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Show Misguided Missiles by Chon Day r r r The Traveler! Safety Service Home Canning, Freezing Advice Given Thursday IT. S. Bonds Reach! Sugarville AH-Tinie High Sales of series E and H savings bonds amounted to $2,0G6. In Millard Mill-ard county during May, according to Mr.. Herman Minister, savings bonds chairman for west Millard County. Total sales for the first five months were $31,876., or 40 of the county's 1955 quota, he reported. re-ported. Nationally, a total of $39.2 bill ion series E and H savings bonds "Following the yardstick of nutrition nut-rition which calls for daily servings of fruit and vegetables and keeping keep-ing within a limited food budget is made easy by home canning," says Hattie Kilgore, who will lecture lec-ture and demonstrate home canning can-ning at Hinckley Ward Chapel on Tnnfl 93 1955 at 2:00 p..m. The meeting is being arranges , afe now neld by lhe American by the Extension Service and the peoplej according to word received Deseret Stake Relief Society and Is frQm nationai headquarters by Mr. open to all interested members. Frederiek P- Champ, Utah state vtno Miiipr Extension Food Specia cnvlns hnnds chairman. U. S. Trea - , . xjniiarri " . ,. on a momns leave irom in list, who is well known in Miliara sury Department figures indicate in Ja County will accompany Miss Kil- that this ls the ia,gest amount, Mland Mrs Euene M gore and demonstrate home freez- tstanding in savings bonds in I made a tdp t0 theMant', ing. the history oi me program, as ui Miss Kilgore is a graduate of the end of May national sales Oklahoma College for Women at have exceeded redemptions of the Chickasha, Oklahoma where she re matured and unmatured bonds by ceived her B..S. degree in Home . ovef $500 miniorii Mr. Champ sta- Economics and for several y's4ed, VENICE DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott made a trip to Salt Lake City to return George to the Veterans' hospital. We hope he will be better soon. Those attending the Garden Club State Convention at Fillmore in the old Court House from here were: Pres. Stella Shurtz, Venice Davis,, Tressa Jenson, Henrietta Barben and Marie Barben. The day was well spent, and we visited visi-ted many beautiful rose gerdens. We are happy to have Melvin 1 Memniott, son of Mr. and Mrs. ! Eugene Memmott, home He is here ! on a months leave from the army : Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Werren,, and , M1LLABD. COtfNTY CHRON'lClfi children,, Farley, Gail, Sandra, Tim Delta, Utah. Thura. June 23, 1955. othy and Beth, left Delta Wednes- : day to return to their home in CIGrnNr rnnir a h ritu Tallahassee,, Fla. They have been GIGGLING COOES H CLUB visiting their mother, Mrs. Oscar The first year cooking club of Wat-nick, in Delta. They will visit Oak City held Its meeting Wed-Yellowstone Wed-Yellowstone and the Tetons on nesday, June 8th. Marsha All-their All-their trip home. dredge, the president took charge. The singing was led by Charlotte , Peterson. The lessons for this sum Mrs. Loiin Oliver. mer were discussed by the teach- Donald Davis and Bob Meinhardt er, Mrs. Molly Anderson. The next made a visit to Salt Lake City meeting will be June 22 at the during the week. , home of Betty Lou Lovell. has been a staff member of the , May savmgs bonds sales in Utah Educational Department of the were 422,307., as reported to Mr. "No driver's license, eh?" Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Osguthorpe and family, Judy, David and Rusty, left Delta Saturday over U. S. 6 to San Francisco to spend a week's vacation there and in southern California before their return home. ,Glen Seegmiller and sons, David and Richard, drove to Mission, Tex as, and back last week. They visited visi-ted David's wife, Jean, there with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Black, for the summer while David is at ROTC encampment in Calif- . UNIVERSITY OF UTAH SUMMER FESTIVAL " presents mm m JULY 4-9 Mutie By 1 RICHARD SOOCERS lyria 8y ! OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN 2nd k- - iaBoleie JULY 13-16 STADIUM BOWL t.JO P.M. 