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Show Millard County Chronicle iy INEZ Once more, dear friends, we are called together for our weekly Sense and Nonsense. You may sit right there. & Anytime anyone gets discouraged discourag-ed with the basketball team's scores take another look at the wrestling team's record! That should cheer anyone up. AND THAT REALLY IS SENSE. 4fc Newspaper people and fishermen fisher-men are a lot alike. "The one that doesn't get printed or the one that got away" is always the biggest. And talking about newspapers, reminds me of the little 'thing' I read the other day in regards to advertising. It went something like this. "A merchant who doesn't advertise ad-vertise his merchandise is rather like the boy that winks at his girl friend in the dark!" Shoppers wise, economize, shop with those who advertise. I like to fry chicken but I don't like to eat it. (Only the gizzard.) I dot not like to make a lemon pie, but I do like to eat it. To George and Janice: I like your boy. Kinda cut, I'd say. And speaking of cute young ones, have you ever seen a cuter young one than Elizabeth Horlach-er? Horlach-er? She looks as if she stepped off a can of Campbell's soup and right into your heart. Since last week, we have acquired ac-quired a new pup at our house. Now we needed another dog a-round a-round as much as we needed another an-other hole in our heads. But we j PAY LESS j for the BEST j If You Don't Drink l C G. HOGAN j : Phone 2671 '. Lynndyl. Utah ; j L. NIELSON CLARK j Phone 3464 J Delta, Utah : '. INSURANCE COMPANY ? Ox FUN DRIVE & FIND OUT ABOUT A MAP-FULL OF MILES ON A rOCKETFULL OF CHANGE Here's economy on the romp-with fun in every gas-saving mile (The Lark delivers marathon mileage with peak performance from either the spirited six or super responsive V-8-on regular, low-cost gas)l JS3 So easy to drive, to turn, to park (three feet shorter than most cars outside, equally roomy for six inside). P So smart in styling, rich in appointments, appoint-ments, luxurious in upholstery and finishing touches. P" Here's common com-mon sense with flair and spirit a new car idea you're going to love. And beautifully engineered. Find out about it now. iV". . t ? ' i C' , j ji f I V i . Ji Fun ihivc the Thursday, Feb. 5, 1953 HIDING" have him now and I do believe that we would have it made if we could figure out how to tie a mop onto its backside, and let him do his own mopping for a change! Sunday, we took the children to the cafe for dinner. Wouldn't you know that one (MYRNA K) would insist on a hamburger! And no a-mount a-mount of talking would change her mind. But we both felt better when the Gene Walker's came in and ordered dinner. -;(- Gloria says, "Ham is good, don't you want that?" Their youngest one replied, "No, I want a hamburger." ham-burger." So Gene grins and orders a hamburger ham-burger for him! Took a trip to the Livetsock Auction Auc-tion with Wanda Beckwith the other day and I believe that I'm well suited for that business. If you know me at all, then you know that I like to talk and that chant of Russell Knight's is pretty good talking. If you know me at all, then you know I like to crack the bullwhip, so I'm sure that I'd make a dandy ringmaster! All I need is a little practice in whipping whip-ping the bullwhip at cattle! W. R. Walker was kind enough to point out to me just who was bidding bid-ding at the auction. He says they no speaka, they just wagga thumb. If you se me in glasses soon, it will be a direct result of trying to see just which man was wagging which thumb. I say they do their bidding with their big toes, and Russ with his X-RAY eyes, could see right thru their shoes! What we should do gals, is to get together a party and spend the afternoon there. We have card parties, dinner parties, theatre parties, why not an Auction party? - I hadn't realized just how long it had been since I had left the farm, though. I had completely forgotten just how "alive" the air is around a 'barn or a corral! By alive, I mean, it conies out to meet you! This week this Is all sense, isn't it? - Yessirree ... All Sense. Didn't know that Leigh Maxfield had joined the ranks of the Beneh-Silters-ln-The-Sun, until Tuesday, Jan. 27. Walked across the street and there he sat big as life