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Show T,nYJJAKCH 29, 1945 U Golden idding Lssful Party haooy evening was en-fgaU en-fgaU who attended the 1 rHrfav given in honor of ypS and his wife who Jen married fifty years E was held in the Fourth S d on tU golden wed-dfvP wed-dfvP Odell Peck acted as !,J of ceremonies, and the "fine program was rendered: IS Irayer-George E. Ss'rf Welcome-Odell Peck. 7-Miss Pearl Estline, 2i grow Too Old to Dream" Jng-Mrs. Helen Jones of THE LBHI SUN, LEHI, UTAH the Third Ward, "That ow Sweetheart, Let's Grow oid ?o-geatherj ?o-geatherj sung by quartet, Edi Boley, Harry c. Peterson, Don L Peterson, Odell Peck. Edna Boley substituted for Bishop lS Larsen who was too ill tobe present. Their accompanist was Fo'rk WagSta" 01 Reading''My Grandparents-Lynn Grandparents-Lynn Peck This was composed by his mother, Mrs. Odell Peck Solo Vox Selections Alva Wing"Silver-Halred Daddy of Mine" and "That Wonderful Mother of Mine." .,: Vocal Duet-Edna Boley and LaDocia Wagstaff, accompanied by Marie Smith. Musical DueWJay Gordon and Samuel Webb. This was old time music on a mandolin and banjo. Vocal Duet Lois and Elwiri Peck, "When You and I Were THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1945 Young, Maggie". Sister Peck gave a reading, Tribute to the Children," composed com-posed by herself. Remarks Brother Peck Tribute by Odell Peck. Dancing followed to the music of Carter's Orchestra. Refresh-ments Refresh-ments were served to nearly two hundred guests. PRIMARY WARD CONFERENCE TO BE HELD SUNDAY Ward Primary conference is scheduled for the various Lehi wards Sunday, according to Stake Superintendent Mrs. Randall Ran-dall Schow. The program will be developed around suggestions sent out by the General board. The wards have chosen their themes and have prepared programs. Royal Theatre Open To Public Lehi's Royal Theatre reopened last Thursday with a gala program pro-gram consisting of a technicolor leature "Home In Indiana," and selected short subjects. A special matinee was held at 5:00 o'clock with two shows following at 7:00 and 9:00. The beautiful ? streamlined theatre is constructed with the newest in - equipment, indirect Neon lighting and comfortable leather upholstered seats. There is jio balcony now, but the oval shaped interior will accommodate accommo-date some 590 people. The building was well filled on ooenlng night for all showings of the film. Mr. Miller states that over 1000 tickets were sold. He expects to add a stage curtain, and other improvements as soon as they can be obtained. Mrs. James Beverly left Tuesday Tues-day night for Rochester, Minn., where she will meet her daughter, daugh-ter, Mrs. Ward (Myrle) Carroll of Fairbanks. Mrs. Carroll brought her ten year old son, Ardell, who will be treated at the Mayo clinic for a brain tumor. While there Mrs. Beverly will also take treatments at the clinic. CLASSIFIED FOR RENT Three room modern furnished Apt. Adults. 182 North First West, American Fork. 3-23-tf, 1 f Maps are being re-drawn in 1945. International Inter-national boundary lines are being relocated. War is also re-alligning industries . . . steel, aircraft, munitions. Even agriculture wul feel the permanent effects of the war. v For example, sugar beets. Before our very eves beet production areas are .shifting. Every veteran beet grower Kiiuwa . :iitrA dinar beet acreaoe m nor- ' crow an uiuuiuwa --a r . i , '.. r mlflt miotas divide the , mal times, vjuvtix - - 'American sugar market among all producing inn Iv nn IV areas. Normally, dot giu- rr; 23 per cent of our needs. Las :yw. we fanned only 15 pet ' districts have done better than others; for .1. t WvcQa-Namoa district, witn aae inaease for the na- , Tte yataa Valley; in Washington and -.lrUons of Montana and Minnesota. Mean-1 "time, Southern Idaho and Central Utah fet. r have, scarcely produced half a pre-war rrnn. tXm-fter the war these trends will likely have " 'Bn important bearing on u. s- r