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Show Millard County Chronicle Value Best Way Budget Payments $39.00 to 3500. 1 x8 Sheeting Lumber; No. 4 Pine Surface $79. M No. 3 Pine Surface $98. M Cudcler Steel Span BUILDINGS ; 32x40' all material at. only $1609.35 10 Ft. Sidewalls All sizes for your needs, price, quality and service Tight fixtures" $1.79 to $15.00 See our display for QUALITY STORM MID SCREEN DOOR COMBINATIONS Aluminum $34.95 Wood $18.00 STORM WIHDOYS AND SCREENS ; any size $15.00 to $27.75 average home costs only- $192.80 let us measure yours and give you a price 1AS0HITE , 4x8 seets 18" Std. 9c per. ft. 18" Temp. 11c per it, all sizes stocked Complete Stock of BOLTS Machine and Carriage 1-4" through 1-2" Store Hours 8:00 - 5:00 MON. - SAT. Get the "BUILDING EUG" and better your living! 1 i - Thursday, Jan. 29, 1959 LIVESTOCK QUOTES DELTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION JANUARY 27, 1959 By Win Walker 80 fat heifers lead today's market. mark-et. 3 hereford heifers, 815 lb. av fed by M. J. Moody and purchased by Jo Dockerman and McFarland Packing Co. at $27.80. Balance of choice heifers $26.50 to $27.50. Cood heifers $24.00 to $26.00. Fat steers, service to few to test the market. Feeder steers, 700 lb. to 900 lb., $23.40 to $24.40. Feeder Steers, 600 lb. to 700 lb., $25.00 to $27.50. ' Feeder Steers, 500 lb. to 600 lb., $29.10 to $31.60. Fed heifers, $23.10 to $28.30. Hereford cows, pairs, $200.00 to $252.00. Standard cows, $19.70 to $21.20. Commercial cows, $17.60 to $19.-20. $19.-20. Canners, $15.00 to $16.00. Dairy cows, $17.20 to. $19.30. Holstein steers, $21.00 to $24.25. Bulls, $22.00 to, $23.80. Sprineer Holstein heifers, $185.C0 to $240.00 a head. .Calves: Steers, 300 lb. to 400 lb., $31.75 to $37.75. Heifers, same wt., $30.25 to $33.-50". $33.-50". Baby calves, $40.00 to $57.00 a head, Alfalfa seed, common, $21.00. Few . buyers. . Hay $20.00 per ton. LEAMINGTON KLEE FINLINSON Three of the younger set around town have been having a bad time this past week. Young Tom Nielson, 15 month baby of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nielson was in Nephl hospital with pneumonia most of the week. Lone Sue, year old baby of Bishop and Mrs. Dick Nielson was in the hospital at the time of this writing with a near infection infec-tion and beginning pneumonia and 20 month old Norman Lovell has been fighting double pneumonia. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. La Forge Lovell. We wish them all a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Nielson are leaving this week with 3 other couples for a trip to the Hawaiian islands. ' Mr. and Mrs.R. E. Jones and Mr. Connell Jones visited and stayed the night last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Finlinson. Mrs. Walker Finlinson went into Salt Lake Thursday to attend the meeting of the Citizens' Council for Utah Educaion. She drove in with Mr. Allred, Mrs. Louise Lyman Ly-man and Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Huff. They returned Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lovell and Jane Williams went into Springville with Mrs. LaClead Nielson on Sunday Sun-day to attend Mrs. Jane Ashby's seventy-fifth birthday open house. Mr. and Mrs. Bud MqCann drove into Springville Sunday to call Dt the Ashby open house and then 'Visited in Payson with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCann. Mr. McCann is out of the hospital again and slowly improving in health. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson spent Sunday and Monday in Salt Lake visiting with Mrs. Anderson's sister, Mrs. Laura Strange, who is visiting with her daughters, Amy Lund and Myrtle Quarnberg. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Nielson and family drove to Kanosh last Sunday to visit with the Wallace Nielson family and Harlan's sister, Jan-eanne Jan-eanne Llnge from Henderson Nevada. Nev-ada. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grygla came from Logan Friday, picked up Mrs. Clara Johnson and drove on to St. George. Saturday they met daugh Enjoy "HOW TRACTOfi" Performance with L.. kX r OLD t A EASY TERMS.,. Only 20 down and up to 6 months to pay on Case machinery CALL US TODAY! REED TURNER DELTA, UTAH ter, Shirley and her husband, Leonard Leon-ard Snyder, and went with them lo Die temple where Shiilcy and Leonard were sealed. Mr. an Mrs. Rex Bunker visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. Less Walker were here Sunday visiting with Mrs. Walker's father, Mr. Jefferson Finlinson. Fin-linson. Mr. Fred Finlinson and son, David spent the weekend with Mr. and