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Show FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1932 Egg Prices Go Up I The efTK market took another two cent raise this week. Are you getting all the market brings for your eggs. Ship with us and realize highest returns THE AfKH.ff)A.N FORK CITIZEN Am. Fork Locals Mr. ami Mrs. Don Parker and son of Hut to, Montana, are spending their vacation here with Lafe Par-leer Par-leer and family. New full dresses irlci-M Tanner's. low adv. Mrs. May While of Heaver, visit 'il In American Fork Monday with Mr and Mm J. Iv lionnelt. Mrs It J. Slice wan amonR the bunlness visitors In the capital 1 1 y Friday. John U. Illndley and daughtT, MrH. Sadie Henry of Salt Iake city, spent Sunday In American Fo-k visiting with Mr and Mrs. Krnest Illndley. Sr l'.HK Flour 69c 2 lhs. Lard 18c Tree Tea 25c Mottle Rubbers 4c ( 'an Maple Syrup 10c .'t ( laiw orn 25c Slitz Malt H5c Shredded Wheat 10c 4 llw. Macaroni 25c II Seeded Raisins 25c Salmon, Can .- 9c FREE- New Style Kitchen Clock Tickets given away with each 25c purchase. Bate Store Mr and Mrs Vern Walker wers vlsltori In Provo Tuesday- Mr. Neva Abel of Bingham, spent Sunday in American Fork with Miss I, conn Kellcy Mrs Fred Irishman and famliy (if Salt Iake, visited here several ..-iy thU week with Mrs. Bushman's l. it ems. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse I reoiie Mihmcs Clarice Bromley and Aft in Strong spent Sunday and Monday In the capital city with Mr. and Mrs Lionel Jacolisen Mr- and Mr. Merrill White and' on of Wen spent Sunday and Monday In American Fork with friends and relative. Mr and Miu K. D. Blgler and sons have returned to their home in Huntington Iark, California, after spending ten days here with relatives. rela-tives. Miss Maxlne Boley haa returned to Salt Lake after a week's visit here with her father, Vern Boley and grandmother, Mrs Mellatja Boley Miss Sarah Parker ami Mrs Km ma li AndMson returned to Salt I.ake to resume their positions as teachers after spending the summer sum-mer months here Miss Afton Strong with Heed ( 'hrlstnffeiMon and Dale Brlggs of I hi. and Miss Aria Pack of Provo, motored to Heher Thursday night of last week and attended the flower show dance. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Francis, Mr and Mrs, Arch Francis stopped In American Fork Sunday afternoon enroute home to Luke Shore from ogden. and visited Mrs. Hone H-Crant. Mr. and Mr ('. D. Reese and family of Nephl; Mr. and Mrs. I'arl U Taylor and children of Mt-Pleasant; Mt-Pleasant; Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Reeee of Provo, were dinner guests Sunday Sun-day of Mr. and Mra. Glen L- Taylor Tay-lor here- Mrs Jennie Strong and daughters, Marie and Nellie, spent from last Thursday until Satruday In Heber as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan McMillan, Mc-Millan, Ir. and Mrs. Francis Moul-ton. Moul-ton. While there they attended the county fair Including the stock nd flower shows. Mesdames Leah Greene and Mate Karl of this city, with Mrs- Ina C. Brown of Provo, and Rebecca C. Morris of Pocatello, motored to Ogden last Friday and spent the day visiting with Mrs. Hazel A Robinson. They had a very enjoy-ahle enjoy-ahle time together It being a 3ort of reunion of "The Old Crowd". 