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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, Feb. 5, 1953 Woman's Pacje ccieiu . . . Weciblnas . . . Club Jlews THESE .WOMEN ! By d'Alessio 'A few nice cuts from along the northeast border, please! Eichard and Gloria Willden Hare are proud parents of a son, born Feb. 3, weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz., at the Fillmore LDS hospital. The baby boy is a grandchild o Mr. and Mrs. Al Willden, of Delta, and Mr. and Mrs. Fran Dimmick, of Fillmore. Mr. and Mrs. Hare, former Deltans, are now making a home at Bell-flower, Bell-flower, Calif., where Mrs. Hare, daughter Shauna, and new son, will rejoin Mr. Hare in the near future. OASIS ELLA CHRISTENSEN Mrs. Ray Martin and family from Salt Lake wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nickle. Mrs. Ethel Stanworth was called to California Thursday. Her son, Therol Stanworth is in the hospital recovering from surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anderson and boys visited with Mr. Randal Whiting in Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Max Whiting in Bountiful. Mr. and Mrs. Deloy Stewart and family visited -with the Claude Warners War-ners in Provo last Thursday while there, Carma Lynn celebrated her 5th birthday. Congratulations to Leo and Beth Day who took their daughters and went to the Manti Temple Saturday. Sat-urday. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willoughby. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Willoughby, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Jenson, Mrs. Jenson and Beth are sisters and Mr. and Mrs. Niel Jenson from Provo also went. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Styler were in Manti also. Nowel and Ed Christensen and Grant Peterson were in Spanish Fork to the stock sale Thursday. Colleen Gillen spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Delta. Van Bishop and Frank Bishop visited with their father, Wm. Bishop Bish-op in Salt Lake Wednesday. LYNNDYL MRS. MARY JOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Strange of Las Vegas, Nevada visited here Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Clead Nielson and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Overson. They were returning home after a trip to Salt Lake City visiting vis-iting there with Myii's mother, Mrs. Laura Strange and sisters, Myrtle and Amy and family. Mrs. Lucille Overson went to Salt Lake City Thursday for a few days stay with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Christensen and family. Curt Johnson drove to Salt Lake City Thursday afternoon to take his son-in-law, John Xeuwinski to catch a plane for Chicago. John received word of the death of his grandmother so left Immediately Immediat-ely for the east. By the time this news reaches our readers we, my husband and I hope to be in the Paradise of the Pacific, the Hawaiian Islands. There are four couples going to make this trip together. They are Mr. and Mrs. Clead Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. Oran Ashby and Llle end myself. We are to meet at Burbank airport, out of Los Angeles where Monday morning, we board a plane at 10:30 a.m. for the islands. Mr. and Mrs. Clead Nielson 'and Mr. and Mrs. Spencer will drive to Las Vegas Saturday and make an over night stay with Carmin and Willard Stewart and family. Mr. and Mrs. Oran Ashby are coming from Phoenix. Phoe-nix. We are going by train Friday and will visit our daughter, Clarean and family in Artesia over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson Thomp-son who have been on the Island of Laie for the past three years as work missionaries at the LDS college there will meet us Monday evening when we arrive in llon- I olulu. We have been anticipating this trip for quite some time in fact when we took a three weeks trip to Mexico City In February of 1946, we decided our next vacation would be to Hawaii, and now we are off. We will tell you some about it on our return home in two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Nielson spent Thursday in Oak City with Mr. Collier Col-lier Lovell and members of the family there helping to celebrate his eighty-seventh birthday. Mr. Lovell is quite able to care for himself and gets around about. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Abbeglen and family spent Saturday and Sunday in Manti with Mr. and Mrs. J. Alma Banks. They also went to the Temple while there. Bob Pendray and Allan Nielson visited in Lynndyl Sunday. A baby girl was torn to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nielson in Provo Saturday, Garry and Leon Nielson spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Nielson and Karen, Garry brought his girl friend with him. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Overson spent the day in Salt Lake City Saturday-shopping. Saturday-shopping. They also visited Mrs. Mary Frier an dshe was fine. Mrs. George Paulk stopped by surprising her brother, Mr. William Overson. She visited several hours and was on her way back home to Las Vegas, Nevada. They had been In Salt Lake City where she had been to the wedding of her son. Mrs. Harry Carrington spent Sat- Survey of Adult Education Classes Sebrina Ekins Delta Successful adult education educa-tion classes being sponsored by the Delta high school now number 15. One class has been completed and 5 more will be organized before May which will total about 21 classes in 6 months of this year. All but two of the classes are being held on Thursdays as follows: fol-lows: Understanding Teen-age Problems, Pro-blems, is held at 4 p.m. Thursday afternoon at the Delta Jr. High, room 13 with Principal Rosslyn Ep-pich Ep-pich as the instructor. The other afternoon class is a successful college col-lege credit course which Is being taught by Glen W. Seegmiller with the U. S. U, extension service from 4-7 p.m. The course is Elementary Art and will cover 8 phases of art including, art leather, copper, plastics plas-tics etc. The evening classes all begin at 7:30 and include Art being taught by Goldyn Cluff Jr., Beginners Type by Ruth Hansen, Photography by Mrs. Mary L, Henry, Spanish by Jack Fowles, a new sewing class) to be taught 'by Mrs. MarGenne Rowley and Furniture Repair and Refinishing being taught in the shop by James Williams (another course will start soon.) On Wednesday night the male chorus meets at 8 p.m. in Delta First ward with Richard Long directing. dir-ecting. They are preparing a minstrel min-strel to be presented in March. A Farm Welding class is being held on Saturday afternoons (2-6 p.m, at the shop) with Merrltt C. Floyd instructing, Besides the 10 classes In Delta, 5 are being held in 5 communities at 7:30 on Thursday nights. These classes are Farm Law, Social Security Sec-urity and Taxes at Oak City school, with Attorney Eldon A. Eliason as the instructor, Beginners Sewing at Oasis church with Glenda Roundy, Sewing Instruction at Hinckley church with Delma Jean Galli, Farmstead Beautification at Sutherland Suth-erland church with George Spencer and Speed Sewing at Deseret with MarGenne Rowley as the instructor. instruc-tor. (After this week the Deseret class will be held on Friday nights. Through the adult education services ser-vices a coordinating council has been organized in Delta with Ladd Black as the chairman to correlate school, church and civic actiitivies in Delta and the nine surrounding communities. A weekly calendar of events is being published each week by the Millard County Chronicle Chron-icle to help inform people of the coming activities and to encourage all groups to schedule their activities. IRS. CHESLEY RETURNS .'ROM COAST TRIP Mrs. Nona Chesley is back home n Delta, after five days in San Francisco, Calif., where she attended attend-ed a training course for newly appointed ap-pointed Volunteer Field Consultants Consult-ants for the Pacific Area Office of Volunteers of the American National Na-tional Red Cross. Mrs. Chesley has been appointed by Pacific Area headquarters of the Red Cross in San Francisco as Volunteer Field Consultant for five chapters in central Utah her home chapter of West Millard County in Delta; Sanpete County chapter at Ephraim, East Millard County chapter at Fillmore, East Jueb chapter at Nephi, and Tintic chapter chap-ter at Eureka, In her new Red Cross assignment, assign-ment, Mrs. Chesley