Mis. Joe T. Finlinson. Last Monday night a group of the young married folks arranged a surprise party for Mrs. Wanda Nielson's birthday. They 'brought pot luck, played games and a good time was had by all. A meeting of the Leamington water holders held last week elected elect-ed as President for the coming year Glen Roper, Rulon Dutson as vice president and Kenneth Nielson Niel-son as secretary. Board members DESERET Mrs, Fay Davis returned home last week from Oklahoma. Joyce was here for a visit and she decided to go back with her In her car. It took them two days to get back to Tulsa Oklahoma where Joyce is stationed. Fay took an airplane air-plane trip with Joyce while there. They traveled at about 325 miles per hour, 2000 feet high and visited vis-ited Dallas and Fort Worth Texas, Phoenix Arizona, Los Angeles, California Cal-ifornia and also stayed at a hostess hos-tess club in Santa Monica, California. Calif-ornia. She returned home on the bus after a very wonderful trip. She says she loves to fly and would have liked to stay and do more of it. Mr, Melvin Black from Indiana is here visiting his 'brothers, Frank Oral and CI eve Black and families and old friends. Meith Ogden made a trip to Salt Lake City to visit friends there. Ormus and June Dutson went to California last week to take a load of bees. Karene Davis' mother from Oregon Ore-gon is here visiting with them. She is going to stay and take care of the baby while Karene is in the hospital for an appendectomy. Despnet surely had a large crowd in attendence at the stake excursion excur-sion to the Manti Temple last Thursday. There were twenty-eight went from here. We all spent a very enjoyable day, The weather was lovely and the roads dry all the way, Some of us took the wrong road coming home and went to Richfield, but made it back home alright. The Special Interest Class held a fireside meeting Saturday night in the church house. There were quite a few present, but wish more people had came out to hear the wonderful talk and see the .pictures .pic-tures shown by Wayne Western. It was surely interesting. Especially Especial-ly the pictures of Nova Scotia. The people and their dress and customs cus-toms and buildings are so different differ-ent from what we see around here. Also the beautiful scenery In the Eastern States. To see all the beautiful flowers and green hills almost made me want to go back there to live. Refreshments were served by Inga Black and Bertrice Erickson. Luella Western, Beulah Rowley, Elaine Moody and Inga Black made a trip to Salt Lake City Saturday to visit the Geneological Archives there. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Cluff Talbot and children from Hinckley furnished the program in Sacrament meeting meet-ing Sunday evening. Little Marcia Talbot played two songs on the overhauls r For Sale FOR SALE: Electric range, chrome kitchen set, table and six chairs and several pieces of living room furniture. All reasonably priced. Call 2971. tf elected are Keith Nielson and Grant Overson. Sunday night Sacrament meeting program was presented by two return re-turn missionaries, Howard Johnson and Richard Snow. They both gave an excellent talk on the people, climate and life in New Zealand and related several faith promoting promot-ing incidents. The two boys, Glenda Snow and Becky Bird sang a Hymn in Maori. Prayers were offered by Ray Johnson and Spencer Nielson. Glen Harder presided. Mr. and Mrs, Jay Nelson served dinner to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Snow, Glenda and Richard Snow and Becky Bird before meeting. INES DAMRON piano, "Give, Said the Little Stream", and "I Have Two Little Hands", Karolyn Morris read a poem "Success" Cluff and Russell Talbot san a Duet, "In the Garden." Harold talked on "The Priceless Gifts of Peace". Peace begins at home. Everyone should live as though it were his last day on earth. Cultivate our spiritual gardens, gar-dens, Ruth played several beautiful songs on the organ. Belva gave a very inspiring talk on "Humility", The test examples of humility were given by Jesus while he was here on earth. Such inspirational talks should encour age us all to try and live better lives, It was a pleasant surprize to come out of church and see the rain falling, Just hope we get lots more of It. Here is a thought for this week. Let us all strive to speak kindly of others. Isn't It nice to meet a person per-son who Is always pleasant, and has something nice to say of everybody. every-body. I'm sure It makes us all happier. hap-pier. Card of Thanks We wish to express deepest thanks and appreciation to everyone every-one who