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Show Say Wedding Vows March 12 Jean Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jackson of Flowell and Ray Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Clark, of Delta, were married Friday, March 12. The ceremony was performed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jackson in McGill, Nevada, by the L D S bishop, in the presence of the parents of the young couple and bridal party. The bride was attended by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Clark Jackson, and Jack Clark, cousin of the bridegroom, stood as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Clark are now on a wedding trip in California, and wil return to make their home on Mr. Clark's North Tract Farm, j harden luh To Sell Plantings Beginning Saturday and each Saturday through the spring gard erung season. West Millard Gard en Clubs will sell seeds, bulbs seedings, shrubs, or anything for your garden. They will have their plants on sale each Saturday at Western Auto Supply, from 1 to 6 p.m. Ail the plants are being turn ished by club members from local gardens, and profits from the sale will be split 50 per cent to the home clubs and 50 per cent to West Millard Garden Club. Anyone who wants flourishing starts for their garden is urged to shop at the garden club sales. FOB BETTER RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE CHRONICLE YOUR BEST BUY IS A 1 See Our New Spring Stocks STETSON the hat of the West ' - si s 1 cvA X S - J - The Stetson OPEN ROAD Impressive as a champion Westerners know fine cattle-and fine hats. They rate the open Road one of the best in the Stetson line. It's quality all over-from its good looking 2D creased crown to its handsome hand-some brim. Here's a Western type hat you can wear anywhere. any-where. And it's truly authentic-ior John B. Stetson designed and made the first Western style. See how great the open road looks and feels on you today. Stetson Western Stylet from The Mark of the World's Most Famout Hat" ill' G DELTA'S A DEPfiftTfTlEnT STORE J tea -p-WS-i- w!n l USE THIS AD TO SUBTRACT FROM YOUR FOOD COSTS Thursday- Friday & Saturday SHORTENING Swifts Jewel 3 lb. can Plus 50c Coupon In each can RED POTATOES . 50 pound bag BISQUICK Package " SODA CRACKERS 2 pound package PEAS GARDEN BRAND 303 can 2 for CORN GARDEN BRAND Cream Style, 303 can WHOLE KERNEL CORN 303 Can 2 for TOMATO JUICE 48 C2 Can ORANGE JUICE 45 oz Can GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 45 oz Can BLENDED JUICE 45 cz Can - CAKE MIXES Pilbbury, rer package HOLUDAY MARGARINE Pound - - HEINZ BABY FOOD 12 cans for - -- 05C 79C 47c 31C 29 e 36c 37C 75C tc( u!Ioii!i IH'P To 3ftt Friday Helen Mar McCullough Camp, D U P. will meet Friday at 2:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Adelia Stephenson, with Mrs. Ab'bie Prest-wieh Prest-wieh and Mrs. Catlie Morley as co-hostesses. Mrs. Lillie Wood will give the history, and Mrs. Maxine Bishop will give the lesson. All members are urged to be present. Ehha Garden Club Notes 1 :i r 1 i U IDelta Cash Mancet! i ' " i ,. :l..lr:: ,, ,limi: , .m-j.-.mmmr.rj.e.i. Delta Garden Club members met Monday at the home of Mrs. Hazel Gronning, with Mrs. Maur- ine Jeffery and Mrs. Martha Adams as co-hostesses. Rodney Rickenbach, county a- gent, and Ralph Home, assistant talked on insecticides and their garden uses. The Arbor Day committee gave their report and announced that one nice tree and a number of shrubs wil lbe planted at the city park on Arbor Day, April 5. Auxiliary !! Meets Mimdav American Legion Auxiliary Unit 89 will meet Monday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Angle Cahoon. Members are urged to be present. Postpone Square Ilaneiit Tixsie The Saturday night square dancing danc-ing class wil commence at 9:15 this coming Saturday night. The time has been changed to a later time so as to not conflict with the Priesthood conference in Delta that same night. After this Saturday the classes will commence at the regular time. I.VXNIIVf. Y MARY JOHNSON Erving Nlelson was In Salt Lake Tuesday for medical treatment. He visited with his daughter Mrs. Sterling Sagers. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ogden visit ed here Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCardell and family. Mr. Ogden Is back to work after two months recovery from sur gery. They returned to Orem Tues day evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Banks and Gladys drove to Milford Saturday and spent the day with Mrs. Maur- Ine Miller and familv. Mrs. Phyllis Nelson was happy to have her mother and two sisters sis-ters from Mapleton here Saturday Satur-day for an afternoon visit. Mrs. Margie Walker visited brief ly with Mrs. Mary Johnson Mon day. Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Norda Gardner were down visiting their father, Wm. J. Finiinson, In Leam ington. They drove back to Salt Lake Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Whatcott visit ed in Fillmore Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whatcott and family. fam-ily. Mrs. A. D. Hayes returned home from Cheyenne, Wyo., Thursday. Mr. Hayes was home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simpson and three children visited In Provo Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C E. Simpson and Mrs. Ellis Thompson who Is visiting her parents from Inglewood, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Overson and sons, Ralph and Keith, drove to Salt Lake City Saturday and sons Roger and Eugene joined them going by train from Cedar City after the Delta-Beaver ball game. They all visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Christenson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Dutson and children spent Sunday afternoon in Fillmore with Mrs. Dutsons' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rass-mussen. Rass-mussen. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. Clead Nlelson Mr. and Mrs. Lile Johnson, Bishop and Mrs. Earl Greathouse, and Mrs. Lee Shipley attended the banquet at the Stake house Friday evening-Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Abegglen and family were ...ephl visitors Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Maxwell and little son are here visiting with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greathouse. The final rug making class was held Monday evening after a very successful six weeks. Mrs. Minnie Ashby has been the Instructor. A litle social was held at the conclusion con-clusion of the class and Mrs. Ash-by Ash-by was presented with a little gift in appreciation of her splendid splend-id ef.'orts. Lt. Arlyn Kent Nielson has received re-ceived a promotion from Second Lt. to First Lt. Feb. 1. He and his wife and little daughter are stationed in Smyrna, Tennessee. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eeed Nielson Niel-son received the word recently. H:gh Councilman Lathel Callis-ter Callis-ter was here Sunday with a very fine program at church. With Mr. Callister were Joseph Fullmer and Joy Roper as speakers. Very' good musical numbers were also pre-Hinted. pre-Hinted. FoIio'Aing church fireside chat v. as held at the home of Susan Nieison., with Elder Clenn Ful.n.er as speaker. Charles Nelson visited with Mr. ar.d Mrs. Irv;n Whatcott Monday afternoon. Charlie lives in Salt Lake Cty y.r. arid Mrs,. Lcweii Ulik;r.s tare had the.r grandchildren, Ray. Ca' ,1 fi Christen, for a week. - h. h.? parents Mr. and Mrs. M&r.f'H Anirs.'.'r; rr.-ed to Itirh-T.'.'.t Itirh-T.'.'.t it -ni Gur.risrm. Square tlaiieing At Sutherland There will be square dancing at Sutherland Saturday night, opening open-ing at 9 p. m., with Glen Raw- linson to call. All interested square dancing are invited, and asked to bring suggestions for a name for the organization. Helta FFA Chapter News BY JACK NIELSON, reporter-Last reporter-Last week in the regional FFA contest La Ron Oliver won the area Star Poultry award. Reggie Pearson Pear-son won the area Soil and Water Conservation award, and Larry Jeffery won the area Standard Oil of California award. These boys will now go to the state convention in Salt Lake City next week to try and win the state competition. The big news around the chapter chap-ter now Is the state FFA convention. conven-tion. There is quite a bunch of members going from the chapter. These include the old and new officers, the Sweetheart, Janet Bun ker, and attendant, Dorene Moody, and the advisors and their wives. The chapter hopes to take some high honors. And, 1 almost forgot, the award winners will also go up. This report is kind of late, but the Parents and Sons banquet was a success. The chapter made approximately ap-proximately $20.00. Well, thats' about it for this week. KOTICE OF MEETING FOR MJP.POSE OF INCORPORATING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is herby given that on Wednesday, the 7th day of April, A. D. 1954, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., in the back room of the J. W. Swal berg building, a meeting of all members