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Show THURSDAY, KOVEMBElf THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1033 THE LEIII SUN, LEHI, UTAH 16 LocaHtems Mrs. John Hutchlngs was a Provo yisitor on Wednesday. if .Timiua Banka was among those from Lehl attending the temple endowment excursion on Wednesday. ' m ftiim M. Jones and Mrs. Dor othy Southwick spent Friday In Bandy, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Johnson spent Sunday afternoon to American Fork with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and, Mrs. Vera Beck. Mra, W. W. Dickerson arrived home from Sandy. Sunday, where ahe spent several days visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Poison. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Laird and daughter. Margaret, of Eureka were In Lehl Saturday. They came to at tend the funeral of Mrs. Joseph P. Smith. . s-..; Mrs. Buell Allred, Mrs. Rodney Allred, Mrs. A. B. Anderson, Mrs. Ernest N. Webb and Mr. William Osborne were among those attending attend-ing the temple excursion Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hutching and children of Pork City visited dur Ing the week end in Lehl with Mr, Hutchlngs' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hutchincs. Sunday after noon Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hutchlngs and Mrs. Richard Hutchlngs visited In American Fork, as guests of Mrs. Louise McCandless. Mrs. E. B. Garrett spent Monday afternoon In Provo, visiting rela tives. Calvin Goates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Goates, Is confined, to his bed. He has been ill during the past week. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Ivory and daughter, Jean, of Salt Lake City were guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Taylor. Mrs. A. E. Adams and daughter, Dora, grant Saturday in Salt Lake City, as guests of Mrs. Adam's sis ter, Mrs. W. P. Welsh. M. S. Lott arrived home Monday evening from Blackfoot, Idaho, where he has spent the past two weeks on a business trip. Mr Ammt Gardner and son. Ru- ion, left Saturday for Nevada, where they will spent two weeks visiting with Mrs. Gardners parems, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Whipple. Mr. and Mra. Junius Banks at- tended a wedding party given -for Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Coroner Sat urday evening on Provo Bench. Mrs. 8. J, Taylor, Mrs. Ella Mar nlng and Mrs. E. J. T. Roberts spent Monday in American Fork calling on friends. They- were din ner guests of Mrs. Abe Oudmund- sen, v ' Carl Evans arrived home Sunday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Evans. He left Wednesday for southern Nevada, where he has been transferred with the C. C. C. camp. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchcock were W Salt Lake City, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jackson spent Wednesday In Kamas. Mrs. Neldon Evans and her mother, Mrs. Smith, spent Wednesday Wednes-day in Salt Lake City. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Smith and daughter, Phyllis, and sons, Glen and Grant, attended the funeral services for Mrs. Edith Granger Barber, held In Salt Lake City Sun day. Mrs. Barber was killed by a hit and run driver In Salt Lake the Tuesday night previous. She was Mrs. 8mlth's cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hansen and son, Paul, and daughter, June, vis ited over the week end In Ogden, as guesia of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Peterson and Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Whltcomb. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Whltcomb entertained at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Hansen and children and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Zimmerman of this city. The Bee-Hive class of the Third ward were entertained Tuesday evening eve-ning by their class leaders, Mrs. Eva Peck and Mrs. Margaret Barnes, at the home of Mrs. Peck. The girls worked on their scrap books and enjoyed a candy pull. The group present Included Norma Price, Dorothy Gray, Klea Turner, Marjoria Webb, Virginia Miles, Mildred Mil-dred Colledge, Lillian Colledge and June Turner. TRY OUR Quality Bread "The Bread That Made Mother Quit Baking" ThU bread is Bold'by the following Local Stores: VUN WAGONER'S STORE JULIUS JENSEN'S BAKERY THREE UAH DAIRY GEORGE LOVERIDGE'S STORE We cater to all Parties ; and Special Orders. I.PH.VH nrr?nri n-UV. -t aoove lirms or call 8 QUALITY I BAKERY Phone 65 American Fork Sunday Mr. and Mrs. August Nelson, Nel-son, of Provo were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hebertson. