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Show Millard County Chronicle Morality does not make a Christian, Chris-tian, yet no man can be a Christian Chris-tian without it. Lucille Johnson has her mother, Mrs. Casen, of Cedar City visiting with her. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greathouse had Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stevenson of Levari Le-vari and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Esk-land Esk-land of Scipio visit at their home this past week. Bob and Marylin Nielson and daughter, Ranee went to Ogden Friday to attend the dedication services for the new buildings for the blind school. Their son, Glen Js going to school there and he played in the band and sang In the program. Glen returned home with his parents for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Nielson of Salt Lake spent the weekend with Blaine's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Nielson. Linda Wilkins, daughter of Mr. ; and Mrs. Lowell Wilkins has received re-ceived a call for an IDS Mission THAIIX YOU . . I want to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to all those who supported me in the past election ... CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED RATES: 2c per word, minimum ad SOc. Ads over S lines 15c a line thereafter. Display ads, 75c column Inch. Will not be responsible for errors on phone-in ads. Use oi box no. 50c extra per Insertion. FOR RESULTS, USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE CHRONICLE EACH WEK. For Sale FOR SALE i Good used door and windows; also kitchen sink and metal septic tank. Phone 489J1 or see Floyd Hardy. lll-8 BUY BASKETBALL SHOES. Select from our U.S. Keds. Mens, Boys, Youth's sizes. Buy new fall shoes for all the family at D. Stevens and Co. Shoe Dept. WEBCO Aluminum Siding, special price $65.00 per square, applied. We will not be undersold by outside applicator Valley Builders, Delta. 712tf ELECTROLVX SALES & SERVICE L0VELL & ROPEB Phone 2301 U30tf BATTERIES All Met on hand- Group 1, exchange, from $9.9o. Guaranteed 12 to 48 months. KELLY KEL-LY SERVICE. Phone 3791. Delta. Utah. 323tf FOR SALE: One milking machine complete with compressor and motor. mo-tor. Call 4531, Brooklawn Creamery. 118-1115 FOR SALE: a-bdroom modern home, large lot, at 305 So. 300 West Delta. See Vlrgie Broderick, Delta, or Mrs. Hamilton Laird, Eureka, Utah, ph. 4336327. 118-22 FOR SALE: Choice Whiskey Creek potatoes, Red Pontiacs or Russetts. Place order with Doyle Pace, Ph. 882J3. 9j20tf FOR SALE: 22 head tourtq Hampshire Hamp-shire ewes and 1 ram. All are registered reg-istered livestock show sheep. Call 8824 or see Ronald Baker. 10;i8tf WINTERIZE your car motor with Wynns Casite Bardahl STP Rislone CD2. We stock them all. Delta Auto Supply 4J13-U TIME TO WAX YOUB CAR. COME IN FOR ALL TYPES J-Wax Sl-moniz Sl-moniz Car Plate Turtle DuPont Blue Coral. We are Headquarters-Delta Headquarters-Delta Auto Supply. . 4119-tf LIBERAL ALLOWANCE a your television as a trade-In on new 1963 Admiral TV. Several models to choose from. Come In and look at the 23" Admirals, with long term warranty. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY. 118-tf LOST: Black and white half-grown kitten name of Timmy". Child's pet. Contact Margaret Edwards. JENSEN'S ELECTRONIC SERVICE is now located at 2S5 s .4th W. Call 391J1 lor repair work o washers, televisions, refrigerators, car radios, smalt appliances Wiring Service Offered Thursday, November 15, 1962 LAURA BHADFIELD to the East Central States. Her fare well testimonial will be held Nov. 25 in the Lynndyl Ward Chapel and she will enter the mission home In Salt Lake Dec. 3rd. There will also be a personal shower held