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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, Jan. 29, 1959 Woman's Pacje - cciety . . . Weai'mas . . . Club Tlews ""Si-; v Hinckley - - - MISS LOABELLE BLACK Engaged to Wed Mr. and Mrs. Golden H. Black are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Loabelle Black, to Mr. Ramon Mangelson of Salt Lake City. .Mr. Mangelson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Man-letson Man-letson of Nephi, Utah. Miss Black will graduate in June torn, the University of Utah with a degree in Dance Education. Shi? has also studied dance at Colorade College, and Connecticut College. At the University of Utah she I-a I-a member of Lamba Delta Sigma, and Orchesis. Mr. Mangelson is a graduate of the University of Utah where he majored in Business. He also served serv-ed in the U. S. Navy. He now owns and operates Replicolor Photography Photo-graphy in Salt Lake City. A late June wedding Is planned. LITERARY GUILD MEETS Members of the Literary Guild met at the home of Bonnie Max-field, Max-field, Monday night. Elaine Allred reviewed "The Nun's Story" by Kathleen Hume. Guests present were Genevieve Farnsworth, Kathleen Wankier, La-rae La-rae Maxwell, Ruth Steele, and Marge Riding. Members present were Marie Merrill, Joyce Searle, Joy Bennion, Ruma Ilorlacher, Janice Jan-ice Spencer, Carol Williams, Helen Wright, Margaret Turner, Pearl Hawley, Norda Roper, Elaine All-red All-red and Bonnie Maxfield. SHOPPERS WISE ECONOMIZE THEY SHOP WITH THOSE WHO ADVERTISE PUPILS PRESENTED IN DANCE REVUE THURSDAY NIGHT Grace and talent were featured Thursday night at Delta Second Ward, when Mrs. Elaine Hardy presented twenty-five of her tap dancing pupils In a dance revue. "Wishing on a Star" was their theme, presented in fifteen different differ-ent acts. Beautifully costumed, the dancers ranged in age from four to fifteen years. A poem or flash cards announced the numbers. Mrs. Lyla Rae Morris was the accompanist for the program. MRS. CLARA STEWART So many flowers and so many friends, the chapel couldn't seat the hundreds who came to pay their last respect and devotion to William J. Webb, who died of a heart ailment Monday, January 19, 1959. What a tribute to a man who loved the Lord with all his heart and his neighbor as himself. Services Ser-vices were held Saturday, January 21 at 1; P. M. in the Hinckley Ward Chapel with Bishop Elden G. Hurst presiding, Relatives who were here were George Webb, Mr, and Mrs, Wilber Webb Morris, Odell, Virgil and Golden Gol-den Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Webb, Mrs. Rose Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Knight, Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Keel, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Trimble, Mr. and Mrs. Don Melville, Vidella Nelson, Nel-son, Ina Case, Esther Jensen, Mr, and Mrs. Myron Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bishop, Mrs. Waiora Wallace, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McDonald, all of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Van Melville, Brig-ham Brig-ham City; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pope and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grundy of Bountiful; Ralph Knight, Dug-way; Dug-way; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bryant, Tooele. Relatives from Fillmore were Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Trimble, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frampton, Mr, and Mrs. Viron Penny, Milton, Rex and Rube Melville, Mr. and Mrs, LaMar Melville, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Melville and Gladys Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Bishop went to Payson Sunday for a farewell testimonial for their grandson, Don Ss Betrothed Mr. and Mrs. M. Ward Moody announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorene, to Mr. Ronald Sheldon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Strong of Garden Grove, Calif. Dorene is a graduate of Delta Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hilton and children. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Theobald and 'J Clair Eliss from Ore m were in town'? Saturday. Mrs. LaVern Theobald spent all last week in Salt Lake City and Provo with her children. j Robert Wright and wife, Carma arrived home from Maine last Monday Mon-day on a two weeks leave from the U. S. Air . Force. Robert is a crew chief on a B52 in the Strategic Stra-tegic Air Command. When they return they will be stationed at Austin Au-stin Texas. j Mr, and Mrs. Rodney Stott and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blake of Meadow Mea-dow spent Saturday in Hinckley. Dean and Kelly Talbot were invited in-vited to go on a trip to California to attend market week, and Kelly said, "I guess we just weren't intended in-tended to go, for Dean got the mumps and we had to stay home." He Is recovering nicely and they may still get part of their vacation. vaca-tion. Mrs. Betty Jane Morris went to Oak City Monday morning to prepare pre-pare for her father who Is being