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Show THTOSDAY, MARCH t THE LEIII SUN, LIHI, UTAH THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1945 THE LEffl SUN Published Every Thursday a Lehi, Utah, by the Lebi Sun Publishing Co. Mr. and Mrs. Carlvle Bunker and familv visited Sunday with t the David Carson lamny. iney came especially to visii wim their brother Junior who was home on furlough. Entered as Second Oasa Mat ter at the Postoffice at Lehi, Utah, under the act of March 8, 1879. MEMBER. Z UTAH SlAJf ASS0CIAIKM Subscription Rate $1.00 Per Year Local Items Mrs. Clara Clover spent Friday in Salt Lake. Mrs. Sarah Reese of Salt Lake City is visiting with her daughter, daugh-ter, Mrs. Shirlef Powell. Mrs. Woodrow Baird and daughter Carol, of Salt Lake spent Friday with Mrs. Baird's mother, Mrs. Annie Fritz, and other relatives in Lehi. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Larsen visited Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Thompson of Salt Lake. .Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Christiansen and Mrs. Batea Peterson were Salt Lake visitors last week. Mrs. Orvil G. Stone and son Donald accompanied Cpl. and Mrs. Reed L. Stone Tuesday on a short visit to Duchesne, Uintah County. Mr. and Mrs. Len Hooley of Orem visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Loveridge of Lehi. Mrs. Hooley is a niece of Mr. Loveridge. Mrs. Lottie Peterson and Victoria Vic-toria Stewart were Provo visitors Saturday. They attended a meeting of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers" there. Mrs. L. F. Larsen of Oakland, Calif., and her sons, Gill and Earl, were Lehi visitors last week. They visited with E. J. and E. W. Larsen, and with Mrs. Don C. Loveridge. Miss Myrle Stone visited parents par-ents and friends in Lehi Sunday. She has completed her precadet training and is now a cadet nurse at the General Hospital in Salt Lake. Lt. Dick McKlnney, his mother, Rhoda McKinney, and his sister Helen, also Lt. S. Morgan and wife of Decature, 111., were Sunday Sun-day visitors at the D. H. Carson home. Mrs. J. W. Greenwell is returning return-ing to her home in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. She has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ran dall schow for the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Littleford spent last Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. Littleford's sister, Mrs. Sarah A. Green. Mrs. Green was critically ill and pass ed away Sunday morning at five o'clock. She was eighty-four years old' Interment was in Tooele cemetery in the family plot. Mrs. Martha Ball is visiting in Denver. Bishop Linel Larsen is confined confin-ed to his bed. He has been ill for the past week. Mrs. Minie Norman entertain- Thursday for three of her old friends, Miss May Lott, Miss Ida Thurman and Mrs. Katherine Holmstead. The afternoon was spent in quilting after which a delicious lunch was served. Fresh frozen strawberries were enjoyed by the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Carson and son, Lt. (jg) Junior Carson, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Bunker at Vineyard Thursday. Mrs. Bunker is the former Velda Carson of Lehi. . She and her husband are operating a large feed mill and grocery store in Vineyard. Miss Bertha Carson returned home Saturday evening to visit her parents and brother, Lt. (jg) Junior Carson, who recently completed officers training in the army medical school at Camp Barkley, Texas. Miss Carson Car-son is training at the Dee Hospital Hos-pital in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Maiben Stephen- sen had as their guests last week his nephew, Lt. Melvin A. John son and Mrs. Johnson, the former form-er Dama Grant of Springville. Mrs. Johnson's father is a well-known well-known building contractor there of the firm of Strong & Grant. Lieutenant Johnson has been an instructor in the Engineering school in Georgia during the past winter. He is being transferred to Texas. TO GO' ON SALE! SATURDAY, MARCH 31st, 9:30 A. M. ANOTHER BIG DAY AT " 4. 