lotments. , -r ' r , n nnfwar bee! acreage iWnaC Will ncippc r - , i Quotas, for this district?. Jhats a question ; every beet grower, every stockman, every citizen who values the beet sugar industry and wants to preserve it for its multiple bene-t fits should ponder now. Take land values alone. Sugar beets are a prime factor in stab ilizing the prices of farm lands. Any serious curtailment of the industry would be fol-? lowed by a corresponding deflation of farm land values. Other losses are more obvious, " Our valley needs the sugar beet industry Our famers need the cash crop and the sound rotation program which can be built around it. Our livestock men need the by-products ,The nation needs the sugar so plant more beets in 1945. " "Production history has been an , important factor in pro-rating the domestic production quotas among growers under the Sugar Act o 11937. When that part of the legist V lation becomes fully effective again, production history will likely be as ' important as before the war." N. E. Dodd, Chief i ' Agricultural Adjustment Agency; JJTflH'IDflHO SUGBR EiniPSI MRS. PAUL WINBORG Smart Form Fashion Foundations Corsets, Abdominal and Maternity Ma-ternity Belts, Girdles, Brassieres, Bras-sieres, and Surgical Supports. 59 East First North. Tel. 123-W, Am. Fork. 3-16-3tp-tf. i ' . . . , Ji :. . 4 j , , v i , fjjr a;ssh JV -;7Trwv-N $9500 For 57.38 ac. turkey farm, home, horses, cow, farm machinery", ma-chinery", water right. $4700 7 rm. br. modern; 60 ft. coop, barn, garage, garden, lawn, shade. $5000 6-rm. frame, new; V2 basement, modern, Elec. Frig.; shrubs and lawn, berries. $63005 rm. br. modern; 1 acre lot; coop 130x30 ft. $6300 4 rm. fr. modern. 5.81 ac, good water right, coops for 2000 chickens; 12 fruit trees, raspberries, alfalfa, etc. $32003 rm. fr. strictly modern. New Near 4th Ward church, HENRY C. JOHNSON Real Estate & Fire Insurance. Notary Public. Bank of American Amer-ican Fork Bld'g. Room 15. Tel. 7-W. FOR SALE Second hand farm Implements, 2 wagons, mower, rake, sulky plow, disc, spring tooth cultivator. See Dan Hall, 186 West First South, American Ameri-can Fork. 3-16-3t. FOR SALE 1935 Dodge panel ton truck. Good tires. Also steel couch and day bed. Leo South, American Fork. SALESMEN WANTED NEEDED Man or woman to, take over established Route distributing medicines, home' remedies, insecticides, dlnln-fectants, dlnln-fectants, animal foods, tonics and food products in Tooele Southwest Salt Lake, and Juab Counties. Home medication, buying at home, increases demand. de-mand. Good profits. Write Rawlelgh's, Dept. TUTC-111-187, Denver, Colo. It. FOR SALE Equity in nearly new 2 bedroom house. Lawn, trees, gas utilities. Very reasonable. rea-sonable. 82 Wilson Ave. Columbia Co-lumbia Village. Phone 264-W, American Fork. 3-30-2tp. FOR SALE 25 acres land, 1 mile north of Main Street in Am. Fork. Contact Owen Christ-ensen Christ-ensen or tel. 90. 3-30-tf. FOR SALE Lathnfa Raspberry and Marshall Strawberry plants. Any quantity. Conrad Con-rad J. Petersen, lAlplne. 2-9-3tp. FOR SALE In Lehi, new 4 room homes with full basement and furnace, $33.00 per month; also new 4 room homes without basement but with automatic gas water heater, $30.00 per month. Tel. 186 Lehi or see Leo Hanson, 277 North Center Street, Lehi. 3-16-4t. All Makes Sewing Machines Repaired Buttonhole makers for Singer and Whites. All work guaranteed. V. H. Smith, Phone 1309-J, 1020 D Street Provo, Utah. 2-9-8tp. FOR RENT Modem furnished heated apartment. Equipped with refrigerator and electric stove. Call 0276-J3, Am. Fork. 12-22-tf. FOR SALE Idaho Royal, also Cobblers, seed potatoes. Certi fied last year. Good work horse. Varian West, Pleasant Grove. 