helped in any way, at the time of the passing of our beloved father, . The family of Mr. William J, Webb SUGARVILLE (Continued from front page) Mrs, Jay Shurtz and family made a trip to Tooele, Sunday night the program was given by the bishopric. Talks were given by Melva Shields, Rex Jenson and Cal Boothe, a piano selection by Joyce Shields, and a good crowd attended. This last week was a busy week for Mr. and Mrs. Bus Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Delray Nielson. They exchanged homes and now Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are living in the Op-penhiemer Op-penhiemer place and the Nielsons live in the Bus Thomas home. AH settled nicely. So sorry to hear of the death of Lorene Thomas' father, fath-er, Roy Wheeler. Our deep sympathy sym-pathy goes to her and their family. fam-ily. LEGAL NOTICE TO THE WATER USERS OF SEVIER RIVER SYSTEM: Notice is hereby given that in compliance with Title 73, Chapter 5, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, j meeting of water users of the Sevier Se-vier River System will be held in the Courthouse at Richfield, Utah, Wednesday, February 4, 1959 at 3:00 P. M. for the purpose of: (1) Hearing the financial report for 195S; (2) Making recommendations to the State Engineer as to the appointment of Water Commissioners Commis-sioners for the 1959 season, the duties they shall perform and the compensation they shall receive; (3) Preparing a budget of salaries and other necessary expense of distribution; dis-tribution; and (4) Transacting such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Wayne D. Criddle, State Engineer NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING To be held February 3, 1959. Notice is hereby given that the annual an-nual meeting of the Stockholders of the Abraham Irrigation Company, a Utah Corporation, will be held at Swalbcrg Hall, Delta, Utah, on Tuesday the 3rd day of February. A. D., 1939 at the hour of 1:00 o'clock p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to hear the annual report of the Secretary; the election of a board of four Directors for the next 2 years; and for the transaction of such other business as shall properly pro-perly come before the meeting. Homer U. Petersen, Secretary Abraham Irrigation Company NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT Notice is hereby piven that the annual meeting of Deseiet Irriga tion Co., held Jan. 26. 1939 was adjourned ad-journed and will be reconvened February 5. 1059 at Deseret Rec reation Hall at the hour of 10 A.M Peter H. Petersen, Secretary Deseret Irrigation Company CLASSIFIED ADS Accordions For Rent: Lessons provided. pro-vided. Phone 5572. AUTO SAFETY GLASS Cut to Fit. L.O.F. Glass. KELLY SERVICE, DELTA. l23tf McMURTRY 4 hr. Enamels. One of America's finest. Beautiful color col-or selection. Delta Auto Supply, tf FOR SALE: in Oak City. The home place of Thurlow and Ada Jacob-son. Jacob-son. 6 room home, 12 shares water, 5 acres, orchard, blackberries, raspberries, grapes, alfalfa and garden, $5,200.00. Would like cash, but terms could be arranged. Why invest your money in wire orders now? Will have warehouse stock year a round for your convenience. con-venience. Baling wire 6500 3150. Heavy duty twine. Barb wire and steel-- posts. Warehouse Stock assures as-sures customers of lower prices. Contact DONE EQUIPMENT CO., Delta, Utah. Phine 5125. FOR SALE: Farm located 1 mile west of Hinckley. 107 acres, 30 acres Certified Ranger Alfalfa, 15 acres Irrigated pasture, farm leveled, level-ed, 2 flowing wells, granery, corrals, cor-rals, 100 shares Deseret water. See Dick Davis, Deseret. 2!5 FOR SALE: 200 amp. portable welder and light plant, complete. Excellent condition. See Paul The obald, Ph. 3531. l!29np FOR SALE: Clay Stapley farm. Call 2971 for full particulars. 1122 LIMITED OFFER PRICES REDUCED $1500.00 from current retail prices MASSEY-HARRIS MODEL 92 14 foot S. P. COMBINES Call or Write JOHNSON TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT, INC. Spanish Fork, Utah - Phone 716 FOR SALE: The Clay Stapley home, 195 N. 300 West, Delta. Call 2971 for appointment. tf FOR SALE: Kelvinator 40" range. General Electric refrigerator. All quite new and in excellent condition. condi-tion. 36" deluxe wooden storm door. Several new inside doors. Will sacrifice price on of it, Glen Swal-berg, Swal-berg, Ph, 4251 or 2521. tf REMEMBER.. A.D.C... Flower.. Shop when you need flowers for any occasion, oc-casion, We specialize In funeral work. Free delivery. Just call 2451 or 338J2. We Guarantee satisfaction. satisfac-tion. 2'5 FOR SALE: Good, used 22 inch Sunbeam coal furnace, stoker, blower, sq. model. Pyne & Connelly, Con-nelly, 510 S. 1st E. Provo, Utah. WINTERIZE your car body with famous name brands of polishes, cleaners and waxes. Duco, Simon-lz, Simon-lz, Mac's, Johnson's, Turtle. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY, Delta, t FOR SALE i 80 acres improved land. Contact Bert Sorenson. 1'29 BATTERIES for CARS. TRUCKS 4 Tractors. Full Laher line including Mustang, Exeter, Nonstop. Priced from $10.75. Guaranteed 2, 3 and 4 years. All adjustments made by us. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY, Delta tf PLASTIC STEEL: New wonder ce- hent. 80 steel, 20 plastic. 1000 and 1 uses around the home, farm and business. Delta Auto Supply, tf FOR SALE: Ducks, male and female, fe-male, hens, roosters, sheep and pigs. Ada Jacobson, Oak City. 36 MONTH AUTOLITE BATTERIES 6-volt, $13.75 12-volt $18.95. All sizes on hand. KELLY SERVICE, DELTA tf For lient FOR RENT or possible sale: I-bed- room home with living room, kit chen, porch and basement. Partly furnished if desired. Suitable for couple. 58, acre land and 5 shares Oak Creek Irrigation Co. water stock. Inquire Mrs. Geo. II. Anderson, Ander-son, Box 9, Oak City, Utah. 2 12 ; Glonmoro !j i DUPLEX FOR RENT: One apt. furnished, fur-nished, one unfurnished. Contact Grant B. Snow or phone 3661 or 3661. 2)12 FOR RENT: Two bedroom apartment. apart-ment. Heat and water furnished. Extra living room, carpeted wall-to-wall. New double sink in kitchen. kitch-en. Very reasonable. Phone 338J1 or see Layton Bishop. 2112 For Rent or Sale One 2 bedroom modern home on corner lot 250' X 125' (app.) 2nd E. Main. Reasonable. Ph. 5021. tf APTS. FOR RENT. Furnished. Jacobs Jac-obs Apts. Call 5431, 215 So. 4th West, Delta. 2'59 Lost arid Found LOST: Buckskin gelding pony, six years old. Russ Knight, ph. 338J3. Wanted SALESMAN WANTED: . Wanted: A good reliable man to supply customers cus-tomers with Rawleigh Products. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. UTA-180-127, Denver; Colo. 1129 Miscellaneous I will be in Delta at the Killpack Motel the following weekends to assist in filing State and Federal Tax Returns: January 31 and February Feb-ruary 1, and February 14 and 15. Verrue Theobald. 2112 BUSINESS APPORTUNITY MAN OR WOMAN Responsible person from this area to service and collect from electric cigarette dispensers. No selling Car, references, and $673.00 to $2245.00 investment necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets excellent monthly income. Possible full-time work. For local interview give phone and particulars. Write International In-ternational Sales & Mfg. Co. ot Calif., Inc., P.O. Box 1511, Los Angeles, Calif. aaafctil Admiral &jtmMH FUtl CONSOLE STYLING AT Featuring: Push button on-off pPs hhmmer-Than-Ever Styling Transformer powered horizontal hori-zontal Chassis New top-front controls for no-stoop tuning 110 Black Magic tube for best pictures ever Lighted channel indicator Tone control for best sound $279,00 (21" Overall Diagonal Viewablt Area 262 Sq. In.) & CHARCOAL, MAHOGANY OR Both for Only BLONDI OAK FINISHES 230.00 ilhoul $25.00 DOWN matching iwivel base ,,,c li3 ;month on eas term Big trade-In allowance on your old TV set, too! belta Auto. up,p,lj, 341 West Main Delia, Utah IQMMll Admiral j (jMtzM LIGHT, MELLOW, 'nRARE 'cause Glenmore imrjCKt $m;GKT bcssoi h:sket 5 PR00F-GLESVC5E B!STIIU!:ES CO. h; Perfects tt Predact it Ttajitica" T . . i f JOIN the American Legion, Cahoon- Jensen Post, and its Auxiliary Now. LAND LEVELING, PLOWING, LAND PLAINING. For prompt and experienced experi-enced land leveling, land plaining plain-ing or fast Caterpillar plowing we can service you quickly with one or more of our three units. Contact Eldon Rowley or Stan Dewsnup. Phone 4911. 2J26 We are taking orders now for genuine gen-uine J. I. Case baling wire and baler twine. Delivery will be April 15th. Phone 5251. Reed Turner 1!29 IIOTICE To Farm Bureau Members In Case of Automobile Automo-bile Wreck or Trouble, call Mark C. Black, collect Claims Adjuster Ph. 2321, Kanosh, Ut. HAVE you animals dressed and processed. We slaughter weekends. Talbot Packing Co., D. Stevens Co. Ph. 2811. tf WE WILL SHIP HOGS every other Wednesday, Nov. 12, Nov. 26, Dec. 10, etc. DELTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION AUC-TION CO. tf Dr. A. K. Tronrud. D. C. Chiropractor 4957 South State Murray, Utah will be in Delta First and Third Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. to help you in room 4 of HOTEL SOUTHERN IConsolette TV PRICE OF ORDINARY TABLE TV A YL. ru....ui it's 5 1 (v4 h 1! j f -ii , v :i j; ! aged by fresh air! |