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Brown attended the funeral services of William Moss at Bountiful, Sunday. Mrs. James A. Brown and daughter, daugh-ter, Vera, spent Saturday visiting in Salt Lake City. The high school presented a very splendid program to the Second ward Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson and children of Provo were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace He bertson, Tuesday evening. Bert Austin left Tuesday evening for Nevada, where he will visit with his sister and brother-inllaw, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Krenka. Mr. and Mrs. Neldon Evans spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday in Pleasant Grove, visiting with Mrs. Evans" mother, Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Smith and Mrs. Harriet Smith motored to Coalville Coal-ville Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dazil Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pagan and family and Mrs. Thelda Brown and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Anderson in Pleasant Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allred attended at-tended the temple excursion Wednesday. Wed-nesday. Miss Clarice Allred and Sherwln Allred accompanied them to Salt Lake City and spent the day. , ' : Mrs. Paul 8. Freebalrn arrived home, Friday, after spending a de lightful two weeks vacation In Fort Collins. Colorado, .with her sister, Mrs. II. R. Spurrier. She reports a delightful trip. Mrs. A. II. Pike of Salt Lake City and Mrs. Evan Pike and son, Dick, of Ogden, and Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Jones and family of American Ameri-can Fork were guests of Mrs. Mar tha Ball on Sunday. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. John W. Southwick entertained at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Willes and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stewart and son, and Mr, and Mrs. Suel Bushman and family. ' Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Oeorge Wing were Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Adams and family of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Val Spencer . and family of Bluffdale, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Wing and children, child-ren, Mr. and . Mrs. Marvin Wing and Miss Ruth Goates. Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Andmon, , Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Goates land Mr. and Mrs. Evans L. Anderson Ander-son were dinner guests at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. Ander- son In Salt Lake City Saturday eve-1nlng. eve-1nlng. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Anderson remained in Salt Lake over night land were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Johnson Sunday evening. Sunday Mrs. Elmer Jackson en- tained at a delicious turkey dinner, din-ner, complimentary to her birthday anniversary. Covers were marked for Mrs. Matt Peterson, Mrs. Martha Mar-tha Brown of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Lott and family, Morris Tran?, Mrs. Stanley Lott and daughter. daugh-ter. Rose LaRae; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brown and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchcock and son, Elmer Brinton and MLss Erma Rush tort of Salt Lake City. Cleli and Beth Jack son, Jeanne Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gray of Idaho Ida-ho Falls, Idaho, visited to Lehl Monday with his parents, Mr., and Mrs. William S. Gray. Mrs. Gray and two children remained for an Indefinite visit with her father George Pulley, In American Fork." Miss Reva Goates entertained at a gay card party at her home Saturday, Sat-urday, evening for a group of friends. A delicious luncheon was served, following . numerous card games. COME IN NOW And Have Your Radiator Filled With PRESTONE FLOZON GLYCERINE or ALCOHOL which will protect your radiator during the freezing freez-ing weather. LEHI MOTOR Co. PHONE 353 Main Street - Lehl Lyle Gough, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Gough, Is reported to be very ill to Salt Lake City. His mother has been spending the week there with him. Mrs. Sarah Galsf ord, ' Mrs. Ethel Goates and Miss Elsie Galsf ord were in Provo Wednesday for another allotment of clothing to be distributed distri-buted by the Red Cross to the needy in .this city. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Nelson announce an-nounce the arrival of a baby girl on Novehmber 8, at their home in Pleasant Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nel-son were former residents of this city, Mrs. Gall Smith Julian, a sister of Mrs. Nelson, is staying with her. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Balrd of Mink Creek, Idaho, announce the arrival af a fine baby boy on Thursday, Thurs-day, November 9th. Mother and babe are at the home of Mrs. Balrd's mother, Mrs, Louie Gray Hayes, to Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Gray of this city are the great grandparents. The new baby is the third grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Hayes. Glendora Players Tonight at Royal The Glendora Players are hurrying from Washington, where they nm cnAnt nU. .... ' . . ... - - "v uu proiuaoie summer, to icxbls to spend trie winter. They want to beat old man Zero if possible, and therefore are not lingering except for one day. , J "Th CaU Qen is the name of the play they are offering. It is described as a romantic Western Comedy, filled with mirth and melodies. of us remember that great comedy team. Glen Taylor and Iora Pike, and we are assured they have D'entv of onoortunitip t mk us laugh to the "Cattle Queen". During their engagement here many vjienavra r .avers snows just to hear the tinging and there are plenty of soncs of the taint hk-h nHKr m tv, r.m. Queen". A beautiful Western setting will take you riht into the spirit m ivufcii autu hb.y uijf.f.Hicrr oi uie west. A special feature of the Glendora Players appearance Ss the Black Light number, using the Ultra Violet light principle perfected by the army for taking night photographs without using- visible light. "Black Light" was introduced for the first time as a stage effect at the renin? of the Radio City Music Hall in Rockerfeiler Center New York City, and It was acclaimed the most beautiful spectacle ever presented. The Glendora Glen-dora Players have the exclusive Western rights to Black Light Mrs. H. Alvah Fitzgerald, Miss Arleen Goodwin, Mrs. Lott A. Rus-son, Rus-son, Mrs. R. C. Allred and Mrs. Ward Webb will attend a reception at the Bee-Hive House in Salt Lake City this evening, given to honor of Mrs. Ruth May Fox, the occasion occa-sion being her eighteenth birthday anniversary. Mrs. Fox is the Gen eral President of the Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association, and the affair Is given by the General Gen-eral Y. L. M. I. A. board. The officers and teachers of the Fourth ward Primary entertained at a delightful social Thursday eve ning at the tame of Miss Utella Smith, honoring Mrs, Nyron Fowler and Mrs. Reuben Russon, resigning counselors from the Primary. Games were enjoyed and delicious refresh ments served. The two guests of honor were each presented with a beautiful vase as a token of ap preciation for their faithful work to the organization. Earl Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson, has been confined con-fined to his bed for the past several sev-eral days, suffering with ; kidney trouble. At last reports he was a little improved. It has been reported that one hundred, and six people were on the special Orem car, leaving Lehl Wednesday morning for Salt Lake City. The special car was obtained for the benefit of those attending the temple endowment excursion. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Meiling and daughters, Virginia and Irene, attended at-tended the golden wedding anniver sary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Meiling at Payson, Tuesday. Mr. Meiling is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Meiling. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MBS. JOSEPH F. SMITH (Continued From Page One) to the life of sister Jennie Teasdale Smith is left un-written. In the year 1905, while her father was again on a special mission to Mexico she "was married In the Salt Lake temple by President Presi-dent Joseph P. Smith to Jos eph F. Smith of Lehl, at the re quest of her father who could not be present to officiate. From this union one child was born, Virgil J. Smith, whose life and career needs no mention and Is known to all our best citizenship. Sister Smith's church activities consist of: ten years as president of the Second ward Primary: ten years as president of the Primaries; Primar-ies; three years as a member of the Stake General Board to the Mutual