will visit these five chapters on an advisory basis to assist them in improving volunteer volun-teer participation in all chapter activities ac-tivities and programs. For the past eight years, she had served West Millard County chapter as its Home Service Chairman, supervising thi chapter's activities in behalf of servicemen and veterans and their families, JOLLY STITCHERS CALL SPECIAL MEETING FEB. 6 A special meeting of the members mem-bers of the Jolly Stitcher Club is called by President Lucille Kimbe'r. The meeting will be held Feb. 6, 2:00 p.m., at the home of Henrietta Henri-etta Barben. President Kimber has special information to present to the members at this time, After the business meetings, the group is to sew cancer dressings. lone Hollingshead, chairman Df the Husband's party, Feb. 14, urges all members to make their reservations reser-vations by Saturday, Feb. 7, SUNSHINE CLUB ENTERTAINED The Sunshine Club met at the home of Tekela Dekker on Jan. 29. Twelve members were present. President Catherine Riding was in charge. Roll call was answered with poems, jokes and readings. Blanche Works gave some helpful help-ful household hints. Laura Johnson, who had returned return-ed from an absence of several months, related some interesting experiences she had had while a-way, a-way, Te remainder of the time was spent just visiting and we do like to do that. Refreshments were serv- ed by the hostess, Next meeting will be at Mina Steele's, Feb, 12. Utah Winner Shines in State Group t St t i: i i,. 1 f J J WINNER'S DELIGHT is apparent in Nancy Sanders, left of Salt Lake City, after learning that she's won a portable sewing machine in the Portland, Oregon finals of the national na-tional "Make It Yourself With Wool" Contest. Miss Sanders' winning win-ning garment was a wool plaid suit with loose fitting jacket. With here here are, to her right Jeanine Berg, also of Salt Lake City, who participated in the junior division, Mrs. T. K. Swan, president of the Utah Wool Growers Auxiliary, and Mrs. J. W. Swan, state contest director. MISS LOMA LOVELL " CAPTIVATES AUDIENCES Miss Loma Lovell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Welby Lovell of Leamington, captivated the audiences audi-ences as Miss Prism In the recent performances of "The Importance of Being Earnest" at Dixie College, January 27-30. The charming English comedy of manners was staged In the College Col-lege library and was presented as a theatre-in-the-round. SUTHERLAND P.T.A. Sutherland P.T.A. will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 8:00 p.m. A-chievement A-chievement Tests is the subject, and will be given by Bill Davies and Miss Lazell Borg. The DELMART GROCERY DEPT. Friday and Saturday Specials -Both Front and Back Door Service- Also Parking Space In Back Of Store STANDBY PEAS T 7 .J.09 STANDBY CATSUP,. 239c I.G.A. SHORTENING ,,.v.,. ,,.Jf9c I.G.A. SALAD DRESSING POPCORN Qt. bottle J J 4. BUDDY BOY 53i 2 lb. bag 27c Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Morrison left Delta Sunday for California for a stay of several weeks. They will visit their son and wife, Ralph and Joy Morrison, at Santa Ana, see Mrs. Morrison's brother and sisters in California, and look after some business while there. urday and Sunday in Salt Lake City with her mother who is ill. Mrs. Elida Taylor returned to Delta last week from a visit of five weeks in Wells, Nevada, with her son, Bert Taylor, and family. A new addition to the Eert Taylor family Is the baby boy, born Dec. 2C, at 2 a.m. He was a special reason rea-son for his grandmother's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Waymond Marshall, of Morgan, Utah, and children, Stephanie and Stephen, visited in Delta during the week with Mrs. Marshall's mother, Mrs. Zola Lam-bright. TAP DANCING LESSONS Saturday Afternoon Delta Seminary Building Starting at 1:30 p.m. ELAINE HARDY. Instructor Ship'n Shore' X-. ' so new! ... high-light colors in the no-iroh blouse 398 seen in VOGUE The perfect 65 Dacron-35 Pima blend! Ship'n Shore's lovely'Trawlmatc, now in beautiful hih-fjshiou colors. So fluttering to wear, with softly .urd colhir and notclu-tl sk-evt s. So famous for easy tare! Tales just a simple