'Sing! Srio Titkdft ot - $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $J.S0, J3.00. Sea Both Shews for $1.90, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00. : MAll OK0P5 TOi SUMMER FE5-jf FE5-jf tfVAl - . . UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Heverly Dutson In Paraguay Beverly Dutson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oak Dutson of Delta, is now in Paraguay, South America, to serve three months in the LDS mission field. She has served in four countries, Argentina, Brazil, Urugup.y, and now Paraguay, since she entered the mission field two years ago this June. She was to be released July 28, but was asked to stay for three more months and complied. She is the first lady missionary asked to stay over their two-year term. Now she plans to be home about Christmas time. Kerr Mason Jar Company. She has further broadened her knowledge of food preservation by supervising supervis-ing canning centers where foods of all kind were canned. In addition to her scientific knowledge. Miss Kilgore has a very practical knowledge of the purposes, methods and procedures in home canning. Methods of canning and freezing will be demonstrated or discussed and no homemaker who struggles with the problem of serving well-balanced well-balanced meals or who is planning plan-ning to can the surplus from her garden can afford to miss this opportunity op-portunity to gain pointers that will be helpful the year around. Champ by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. H bond sales in Utah continued their record-breaking trend and for the five-month period this year, showed show-ed 119 Increase over the same period last year, the report Indicated. Summit County continued to lead the state with 82.3 of. its and H sales quota attained. Cache County moved into second place with 58, followed by Sanpete San-pete County with 55.6, San Jaun 50 and Salt Lake County 42.4 it the end of May. emmott Temple Mr. and Mrs. Don Morgan and young daughters, Kelly Jo and Jodie, Jo-die, left Delta Wednesday after a week's visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Spencer Wright. Recently returned from two years in Kodiak, I Gary willden, son of Mr. and IJSAMINGTON Mabel Haider Mr and Mrs. Leonard Dutson attended the Ashworth reunion in Salt Lake City last Saturday and spent Father's Day with their children chil-dren in Salt Lake and with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dutson in Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harder entertained enter-tained all the members of the Larson family at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Weagle and Eddie stopped by at the Jos. T. Finllnson home Sunday enroute to their home In Lark from a vacation vaca-tion trip. , Mr. and Mrs. Don Anderson of Provo visited relatives here Monday. Mon-day. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Dutson spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Dutson. Bob Riding, from Craig, Colo., was In Delta the first of the week, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L H. Riding, and to take home his little daughter who has been visi ting here with her grandparents. Alaska, the Morgans visited here Mrs Austin Willden of Salt Lake and with Mr. Morgan's parents at is voting with Mrs. Margaret Mc- Riverton before going on to fort land, Ore.., for the summer school. Whenschool begins they will reside at Gold Beach, Ore., and Mr. Morgan Mor-gan will teach at Ophir, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Clawson and two young daughters, from Chico, Cal., visited in Delta Saturday, and went out to the former Clawson farm on the reservoir banks and visited Mr., and Mrs. Oz Johnson there. It had been 25 years or more since Glen had lived there, and he commented on the many changes in this area, and especially how the trees had grown. Treat f ho family to a T7 -1 fyrk " fifi- - -v'; j V Cann. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bradfield and family ate Father's Day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Parley Roper at the Chaffin Quarry. The Relief Society was in charge of a lovely Father's Day program ut Sundav School Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Nelson and Janet visited last week with Mr. nd Mrs. Ronald Nelson in St. George. Geo-rge. They received word Tuesday that Glenna and Ronald have a new babv boy. Visiting with Mrs. Jos. T. Finlin- son was her sister Lynn, daughter and children of California. Mrs. Finlinson went to Salt Lake City with them to visit a few days. Mrs. Randall Bradfield has been stavine with Randall on the rail road for the past few weeks, iney come home on weekends. Monthly Primary meeting was held last Tuesday at the church The planned hike had to be post- Doned because of ram and handi craft was taught m the cnurcn. Mr. and Mrs. Uichard Nelson furnished the program Sunday eve ning. Norma reported on June conference con-ference and Dick told