3fi Compare the Patterns THEN Look At The Prices! It's almost sensational the value you ffet when you huv Armstrong's Linoleum Linole-um at a D T K store. A brand new line of patterns colorful styled to the minute reasonable in cost. Kverylhing you'd look for in a new flour. The prices make small budgets bud-gets take on new life. Come in and see the new designs---then look at the prices. You won't want to pass them by for here are beautiful floors you can afford to have in vmir home. Dixon-Taylor-Russell Co. Mra. A. W. Buckwalter returned to Ogden Wednesday after spending spend-ing the post week here attnding to business matters and visiting with relatives. Mr and Mrs. Wayne Shelley and daughter of Bingham, spent Sunday evening here with Mr. and Mrs. Leo T. Shelley. Mr. and Mrs. William Firmage had as guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Firmage and children of Logan. Mrs C spending daughter, family Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Miller and Mrs Danielnon motored to S.ik like and spent the day Mlsn Fern Greenwood left Tuesday Tues-day for Salt Ixike. Miss Greenwood will attend the South High School this term and will reside with Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Jones. Miss Melissa Greenwood left for Salt Loke Wednesday morning to enter In training at the L. D. S hospital, commencing a three ye a? a course In nursing. Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Mott of Ogden. visited here on Labor Day with Mr. ad Mra. Albert S Mott and family. "Kenny" pitched ball for the locals In the game here that af .ernoon. Mr and Mrs. A. W. Clyde and family haVe moved Into the Ernest J. Seastrand home Mr Seastrand Is having his other home, next door south, remodeled and they have moved into the home on the corner Mra- Sam Peterson of San Francisco, Fran-cisco, Is enjoying a two weeks visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mr. W. D 8tewart. Mrs. Peterson was formerly Miss Edna Stewart. Mr. and Mrs- Le Grande Oud- mundsen of Payson. with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Qudmundsen and Mrs. Harold Chlpman of this city, motored motor-ed to Copperton Monday and visited with relatives. Miss Lena Miner left the latter part of this week for Clarkaton ir.L ... jian. 10 rwume ner position as teacher In the schools there- MIsm Miner has been employed by Schram -Johnson Drug Co. In Salt Lake this summer. Mra. Mabel Nelson and son. Ros-coe, Ros-coe, have returned to American Fork after spending the summer months in northern Utah. They have moved Into the Ella Anderson home, until recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs A. W. Clyde and family. Blsltop and Mrs. Raymond Clayton Clay-ton and family of Mldvale; Mr. and Mrs. David Grant and son were guests Sunday of Bishop and Mrs. T. A. Greenwood. Monday the Greenwoods Joined the Claytons In a trip to Lagoon, where the day was spent In taking In the pleasures afforded af-forded by this resort.' - In compliment to Mrs. William Firmage, whose birthday occurred on August 31st, a beautifully arranged ar-ranged dinner was given at the family home Sunday. Covers were latd for nineteen of the Immediate family who were seated at one long table centered with a graceful basket bas-ket filled with golden hued mary-golds. mary-golds. The honored guest was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. BOLEVS YOUR STORE Shelled Walnuts. li. 1 II). Shredded Cocoanut 2 llw. Powdered Kiipar 2 lbs. Hrown Siij;ar 1 H. M. .1. H. Jr. C.ffee 1 1!. Blue Can Coffee Citlltin BIik 1 berries lanlclon of lleher, Is this week here with her j Mrs. John II Miller and , SCHOOL DAYS School days are here again lor the children of American Ameri-can Pork. This means healthier appetites and more planning and work for mothers, fiaisin bread is a life saver for school lunches and after school pantry feeds. Our store has every desirable ' food and our policy of charging only a small profit on each item is greatly to your advantage. ad-vantage. A FEW DOLLARS Many people are now laying lay-ing in many staple foods for winter. Some are buy ing just an extra can of