brought home from the hospital. They have done all they could for him and he wants to come home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Morris and Mr. and. Mrs. Cluff Talbot and their families went to Deseret Sunday Sun-day night to give ttie program for Sunday evening hour of worship, Hinckley Rook Club Mrs. Ruth Talbot entertained members of the Rook Club at her home Wednesday night. Present were Vi Robinson, Arvilla Workman Oleta Swensen, Angie Pratt, Dorothy Dor-othy Damron, Enid Damron, Belva Miss Dorene Moody High School and graduated last year from the BYU, where she was affiliated with the Alcoyne Social unit, a member of the Gaynotes trio, Student Program Bureau, Opera Op-era Workshop and Women's Intramural Intra-mural Council. She is at present teaching school at Anaheim, Calif. Mr. Sheldon has recently returned re-turned from an LDS mission in Australia. He is at present in the U.S. Army. Wedding plans are set for August RIDING CLUB MEMBERS ATTEND JAMBOREE West Millard Riding Club mem bers in attendance at the Riding Club Jamboree in Spanish Fork Saturday night, Jan. 24 were Mr. and Mrs. Van Warnick, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Robson, Bob Mein-hardt, Mein-hardt, Dorene Terry, Renee Will-den Will-den and Myrna Western. Renee Willden and Myrna Western participated par-ticipated in the program and en tertained the group with duets ac companied by Renee on the gui tar. Mrs. Golden H. Black returned to Delta Sunday from a visit since Jan. 2 in El Paso, Texas, with her son, Capt. Earth II. Black, and sons, Bryan, and young Kevin Milton, Mil-ton, born Dee. 31. Mr. Black and their daughter, Golda Jane, met her in Provo and brought her home. Barbara Ashby returned to Phoenix Phoe-nix with Dell Ashby and Clay Stap-ley Stap-ley Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ashby are planning to return to Delta this weekend. Parker, son of their daughter, Lena Morris, Thora. Petersen, Nina Mech-who Mech-who was leaving for a mission in jam who won 1st prize and Ivy the New England States mission. ' Allred 2nd. Guests were Grace Neal, Angus, Bnd Clifford Ste- Pace, Phyllis Bennett, Delma Jean wart of Meadow spent Wednesday in Hinckley visiting their brothers. George and Nephi. Mrs. Connie Webb returned Sunday Sun-day from her vacation in Idaho with her people. Mrs. Maud McDonald who has been in Oklahoma with her daughter, daugh-ter, Mildred, for months has returned re-turned home for a stay. , Mrs. Chlo Hilton is home after having spent the winter away with her children. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peason of Meadow and Fred Bird of Kanosh visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nephl Stewart this week. Mrs. Betty Jane Morris spent lait week in Salt Lake City with her father, who is seriously ill in the L. D. S. Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Randle P, Swensen Swen-sen drove to Provo Sunday to visit 4 Ti .9 i i i i note hflhmr Yiiato JJUiiiiiu the Mg switch to C3 t FORD ? These specific common sense features are the big reasons nhy Ford is the best seller: 1 Six passengers, not jus! four, ride Irt comfort. Yes, even the man in the middle, because Ford's full-depth seats are extra thick all the uay across. 2 The door ore wider for easier entry. Compared with Ford's major competitor, they open wider . . . and have convenient two-stage front door checks. 3 Ford'i styling is sensible. It's clean and simple like the Thunderbird. No useless frills or wings that are easy to dent. A Ford's frome surrounds you with safety. In its field, only Ford has a wide-base frame that seats all passengers within the , protection of its husky side rails. 5 Ford's spacious luggage compartment is easier to load and unload. High rear trunk wall on Ford's nearest competitor makes loading and unloading difficult. 6 Ford's got the most sound and weather Insulation. The most eierjwhtre. No other low-priced car compares. 7 Ford is economical. You save up to a dollar a tankful with standard Six or Thunderbird V-8 engines that thrive on regular gas. You need change oil only after each 4000 miles. And the muffler is aluminized to last twice as long as ever. H " in i H limn iii. Galli, Erma Cropper, and Joy Hurst Roma Ekins and Lyla RaelorrU won grand slam prizes, Elaine Hardy Har-dy guest prize and Reva Talbot low, Dinner Party Miss Karolyn Morris entertained guests at a dinner party Monday evening. Invited guests were Scott Anderson, Barbara Lake, Caryl Bishop, Gene Cchoon, Kenny Mor-tensen, Mor-tensen, Connie Cropper and Waldo Warnick. After dinner games were played. Dance Review Mrs. Elaine Hardy held a dance review of her students at Delta 2nd ward Friday night before a good crowd of people. Many beautiful costumes were worn and the children child-ren did well with their dance steps. Gold and Green Ball Kombo Keys orchestra furnished the music for Hinckley ward Gold and Green ball held Saturday night. The hall was beautifully decorated dec-orated to the theme of "Star-Dust" in shades of blue with silver stars. For the floor show, Patsey Pratt, Sharon Hardy and