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Show Millard County Chronicle The Millard County Chronicle Published Every Thursday at Delta, Utah By CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY B. H. (Bob) RIDING OWNER-PUBLISHER INEZ RIDING ASSOCIATE EDITOR JOE STEWART PRESSMAN Entered as Second Class matter at the Postoffice at Delta, Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Subscription Rate: $4.00 a year in advance; Six months, $2.25 Advertising Rates on Request NATIONAL EDITORIAL A Carlos Bishop from Cedar City visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bishop and attended the funeral of his uncle, Ed Bishop in Sandy last week. Mrs. Ralph Skeem and daughter, Erenda, spent last week in Salt Lake. Brenda had surgery on her nose at the Holy Cross Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Mark Webster from Cedar City and Mrs. Dessie Webster Web-ster visited with Mr. and Mrs. Er-vin Er-vin Skeem and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Al-bert Johnson last Sunday. Mrs. Dessie Des-sie Webster remained for a visit and Wednesday she and Vernessa Skeem went to Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Val Styler spent Saturday in Salt Lake. They visited with Mrs. Hilda yillen who was quite ill with the flue. Celia Chrislensen was a Fillmore assexi- JUBILEE ON THE PURCHASE OF A NEW MF-65 TRACTOR $150.00 Paid by Check Direct from Massey-Ferguson ON THE PURCHASE OF A NEW TOSS TRACTOR $100.00 Paid by Check Direct from Massey-Ferguson This offer will be TERMINATED SOON! CONTACT HAROLD DONE DONE EQUIPMENT COMPANY We invite you Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Specialists bring you t. r 1 of wagons ever assembled under one roof! ioadspace VJ" U7 FOBX-OR RANCH WGOK I MICH WAGO " m , S -fASSiaE COUNtST SID! -"-Z. 1 - v :jC "f "'9 fosdos ricc!i aoo VKVf" 'Vtv " ' ''"" f'" "T'-5Ct flC5 A30I ! GVv-rWk V4 -. j V cfpiRs J Join ikTbftf Sa tf world g-eatet tWce of nondafU arxf nerxJerS' buys! 'U FORD WAGON WONDERLAND DELTA MOTOR COMPANY DELTA, UTAH Only Ford Dealers Sell J7 USED CARS AND TRUCKS Thursday, March 17, 1960 AS S(SCTIN ELLA CHRISTENSEN visitor Saturday. Edwin and Norvel Christensen attended the stock sale in Spanish Fork Saturday. Sunday, Edwin and Celia Christensen Chris-tensen spent the day in Baker, Nev visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Davis and with their sister, Mrs. Carrie Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Day were In Salt Lake last Tuesday on business. Ronald Peterson attending school in Cedar City spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Webb and daughter, Vickie from Salt Lake visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie ( Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Glen bkeem over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bishop and baby ba-by from Sandy were guests of Mr. felquscn BOIIUS to see all wagon wonders at our America's Wagon the greatest choice Come see world I Seven For instance, rjmut- - j - ; . V , 'i s i MRS. DORA ROSE Mr. and Mrs. John Wind returned from California after about six weeks visit with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rector, Johny and Joan. They arrived back just in time to get in on the stormy weather wea-ther we have been having. Mrs. Lizwtte Ericksnn is staying with her children in Kaysville, Mr. and Mrs. Orland Ogden. The event: They have been blessed with a new little bundle of joy in the form of a baby boy. Congratulations. Mrs. Eva Dean Moody and Mr. Eugene Owens made a trip last week, to Fillmore to attend the Republican Re-publican meeting held for the purpose pur-pose of appointing delegates to represent the people of this area, or for the County. Mr. Thurmon Moody was voted in to act as State Representative for Millard County and will be obligated ob-ligated to attend conventions held at Salt Lake. Mrs. Dixie Anderson and little son will leave for their home this week sometime. They have been staying at the home of their parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tolbert since the arrival of their son. The Sunday School Convention was held at Salina on Sunday for all the Stake workers of this region, j There were nine different stakes represented there. At Delta on Sat-urday Sat-urday night was for the Teachers and officers of wards and stake. Two General Board Members, Bros. West and Parmley, were In attendance attend-ance at Delta and also at Salina on Sunday. It was snowing like fury at Sciplo and at Gunnison and rained all day at Salina. Elder Philip Moody returned on Monday with his folks, who made and Mrs. Frank Bishop over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peterson and Lois were In Provo Saturday where Lois had an appointment with the Dentist. Mrs. Cassie Johnson entertained at a dinner Saturday night. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Marion Dillen-beck Dillen-beck and Mr. and Mrs. Norvel Christensen Chris-tensen and Albert Johnson. Plans are going ahead for the Relief Re-lief Society party to be held Mar. 17. All Oasis married people are invited in-vited to attend. Baked ham and all the trimmings, make the meal, Mrs. Erma Skeem celebrated her birthday Monday. Her family, relatives rela-tives and friends called to extend birthday greetings. Again Birthday Greetings, Erma. We need a few more ladies to complete the cooking class given by Mrs. Rolley. It Is very Interesting and well worth your time to attend. at-tend. Next class will be Thursday at 2 p.m. A good crowd would be appreciated. Monday night the Oak City ward brought their ward play down and presented it to a good crowd. It was very well given and many thanks to them. Mr. Martin Ludwlg took Sam Sledge, Marcus Skeem and Robert Anderson to Provo Saturday to attend at-tend a scout pow-wow. On trelr way up they stopped at Eureka and visited with Mr. Ludwig's sister, Mrs. John D. Smith. Following the pow-wow, the boys had fun bowling. Mr. Ludwig visited visit-ed with Walter Kramer at Provo. the greatest wagon show in the wagons, each one a wonder ! the new Falcon Wagon with over 7 feet long, and pnad up to $154 under other 6-passtnger compact wagons! Or if you want full size at lowest price, see the Ford Ranch Wagon! Want the world's most elegant wagon? Check the high style of the Ford Country Squire ! Sasf on monvlixtufrt suggi'.f ) rttail dliYtrd pruts for comporab'y tq-pptd mode's the trip to greet him. CHURCH ACTIVITIES Temple dates will be this Thursday Thurs-day for all members of the' ward. J. Grant Moody was advanced to the office of a Deacon on Sunday and was received into the M.I. A. by Superintendant Frank Lyman. Mrs. Joey Bennett presented him to Bishop Johnson for graduation from the Primary and to the rank of Second Class Scout. High Councilman Walter Ekins presented the Sunday night program pro-gram with Mr. Rulon Jones and the choir assisting. High Councilman Ekins expressed his enjoyment at having been asked to present the program here. We in this ward wish to express our appreciation for his participation here. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Tippetts, Lee and Jill and Mrs. Eleanor Skidmore tripped off down Southern Utah way on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tippetts, Lee and Jill went on down to Hurricane where they visited with Mr. Tippett's mother, Mrs. Ishmael Tippetts and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, sister of Reid's. Mrs. Skid-more Skid-more stopped off at Cedar City to visit with her daughter and her family. (Emmorett) Mr. Gerry Huff visited in Sutherland Suther-land on Sunday, HAWAII 1 Mr. and Mrs, M. J. Moody and their son, Elder Philip Moody just returned from Hawaii where Philip has completed a two year mission for the LDS Church and Mr. and Mrs. Moody have spent a few days visiting their son, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moody and their family and Mrs. Bob Moody's mother. They visited also with the many friends (and their families), of Elder Moody which are many, in fact it could be said that Elder Moody put Delta on the map. About three weeks ago the Moodys left Delta in their new car, for California. They spent a week with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Church and their family and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fullmer and family. fa-mily. The Fullmers at Granada Hills and the Churehs at Canoga Park. The Moodys left by Jet Plane to Hawaii, which time It took, was four and one half hours at the rate of about 600 miles per hour. The lift capacity of the plane was 300,-000 300,-000 