Improvement in the Granite Gran-ite Stake of Zion;besides the part she has played in various other organizations or-ganizations and departments to the wards and stake of the church, where she has lived. Her nature, disposition, and personality, per-sonality, like her esteemed father's, possessed no element of the "loud sneaker" and she was known in her true character only to people of deep thought and sincere friend ship. In the passing of this good woman, the home, the ward, and the church must bid "adieu'' to one who was loved and appreciated by alL Surely the Lord God doeth an things well. The Happy Hour club will hold a special meeting Thursday afternoon after-noon at 2 o'clock p. m. at the home of Mrs. Sarah Knudsen for the ben efit of the Child's Welfare Council It will be in the form of a silver luncheon." People may bring vege tables, groceries, or anything they wish to donate. Thursday evening Miss Atha Hebertson entertained at a surprise party in honor of the birthday an niversary of her mother, Mrs. Wal lace Hebertsoa Games were played and dainty refreshments served. The guests to attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Darling, Mr. and Mrs. J. O.'MeiUna Mrs. Oliver Kirk-ham, Kirk-ham, of this city; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Casey, Mr. and Mrs. William Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John Bun-ton, Bun-ton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brooks, all of American Fork; Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson of Provo. Mrs. A W. Olsen and two daughters of Salt Lake City were in Lehl Saturday, attending the funeral of Mrs. Joseph P. Smith. PRIMARY CONFERENCE IN FIRST AND FIFTH WARDS SUNDAY NIGHT Primary conferences will be held in the First and Fifth wards Sun day evening, under the direction of the Primary officers. Special programs have been ar ranged in each ward with the Primary Pri-mary children taking part. Ward members are urged to be to attendance. Hon It aora attnetir plic whra Iroa tittmUL ocf lh trine fob. P! HUMAN Automatic Coal Burner As authorized dealers for the famous Iroa Fireman, the machine ma-chine that made coal aa automatic auto-matic fuel, we are prepared to make a survey of your heating plant or boiler and render a report as to the operatic c savings and bettermcti which ran be obtained by you. No cost or obligation. Use this service. D. U. P. TO GIVE OLD FASHIONED BALL Wen. here it Is folks! The Social entertainment you have been waiting wait-ing for. it's a real "Old Fashioned Ball" given by the D. U. P. next Wednesday evening, November 22, m the Memorial building. Kv?r?- one Is invited. Come dressed in grandmothers wedding dress. Grandfathers Grand-fathers tuxedo or what have you? Prizes given for the best dressed couple. Real Old Fashioned re freshments will be served. Every body come! Make this the most talked of event of the season. And here's a surorise the ad mission is only 25c per couple. So mane a date with your best girl. get down in your old chest for a costume, and get your money ready. nances of the ages Plato qua-driHs. qua-driHs. souviana. Dolka. waltz, ma- zurta Chicago glide, ninuet, Span- isn, and modern dances will be dem .onstrated. Don't let your friends talk about someuuns you havent been to and remember it will be something to tea your grandchildren. o LARGE CROWD ATTENDS TEMPLE EXCURSION M. S. LOTT PLUMBING AND n EATING Phone 21 State Street Le&J, Utah Card of Thanks We wish to thank everyone who so kindly assisted us in any way during the illness and death of our beloved wife, mother and daughter. The floral tributes, speakers, cars,' musical numbers, and all other favors fa-vors extended and the sympathy afforded af-forded us, we are truly grateful for. Joseph F. Smith, . ,V Virgil J. Smith, ' Mrs. Sarah A. K. Smith. o WARD REUNION HELD About eighty members f Lehl stake attended the temple endowment endow-ment excursion to the Salt Lake temple Wednesday. A special car was chartered over the Orem route and left Lehl at 7 o'clock a. m, making it n?cessry for the people to attend the first session at the temple. The annual reunion of the mem bers of the Third ward, held Fri day evening in the ward chapel, was declared by all who attended one of the very best. A good spirit of neighbor liness prevailed through out the evening and there was a very large attendance. The Community Com-munity Activity Committee of the ward was in charge of the program, with Bert Beck conducting. The program was one of the best ever presented to the ward. It consisted of a one-act play and several other interesting numbers. Following the program dancing was enjoyed. 