and sort a dozing in his beard! Evary once in awhile he'd rouse up just enough to answer Blaine Cropper, another recent addition to the Bench-Sitters-In-The-Sun, Inc. - They tell me that the group wiil be holding an unusual election soon. The president will not be nominated as in other clubs, he THE LARK today at JAM VAN S MOTOIt Ck SUPPLY MAIN STREET. DELTA. Top DHS Graduates Eligible for U. of U. $150 Scholarships Top graduates of Delta high school will be eligible for $150 gets the office by the process of elimination. The one that can sit the longest without moving is just naturally the one that gets the office, of-fice, that's all there is to that! Cood luck, "Leigh. Surely hope hat you win. That just may be the next club I join, if women are allowed. No dues to pay, no projects to carry forward, no minutes to read of the last meeting. Nothing to do, just-si just-si tt in'. Now if Curly Robson or Cecil Baker would just come forth with some more benches I'm sure that the club would grow and grow, (I hear that Les Pace is a Charter member, "that I don't know for sure, but I'll ask and find out.) Another good selling point for the club is that it would not require re-quire any manual labor and it's for sure there would not be any mental fatigue connected with associating as-sociating with such a club. You wouldn't have to be concerned with saying the right thing, You just don't talk. Move over, Les, Leigh, Doc and Blaine, I've done gone and joined! Some Interesting little-known facts W. C. could stand for Water Closet, Wally Church or Woman Chaser. The Horse told me all about Fay Walker losing the bus and I must say, Fay, that is not the kind of story that one should keep to himself! him-self! Getting into Delta rather late one night. Fay took the bus to a service station. The service station attendant, thinking to save Fay a few steps the next morning, took the bus down to Fay's house after servicing servic-ing it. Mr. Walker's alarm didn't work the next morning and when Fay did awake, he ran out of the house right by the bus, buttoning his shirt, and trying not to step on his shoe laces. - Arriving at the bus station, he made all the motions of opening the bus duor and getting in. Not awake enough to realize that the but wasn't where it was suposed to be, he fell flat on his face. Then the search began. Perhaps I should say the phone calling began. After about six or a half dozen phone calls the bus was located in front of Fay Walker's home!! That morning the bus was behind schedule a good thirty minutes! Most Interesting, don't you a-gree? a-gree? And hereafter, Fay makes sure that the bus is at the right place before he goes to bed. (And seein' as to how I don't know Mr. Walker personally, I'd better don my running shoes again). - And I'll see you next week!! "JJBYSTUDEBAKEn S1995 Tfifiscclat on, loea! taxes, wMe walls and any other extras p a nly labeled on every car. CO- .T2I UTAH scholarships to the Unievrsity of Utah under a new plan announced by Lr. A. Hay Olpin, university president. The top three per cent of each high school graduating class in the state will be eligible for the new scholarships. Qualifying students during tlrtir first year at the University Un-iversity of Utah will have $50 of each quarter's tuition waived. These scholarships will be regardless re-gardless of the students' economic needs, Dr. Olpin explained. Rather, the new program is intended to "encourage highly gifted students to continue their education." Dr. Olpin quoted Dr. James B. Conant as saying that "high school students can be divided into three groups with respect to ability, and some three percent of the pupil population nationally could be classifield as highly gifted." Dr. Conant, a former president of Harvard Har-vard University, recently completed complet-ed what is regarded by most educators edu-cators as the most intensive study ever made of the American high school, , Based upon a total of 8,000 high school graduates in the state, the $150 scholarships would be available avail-able to an estimated 2-10 honor students. However, the scholarships will be for use only at the University of Utah and will be limited to the top three percent of each graduating class regardless of how many students stu-dents In that three