for her Friday evening, Nov. 16 in the ward hall at 7:30 p.m. All the ladies from Lynndyl and Leamington Leaming-ton are invited. Craig Greathouse, son of Margie Greathouse, sprained his ankle very bad last week while playing football. foot-ball. Allen Nielson, Eric Nielson and Russel Greathouse left Saturday morning for the Fishlake range to hunt elk. Hope they are successful. The Relief Society held their annual an-nual bazaar and dinner last Friday evening. A large . crowd attended and enjoyed a chicken dinner. Stake visitors from Delta were Mr. and Mrs. Faye Jacobson. A large group of 4-H workers and their leaders attended the 4-H I honor night in Delta last Thursday . William II. Mitchell FOR SALE: SPINET PIANO this area. Take over small monthly payments. pay-ments. For more details write, Credit Manager Box 148, Sugar House Station Salt Lake City, Utah, 118-1115 FOR SALE: Pick up your winter supply of potatoes at my home. Keith Black, 178 W. 200 S., Delta. Phone 580J2. 10lltf catteries for Cars. Trucks and Tractors. Full Laher line Including Mustang, Exeter, Nonstop. Priced from 10.75. Guaranteed 2, 3 and years. All adjustments made by us. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY, Delta. U WHY hunt any further, Shop at Quality Market Hardware. FOB SALE: Weaner Pigs; Also, would like a good family cow. See Glen Taylor, Hinckley, or phone 695J4. 111-15 FOR SALE: 1957 Fairlone Ford in very good condition with new tires. Owners leaving on an LDS Mission. See or call Mr. E. D. Harris, lljltf FOB SALE: Baled oat hay; also baled seed hay. (Excellent horse feed). See Robert Webb, lljl-15 For Rent FOB RENT: Three large rooms and service room, located at 132 S. 100 West, Delta. Call La Von Taylor at 2311 or see Eleanor Murray at Quality Market. 927tf FOR BENT: 2-bedroom home, part ly furnished, carpeted. Utility room garage; lots of storage space. Call 542J1. 118-tf FOB BENT: 1-bedroom home. Fur nished or unfurnished. Call Fon- tella Bishop, 691NJ1 or Lester John son, 7912. 118-1115 FOB BENT: 2-bedxoom house, fur nished or unfurnished. Fully car peted with coal furnace. Phill Raw- linson, ph. 5831. 118-1122 FOB BENT: Furn shed modem 2 bedroom home; also, furnished 1 bedroom home. Phone 4431 or 3261 or see M. H. Workman. ll'ltf Miscellaneous WANTED: Stenographer. Short hand necessary. Call 5461. tf GENTLEMEN Shop now for New Fall Suits. Newest fabrics, newest stylet, $45.00 $49.95, $55.00. Two- Pant suits $59.95. Buy Fall Cloth tag at D. Stevens Co. Gents Dept LAND LEVELING Contact Boh Clark, or Phone 5125. 3;22U LOST: One crow-bar, 6 to 8 ft long , on oia usk uty to ttoiaen roaa i south of Whisky Creek gravel pit on Monday. Oct. 23. Whoever Dick ed It un. clease return In Frpd vnti, ..1JIV Rlt J. AA,' 0-1.4 j GET BEADY for w.nter Radiate I recored. new core, corns!?! pt vice. Get It done now before winter I sets In. Bill's Radiator Shop. 927tf SHOPPEBS WISE ECONOMIZE THET SHOP WITH THOSE WHO ADVERTISE evening. Most all the children, received re-ceived pins and cash, awards for their work last summer. Don Greathouse, who is employed employ-ed at Hill Field was home over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greathouse. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nielson went to Logan for the weekend. Keith Nielson, who was hurt at the rock quarry Oct. 23rd, is improving. im-proving. The doctors report he is doing as well as can be expected. We are all hoping that he continues to improve and that he will not be hospitalized too long. Mrs. Margie Greathouse and sons John and Craig drove to Salt Lake Saturday. There they met Cheryl Greathouse Linz of San Francisco, Calif. Cheryl is spending her vacation vaca-tion here with her mother and brothers. bro-thers. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Wilkins and Linda spent Saturday in Salt Lake shopping. Earl and Nola Greathouse went to Spanish Fork Friday to see the doctor. Nola's broken leg is doing just fine. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bradfield and Don had dinner in Leamington Sunday with their mother, Margaret Marg-aret Bradfield. The MIA is spending a lot of time rehearsing for "The Evening in Social Hall" program, that will; be held Nov. 20. The whole family is invited to attend. High Councilman Ormus Dutson trot the program to sacrament meeting Sunday evening. Talks were given by Mr. Dutson and Kent Dewsnup. Prayers were offered by Herbert Abegglen and Reed Nielson. Niel-son. College students home for the weekend were Eric Nielson, Kath-lynn Kath-lynn Nielson and Lanny Wiley. Karen Nielson, who is working In Salt Lake spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Nielson. Happy Birthday this week to Jean Tolbert, Elden Best, Fern Wel-don, Wel-don, Dern Williams, Grace Bennett and Arma Holman. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Peterson and children Marsha and Brent, of Idaho Ida-ho visited the weekend with their mother, Mary 'Jane Peterson, also with brother and sisters and their families, Clifford Peterson, Emily Young of Abraham and Donna Jef-fery Jef-fery of Delta. BROWNING COAL delivered or In yard north of overpass. Will deliver sand, gravel, sewer rock, top soil fill dirt, redimix. Call 83, Oak City, or 4531, Delta. (Brooklawn Creamery), Cream-ery), 96tf WE WILL AUCTION Fat and Feeder Feed-er Hogs every other Tuesday at 12 o'clock Nov. 20, December 4 and 20. Bring them In early as our regular regu-lar cattle sale will follow the hog auction. Delta Livestock Auction-Phone Auction-Phone 2361. 518-tf WANTED: an old fashioned metal-type metal-type organ In reasonable condi tion. Also an old rocker. Will look at other old fashioned furniture. Madeline Wilson, Fillmore. Phone 743-5729, 743-5340. lll-29 ROLLER SKATING begins at the Hinckley gymnasium, Nov. 3, and will continue every Saturday there after. 1115 GENTLEMEN. Shop now for a new Fall Hat New colors, newest styles, Alexander Brand, $6.98, $7.98; John B. Stetsons, $9.95, $11.95, $14.95 to $20.00. Buy new Fall Clothing at D. Stevens Co. Gents Dept. RAWLEIGH Dealer wanted at once. Good opportunity in Millard County. Coun-ty. Write at once. Rawleigh Dept. UTK-180-105, Denver, Colorado. lll-22 IT'S FALL and time to fill your home freexer before the game season sea-son starts. Have it done now at Marion and Dean's, your complete processing plant. We also have pork and beef on hand, quarters or halves, all at wholesale rices. Marion and Dean's. Call 2441 or Talbot Packing Co. 9!6tf POSTER PAPER IN COLOB3 now available at the Millard County Chronicle. Colors in stock are red, white, yellow, emerald green, blue, and salmon. Size 22 x 28; 15 cents a sheet or 2 for 25 cents. SHOP AT HOME SHOP WITH THE ADVERTISERS t'orell Iferefords Production Sale S3 REG. BULLS 35 REG. COWS -25 REG. HEIFERS (Excellent Quality) Western Slope Livestock COMMISSION CO. MONTROSE, COLO. l!ov. 24, 1962 1:00 p. vt. Sacrament meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. next Sunday evening, Nov. 19th. The ward had a drive this week for old clothes for the Deseret Industries. In-dustries. People brot them to the church house where the bishopric will pick them up. Laveda Bishop spent a few days in Salt Lake visiting with relatives. Shirley-Skeem went to Salt Lake to be with her mother while she had an eye operation. Her husband Ralph Skeem drove up later to bring her home. The Lihoma girls are preparing their parent demonstration which will be given in the month of November No-vember in Primary. Mrs. Webster of Cedar City is spending a few days with her daughters dau-ghters Vemessa Skeem and Cassie Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Day spent a Hon tLfti3 HDeflto At?