lbs. The Moodys were met there at their destination by the Maroi women who so very hospitable and presented them with leis. The Moodys visited all of the Islands, including Maul, Kawail etc.; Kawaii Island Is described as leing outstanding out-standing with beauty and it was very normal as for as the weather situation was concerned, in that it rained with a precipitation of 600 inches, it being about 500 in at the time the Moodys visit there. The rain stopped the plains and pre vented the people from getting the films of the Island. The Volcano; had ceased with its eruption just' the day before their arrival there, j The Maul crater Is estimated to be , the largest In the world. The Moodys attended church there and were asked to sit on the stand. Mr. Moody was asked to give a talk. The congregation was quite small, but very gracious. Friends of the Moodys, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Pratt were touring the Islands and had been there for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Max Moody, cousins of Marve, live on the Islands. Is-lands. Max Is a contractor and is known all over Hawaii. At Kawaii Island there are 32 water falls, covering an area of a-bout a-bout a mile and a half in length. It is considered the oldest Island there. People from there who were filmed in the picture"South Pacific" are anticipating the arrival of the film to Hawaii, that they may a-gain a-gain review themselves and the picture, wich would mean very much to them. j According to the Moodys there are so many different varieties of people on the Islands, at Honolulu. The Japanese are predominate, with Portugese, Philipines, etc., their main source of industry 's that of pineapple, sugar cane and of course, the tourists. The Moodys attended an event : which goes by the title of "Hawai-, ian Night", held on the ship, Mat-; sonia. All were dressed in their best ' attire. Mr. Moody, with a lady from Long Beach, and a man from Indiana, Indi-ana, was asked to serve as a judge at a contest they were having there. The judging was to be done on the qualifications of "the one most 'beautiful, the one most uni-' que and the one most Hawaiian." j Mr. Moody was there for his birthday birth-day so children, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moody honored him with a birth-, day party. j Their daughter, Karen met them at California, where they spent a week after returning from Hawaii on the boat, and with a great contrast con-trast of time to that of the Jet. They were just four and one half days coming home. In California they aatended a youth meeting where Mr. Moody and Philip were asked to talk and Karen was asked to sing. Don't forget the homecoming of Elder Moody which will be this coming Sunday night at the Suth- See Our BOATING GIFT ITEMS We Gift Wrap Qualify Market Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Brown, of Lander, Wyo.. were recent visitors in Delta with Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. Zephyr Steele. They were returning re-turning home from a visit in San Francisco with their son, Jerry and wife and family of four, two boys and two girls. They took Mrs. Steele on with them for a visit at Lander until this Wednesday, when they returned to Salt Lake City to meet their son, Don Erown, on his return from two years in the Southern States LDS Mission. Mrs. Carrie Black had as house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Farrel A. Crouch, Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Crouch arrived Sunday and left Tuesday noon. Mrs. Crouch and Mrs. Elack are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Kennard Riding were Provo visitors Thursday, Mar. 11. erland Ward Chapel. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Calvert and Mrs. Marjorie Burr are expected to be in attendance attend-ance at this occasion. All in this area are very anxious to hear Elder Moody report his mission and hear of his wonderful experiences. A certain Sister of the Islands, Mrs. Lee, said that her house was always open to the Elders of the church whether she was there or not. This shows that their hearts are surely warm and kindly and of which they shall be rewarded. A Contest About Here WHO'S WHO IN THIS AREA This is a family fun contest. Nothing to buy use any slip of paper for on entry blank. Not necessary to be present to win; not necessary to be a subscriber to this paper. Who's Who may be anyone in this area. Clues for his or her identity may be hidden in any ad in this section; when a black dot appears in an ad in this section, it means there is additional addi-tional advertising for that merchant mer-chant elsewhere in this newspaper. news-paper. Clues may also be placed in that ad. Clues will be scattered. scat-tered. There may be from one to five clues in any ad, or none. This is a contest of skill. We invite in-vite you to try to outwit us. To enter, study the ads, find all the clues you can. Then, write down who you think this week's DEPOSIT THIS WEEK'S ENTRIES WITH THE MERCHANTS WHOSE AD APPEARS IN HEAVY BLACK BORDER SERVICE DRUG CO. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS "Where Pharmacy Is a PROFESSION" FISHERMAN Fountain Service, Cosmetics Veterinary Vaccines, Supplies PHONE 4291 ' MEET ME AT HATCH'S CITY CAFE HOMEMADE PIES SELECTED STEAKS FOR THE STOCKMAN DOWN TOWN DELTA D. STEVENS CO. Mercantile Grocery DRY GOODS SHOES GAY NINETIES BABY ARROW BRAND Delta's Dept. Store SOLITUDE "YOUR CLOTHES' EEST FRIEND" SERVICE CLEANERS & LAUNDRY PHONE 5231 Home for the weekend with Mr.l Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson. of and Mrs. Rov Twitciell at Delta, ' Salt Lake City, were in Delta Sat-were Sat-were their son, LaMarr and daught- urday for the DMAD reservoir dedi-er, dedi-er, Ardythe, from Salt Lake City, j cation program, and later visited and Ardvthe's missionary compa- Mr. and Mrs. Oz Johnson, former nion in Great Britain, Miss Janet i classmates of theirs at the AC at Davis, of Spanish Fork. Logan. break out the best Your Bright Buy JliL SILVER LABg IN THIS AREA Your Neighbors Prizes This Week, $22.50 are the RULES Read 'em overl Who's Who is. Add the total number of clues you found, but be sure to put down your name and address, then take your entries en-tries and deposit them in the boxes located at the featured merchants place of business. There will be three featured merchants each week these will be indicated by the heavy border around their ads in this section. Each member of the family may enter once at each of these featured places of business. bus-iness. Thus, you may enter three times and doing so will improve your chances of winning. An entry may be written on any scrap of paper. This contest starts when you receive this issue and closes 2 p.m. the following Monday. At that time a drawing will be GRANT CHURCH & SON BUILDERS' SUPPLIES PAINTS HARDWARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES PHONE 5904 TOWN BOARD MEMBER WE'LL SHOW YOU WHY! RAMBLER IS LEADING THE COMPACT CAR FIELDl SPOR BROS. MOTOR COMPANY DELTA UTAH t QUALITY LG.A. Foodliner FRIGID AIRE ZENITH MAYTAG Likes to Travel The DELMART QUALITY MERCHANDISE GENTS FURNISHINGS DRY GOODS LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR SHOES GROCERIES Graduate of M.S.A. OLD GLENMORE Silver Label KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 86 PROOF GLENMORE OiSTILLESlES-CO. LOUISVILLE. KY. in Light Bourbon held. The first entry drawn that correctly identifies Who's Who will win $7.50. If that entry also al-so has the correct number of clues hidden in all ads of the sponsoring merchants, a bonus of S7.50 wiU be added. When this bonus is not won, it will be added to next week's bonus and will continue to grow until it is won. Family participation gives you a better chance to win; your wife, husband or some bright-eyed youngster may spot a clue that you miss. Got any Perry Mason in you? Think you can outwit the contest- Remember, you can't win if you don't enter. This contest, its rules and text herein copyright by B. Reint-hard. Reint-hard. Franchised to H. C. Fisch-naller. Fisch-naller. All rights reserved. KELLY'S SINCLAIR SERVICE TOPS IN SERVICE AND LUBRICATION D. STEVENS CO. Hardwciro Furniture , LEE CARPETS SLY WIT PHILCO TV Large Selection of Furniture Carpenter Tools Hunting, Fishing Supplies MORRIS SUPPLY CO. One of Millard County's Most Complete Stores HOTPOINT PHILCO 4 RCA Married Bishop's Daughter Ph. 3305 Hinckley. Utah MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE A paper printed especially for YOU once each week 52 times a year PRINTING OFFSET LETTERPRESS |