3-23-2tp. AT YOUR SERVICE When you need Insurance protection pro-tection Fire Auto Life Annuities or Children's policies call L. O. Johnson, Phone 165 J. Dist. Mgr. for American National Na-tional Insurance Co. 2-16. FOR SALE Black leather col lapsable baby buggy. Mrs. James II. May, 236 N. First West. Tel. 47, Am. Fork. 3-30-lt. LOST Blue, small pearl necklace neck-lace in business district. Mrs. J. E. Walker, Tel. 47, American Fork. 3-30-lt. NELSON INSURANCE SERVICE All kinds: Fire, Auto, Life. Your satisfaction means my success. C. Vince Nelson, 565 King St. Tel. 242-W, Am. Fork. 12-5-tf. REFRIGERATOR Efficient, de pendable refrigeration service. Other appliances and electric motors repaired. Call Kenneth Singleton, American Fork. l-26-4t. FOR SALE Two good cultivating, cultivat-ing, work horse, also riding horse. 92 East Second South, Lehi. 3-30-3tp. LOST $10 reward for informa tion leading to recovery of 2 yr. old Jersey heifer, horns, cross on left hip. Mrs. Pershy Fredericks, Tel. 96-J, Am. Fork 3-30-ltp. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good home, flowing well, large lot. On Main Street. Inquire at 92 East Second South, Lehi. 3-30-3tp FOR SALE Straw, large bales 65c. Good team, 1600 lbs. each. Sulky plow, McCormick 2-way, Tel. P. G. 3105. 3-23-tf. FOR SALE By owner, new 6 room brick home with full i basement. 8-plece genuine mahogany dining suite; radio- phonograph; 4 pair lined drapes. 362 South Third East, American Fork. 3-23 tpu bALL Nice nome, gas range, furnace, water heater; lawns, shrubs, and berries. II. D.Kolstad, 586 King , street. Tel 314-W, American Fork. 3-23-tf FOR SALE All-enamel kitchen range, good condition. Ph. 323-M, Lehi. . 3-22-tf. WANTED Someone to garden small plot for own use. All expensed paid. Ph. 323-M, Lehi. 3-22-tf. FOR SALE Rubber tired wagon. Karl Webb, Lehi. 3-22-tf. FOR RENT Three room modern furnished apt. 86 North First West, American Fork. ' 3-16-tf. See Frank Peterson for Septic Tanks. TeL 315-W, American Fork. 3-9-4tp. UAY FOR SALE Phone 45-J, Lehi. Delivered, 3-9-3tp, FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet. 184 North First East, American Fork. 2-9-2tp-tf BALED HAY FOR SALE 376 S. Second West, Lehi. 3-8-3tp FOR SALE Team of horses. See Ferrin Gurney after 5 p. m. Lehi. 3-22-tf FOR RENT 2-room furnished apartment. 43 North First East, American Fork. 3-23-tf FOR SALE Large size Estate Heatrola, like new, Tel. 312-M, American Fork. 3-23-2t, WALT'S MOVING Careful ef ficient men. Tel. 111-W, Lehi. 12-29-tf. HEMSTITCHING Done at 542 East Main Street, American Fork. 12-29-5tp. KEECII ELECTRIC Used radios, new and used car aerials. Tel, 0271-J4, American Fork. 3-2-tf. FOR SALE Used Furniture,, beds, springs, mattresses, dressers, dress-ers, washstands, chairs, rockers, rock-ers, kitchen cabinets, heaters, gas and coal stoves. Call at 48 South First West, American Fork. 11-10-tf. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS? 200 to over 50,000 Chick sales in one county was one record built up by WILSON ..QUALITY ..CHICKS A hatchery MUST have QUALITY QUALI-TY chicks and render a SERVICE, SERV-ICE, such as you want, that makes such sales records possible. possi-ble. RIGHT NOW, it's not too early to start thinking about your next CHICK order. It not only will be good Judgment, but just plain common sense to figure out how many chicks you can raise and when you will want them. Be prepared with QUALITY QUALI-TY BREEDS for the next chicken chick-en meat shortage. CHRISTIE STRAIN NEW HAMPSHIRES and 100 DRY-DEN DRY-DEN STRAIN LEGHORNS, two of the most profitable breeds. Straight run of pullets every week. Write NOW for open dates, prices and free literature. WILSON HATCHERY SONOMA, CALIF. 3-9-tf. v TSr. BohjUba, curlers, klt hunpoo war set noOim ;' to boy. Kqnir do heat, electricity or m-JQinm. m-JQinm. fcf to, every type of bur. Over 8 mil- . Bon sold Money back gurat. Get Cbna- SALT LAKE TRIBUNE-TELEGRAM Noel G. Knight, Distributor 536 Klnf St, American Fork CUSTOM TYPEWRITING Letters, Let-ters, manuscripts, pioneer his tories, iamlly records, etc.; neatly done. Biographical sketches, family histories, articles, etc. composed. Ruth S. Banks, 266 E. Main, Lehi. Phone 90. 2-22. Telephone 352 AMERICAN FORK for TAXI SERVICE |