0. PtMMtr CO.. IM9.. . - op : ro GAYMODE GLAMOR in Springtime Sheers 'Time for a new bonnet ... time for a ;new suit . . . time to sheath your legs in new loveliness! Gaymode sheers in a wonderful selection of glowing Spring, shades Joytan, Cheerglo and Sunni-blush. Sunni-blush. Full-fashioned for perfect fit! .'fReg.'U.S.PatOff; ' Mrs. Vernette Tldwell of Mc- Gill, Nevada, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Clara Webb. She will be here for two weeks. . J 4 . r',Jb-zhr. rLfjr.CP, ! v Mr. and Mrs. David Adamson and family of Salt Lake were Sunday guests of Bishop and Mrs. Evans L. Anderson. Mr. Leroy Logsdon, who under went an operation for a brain tumor recently at the LDS hos pital, is improving satisfactorily and will be brought to his home here this week. Mrs. Shirlef Powell entertained entertain-ed at a v family dinner for the birthday of her daughter, Mrs. Bernard Walker, of Orem. Mrs. Peter Fenn visited last Wednesday with her son, Evan Fenn of the U. S. Navy. He is receiving treatment at the Veteran's Vet-eran's hospital in Salt Lake. Mrs. Nile Roberts, Mrs. Harold Fox, Mrs. Wm. Walters and Mrs. Leo Van Wagoner, were Salt Lake visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell brought their son, William, home from the LDS hospital Monday. Billie has been having plastic surgery and skin grafting done to eradicate scars left from a burn received a year ago. He has improved nicely. Calvin Lewis, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lewis, underwent an .eye operation Monday morning morn-ing at the LDS hospital in Salt Lake City. He is doing nicely and his parents expect to be able to bring him home in a few days. . Mrs. Don C. Loveridge celebrated celebrat-ed her sixty-second birthdav quietly at her home Tuesday. Her many friends and relatives remembered the day with gifts, flowers, and telephone calls. Throughout the day she received visitors coming to wish her many happy returns and a long and happy life. Four friends met toeether for the birthday of Mrs. Myron Bur gess Monday, March 26th, at the home of Mrs. J. Ferron Gurney. Mrs. Gurney had prepared a beautiful birthday cake and games were played during the afternoon. Mrs. Don Fowler and Mrs. Vera Anderson of Provo were the other guests. Mrs. Forest Littleford and Mrs Grant Littleford spent Friday in Salt Lake visiting with their grandmother, Mrs. Ella Pickins, ana other relatives there. Mrs. Fern Russon visited Fri day in Salt Lake with her son. Leland. He is taking treatment there. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE State Bank of Lehi OF LEHI, IN THE STATE OF UTAII, AT ME CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON MARCH 20, 1945 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including $200.99 overdrafts) $ 111,338.01 t. nhlifratinns. direct and -lorontPM) 98,ZJ3.UU Obligations of States and political subdivisions 31,500.00 rooK i-i .itvi nfhpr hnnlrs Inrhiriinff reserve bal- ances and cash items in process of collection 239.074.W Art fta&22.40. furniture and fixtures $2,696.40 :; 6,Z18.BU Investments and other assets indirectly representing hanir nrpmisps or other real estate ooo.uu """" TOTAL ASSETS $1,370,981.63 LIABILITIES nptnarH Honneits of individuals, nartnershlos. and corporations $ 578,148.03 Time rfonncito nf individuals, nartnprshins. and coroora- tions 659,391.32 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 32,772.83 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 26,078.00 Deposits of banks 8,000.00 Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 3,410.29 TOTAL JJErUSiTS $l,JUi,BUU.( total LIABILITIES (not includine subor dinated obligations shown below) $1,307,800.49 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital $ 42,100.00 Surplus 12,000.00 Undivided profits 2,877.16 Keserves (and retirement account ror preierrea capitau o,zui.uu It is now more essential than ever that you ge( QUALITY in all your foods Insure This Need MEATS GROCERIES and FRUITS From Our Stocks Your Quality Food Store . LARSEN BROTHERS TELEPHONE 17 - - - . LElfl TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS f. 63,181.16 TOTAL LIABILITIES & CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $1,370,981.63 This bank's capital consists of $17,100.00 of capital notes and debentures ;and common stock with total par value of $25,000.00. MEMORANDA U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities 52uu.uou.uo TOTAL 1........ i $200,000.00 Other liabilities secured by pledge assets : $ 32,772.83 TOTAL $ 32,772.83 STATE OF UTAH County of Utah. E. L. Chipman, being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says, that he is Cashier of the above named bank and that the above and foregoing report contains a full, true and correct statement of the condition of. the said bank at the close of business on the 20th day of March, 1945. E. L. CHIPMAN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of March, 1945. (Seal) MELBA G. CLARK, Notary Public. Residing at Lehi, Utah My Commission expires Oct. 18, 1948 Correct Attest: S. I. GOODWIN, A. CARLOS SCHOW, JUNIUS A. WEST, Directors. I, J. M. Knapp, Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the statement state-ment of the above named company, filed in my office on March 24, 1945. J. M. Knapp, Bank Commissioner. Hospital News Mrs. Delia Chadwick of American Ameri-can Fork, underwent a major operation op-eration on Thursday. Miss Jilene Peterson home Monday. returned Mrs. Hilda Whitener and baby girl went home Saturday. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilcox were her brother broth-er and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blunck, and her sister, Miss Virginia Blunck, all of Rex-burg, Rex-burg, Idaho. BE HERE EARLY! 42 GAUGE 43 GAUGE and 51 GAUGE , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ti Rob erts and their little daughter, Kay, came from Salt Lake City to spend the week end with Mrs. Koberts Barents. Mavor and Mrs George Lewis, and her brother jacK, wno nas been called to active ac-tive duty in the army air corps Mrs. J. R. Johnson, and daueh ter, and Mrs. Emma Lauoer visit ea at the home of Bishop and Mrs. Evans L. Anderson Sundav. They are moving from their nome in unicago to Oakland oauiornia. Mrs. Emma Lauper is tne guest or Mrs. Alice Phillips. Baby Linda Carr, who was ad mitted for medical treatment on March 19, was taken home Sat urday. She is the daughter of Lucille Anderson Carr. Mrs. John Doyle and baby girl left the hospital Saturday. ust Arrive J Mrs. Thelma Carlisle of Alpine underwent an appendicitis operation op-eration last Friday. She is improving im-proving rapidly. A boy was born to Mrs. Wallace Banks early Monday morning. New Spring Shipment BICYCLE PARTS Rear-view mirrors, headlights, tail lights, reflectors, reflec-tors, sheepskin seat covers, chain guards, rims, fenders, tires, and all repair parts. Get your bicycle repaired before the spring rush. Complete Bicycle Repair Service NEW SHIPMENT white wringer rolls; absolute-ly absolute-ly guaranteed. Parts available for all small household appliances. Wallace Banks Appliance Company 189 West Main Street, Lehi Phone 20-W Hours 12 Noon to 7:00 P. M. Captain Frank Dubois of the Army Air forces, who was admitted ad-mitted for medical treatment last Wednesday, was removed by ambulance Saturday. He was taken to Camp Kearns for further furth-er treatment. A baby girl was bora 12. to Mrs. George James of Pit: Grove. Mrs. Arnold Brems wasai ted for medical treatment 22 and discharged Saturda; Mr. and Mrs. Ree R. Nelson are announcing the. arrival of a son born February 28 at the Kedlac Hospital in Richland, Washington. The Nelsons moved mov-ed from Lehi to Washington two years ago. Mrs. Ellis A. Peterson is the proud grandmother. Mayor and Mrs. George Lewis enteitained at a family dinner in honor of their son, Jack, who left Sunday for active duty in the army air forces. Besides the immediate im-mediate family, present were Grandmother Lewis, who is nearly near-ly ninety years of age, and Mr. and Mrs. John W. Zimmerman, Miss Geraldine White of Salt was there, and also Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lewis. Mrs. Clara Webb entertained Sunday at a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webb, honoring her son, Machinists Mate st Class B. Richard Webb. Those present were Mrs. Webb, Richard, Miss Helen Sutton of Pleasant Grove, Mr. and Mrs.' Wesley Jense of Plearant Grove,! and Mr. and1 Mrs. Robert Webb and family. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Atkinson of Salt Lake City, and Mrs. Vernette Tidwell of McGill, Nevada. I Here's how electric shop appliances help in the maintenance and repair of vital farm equipment "On our farm, we have installed in our shop various electrical appliances to aid in the repair and upkeep of our machinery," says ""ja.Gayle Loosli of Ashton, Idaho. Included In-cluded are such appliances as "an air compressor com-pressor that is of untold value in maintain-wg maintain-wg air pressure in the tires of our tractors, trucks and farm equipment. It also provides valuable service for spraying and greasing. "Our power saws save hours of time . . . our power drill saves trips to the blacksmith shop ... the power emery makes hay knife sharpening a minor job. ' "All of these tend to save time and labor and provide more time for actual working hours in the field for production d food tor victory." When electrical farm equipment and appliances ire availahU U |