1 In the afternoon the Primary offi cers directed a program and games for the children of the ward. o . ERA WORKERS STILL BUSY Those to charge of the Improve ment Era drive to Lehl Stake are still working hard in an effort to see our stake ea over the ton in the drive. Many subscriptions have all ready been sent in and a num ber will be sent to the General Board members this week. The date for the close of the drive is November 15, however the general board members urge the workers to keep on and get all subscriptions sub-scriptions possible. This Is the ar rangement. By agreement between heads of organizatons, each magazine maga-zine is given the field, exclusively for one month for public campaigning, campaign-ing, etc. for Its magazine. At the end of that period another maga zine comes into the field with those same privileges. This does not mean that on November 15, when the public campaign of announce ments for the Improvement Era comes to an end, that the cam paign is over. We are to continue our subscription work diligently and vigorously; following up every lead, checking' on subscription renewals which come at a later date and in general, follow up the campaign. Where stakes are strivinsr for or both of the contest prizes they are permitted to carry the campaign on to April 15. as all subscriptions received up to that time count in the contest. All public announcements, announce-ments, advertising, eta must cease after November 15. Everv wor j large proportion of subscriptions come m late in November and December De-cember and later. The stake workers of the Era, indeed, in-deed, appreciate the cooperation of an ward Era workers andthTwurvtA of the stake. The full ountA for the stake has net been reached as yet, but the Era workers still hope to get many subscribers. Appreciation Appre-ciation Is given for the splendid attitude the people have taken to trying to keep the Era in every home. Considering the times, the members of the wards are sure putting put-ting forth a splendid effort to do their part to the Era field. Those from Lhi ftanti.. v. wwMuig w funeral services for Frsdrick Gun-ther. Gun-ther. father of Carl Gunther. held to Salt Lake City last Wednesday --.w ..-cui usu ana. a. Carlos Schow. Mar Rnth I " M 1 Stoker. Mrs. Clara NeaL Mrs. Dorothy Dor-othy White, Mr. and Mrs. John S "a aits, josepn E. aa airs, carl Gunther Gun-ther and family. "IF ONLY I HAD A CASH RESERVE!' Bills , . Bills . . . Bills . . . A sudden eirgeac' . . . calls for cash . . . and no reserve fund ava; able. No wonder the man despairs. TW prudent person keeps a cash reserve fund in the BaflJcto take care of all immediate obligations aD(j foreseen emergencies. We pay 4 per cent on SAVINGS ACCOUNTS State Bank Of Lehi Telephone 85'. LEHI HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs. Charles Felt received treatment treat-ment for an infected finger, Friday. Thursday, "Robert Webb received treatment for an infected hand. Wesley Brerhs underwent an operation oper-ation for appendicitis at the local hospital Thursday. , Richard Gray was treated for a fractured shoulder Wednesday at the hospital. Vanda Brooks fractured both bones in her left forearm and was treated at the local hospital last Thursday. Rodney EdwardsJS au ear laceration at a Friday. , . Reed' Wilklns cut his hjJ severely witn an axe. Heti ed at the hospital, Sfe4 Last Tuesday ing 3 daughter of Mr. an w-, tJ i ledge, cut her knw. . ... . several sxitcnes were necei close wie wound. Shi m at the hospital Howard Gray was tnalec local hospital for a spcul Monday. The baby son of Mr id John Doyle underwent a m erauon Tuesday at tae ii :f A FREE Wednesda? 1 1 "-n en R ni 1 baa n it 1 r m v mum WHERE ONLY THE BEST SOUND PICTURES ARES Tonight (Thursday) it A TnrvriT ruTTTn HA T T iir inii inth DAiju Bubles with joyous laughter. The gay adventum beautiful but neglected wife and her husband's be4 : Good Comedy Only 10c and 1 ' BE THERE. GET YOUR TURKEY! Friday and Saturday FAY WRAY & SPENCER TKAUX IN SHANGHAI MADNES A Devil may care adventure. Laughing at deatM Also THE DEVIL liUiW Onlv 10c Sunday. Monday and Tuesda Another of the season's greatest productions- thing you want for Glorious Entertainment. ; -f v Lauansi p Romance! GIrfs! i LEW ' is to U--"f -- rk V Remember Evening Mating Mondays-6to7p.m. ONLY 5c and 15c 1 1 |