of the Delta Junior Cham ber of Commerce will be held for the purpose of Incorporating the said Junior Chamber of Commerce, N. S, Eassett, Secretary. First Publication March 18, 1954 Final Publication April 1, 1954 EH nek lev Couple Ivxehatige Vows Miss l.yla Rae Talbot, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Cluff Talbot, und Mr. Lurry Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morris, of Hinckley exchanged wedding vows Satur day, March 13. The ceremony was performed in the Hinckley Relief Society hall at 7 o'clock in the evening by Harold R. Morris, The room was beautifully decorated dec-orated with baskets of pink and white stocks. The bride was lovely in her floor lenght gown of white satin with -net overskirt. Her lace bodice was underlined with satin and featured long sleeves which ended in lily points deep over the hands. The rounded neck line and pointed bodice were edged with seed pearls. A pearl crown clasped the sheer veil, and she carried a bouquet of white roses surrounding surround-ing a white orchid. Miss Dorothey Morris, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor. hon-or. Sherlene Talbot and Sherrle Morris, sisters of the young couple, were bridesmaids" and wore matching mat-ching ballerina gowns of red net, and carried 'bouquets of white car nations and red roses. Joe Morris, brother of the bridegroom, stood as best man. After the ceremony a weding reception was held In the Hinckley Hinc-kley recreation hall. Many friends were in attendance and the young couple received many lovely gifts. The new Mr. and Mrs. Morris left after the reception on a wedding wed-ding trip to Las Vegas, Nevada, and wil return to make their home In Hinckley. Wedding guests from out of town were Jim Morris, brother of the bridegroom enroute from Florida to Vlctorville, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Robinson, Mr, and Mrs. Mar-low Mar-low Nielson, Mrs. Wanda Barnes, Mr. Maughn Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell W. Moody nnd family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Curtis and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott, and Mrs. Dora McClellan, all of Salt Lake City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leland Callister are planning to move this week from their home in Delta to their farm at McCumick, for spring and summer. sum-mer. Their daughter Maurine, and husband, Ted Dalton Jr., and their small son and daughter, are moving mov-ing this week from Orem to Delta, and will live in the Callister home. MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE Delta. Utah. Thurs March 18,1954 Mrs. Althea Orion and Mrs. Reliance Rel-iance Wood visited in Salt Lake City Sunday with their daughters Merle Orton and Raelene Wood, who are there studying at Hen-ager's Hen-ager's business college. II I ras! states Clint I -arson Clint Schoficld Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tharol Larson of Delta, will be graduated from the University of Utah In special commencement com-mencement excerises March 27, at 2 p. m. In Kingsbury Halt, according accord-ing to President A. Ray Olpln. Dr. Alexander Fleming, world famous for his discovery of penicillin, pen-icillin, will be the commencement speaker. Approximately 300 students stud-ents will be graduated at the special rites, Clint will receive a Bachelor of Science degree with high school certificate in economics. He was graduated from the Delta High School In 1917. His degree will be sent to him, as he will not be able to attend the rites. He entered the service Jan. 6., and Is now training at Fort Ord. Cal. FISH ISC AT ITS BEST. . . Biggest tailfuh ever boated 221 pound of tUver-blue beauty ! That's "fating at Ui beitl" ,.' V njTP(qfTjio A$&ff V . 4 fCmtucky Qitaighf Boutboh Whkk&y ' 1 vk; k mi it r k utiu M " twtn Kentucky y AVAILABLE... AT MY WAREHOUSE AT SUTHERLAND Firestone Tires for Cars, Trucks And Tractors Line of Batteries for Cars, Trucks And Tractors BATTERIES, any size S12.95 24 Months Guarantee M. I. MOODY CO. SUTHERLAND, UTAH PILLSBURY FEEDS Phone 1112 I! C I CANNON FITTED SHEETS Bottom Only .... 1 Double Bed Size COTTON HOUSE DRESSES Sizes 12 to 20 Sizes 38 to 52 Sizes 12 1-2 to 2S 1-2 ALL SIZES ONLY mm ff f Boys' f! - i MM Vi f. Sizes 8 1-2 to 12 CLvjLivwiuiJ ,3 3 J $ One Rack Only Li P8 I -f f TK3 WHSET S 4 YlARS CL3 IS PROOF THE fclii tCO Kill CO. lQu;SUl, Kf. Sizes 5 to 8 S2.83 Sizes 8 1-2 to 12 3.93 Sizes 2 1-2 to 8 3.93 I i L'Cii ill i", Li Cannon Large, each i i 3 V fill,1' ..-- it iX S V I |