sudsing, a quick drip-dry. !so in white and k-e tints. Sizes 30 to SS. Sec utlour tu-tc iw-iron Ship'n Shore blouses, from 2.ift Mr. and Mrs. Pat Pace. Delta, and son Nick, home for the weekend week-end from U. of U., spent Saturday and Sunday in St. George with, Mr. Pace's aunt, Mrs. Anna Cox, who celebrated her 90th birthday H January. Also there to visit their aunt were Mr. and Mrs. Reed Walker, Wal-ker, of Bloomlngton, Calif., and daughters, Mitzi, Betty, Beverly and Sylvia. Alan and Carol Ann Morrison Nielson are rejoicing over the ar rival of a daughter, born Saturday at Provo, where Mr. and Mrs. Nielson Niel-son are residing while Alan is attending at-tending BYU. More vital statistics about the baby girl may be learned learn-ed In Once Over this week, in the announcement made In his column by first-time grandfather, Dick Morrison. 4-H CLUB NEWS The Five Jolly Chefs had their first meeting Jan. 29, at the Hinckley Hinck-ley Elementary lunch room. Mrs. Enid Damron is our 4-H teacher. Members of the 4-H are Deon Talbot, Tal-bot, Lynn Stevens, Lucille Hurst, Margie Judd, and Paula Galli. Wayne and Gwen Day Pratt, of Salt Lake, are parents of an 3-pound 3-pound boy, born Jan. 31. The young man is their first son and has three older sisters to welcome him home from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Day, grandparents at Delta, Del-ta, made a trip to Salt Lake to see their new grandchild. v Mr. and Mrs. Neil Forster and young daughter, Cinday, of Salt Lake, were weekend visitors in Delta with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Willden and Mrs. Ila Forster. EIGHTH GRADE WINS POLIO DRIVE PICTURE CONTEST The 8th grade won the pictu;e donated by Mr. William Starley. The Jr. High had a contest last week to see which class could raise the' most money to donate to the Polio Fund. The 8th grade won with $58.95 The 7th grade came in second with $41.83. The 9th grade trailed with $32.50. Making a total of $133.28 Mr. Starley will present the beautiful picture to the 8th grade at an assembly Friday. The money was raised by Bake sales and donations. Polio Drive Contest Results The D. J. H. S. Polio Drive was over last Friday. The results were 7th grade $41.83 8th grade $58.95 9th grade 32.50 Total $133.28 AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY EXTENDS SINCERE THANES American Legion Auxiliary to Ca-hoon-Jensen Post 135 extends sincere sin-cere thanks to the many who supported sup-ported their bake sale. Proceeds from the bake sale will go towards buying poppies. The next meeting of the Auriliary will be Monday, Feb. 9, 8:00 p.m. atthe Post Home. At present the new unit is conducting con-ducting a membership drive, with many new members having been signed up. All interested in having their names on the new Charter should contact Mae Welch, Unit Sec'y, or Inez Riding, Membership chairman, by Friday, February 6. February is the month that Legion Leg-ion Auxiliaries stress Americanism and the local unit will have a report re-port on the Americanism Essay contest, now being conducted at the Delta Jr. Hi and Delta Senior Hi. After the meeting the group will be entertained with special patriotic numbers. Mr. and Mrs. George Bennion, ot Delta, have a new son, born Jan. 31 at the Fillmore LDS hospital. Their family now numbers seven, with four boys and three girls. Lucille M. Stephensen STAUFFER HOME PLAN Counsellor Phone 7531 Delta, Utah QUALITY MARKET ASKS YOU... llllj with this big, beautiful 1959 3 Uli 3 Refrigerator- all Liu Lta Freezer The Sheer Look plus Lacework Styling and 60 lb. separate food freezer Full length storage door 5 removable shelf fronts Two take-out Egg Servers Automatic defrosting in refrigerator re-frigerator section Sliding Meat Tender Twin porcelain enamel Hy-drators Hy-drators for moist-cold storage stor-age Comes in 5 colors or white Durable Dulux Enamel exterior ex-terior finish. Only $4150 a week after i small down payment rr rteair -A - I - i -t -V- V Model FI-123 59 ,ULU !j Built and Backed by General Motors FRIG1DAIRE ADVANCED APPLIANCES ... DESIGNED WITH YOU IN MIND 0 TIDE SOAP SAUSAGE ROLLS 77' t size I I C Gian i n n m uaiscy iviarice 1 lb. pkg. 39c CUDAHY Delta, Utah |