percent actually use the program. The new program will be In addition ad-dition to the customary grants-in-aid and regular scholarship programs pro-grams available to U, of U. students. stu-dents. Additional information will be available from high school principals. princ-ipals. Students in the top three per cent of their high school graduating grad-uating classes, who desire to at-teno at-teno the University of Utah next, fall, should make application for the scholarships through their principals in the near future. January 25. Mrs. Geo. A. Sampson Samp-son received word of the death of her oldest brother, Robert Lloyd, Provo. Funeral services were held the following Wednesday in Provo, and Mr. and Mrs. Sampson attended, attend-ed, along with Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Steele, cousins of Mr, Llovd. works for you ! nnin m JUL iUWdLT LLtid Dean Egbert of toy r on Spike Notional livestock r Bruce Anderson of Trementon produced the grand champion torn in the 11th annual Utah Turkey show with the help ef MILK WHITE FEEDS. HJ$?A. wf- r Hinckley - - MRS. CLARA STEWART February 2nd and the sun is shining, so the old ground hog has seen his shadow and gone back to hibernate for six weeks, so it looks like we won't have take our sulphur and molasses for a while, to thin .our blood for spring. Well we have been praying for moisture so it's all right. Willard and Bessie Hardy got back from vacationing down south. They went to Cedar City to see their son, Gary, and on down to Overton, Nev., to see Bessie's brother bro-ther and her cousin, and wife. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Jennings of St. George took their boat and Willard had his new boat and they went down to Lake Mead to fish. Willard said he and Bessie both caught M-MEN BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Jan. 22 and Feb. 26 7 p.m. Hinckley vs. Delta 3rd 8 p.m. Delta 2nd vs. Garrison 9 p.m. Delta 1st vs. Sutherland Jan. 29 and March 5 7 p.m. Sutherland vs. Delta 2nd 8 p.m. Delta 1st vs. Delta 3rd 9 p.m. Hinckley vs. Garrison Feb. 5 and March 12 7 p.m. Delta 1st vs. Delta 2nd 8 p.m. Delta 3rd vs. Garrison 9 p.m. Sutherland vs. Hinckley LETTERS . . . TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir; In your January 22, 1959 issue you printed a letter from the Millard Mil-lard County State Representative regarding a speech he gave on the floor of the House of Representatives. Representa-tives. He made the following remark: re-mark: "Much of the feeding is done with pellets and the possibilities for a plant to produce the pellets in Millard County are quite favorable favor-able providing the small business loans are available. I hope that the Representative of Millard County has been informed inform-ed in the meantime that in Delta alone two plants are operating a pellet mill namely Utah Poultry and Delta Milling Company. Should the demand for pellets exceed the present capacity of these two plants to produce pellets in Millard County we certainly would install an additional pellet mill to take care of the needs for pellets in Millard County. Utah Alfalfa Products Company, Martin E. Knox nnnnn "ry"r-'Ht produces grand champion bog at Golden Show ot Ogden with MILK WHITE FEEDS. 1 1 w... - - 1 '' ... - 5 J You're ALWAYS Right When You Feed MILK WHITE . - t. - . - - r - n, , 'i-,.imi.. , -Tr u. fu some. His prize was a 3Vi lb bass. Saturday the waves were so high they got blown off the lake. They returned Sunday night having had a great time. Hugh tnd Beth Judd are sporting a new car. Good going folks. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Workman spent three days last week in Cedar Ce-dar City visiting their daughter, Elma Kay and family. They also were in Provo January 22nd for their father, William Jacobson's 80lh "birthday. Mrs. LaWana Davis and Mrs. Fred Davis from Tooele spent Saturday and Sunday in Hinckley visiting relatives. Cherie Morris went to Salt Lake Thursday to bring little Jodie home fiom the hospital. They have to take her back once a month on clinic day. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Bishop, Low-rie Low-rie and Janet were home over the weekend. Vera just returned from a month in California, visiting visit-ing her children. Dean and Kelly Talbot and Marvin Mar-vin and Eva Greener went on vacation vac-ation to Las Vegas Wednesday. Marvin went on down to San Pedio then they all came home Friday night. While they were gone Eva's mother, Mrs. Edith Hanson from Salt Lake came to see them She went back home Friday forenoon, without seeing them. Mrs. Irene Theobald is in Salt Lake City with her daughter Susan, who has been hospitalized with a kidney infection. Mrs. LaVern Theobald Theo-bald spent last week with her sister, sis-ter, Adeline in Salt Lake City who was in the hospital. Charles Kernell wasn't so well again so they have given up the motel in Delta for time being and Wesley and Evelyn Morris have moved to Delta to give it a try. President Verdell and Dana Bishop Bish-op and Bishop Elden and Joy Hurst and Hon and Erma Cropper all went to BYU vs Utah State game Friday night. Mrs. Phyllis Bennett went to Salt Lake City for a science meeting Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee St ef fens from Springville were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Tullis are leaving this week for Salt Lake where they will spend a couple of months in genealogical research work. Literary Club Mrs. Roma Ekins entertained the Literary Club members at her home Wednesday night. Mrs. Josie Walker Wal-ker received the story of their family, fam-ily, "The Bunker family history" nnnp 3 Li h i Li3 the FINEST FEED for EVERY NEED y 1. Pretty Julia Gardner of Richfield with her grand champion steer in the Southern Utah Junior Livestock Show. Julie fed her champ MILK WHITE. V ' " "v-4 - " i 5- ... ... " .- . A i f K ft. . . . f I v t -k V Waynt Andriotti of Weber County took first honors in the Chicken of Tomorrow contest feeding his birds with MILK WHITE FEEDS. : ... ' - - TT n r -"--mur ihiT-i-w fwrmm ii ift.i CARD OF THANES Our recent bereavement' Iop.vs us with grateful hearts towards friends and neighbors. Your helpfulness help-fulness and comforting expressions of sympathy will always be remembered. re-membered. We especially wish to thank Deseret Ward for their many kindnesses. Family of Elmer Roy Wheeler, and brothers, Leonard Wheeler and Emerson Wheeler. and related experiences they had in getting the book printed. Refreshments Re-freshments were served to members mem-bers and guests. Big Dance Don't miss the dance February 14th in the Hinckley Gym. . The Kombo Keys orchestra will play and there will be a floor show and the hall will be beautifully decorated. dec-orated. This is sponsored by the Scouts and Teen Age Dance Committee Com-mittee and they are really going to have a ball. See you there. Church News Sunday at Fast and Testimony meeting, Floyd Dutson blessed and named his new son Micheal Floyd. Craig Tanner "blessed his little daughter and gave her the name of Judy. Genealogical Class Here is an opportunity for all you people interested in genealogy. Each Thursday at 4 o'clock in the Delta High School, Ruth Hansen will teach a class and she is really good. M. Men and Gleaner Party The M. Men and Gleaners held a roller skating party Wednesday night in the gym. A large crowd enjoyed the eats and skating. Anna Lee Hepworth had a bad fall and cut her chin while skating. Daddy Date The Home Builders Groups, Seagulls, Sea-gulls, Bluebirds, and Larks invited their daddies to go on a date with "them Saturday night in the gym-naseum. gym-naseum. They had a program first, then a basket lunch, and danced. Pictures were taken of each group. Scout Recommittal Program Scouts held their program Sunday Sun-day night in the chapel with Douglas Doug-las Spencer taking charge. Flag Ceremony was held under the direction dir-ection of Richard Warnick and scouts. Gary Morris gave respect due the flag. Talks, David Ekins. Ted Spendlove. Organ solo, Ray Bishop. Duet, Russel and Cluff Talbot Tal-bot with Ruth accompanying. Talks by Scouter, Art Reeve, Bishop E!-den E!-den Hurst and Dale Bliss. Post and Troop Charter and Scouter registration cards were presented by Dale Bliss, district neighborhood c o m m i s si o n e r, U Walter Ekins, chairman of the post committee and MIA Representative. They in turn awarded them to the Scouters. Joy Hurst lead congregational singing. sing-ing. Prayers were by Lewis Swen-sen Swen-sen and Garn Bishop. i 1 f - -; ' - .- - - . v ' I ' . 1 |