re- Mrs. Eulalla Riding spent a week I porting some items that are not visiting the Lewis Ashbys (Colleen R.ding) in Ely, Nevada Millard County Chronicle Thursday, November IS, 12 Adult Education ! Mr. Olen Sheriff of Centerville visited with us for two nights this week. He is our daughter Marilyn's husband. H'.s work brot him this way. I hope everyone voted the way they should. Anyway it turned out just the way I wanted it to. Floyd and Cleone Tolbert went to Salt Lake Friday for medical check ups and report all is well. Floyd had a heart attack a few years ago, but recovered remarkably. remark-ably. I even saw him on the tallest tall-est peak in Coyote Springs deer hunting. Did you ever see a more beautiful beauti-ful fall day? Day after day of lovely love-ly weather. Mr. Otis Corbett has been ailing for a week. Doctor ordered him to FIRST WARD AREA NEWS BRIEFS exactly in my territory. They are usually connected some way out here. And really, its hard to find enough news to report unless I glean everything I can. I wish people peo-ple would be better about reporting report-ing to me. Erma Petersen and Luena Fullmer Full-mer have had the ladies busy making mak-ing quilts this week. I can't help but remark how much tedious labor goes into making a quilt, but they do last years and years. Sherril Tolbert is at present in Arizona. Mrs. Janey Petersen is at her home in Delta. She hasn't been feeling a bit good lately. Emily Young has been staying with her this week. Ed and Margaret Taylor are still visiting their kids in Arizona. Evening classes will be held at Delta High School this year on Monday rights for adults. Two classes will start Monday evening, Nov. 19, at 7:30 p.m. The classes will be, Medical Self-Help and Bishop Bish-op Method of Sewing Construction with Mrs. Glenda Roundy as the instructor. No fees will be charged for these two classes. Register with Mrs. Sebrina C. E-kins E-kins at the high school on Monday night for classes available in vocational vo-cational education, business course, agricultural education, homemak-ing homemak-ing education or special classes. At least 10 to 15 people are needed to set cp a class. Classes in business may be from 25-50 hours to improve your occupations occu-pations or for those who have aspirations as-pirations of getting an office job. In vocational education, state LEONA WORKS funds are available to pay professional profes-sional instructors in auto mechanics, mecha-nics, electronics, salesmanship, or in any vocation desired. Under this new set up at the end of the course the individual may be able to get a job. According to Supt. Golden Wright Millard School District has been allotted more funds for adult education edu-cation instructors than they have ever been allotted before. If these funds are not used up they will be allotted to other districts. Anyone interested in teaching an adult class contact Mrs. Ekins. Survey sheets have been given the elementary school students this week to take home to their parents. Mark the class you would like and return to the school or pick up a schedule at the Delta High School. Mis Terri Holyoha of Monticello was a recent visitor at the home of grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tharol Larson. Appoints Scout Commissioners District Commissioner Reece Fin- linson has announced the appointment appoint-ment and assignment of a full com- missioner staff to serve the Deseret Mrs. Phi Sappdngton. of Ririe. Mrs. Don Poulson and to visit other P'fncts full scouting program. The Idaho, is spending a few days vis- members of their family were Mr. Job ,f a commissioner is to provide iting her brothers and sisters, Al- and Mrs. Albert Jeffery and Mr. ?uai'& J??1?, M?.,aJ?iS,s A ma, Ray, Gertrude and Berniece and Mrs. Alfred Jeffery. I . , J.tT UIF AUVE A.P . Western. Mr. and Mrs, Sherman little and 'HEALTHY through a program aid !v mn rinv anA Mark nf rrem Mrs t visits, and interest program. A acenUrThsdrrThweran 1 i1 Company was doing some work at Ann and Vickie, of Salt Lake, vis- f,s0sngd f Xh p nh nf" the new hospital. They were pull- Ued with Mr. and Mrs. Fera