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Show Thursday, July 10, 1S30 TIIE LEin SUN, LEm, UTAH PAGE ITVB ' TIIE LEHI SUN, LEHI, UTAH Lehi, Utah A. F. GAISFORD .-Manager Entered at the postoffice at Lehi, Utah, as second class matter, ADVERTISING RATES Display . -30c per inch Headers. : 10c per lme SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance .$2.00 Local Items Wise Blanche Edwards of Huntington, Hunting-ton, spent a few days this week visiting visit-ing with relatives In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Russell and son, John Jay, of Soldier Summitt were quests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Russell on the Fourth of July. Mr.' and Mrs. A. B. Anderson entertained enter-tained at a sumptuous chicken dinner last Tuesday evening for "Misses Thelma, Arleen and LaPriel Goodwin. Mrs. Ell DuBoise, and daughter, Virginia, of Salt Lake City, spent a few days of this wetk visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Johnson ..... .j . Mrs. Jennie Nostrom and children And Mrs. Marjorie Clark and daughter,, daugh-ter,, Carma, spent the Fourth of July in Spanish Fork, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Russell and children and Miss Fern Alhstron motored to American Fork Canyon Sunday and spent the day. The children child-ren hiked to Tlmpanogos Cave and -went through it ; Elder Hendrickson In company with .his parents from Southern Utah were Tieiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Phillips on Friday. Elder Hend-Tickson Hend-Tickson was a former missionary companion com-panion of Douglas Phillips in Michigan. Mr. " and Mrs. G. S. Peterson and lamlis. attended Fast Day services in the American Fork Fourth ward Sunday, Sun-day, where Mr. Peterson blessed" his Dew grandson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Peterson are the parents of the baby. ; Little Miss Iva May Lundsford of Crestline, Nevada, is here visiting wth her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles' C. Edwards, while her ", par-ents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Lundsford; are enjoying a vacation trip in Southern South-ern California. r ' -' ' Mr. and - Mrs. H. H. Schriner,;ot Logan, Ohio, and Mrs. Fred Pugh of Colton, Ohio, are here for a., two weeks visit at the homeB of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Evans and Mr!" and Mrs. W. S. Evans. Misses Claire Wells, Leona Osterloh, Phyllis Kirkham, Audry Davis, LaPriel Goodwin and Miss Elizabeth Thome of Salt Lake City, formed a party and enjoyed an outing at Saratoga resort Saturday evening. After bathing, they enjoyed a delicious luncheon. Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Merrihew, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Barlow, Mrs. Ada Merrihew of Salt Lake City, and Mr. John Miller of American Fork, visited visit-ed at the home of Mr. and- Mrs. Joseph Kirkham on Sunday. ; Hazel HolmsteaJ of Salt Lake City, Mr. Santell Young of San Francisco, California, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hvans and baby of Salt Lake City, were guests at tht home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Evans, Sunday. That after--noon Mrs. Holmstead and Mr. Young in company with Mr. and Mrs. Booth Sorenson enjoyed a trip around the Alpine Scenic Loop In American Forfk and Provo Canyon. AIRPLANES THAT FLY 50c and $1.00 Get your bulk ice cream and refreshments re-freshments at Lehi Drug on the 4th. Quality Service. Creams and Lotions to - protect your skin from sunburn and wind 50o and 11X0 Take A Picture On the 4th. LEHI DRUG CO. Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Impprted and . Domestic Cigars. LEHI, UTAH HENRY LEWIS Notary Public Fire Insurance Real Estate Representative of Western lo an and Building Co. UTFTT, tJTAH Mrs. Wallace Kicks of Mid vale, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Curtis. Miss Pearl Austin; who spent the past winter in Florida, is visiting this week in .Lehi, with Iher mother, Mrs. Alice Austin.' Mr. G. R. Adamson Is taking his vacation from the State .Bank this week. He with his family is enjoying a trip in Provo Canyon'. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S t SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the Fourth Judicial District Court of the State of Utah, In and for Utah County. Joshua B. Sylvester, and Anna C. Sylvester, Plaintiff, vs. A. E. McAffee, Alexander B. McAffee, his wife, K. M. Parkin and Florence H. Parkin, hi wife, Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Saturday Sat-urday the 19th day of July, 1939, at eleven o'clock a. m. of said day at the front door of the County Court House, at the City and County Building, Build-ing, situate in Provo City, Utah County, State of Utah, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendants, of, in and to the follow ing described real property, In Utah County, State of Utah, to-wit: Commencing at a point 132 feet 1 West and 414 feet South of the Center J of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian, thence I North 89 degrees West 306.30 feet, thence South 1 degree 14 minutes West 404 feet; thence East 314.94 feet; thence North 398.51 feet to the place of beginning. f Also commencing 1.93 chains Soith and 1.75 chains West of the Center of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian; thence South 10.15 chains; thence West 0.25 chains; thenee North 10.15 chains; thence East 0.25 chains to the place of beginning. Together .with water rights evidenced by, certificate No. 37-A for 3 shares and 6-10 shares Primary of the Lehi Irrigation Company, In Utah County, Utah. - Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States. Dated at Provo City, Utah, - this 23rd day of June. 1930. J. D. BOYD, Sheriff of Utah County, State of Utah. By Ellas A. Gee, Deputy Sheriff. J. C. Halbersleben, ... Attorney for Plaintiff, Provo City, Utah. First Publication June 26, 1930. Last Publication July 17, 1930. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY . In the Fourth Judicial District Court of the State of Utah, In and for Utah County. S. T. Bennion, Plaintiff; vs. Thor Cedars trom, C. Cedarstrom and Carrie Cedar stroK. Defendants. "To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Saturday Sat-urday the 19th day of July, 1930, at eleven o'clock a. m. of said day at the. front door of .the County Court House, at the City and gounty anna-ing, anna-ing, situate In Provo City, Utah rvnintv. Stat of Utah, all the rieht. title and interest of the above named defendants, of, in and to the following described real nroDerty. In Utah County, State of Utah, to-wit: The N. W. 4 of the s. Js. l or section sec-tion 31, Township 6 South, Range) 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian. Known as th Rex&n Placer Mining Claim No. 1; and the N. E. M of the N. E. . of Section 25, Township 6 South, Range 1 West, Salt La&e Meridian, knnwn m the Rexall Placer Mining Claim No. 2. In Utah County, State of Utah. Purchase payable in lawful money of the United States. Dated at Provo City, Utah, this 23rd day of June 1930. J. D. BOYD, Sheriff of Utah County, State of Utah. By Ellas A. Gee, Deputy Sheriff. Irvine Skeen & Thurman, Attorneys for the plaintiff. 1401 Walker Bank Building. Salt Lake City, Utah. First Publication June 26, 1930. Last Publication July 17, 1930. ASSESSMENT NOTICE LEHI ACME MINING PRINCIPAL PLACE COMPANY OF BUSI- NESS, LEHI, UTAH. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lehi Acme Mining Company held on the 13th day of June, 1930, an assessment '(No 4) of $1.00 per thousand shares was levied on the outstanding out-standing capital stock of the corporation, corpor-ation, payable Immediately to the secretary at his office at his resid ence at Lehi, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment assess-ment may remain unpaid on Tuesday, Tues-day, July 15, 1930, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before will be sold on Friday, August 15, 1930, at 2:00 o'clock p. m. at aforesaid afore-said office to pay the delinquent assessment as-sessment thereon together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. W. E. TRINNAMAN, JR., Secretary. First Publication June 19. 1930. Last Publication July 10, 1930. WANT ADS Want Ads 10c Per Line For First Insertion and 5c Per Line for Each Additional Insertion. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE White Leghorn Hens For Sale 60c each. George P. Price. 7-10-lt FOR SALT A Header. Very cheap. See Mrs. Christian Knudsen. 7-3-2t FOR SALE Can Red Seed Wheat. Mrs. Hyrum Smith, Phone 71J, Lehi 7-10-lt FURNITURE FOR SALE heater. vanity dresser, bench, 2 kitchen chairs and rocker. Inquire and see furniture at San ofilce. 2-2-tf Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Lott were Salt Lake visitors on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Clark and family spent the Fourth visiting in Provo. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. John son motored to Springville on a business busi-ness trip. , ' Mrs. Bazll Dorton and daughter, Phyllis, spent last week visiting in Salt Lake, guests of Mrs. Mary Love less. , ' Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry White and children of Salt Lake City, visit ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Knight. Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Worlton and Dr. and Mrs. II. E. Flanders of Ohio, made a trip to Tlmpanogos Cave Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walton and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Ross of Salt Lake City, were guests of Mrs. Fannie Bone on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Byron , Alstrom of Redondo Beach, California, were visiting with Mrs. Edith .Evans last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jackson and daughter, Beth, and Mrs. KX E. Brown were guests of Mrs. Martha Linton in Provo on the 4th of July. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Loveless and Mr. and Mrs. Epsom of Salt Lake City, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bazll Dorton, Friday evening. Mrs. E. J. Chrlstofferson and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harris of Magna, spent three days of this week camping in American Fork Canyon. Friends will be very sorry to bear that Mr. Charles Brown has been very 111 during the past week. At last re: .ports he is a little Improved.' ; T , - Mr. and Mrs. Ervln Fox of Salt Lake City, spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday visiting with Mrs. Fox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Lott. Miss Ardith Giles returned to her home in Huntington Park,' California, after visiting for. the past several days with friends in this city. '.-' Mr. Joseph Roberts and son, Carl, returned home Friday evening . from Wyoming, where they have been em ployed during the past month. Mr. and Mm. J. W. Wing entertained entertain-ed at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jerling and children of Highland High-land and Mrs. Melba Clark and call ren. ' ; -':' ; . Mr. and Mrs. John .. Brown enter tained at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Brown and daughter, Miss Graham of Provo; and Mr. Wreal Lott. Mr. and Mrs. Dazil Dorton entertained enter-tained at supper Sunday evening for Miss Kate Easley and Mr. Tom Loveless Love-less of Ferron. Following the supper they motored to Saratoga and enjoyed a fine swim. Miss Arlene and Thelma Goodwin entertained a group of friends at a Waffle and Slumber Party Thursday evening. Early Friday morning they motored to Saratoga resort and enjoyed enjoy-ed a refreshing swim. Misses Mildred and Miriam Whipple and Mrs. Vaness Lott entertained at a party in American Fork Canyon Wednesday afternoon In honor of Miss Ardith Giles, who has been visiting here from California. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Larsen motored motor-ed to Provo Monday evening. The men attended a forty and eight meeting meet-ing of the American Legion and the ladies attended a show at the Paramount Para-mount theatre. Miss Julia Thornton of Delta, i Lawrence Cropter of Hinckley, and Miss Geneive Thornton of Salt Lake City, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Garrett on the 4th of July. Miss Genieve Thornton remained over the week-end. Roy Dennis and Ray Butler returned return-ed to, their home in California last Tuesday, after visiting for two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dennis. Rex Dennis returned to California Cali-fornia with them and will remain for an indefinite visit Mr. and Mrs. Claude Curtis and sons, Bobbie and Paul, left Thursday morning for a vacation trip through Yellowstone Park. They will join Bishop and Mrs. S. I. Goodwin, who are returning from their Eastern trip, at the park and return home with them. A gay crowd of girls enjoyed a Slumber Party Thursday evening at the home of Miss Helen Willes. At midnight a most delicious luncheon was served to the following: Leola Goates, Hulda Curtis, Agnes Phillips, Margaret Lewis, Fay Anderson, Lucile Walker and Miss Willes.- Mrs. Annie Smith spent last week visiting relatives in Salt Lake City. Mr. Walter L. Webb of Salt Lake City, was a Lehi visitor on Saturday. Miss Dora Adams spent last week visiting friends in Salt Lake City. Mr. A. B. Anderson gave his illustrated illu-strated lecture in Highland Sunday evening. The Mothers Club will meet at the home of Mrs. James Peterson on MondayJuly 14. Ella Patten of Payson, spent Sunday and Monday visiting here, the guest of Mrs. Sherwood Adamson. . Miss Pauline Goates is visiting in Layton this week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Golden Adams. Mrs. J. O. Mieling and daughters, Virginia and Irene, spent from Saturday Satur-day until Wednesday visiting friends in Delta. Rolland Stewart of Ogden, returned to his'home this week, after spending the past three weeks visiting at the William E. Davis home. Wayne Carson, who has been employed em-ployed in Montana and Wyoming for the past month shearing sheep, returned re-turned home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roberts and son, Carl and Miss Helen Davis were visiting in Brigham City, Saturday and Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kirkham of Martin, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allred. Mrs. Kirkham and son, remained for a week's visit. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Christensen attended at-tended a party in Provo Canyon Saturday Sat-urday evening given in honor of Mrs. Christensen's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Needham of Wyoming; Wyom-ing; . .... . ., The Fifth ward Primary officers and teachers enjoyed an outing to Saratoga Sara-toga Monday evening. (Bathing was the outstanding diversion followed by a dainty luncheon. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Adams include: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrington and daughters, Katheryn, Helen and Mamie, and Mrs. ;W, F. Welsh of Salt Lake City. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Webb entertain ed at a prettily appointed dinner on the Fourth of July for Mr. and Mrs. Rqllin Pallanch and daughter, Mary of Salt Lake City, Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Worlton and Mrs. Celestla Schow. Miss Marie Robinson entertained a group of girls at a slumber party on the night of July 3rd. A dainty luncheon lunch-eon was served to the following guests: Nelda Davis, Thelma Jones, Hutla'u Allred and Golda Cunningham. Cunning-ham. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gardner and children, Grant, Spencer, Paul and Ruth of Jackson, Michigan, are visiting visit-ing at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dorton. Mr. Gardner will return re-turn home in a week and Mrs. Gardner Gard-ner and children will spend the summer sum-mer here. Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Flanders of Middleton, Ohio, are spending this week in Lehi, visiting with Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Worlton. They will leave Thursday for a visit in Logan, Lewis-ton Lewis-ton and Rexburg, Idaho, before returning re-turning to their home. Mrs. Flanders !.was formerly Miss Delia Woolston of this city. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor and daughters, Doris and Ruth, of Eureka, were visiting at the Thomas Trinna-man Trinna-man home from Thursday until Monday. Mon-day. Doris remained for a two weeks visit and Miss Rose Trinnaman returned re-turned to Eureka with the Taylor family and will visit there for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Timothy and son. Glen, of Los Angeles, California; Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Timothy of Arizona; Mr. and Mrs. Clark Zimmerman Zimmer-man and Mrs. Viola Hendry and baby, all of California, arrived here Monday evening to attend the funeral services for Mrs. George Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Timothy will visit here for . a few days before going to Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smuln of Evanston, Wyoming, motored to Salt Lake City last week to attend the General Electric Banquet, given at the Hotel Utah. Following the ban-quet ban-quet they came to Lehi to make arrangements ar-rangements for the Black Hawk encampment en-campment Mr. Smuin reports that he expects to bring a real cowboy band to Lehi for the celebration. He also reports that he is well acquainted acquaint-ed with a lot of good cowboy riders in Wyoming and will bring several down to ride in the rodeo. They returned re-turned home to Wyoming this week. Royal Theatre THE BEST OF TALKING PICTURES WEEKLY PROGRAM ; Wednesday and Thursday, July 9 and 10 MARION DAVIES in "Not So The comedy that had New York shrieking for months now comes to the talking screen as Marion Davies' happiest picture. Directed by King VIdor it presents a wonderful combination of talents and enter ' tainment value. It's a Joy from start to finish. Also a Natural Color Picture "A NIGHT IN A SHOOTING GALLERY." . Admission Only 15c and 30c. Friday and Saturday, July 11 and 12 MAY NOLAN in "Young Desire" Was it her lover or was it the man she feared because of her shady past? See this thrilling dramatic story of an experienced-hardened sideshow girl who tried to bluff out her romance with a clean small town boy. Also a good Our Gang Comedy "BEAR SHOOTERS." Admission 15c and 30c. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, July 13, 14 and 15 A 100 Talking, Singing Outdoor Picture all In Natural Color. "Under A Texas Moon Romance rides and love laughs in the most glamorous entertainment ever shown on the singing, talking, technicolor screen. , Also the Collegians in "RUrALS." ? All for bur regular admission only 15c and 30c. COMING ATTRACTIONS July 16 and 17, "Navy Blues" "Hold Everything.'' Al Jolson in "Mammy'' "The Texan." Miss Marie Robinson spent July 4th in Provo as a guest of Miss Golda Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. John Ast of Salt Lake City, were guests at the Carl Gunther home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellas M. Jones motored motor-ed to Provo, Friday and enjoyed the Fourth celebration there. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Spencer of Bluff dale, visited with. Mr. and Mrs. B, W. Brown on Sunday. Denzil and Jay Chilton of Seattle, Washington, are here visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Chilton. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fowler spent the 4th of July visiting in Provo at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Reynolds. Rey-nolds. Mrs. Steven Zimmerman and children child-ren of American Fork, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H, C. Evans. May Gardner of Delta, is here spending spend-ing a month at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mitchell, a guest of Miss May Louise Mitchell. Josephine end Marie Bringhurst of Salt Lake" City, fepent tty 4th of July in Lehi, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith. Mr." and Mrs. Warren Russon of Garfield, Don Whlmpey and Miss Ada Fox made a trip to Bryce's Canyon on the 4th of July. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Gilchrist and baby son of Salt Lake, were guests over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Killingaworth and son and two ' daughters of Whittier, California, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Lott and family last week. . Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Hampeon and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Sewell and two daughters daugh-ters of Salt Lake City, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. James Clark and children and Mrs. Ella Muhlestien and baby spent the week-end visiting in Ogden, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dransfleld. Elias M. Jones left Monday for Sugar City, Idaho, where he will be employed. Mrs.' Jones accompanied him as far as Salt Lake City, where they joined friends and attended a show at the Orpheum Theatre. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher and children, Delia and Freddie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galsford and son, all of Eureka; Mr." and Mrs. K. I Mc- Kinsey and son, Kenneth, of Tooele; and Misses Pansy and Lila Gaisford of Salt Lake City, were 4th of July guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gaisford. Dumb 99 Mr. and Mrs. Suel Bushman attend ed a shower party in Pleasant Grove Saturday evening. , Miss May Louise Mitchell it spending spend-ing this week visiting in Provo with her grandmother. ; Miss Verland Foyler entertained a group of friends at a Blumber party Thursday evening. , Mr. Edward Southwick of Cedar City, and Mr. Glen Southwick of Ephralm, wer$ visiting in Lehi Frit nay. " ;, . 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Bushman and children and Mrs. Margaret Bushman spent the Fourth in Vivian Park) Provo Canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Anders6h and son, Howard, of Sandy, visited' over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elias M. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Lott and daughters daugh-ters left last Thursday for an indefinite inde-finite visit in Idaho Falls, Idaho, with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown. Mayor and Mrs. Sydney Gilchrist Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilchrist; and Miss Ida Thurman returned home Sunday, after enjoying a week's vacation trip in Idaho. ' In honor of the tenth birthday anni versary of her daughter, Beth, Mrs. A. F. Gaisford entertained at a charming birthday party Tuesday '. afternoon. Twenty friends made merry with lively live-ly games, after which dainty refresh ments were served. , Monday evening Mrs. H.; D. Christensen entertained at a party at Saratoga resort in honor of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. l(and Mrs. Walter Needham of Wyoming. Twenty guests enjoyed swimming and a delicious luncheon, Complimentary to the ninth birthday birth-day anniversary of her son, Keith, Mrs. John Bushman entertained at a delightful little birthday party Thurs day afternoon. Twenty little friends enjoyed many interesting games, after which tasty refreshments were served. Miss Delia Carson attended a party in Vivian Park, Provo Canyon, Tues day evening, given in honor of a num ber of saints from Milwaukee, Wis consin, who are here visiting in Utah. The returned missionaries from the Northern States gave the party. Mr. and Mrs. James Comer and daughter, Nola, and son, Teddie, Mrs. Harold Comer and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith motored to Idaho Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Smith visited In Pocatello with relatives and the Comer family visited in Shelley with their son, Harold, and in Pocatello with Mrs. Corner's sister, Mrs. Dorothy Jones. Miss Nola Comer remained In Shelley for an Indednite visit with her brother, Harold. |