Beverly Bennett did dance numbers. Ray Bishop played a piano solo and the trio, Anna Lee Hepworth, lone Christ-ensen Christ-ensen and Lyla Rae Morris sang "Stardust". A large group of people from our ward and other wards attended and it was a huge success. suc-cess. Karolyn Morris also gave a musical pantomime. Parents Teachers Monday evening the meeting of Parents and teachers was held in the auditorium. A short business meeting was held then Mrs. Elaine Hardy entertained with her dance students. Church News Seminary students under their teachers, Jay Risenmay gave the program Sunday evening at church. Invocation by Darrell Thurson. Leo Lyman announced the program. Scripture reading, El Dean Greener, vocal solo, Marlene Bogh accompanied accom-panied by Na Dene Turner. Talks, Ethel Bunker, David Hales, Patsy Ann Pratt, David Eppich, Kathryn Petersen, and Venna Walker. Violin solo, Janeal Owens accompanied ac-companied by Roma Ekins. Quar- IS HOSTESS AT ART CLU3 Mrs. Alma Petersen entertained Delta Art Club members .and five guests Thursday night at dinner and bridge. Present were Callie Morrison, Helen Baker, Romania Bird, Dorothy Doro-thy Killpack, IVelle Callister, Mel-ba Mel-ba Crafts, Myrle Crafts, members, and Beulah Bassett, Dorothy Damron, Dam-ron, Lois Maxfield, Rebecca Schena and LaRue Isickle, guests. Score awards at cards were made to Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Bird. Mrs. Lynn Warnick is vacationing vacation-ing in southern climes with her son, Charles and family in Yuma, Arizona and with a daughter, Mrs. J. M. Loyd and family, Lawndale, Calif. Mrs. Warnick will be visiting for a month or more. tette, Joy Anderson, Caryl Bishop, Julie Chesley, Na Dene Turner accompanied ac-companied by Marjorie Wright. Primary Penny Drive Primary children gave a short skit to start their Primary Hospital birthday penny drive. Give 2c for each year you are old, to help in this cause. PHONE YOUR NEWS' TO THE CHRONICLE - 4734 SATURDAY BRIDGE CLUB ENTERTAINED Mrs. Amelia Cole entertained the Saturday Bridge Club at her home Saturday evening, Jan. 24. After dinner was served, the group played bridge. Those present were Dorothy Kill-pack, Kill-pack, Wanda Beckwith, Virginia Sperry, Romania Bird, Verna Shepherd, Shep-herd, Vivian Holman and Eleanor Roberts, members. Guests weru Cheryl Hilton, Beth Brown, Noli.i Callister, Helen Baker and Rose Black. At the end of the evening, prizes were awarded to Mrs. Killpack, Mrs. Roberts, and Mrs. Hilton. EL CARTEL CLUB MEETS El Cartel Club met at the City Cafe Thursday night, Jan. 22, for dinner. After dinner, club members and guests went to the home of Betty Kelly, hostess, for bridge. Members Mem-bers present were Barbara Ashby, Joan Bird, Beth Brown, Betty Ca-hoon, Ca-hoon, Cheryl Hilton, Elizabeth Dew-snup, Dew-snup, Vada Van, Mavis Hardy, Kelly Talbot, Donna Cox, and the hostess. Lola Burraston was a guest. Score awards were made by Lola Burraston, Elizabeth Dew-snup Dew-snup and Vada Van. FINE ARTS CLUB MEETS Fine Arts Club met Monday night at the home of Mary Wright with Orvetta Nickle, assistant hostess. host-ess. An interesting program waj given by Mr. and Mrs. Layton Bishop. Bish-op. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop regaled the club members with colored slides of Hawaii. Two guests, Lily Dawson and Yvonne Church were present. Members present were Alta Ashby, Deona Black, Cleo Eli-ason, Eli-ason, Harriet Eliason, Lenore Gardner, Gard-ner, Estelle Gardner, Rae Huff, Melba Jacobson, Louise Lyman, Mary Moody, LaRue Nickle, Evelyn Eve-lyn Robison, Clare Stephensen and the two hostesses. Lucille M. Stephensen STAUFFER HOME PLAN Counsellor Phone 7531 Delta, Utah & & & And here's good news for the economy-minded . . . With all these exclusive, and with th usual optional equipment, Ford prices ore as much as $100 lower Ihon the 1 nearest major competitor. m tonifiion j mMu'ictn'rri' smattl rtltil i,littitJ pt'uti f 0 A F. Win a 39 Ford! . . . plus $10,000 cash . . . plus Hollywood vacation Enter Sylvania Photoflash Contest See your Ford Dealer for full information Km mm DELTA MOTOR COMPANY DELTA, UTAH Only Ford Dealer Sell A-l USED CARS AND TRUCKS C " i GIVES ! YOU j X A LIFT Vx "h - ! THAT ) ' j LASTS! -f 5 . 'i ? ,. ! i iililllfl mt TO MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A QUEEN! FOOD NEW 1959 keeps 700 lbs. of frozen foods in perfect zero zone cold it A-... r fpya"aij-ini" nuuL.'i r-rin 1 " 1 7 1 Oelttft upright Moiel lirD-200-59. 20 CU. ft. Yet its Sheer Look Styling takes only 35 inches of wall space lmaine store one third of a ton of frozen food at your fingertips. fin-gertips. Shop without maiting! Twin Sliding Basket Drawers 5 full-width shelves 4 refrigerated refrig-erated and 1 remc.ab'e. 5 "clear across" door shelves and Juice Can Rack. AJjus!ab!e Cold Control with "defrost" position. Snowcrest Vftite Durable Ou-liix Ou-liix entenor finish. per week after small down payment FRIGIDAtRE ADVANCED APPLIANCES... DESIGNED WITH YOU IN MIND m m m m Lpaliiy Market Delta, Utah L "J Backed by " General Motorj AFRICAN DAIRY ASSN. OF UTAH |