Little1 J a" J" ing some wires thru a conduit1 the weekend. They attended the uJ"f ExnlS Th nuf " when the wires came unhooked and! Belief Society Bazaar and supper. utinrf 't?l S Jh i " i ... i ; . i. - r mi.: I Hti KhioMc vna flftmo tnr tn & ... J uie rua mi nun m me iace. inuigs ' - - can happen so quick. j weekend. He is working at Beaver Two youngsters in our area had on the road, their tonsils out last week. Richard! Mr- ana Mrs Bus Shields and Ashby, son of Dell and Barbara j Carla were in Salt Lake Sunday Ashby and Jackie Hopkins, daugh- fr business and to visit with Ar- Qiin ana uanny ana uaugnier. THANK YOU. . . My sincere thanks to all those who supported me in the past election. I wish Mr. Maxfield success in his new responsibilities. INSTANT HEAT Anywhere Only ft Knipco heater brings you circulating warm air instantly, in-stantly, wherever you need it. Plug it in anywhere indoors or out. Use the really low priced Knipco in your machine shed, hog house, milk house, or chicken house. Thaw pipes, pumps, equipment. Pre-heat engines. Many other applications. Burns kerosene or No. 1 fuel oil, needs no vent. Anyone can run it. Plug In for heat pull plug to stop! Thermostat available. Stop by and let us show you one in action. Model FS5- Model F155- t A) veil & J cilery, Mac, Delta, Utah Phone 2611 ter of Enid and Brog Hopkina Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bunker and Stan Brown went north last Friday. Mrs. Bunker visited in a Nephi rest home with, her sister while Mr. Bunker and Stan went on to Utah County on business. Mrs. Archie Seorle and daughter Clone were Delta visitors for the weekend. They lived in the First Ward for years, then moved to Ly- Mr. and Mrs. Med Hawley were in Salt Lake Saturday and Sunday visiting with Linda Sue. C M. Pace of Las Vegas is spending spend-ing a few days in Delta on business, busi-ness, also visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dalton and family and Mrs. Katherine Humphries and family. These attending the funeral ser man row. A few years ago they vices for Mr. and Mrs. Harry And-moved And-moved to Bountiful. They visited ersi in Fillmore from Delta were with Archie's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Killpack, Mrs. Clara Killpack, Delbert Searle and with Wilma's Mr. and Mrs. Max Robison and Mr. sister, Bell Bohn. and Mrs- June Hinckley. Word was received Sunday mom- Friday n ght Fenton Gardner had ing that Mr. Hugh Twitchell passed the misfortune of having some ribs away at the Nephi Hospital. i broken. He was milking cows and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Deardon, one of the cow Pushed over and Syrelda Crapo, of Fillmore, Mrs. stepped on him. Geneal Stevens of Holden brot their ' Ve Ann Draper spent the week-dinner week-dinner and spent last Thursday end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clark evening with Mrs. Blanch Works, Draper, Dean and Jean of Delta June and Raelyn Smith. I and Mr- and Mrs' Carl Dtitson and The Relief Society Bazaar and 'family of Hinckley. Vee Ann is supper was a big affair. There' teaching school in Salt Lake Coun- was a good crowd and olentv ofi1 good tooa. it was a very successful success-ful evening, Sunday night Sacrament meeting was under the direction of High Councilman Ray Western. Those on the program were, talks, by Mr. Roy Twitchell and Mr. Ralph Crafts. Special numbers by Donald Western West-ern and Janice Gerstner of Salt Lake. Mrs. Ralph Crafts came with her husband. Visitors at the home of Mr. and New super torque Ford Galaxie...big and lively with the real Thunderbird feel! 99 431 i New Ford Fairlane,..hot new middleweight with Y-8 punch!99 r iwaiMw 1 7 New Falcon Convertible... lively compact with the fun built right in! 99 - NewIhunderbird...more unique than ever in '63! 