& A CONTEST ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW III DELTA PRIZE THIS WEEK TOTALS $34.00 HERE ARE THE E&HJILES READ 'EM OVER THIS IS A FAMILY FUN CONTEST. Nothing to buy. Use any slip of paper lor an entry blank. Not necessary to be subscriber to this paper.- THE "MYSTERY PERSONALITY" may be anyone in the Delta area. Dues for his or her identity may be hidden In any ad in this section. When a star appears in an ad in this section it means there is additional advertising for this merchant elsewhere else-where in this newspaper, clues may also be placed In that ad. Clues will be scattered. There may be from one to half a dozen clues in any ad, or none. This Is a contest of skill, we invite you to try to outwit us. TO ENTER, study the ads, find all the clues you can, then write down who you think this week's "Mystery Personality" is, add the total number of clues you found. Be sure you put down your name, address and phone number. Then take your entries and deposit them in the boxes located at the featured merchants' place of business. THERE f ia BE FOUR FEATURED MERCHANTS each week. These will be Indicated by the heavy border around their ads in this section. Each member of the family may enter once at each of these featured places of business. Thus, you may enter four times and doing so will Improve your chances of winning. DEPOSIT THIS WEEK'S ENTRIES WITH WHEEL BALANCING AND ALIGNMENT WASHING LUBRICATION TUNE UP KELLY'S SERVICE WE AIM TO PLEASE BEST BUILDING t'HDWE SUPPLIES AVAILABLE GRANT CHURCH & SON LUMBER CO. BUILDING MATERIAL -GORDON'S- QUIET COOL Enjoyable Refreshments COFFEE - SANDWICHES ICE COLD BEVERAGES Joe and Sonya FARMERS' SUPPLY CO. Quality Farm Machinery 34S West Main Ph. 55S1 ARCTIC CIRCLE HAMBTJHGEBS HOT DOGS CHICKEN SHBIMP FISH & CHIPS Fresh Freeze Cones Service Clean$ra-Lauvdry JOHN RUBT SKEEM day in Salt Lake last week buying Christmas articles for their stores. Its good to see Lounza Willough-by Willough-by back on her feet again after having a bad spell of ulcers. Hope she'll take it easy for a while. We sure miss her in our ward meetings. The survival class started at 7:30 Monday evening. Hope we can have a large crowd out. It will help us all to learn a little more first aid. Even in our everyday lives we can use the things that are taught in this class. So try and join in everyone. ev-eryone. Verta and Ted Stanworth spent last Saturday in Salt Lake to be at the wedding of their son Melvin and went to Ogden Sunday to be to church when Margaret and Al len Sumsion had their baby named then came home that night. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carling and family of Logan spent Sunday with "MELODY DAIRY" DRIVE-IN SERVICE Serving HAMBURGERS MALTS FRIES CHICKEN FISH Phone 4111 WEST MILLARD CO-OP SERVICE STATION DELTA PHONE 5901 777 West Main "Filling Your Prescription Is Our BUSINESS" DELTA DRUG The Oldest Drug Store Ia DELTA BAKER REX ALL PHARMACY HEALTH HEADQUARTERS lor HOME and FARM Store phone 4061 Rx 4061 QUALITY I.GA. 