of their recent trip to Oregon and Calif ornia. Mrs. Wilma Lovell played a piano solo. The tractor maintenance class in 4-H was held Monday evening at Burton Hanson's. They planned the Drot'ram for church on 4-H Sunday. June 26th. The 4-H girls under Louise Lovell and Joy Mel son also are participating in the program. Take factory delivery of your new Oldsmobile help pay your way on what you save! SAVE UP TO IOCo No nerJ tostretch that strings account to enjoy your yacation this year! Yon can help pay your way with what you save by taking delivery of a "Rocket Engine OMsmobile at Lansing, Michigan! Michi-gan! Stop in for detail! Pick your favorite 01 Jsmobile then pack up the family for the moet exciting, moat economical vacation you ever bad! SEE YOUR NEAREST OIDSMOBIIE DEALER SUNSET CHEVROLET CO. DELTA PHOIIE 311 Chief Fera Little, Delta Volun teer Fire Department, and officers, Seth Jackson. Cleo Whicker and Kennard Riding, attended the fire man's school conducted Thursday Friday and Saturday in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Steele and daughter, Lois, from Pocatello, Ldaho, were, visitors at the home of Mrs. Madge Christensen Thurs day and Friday. Mr. Steel is nephew of Mrs. Christensen. Tha -Dorm" Happy Stitchert Our 4-H meeting was held at the home of Dorothy Mormon on Fridav. June 17 at 2:00 p. m. Meetine was called to order by Sec. Judy Callister after which time was taken to vote a new her Into the club. Diana Smith. Minutes were read by Judy Callister and prayer was given by Elsie McCulloueh. Our assistant leader Dot Morrison Morri-son gave us a demonstration on psthers. hems and seams. Everyone was present, but Diana Smith. Refreshments were servea The next meeting will be at the home of Renee Stephenson. Friday June 24th at 2:00 p. m. by Margery Wright, reporter tri: on Friday. We are happy to have Sharon Clark home with her new baby girl, from the hospital. I hear she is sure a doll,, I will have to go and see her. I'll bet Bob and Mattie are proud of her. We are happy to have Douglas ! Terry home. He sure is wearing ' a wide grin, so it's useless to ask if he is happy, eh Doug? He is home for keeps this time. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Shurtz have visiting with them, her mother, Mrs. Koger, from Baytown, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Adams made a trip to Provo, for berries. Mr. Leo Davis and Donald made a trip to Murray Saturday. We are happy to hear of Kathleen Kath-leen Poulsen's new daughter, she will be coming home soon from the hospital, Zion is growing. We hear LeAuer Shields has landed in the good old U. S. A. We are waiting and watching with Shirlee, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Shields and family for him. Hope he conies real soon. LaRon Oliver from Salt Lake City visited with his parents, Mr. and 1 i,'.('J'fffl7lf-rv rtSOTi Then bjr all means plan, too, for running water at the turn of a tap. No other "improvement" will provide you so much teal convenience, con-venience, while laving you time and money ia the bargain and the whole family benefits! In every state of the union . . . every day of the year . ... mote people are enjoying AJvanct systems! Why not you? See the beautiful new and complete tint of Advance Automatic Presaure Sysuoia Vtrtksl m Horizontal MuUfl "A Model for Every Need and Pnrae" YOUa ADVANCE AUTHORIZED DEALER a I i i L 14 .,' ' aanaBMi mm I IL-: L 'TWA JT't-V A mthmhh 111 ! E I w mmm fmw k Take a seat partner! The chair on the left is yours; the chair on the right is ours, and for over 50 years the people who have used these chairs have made progress together in Utah. In this Golden Anniversary year, the Commercial Bank of Utah is happy to salute you, our customers our "partners in progress!" From 1905, when the Bank had one small office and two employes, to 1955, with seven offices and over 70 employes, we have spent 50 years in learn, fng how to serve you better. Needless to say, new offices, new facilities, and new services would have meant little without the confidence and friendship of the people who live and work in Utah. Fifty years is a long time, as men count time, for any business to grow and prosper, but we feel the past is merely prologue to a bright new future a future of mutual progress for the Commercial Bank of Utah and its many friends and patrons. mm COMMERCIAL HANI 7 OF UTAH Main Office: Spanish Fork in it? n.u' Payion Member Federct Dpcs; hsyrjjnce Corp. - Mo-mber Federal Reserve 5,'s'en He phi Roosevelt Delta Hebar Duchesne |