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Show KILLARD COtMTY CHHOIfICl Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn R. Peck, Delta, Utah. Thurs. June 23, 1955. and mother and stepfather, Mr. "" ' and Mrs. Bob Cecil, from Los An- Saturday and Sunday visitors of , Cal are Delta visitors this 1 . 1 . - A . - 1. .... D week, .seeing old friends and neighbors, and looking after property pro-perty "here. It has been twenty Miss Carol Ann Pratt were her father ond wife, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pratt and two young daughters, from Salt Lake City. FOR BETTER RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE CHRONICLE THE COOKETTES 4-H CLUB and their junior leader, Barbara Wel-ton, Wel-ton, ,met Monday, June 20 at the home of their leader, Janice Frandsen. We made muffins and served refreshments. Tuesday, . June 21, we had a UIATCKLEY Gladys Carter years since Mrs. Cecil, the former swimming party at Park Ro-She. Lorna Pearson, livd in Delta. She We also visited the stae fish and visited her aunts, Lizzie and Mem game farm at Springville. Keliey. Leslie Welton, reporter. Too late for last week Betty Corry had her goiter removed re-moved Thursday at the LDS hosl-pital. hosl-pital. Her parents, Kenneth and Nina Mecham and her husband, tana, and her brother LawViVice Stevens who is employed at Billings Bill-ings drove to Hinckley to visit their parents, Mr., and Mrs. David Stevens. Manda Lee and the children chil-dren will stay until about July 4th usilboi Reunion llolil At Oak City At Oak City canyon the descendant descend-ant nf Mrs riara E. Talbot met when Mr. Haider will drive out. to mnu&l meetmg and re. get the family. .'union. They had a program and Mr. and Mrs. June Johnson and .. nlannina r. Keith accompanied her Ken and cnildren Richard, Linda sheron and &ni geneoiogy work. Then wenaa iynn inaue a u.ji vnunfrer DeODle Dlaved Softball, Nina came home after the opera tion but Keith stayed and brought prancisco to take June's sister, oneg dojng ,he cheering. i , V Vvv How rid vertising 1 benefits you! A t Advertising Saves yOU money. Because it sells on a mass scale. advertising makes possible mass production, which mean lower costs to you. Advertising also tells you where to find bargain buys. Advertising helpsou live better. It introduces you to new products you need. And because it makes business more competitive, advertising stimulates the development of many of these superior products. Advertising Creates jobs. The increased demand for goods that advertising builds and the mass production that results leads to mass employ xnent, faster promotions, higher pay levels. , i Advertising helps those who serve you. it helps the farmer sell his crops . . . the manufacturer sell his factory output . . . the merchant sell his wares ... the technician sell his skill. And because, with advertising, all these ' people sell more, each can afford to sell his goods or services to you for less and still make a reasonable profit. Yet for all it does, advertising costs so little To advertise big-nan te gasolines takes less than l5 gallon. To advertise famous brands of bread costs less per loaf than the wrapper. To advertise America's leading cereals costs less than 3101 a package. If any other form of selling were cheaper or mors efficient, no one would advert!. f N( X v .uuuua,.,, Arva t0 worlc. Xhey went tnrougn families of Mrs. Talbot to Len house th? V.T 'K'iwere represented.. Those present to Keep nouse. . reka. California with Mrs. John- ' . ,,-,. tjj Mrs nnrnthv Pnht.nn onrf . .... . . r, Were LWe U1SOI1 aim mu, , -wv. kuwuw M.avs t enn'c i w a n n a nnir nnrs nrvun vii1 aren ot orem spent the weekend derson and family and with her parents, Kenneth and Anderson. Then to Crescent City, Nina Mecham. ! California to visit Wanda's sister, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Stewart, Mrs. Nephl Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. I Brother Charles R. Woodbury and Loren Talbot, Mrs. Oletta Larsen ! daughters, Zola Bunker and Velda and Gladys Carter attended fune-, Perkins spent Sunday with Sister ral services for Heber Beckstrand . Woodbury at Richfield. They said Thursday, at Meadow. Mr. Beck- sister Woodbury seemed much im-strand im-strand was the brother-in-law of , proved Nephi and George Stewart. I Tne 'theme at Sacrament mee- Visitors at the home of Mr. and u Sunday night was "The Re- Mrs. Robert Robinson from Thurs- .t.,otl n, tha MpirhkAHok Priest' n-u nf nnW Citv: Melvinl t , f iv. ley; Fontella Skeem family of i Oasis; Lyle Talbot family of Mag-' Mag-' na; Noel Talbot and wife from Salt Lake City; Lee Talbot ana family, Abraham; Ernest Talbot and family, Torrence, Calif.; Nelda Jenkins and husband, Sacramento, Calif.; Clara Wells and family ot Sunset: Basil Talbot and family, Benjamin, and Songia Memmott of the Alice Memmott family of Salt lseueK meat ' . . . i ,nn day till Monday were Bine's sisters ; hood Speakers were Marion Jepp. Lake uty son. Rodney Wright, June H.p-' 'Mrs. Mamie Nelson of Midvale and Mrs. Mattie Bliss of Salt Lake City. They also visited another sister, Lynn Warnlck at Delta. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen of River-ton, River-ton, former residents of Hinckley just returned from a trip to Indl- worth, Vera Stevens and Alma Western. The choir sang "Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning", "Behold "Be-hold The Great Redeemer Dies", and "Sing We Now at Parting". A new presidency was put in the ana, where they visited Thisbe's , teachers quorum .They were Roger son, Teddy Pearce who was being sent to Germany with the U. S. Army. The Aliens visited Kentucky, Ohio, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Colorado, Col-orado, Indiana, Missouri and Kansas. Kan-sas. Miss Paula Workman Is home from Salt Lake for a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Workman. Miss Ramona Robinson of Salt Lake spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Robinson. Robin-son. Miss Naomi Terry, Salt Lake City,, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Terry. Naomi Is employed at the Chlldrens Primary Hospital. Ellis Stevens, working at Ely, Nevada, spent the weekend home with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Western spent Sunday in Provo with their son Rulon and family. The Blake twins, Elsie Ray and Eva May; working in Los Angeles as Western Union Telephone operators, op-erators, drove to Hinckley. They took their mother, Clarissa Blake and drove to Lehl where they visited visi-ted two sisters, Mrs. Delia Hatton and Coleen Blake. Then on to Nyssa, Oregon, to visit their bro to be in attendance. A delicious canyon lunch was served at noon, which all enjoyed. Bliss, Judd Hardy K. Lynn Bennett and Carl Talbot. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mcintosh and two daughters of Salt Lake City are Hinckley visitors. Jeff, Sidney and Gladys Carter drove to Salt Lake Friday. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Carter at Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen at Rlverton. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Spendlove and family and Mrs. Emma Spendlove Spend-love attended the Spendlove reunion re-union at St. George, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Commack, of Pingree, Idaho, and family were Hinckley visitors. Mrs. Commack was the former Desa Theobald, a daughter of the late Ernest and Sue Theobald. Mr. Commack just returned from an LDS mission to Australia. His wife and family met him in California and visited here enroute home to Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Wilson of Payson visited Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson this week. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Spendlove of Tooele, spent Sunday with Glen's mother, Emma Spendlove. Miss Grace Warnick daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Warnick, Hinckley, Hinc-kley, Is visiting her grandmother Billie Corry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Heyborne Corry of Delta, has recently re-cently been promoted to staff sergeant ser-geant In the U. S. Air Force, according ac-cording to word home last week. He is an Instrument instructor and went overseas in December. SinCe then he has been in Tripoli, Luxembourg, Lux-embourg, Scotland, England, Germany, Ger-many, Rome, Spain and at present is in France for two weeks. His wife, the former Bonita Nielson, is residing at Nephi, where she is a telephone operator, until Bill is released to return home In November. ther Verdon Blake and wife and on at an this week. Advertising Benefits Everyone to Salmon, .Idaho to visit another brother Lurous Blake and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Blake of Orem, Mrs. Delia Hatton. Lehl, Mr. and Mrs. Lurous Blake, Salmon, Ida., Miss Coleen Blake, Miss Ellse Ray Blake and Miss Eva May Blake of Los Angeles, Cal.. all spent a day at Timpanogas. The Blake twins are Stake missionaries In Wilshlre Stake, Los Angeles, CaL Mrs. Manda Lee (Stevens) Haider Hai-der and children Kathie, Connie, Janette and Terry ot Billings, Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Warnick and children Dona Louise, Richard, Edith Ann and Kathleen attended the Howell reunion at Willow Park, Logan, Saturday. FOR RENT: Furnished pr.rtment, 173 North 3rd West, Delta. Phone 811 or see L. H. Johnson. 7-7 Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Workman and children, Mark, Paul, and Rae Ann, from Baytown, Texas, are spending their vacation in Delta, visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Workman. They arrive-ed arrive-ed last Thursday and will leave Thursday for the trip home. They were accompanied by Mrs. Work man's mother, Mrs. Paul C. Koger, of Baytown, who visited her daugh ter, Mrs. Kent Shurtz at Sugarville. t,TTen special recognition in the morning session for their outstanding outstan-ding work as editors of "Milestones of Millard". A lovely flower exhibit was held in the basement. Hinckley Club members present were Sebrina Ekins,, May Pratt, Lula Cropper, Evelyn Morris, Rosa Craig,, four year old son of Dean I cwpnap rpvo and Carolyn Talbot lost the end of his finger In an electric lawn mow- " " U"": ' 'tT "ans e being made for Garden putated the finger at the second joint Mrs. Thelma Seegmiller, stake M.I.A. president gave a talk on "The Art of Conversation", to the M-Men and Gleaners Tuesday MOST MaSsBBiW FOB YOUR JOB ! H0W...THE SHORTEST STROKE IN ANY LEADING TRUCK I Now new Chevrolet Task-Force trucks bring you the industry's most modern V8 engines with an ultra-short stroke for longer lifeplus all these great advances. tV' Modem 12-volt electrical system You get double the punch for quicker starting and more efficient ignition plus a greater electrical reserve. Gas-saving high-compression ratio With a high 75 to 1 compression com-pression ratio, Chevrolet's new VS truck engines squeeze extra power out of every tankf ul of gas. ton 3.7 i . It Not. (hot ffc bors U biggtr than His itroksl night. Literary Club Literary Club members and their husbands held a garden party on Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LeGrand Black. Due to the rain it was held Inside. Committee in charge were: Reva Talbot, Elaine Hardy. Phyllis Bennett, Ben-nett, Beulah Black, Melba Nielson, Sehrina Ekins and Betty Jane Morris. Mor-ris. Rook was played and a lovely luncheon served. Table prizes were given. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ver-dell Ver-dell Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Mahronrl Cropper, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Spend love, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Benny Schena, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morris, Mr. and Mrs. George Ekins, Mr. and Mrs. Von Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hardy, Har-dy, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Pratt and Reva Talbot. Mrs. Sebrina Ekins and daughter Margaret, Mrs. Lula Cropper and . Mrs. Angle Pratt spent a day in Spanish Fork. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ekins and; Club July 11th. Demonstrations of flower arrangements will be given by several women in preparation for the flower show at Deseret for "Days of the Old West". Hinckley Garden Club was mentioned men-tioned In the garden section of the Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Cluff Jr. have just moved into their new home after spending two or three years in northern Utah and California. Calif-ornia. Wins Scholarship at U.SJLC. Crace Warnick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Warnick, and chosen by American Legion Unit 117, just completed her stay at Girls State. Grace was State Representative Re-presentative to the legislature, Campaign chairman, was on the devotional program Sunday, led her "City" in a chorus, "The End of a Perfect Day", and led the entire en-tire group in the "Girl Staters' Song". She won a scholarship to the U.S.A.C. given hy the American Ameri-can Legion. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Warnick attended the Girl State inaugural reception Friday evening and the devotional services Sunday. i r-jfl New aircraf t-tvoe J valves ' Fnrh va!v funrtinns J pendcntly-as in modern a craft engines. Valve actii Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wright had as their guests over Father's Day: XT- .1 II n A lir . Am . raar Pit Thurcav' "u wngni ana ,o see about putting their sheep J flen Sn"f.Uce on Cedar mountain. They returned r,1 77 , Saturday inJe- air- actton fJEW CHEVROLET M engines. is more positive. Floating oil intake... full-pressure lubrication Intake selects the cleanest oil for full-pressure engine lubrication. VS nunditri In tht ntw L.CJF.'t. it exrra-cva opiwn In ail oiHcr m&JtU tMpt fvrword-Control. TRUCKS Year after yjr, Amfka't but $tZrg trvckl Mrs. Meldon Mcintosh of Sulphur Dale, Beaver County, spent Saturday Satur-day in Hinckley. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd R. Cropper are the proud parents of a 10 Mrs. Geraldine Wright., a daughter in-law visited her children. Gordon and Peggy Dee, who are staying with the Wrights while their mother mot-her is helping their grandmother. Mrs. Hall who Is 111 Duane (Johnny) Moody just re turned from the far East with the! pound baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Hilton and '"l" """" l"c l" WKn familv ot Spanish Fork spent a few hf.? Jhnn 1 davs with their parents.. Mr. and , vl cljanl Mrs. Roy P. Hilton. The Jsjly C-okettes The Jolly Cookettes 4-H Club meeting was held at the home of Patty Kernel. We all learned and helped to make muffins. Annette Bunker demonstrated the correct way to insert and pull out an electric plug. The Jolly Cookettes 4-H Club was held Thursday June 16, at the home of Luana Peterson. We all helped and learned how to make Drop Cookies. After they were baked we served and judged them. They were very good. FOR WHITE SCOURS Use SUUAtr Sulfamethazine When white scours strikes, quick action is urgent Leaertt'i SUIMET works rapidly to control intestinal intesti-nal infection and avoid serious after-effects. Lay in a supply of SULMET today. Reg U S. Pat. Off SEIIVICE DllUG i " I " - i 1 jr i Enjoy the pleasure of talking with loved ones tonight. It's cheaper than you thinkl a for fastest service... mi Bi IIUMDERt s a Sunset Chevrolet Company Fkcne311 DELTA. UTAH Garden Qub The fir&t State Garden Club Convention Con-vention ever held in Millard County Cou-nty was held Saturday at Fillmore in the Old State House. Eleven members from the Hinckley Hinc-kley club attended the two general sessions, luncheon and banquet. New officers for the State Garden Gar-den Club were elected and Mis. Beth Anderson of Hinckley, who has served west Millard as Regional Region-al Director, was elected to the office of 2nd vice president to the State Club. '""M choice gladiola bulbs from Fillmore gardens were given as prizes also many plants. Several if our club members were fortunate fortun-ate ensign to win some of the pr.zes given. Mrs. Ervin Day. F.llmore and Mrs. Sebrina Ekins, Hinckley were MILLARD COUNTY TELEGRAPH & TELEPHONE COMPANY r USE -jn-ajp-.-' 4 So many fecdj rao so extra creamy good with |