'Foodliner FRIG ID AIRE ZENITH MAYTAG VARIETY DEPARTMENT HARDWARE DEPARTMENT his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Fonroy Haw-ley. Haw-ley. Sacrament meeting was given by , Lyle Bunker, High Councilman. Mr. Bunker and David Moody were the j speakers. "Temple By The River," j a lovely flute trio was played by" Mary Lyman, Kathy Callister and Beverly Bunker, accompanied by j Mrs. Bunker. Mrs. David Moody and small daughter visited Sacrament meeting meet-ing also. Work meeting was held Tuesday. A lovely quilt was quilted and for those who do not like to quilt, they made Christmas gifts. A large assortment of gifts to choose from has been on display for the past two months. It seems that our ward Is having difficulty in raising funds to pay our welfare allotment so the Bishopric Bish-opric has asked the Relief Society to sponsor a bake sale on Saturday, Nov. 17 at Quality Market to help with this project. All sorts of baked goods and home made candy will be on sale. Rolls, bread, cakes, etc. If anyone wishes something special for Thanksgiving, give Celia Chris-tensen Chris-tensen or Beulah Rowley a ring on THIS CONTEST STARTS when you receive this issue and closes at 1 p.m. the following Monday. At that time a drawing will be held. The first entry drawn that correctly identifies the "Mystery "Mys-tery Personality" will win $4.00. If that entry also has the correct cor-rect number of clues hidden in all ads of the sponsoring merchants, merch-ants, a bonus of $15.00 will be added. When this bonus is not won, it will be added to next week's bonus and will continue to grow until it is won. FAMILY PARTICIPATION aives you a better chance to win your wife, husband or some bright-eyed youngster may spot a clue that you m'ss, GOT ANY PERRY MASON In you? Think you can outwit the contest? Remember, you can't win if you don't enter. THIS IS A FAMILY FUN CONTEST! One entry per person (family (fam-ily oi four could submit four entries at lour different places each week). Anyone may enter UNLESS a member of your lam-ily lam-ily Is employed by the Millard County Chronicle or by a merchant merch-ant whose ad appears in the heavy black boarder that week. (This applies ONLY during the week his ad is bordered). The employees of other Sponsoring Merchants ABE elig'ble. EVERY POSSIBLE PRTCAUTION will be taken to prevent typographical typo-graphical errors that might be mistaken for clues, -but errorless typography cannot be guaranteed (by anyone). The PUBLISHER of THE MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE will be the JUDGE In . all questions, and his DECISION will be FINAL. THE FOUR BOXED MERCHANTS BELOW STAR-GLO MOTEL Air-Conditloned ' Self-Service Laundry Maytag Equipment Desert Drive-In Theatre Finest In Pictures Crest Theatre Bring The Family Out LUBRICATION TUNE UP BRAKE ADJUSTMENT TIRES BATTERIES WHEEL BALANCING L & S "66n SERVICE REED TURNER J. L CASE DEALER NOBLE PLOWS HESSTON SWATHEBS RIDTNG ACCESSORIES FARM SUPPLIES H QUALITY MERCHANDISE E D E L M REASONABLY R PRICED . , SERVICE DRUG CO -PHON'E 4291- "Waere Pharmacy Is A Profession' (Fountain Sundries Cos-meliea Cos-meliea Veterinary Vaccines and Supplies) the telephone and they will see if it can be arranged. Reserve your selection. The sale will begin at 10:00 a.m., and as everyone knows that Oasis has some of the best cooks in the stake, we should have a good variety of things to selL Take advantage of this opportunity to help the ward. Your articles will be picked up in Oasis between 9:00' and 9:30 on Saturday, Nov. 17 and your help will be very much appreciated. Mrs. Douglas Hendricks and son of Provo visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Searle. ' kdvetilotng works for you I NED'S DELTA CASH MARKET MEATS GROCERIES Friendly Home Town Service PACE MOTOR CO CHEVROLET OLD8M0BILE PONTIAC BUICK CORVAIH USED CAR LOT SHOP D. STEVENS & CO SPORTSWEAR BY CAMPUS FOR ACTIVE BOYS Buy Quality Merchandise at D. STEVENS CO., Inc. Delta's Dept Store MARION & DEAN'S A-G FOOD STORE MEATS GROCERIES ICE WATER WHOLE MEATS and MEAT PROCESSING CHRONICLE PUB. CO. DELTA. UTAH Commercial Printing Offset and Letterpress Continuous Forme Weddings, Receptions Office Stationery r |