99 .K Tnlff.fihmif fnA.c4n nhftnninrti You cant top a Ford Dealer for '63 ! omoacts to classics. your Ford Dealer to Geo. Or such freedom from tarefc From compacts to classics, your Ford Dealer has America's liveliest, most care-free cars ! It's an all-star auto show all by itself Ford's long and lively line-up for '631 Four distinct lines, 44 different modelsl No other dealers offer you such freedom of choice from price tmml to turn tm m C Wmm tOMkt tf m M V r ill li I B to (Jep. Or such freedom from care-for each of these head -turners has wonderful new service-saving features that cut your service stops to twice a year or every 6,000 miles! So why look further and find less? Shop right here for the most choice -and the choicesti DELTA M0TC!t COMPANY DELTA, UTAH ONLY YOUR FORD DEALER SELLS 7 USED CARS AND TRUCKS The lire Saturday n'ght was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Doo- lin. It could have been real serious as the Doolins were just ready to leave to go to the bazaar and sup per. A fire is very frightening. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jacobs of Ogden are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs and friends. M'ss Nedra Fullmer spent th weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fullmer. Mr. and Mrs. Harloa Stone re- lows 1. Reece District Commissioner, , Finlinson 2. Assistant for Cubs, J. Thur-man Thur-man Moody 3. Assistant for Scouts, Dean Anderson 4. Assistant for Explorers, Alfred Lake Neighborhood Commissioner Assignments: As-signments: a. Delta First Ward, J. Richard Nielson b. Delta Second Ward, Gary Niederhausor c. Delta Third Ward, Med Hawley Haw-ley d. Deseret Ward, Dale Bliss e. Oasis Ward, Rodney C. Ivie f. Hinckley Ward, Ken Clements g. Leamington Ward, Floyd E. Dutson h. Lynndyl Ward, Richard Nielson Niel-son i. Sugarville Ward, Carl M. Pace j. Sutherland Ward, Grant B. Snow Make these men feel welcome and a part of your scouting program pro-gram in your wards, They are there to help your program ..... companion of Elder Rex Stone. The package contained a bottle. of raw maple syrup right from the trees. Elva says it tastes a -little woody. Rex has 'been transferred to Plough-keepsie, Plough-keepsie, New York. He sends greetings greet-ings to all in the ward. Mr. and Mrs. Max Robison risited in Salt Lake this week. Mr, Don Shields spent the weekend week-end visiting with his family. He Is working in Nevada, ploughing and seeding ground for the government. Mrs. Harry Short of Sacramento, Frank Lyman ceived a package from Elder Rich-' Calif ., is visiting with her parents, ard Messinger from Sandy Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brlngard and New York. He was a missionary other members of the family. CEDAR CITY Herefords Bull Sale 76 Head - Service Age Graded SALE TIME 10:00 a.m., TUESDAY, HOY. 27 Top quality bulls. Some of the 76 are herd bull prospects. pros-pects. On Monday, Nov. 26, all unsound bulls will be sifted out and the sound bulls will be graded for type and quality by George Henderson, Utah State University, Logan. Cedar City, Utah Hereford Bull Sale Sponsored by Utah Hereford Assn., Iron County Cattlemen's Cattle-men's Assn., and the Cedar City Chamber of Commerce. HOWARD BROWN, Auctioneer -FOR INFORMATION CONTACT- Snell Swensen, Sec'y, 295 E. 4th N., Spanish Fork, Utah Phone 798-7102 OOG OffiOSO 0Gfl6G 0GQ TOOQaQGG - r SC52S3ffl STOKER FIRED SPACE HEATER J FEATURING THE COMBUS-TlONEER COMBUS-TlONEER STANDARD FURNACE FURN-ACE TYPE CONSTRUCTION Inside, Wit Combuitionw "77" it rvqqtd nd prticl, with 3S r' ( tnf inH(ing ptrtnt built i. Heavy lnterlxking f!r b.-Isk lining protect! round het-x-changer and iniures tang life. 5. ft ' . .' 1 DELUXE CABINET HAS L1Y1NG ROOM BEAUTY. fed v A ; ftari a J tp4 blctf Mitrmfr-ttHcttfr Mitrmfr-ttHcttfr control 14 to Qtt fe AUTOMATIC cei twttii9. Tk kik pwiwt fo it airts-mticil airts-mticil rtqU'i to q'.f pr4ct r 4 tWi milter w mtiimtn ftriq ificitntr. 14 t p. US-volt US-volt r-W Mtt I rbbtr-ford tor eptrition. TVi tompltttt Mld, wlU.b. rkii tfmi' bn id in CtnMmf fattinf qiiipmtfit lor 2S It'l f- kt)ir fctonf " ctttomtr iMrtnttd for S vi. Covtl'vctod of Mif 9u4 tfl ith Mn tri jointt ltrici'y nldtd, t kurt .( o-" o-" pro.'Ut iii'i tl trub -f r Jr 7js tleoisst, most comJoTtzltc- Aeoi zcttv cool . TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS DIRECT FACTORY TO YOU OFFER NOW! Valley Builders, Delta, Utah |