this or that, when their cash will permit. We think this is a good idea ard know such procedure will eliminate suffering in many cases when the long, cold winter comes. A few dollars now will buy a big lot of staple winter foods, at our store. SEE OUE ATTRACTIVE OFFERINGS FOR THE WEEK-END CLP. SKACGS Mr and Mrs. J. M. Anderson ano Miss Ila Spencor spent Monday In Salt Lake on business and pleasure. I Mr and Mrs Clyde Thornton and; son Blaine and Mrs. Warren Anderson Ander-son and three sons enjoyed TueatUy evening at Saratoga, Mrs. B. 8- Goddard of spent last Saturday her with her daughter, Aydelotte. Provo. visiting Mrs- Jarvls William Thornton, who la Deployed De-ployed in Ogden, spent Sunday her with his parents, Mr. and Mr Wm. Thornton. Mr. and Mrs J. L Flrmafe and family left Monday evenlnf for Beverly Hills. California, after spending the summer months her. The Flrmages will remain there until un-til spring. Miss Lenore Crookston left for Kennllworth to rmurn her position as teacher In the schools there. Mrs-Byron Mrs-Byron Crookston and Eldon Crookston Crook-ston took her to Kennllworth In their car. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robinson are receiving congratulations over the arrival af a daughter, born Wednesday. Wednes-day. The mother, formerly Miss Maurie Kushton, and babe are doing do-ing line 3 KEEECi Mr and Mrs. A I Beckatead and baby daughter of Lark, visited here Tuesday with Mrs- Willis Fredrlcks, mother of Mrs. Beclutead. Mr and Mrs. Don Clyde and children and Mrs. Thelma Woottoa of Heber. visited here Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Prlday, Dr- and Mrs Alan O Brockbanlr FOOD STORIS Mrs. Lloyd B. Adamson was a I guest of Mrs. Karl Banka last Friday Fri-day night In Pl'-asant Grove. Mrs. Banks entertained the Young Mothers Moth-ers Club that evening. Tall Milk 5c Flour, per sack 68c Tall Del Monte Salmon 15c Macaroni, Spaghetti or Egg Noodles 5c pkg. Qt. Glass Pail Best Peanut Butter 20c 8 lb. Pail Lard 69c 4 lb. Pail Lard 37c Camakrapes, 2 for 5c 10 Bars Crystal White Soap 25c Best Vinegar, White or Brown, per gal. 29c 5 Gallon Cans, best Honey $3.25 Bananas, lb. 5c Mr. nd Mrs .Man G Brockbank, Mrs K. B. Kawkins, Mrs- LlllUa C. Booth, Mr. and Mra- Jos. Searle, Mr. and Mrs Frank Shelley attended the funeral services for Nathan Clayson Sunday at Spanish Fork-Mr Fork-Mr and Mm. Orval Snow and small daughter have returned to Elmo, where Mr- Snow Is employed in the schools there. The Snows have spent the past summer here and In Provo- Mr and Mrs. Henry Miller and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fol- ken and family of 8alt Lake, sp-nt Sunday and Monday In American Fork at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Hay An,lreanon Mus Edna Ash by returned Tuesday Tues-day from a week's visit in Ephralm wi n h-r aunt, Mrs. A. 1 Tippets. Mr and Mrs. Mark Reynolds of Springville, with Mr and Mrj R. L. Ashby ind family R. Kimball and son are visiting here this Mrs. Edwin of Sandy, week with Mr. and Mrs. R L. Ash-by Ash-by Mrs. Kimball and her lster, Miss Mary Ashby with Mr- Klmbal, returned last week from Los An geles. The Klmhall'a spent he summer there and were Joined r.y Miss Ashby several weeks ago. Mr and Miu Jay Beck are the happy parents of a winsome daugh-I'-r. H,rn Monday mnrntnr. Mrs. I Meek formerly MIsm Fav Ellison. viauru nere .- 1 ur.ia) .,,,, h(1 n,.w Mr un.l Mra. Melvln Grant hid a few fnends as guests at their home uf!.r the dance at Saratoga Monday night- The occasion was their tliinl weddintr nnnivnrimv ... -- j . Social , lim and refreshments were enjoyed. arrival are In the local '.ipital and are doing nicely- Mr. 1 k Ii;m spent the summer at Beou-iue Beou-iue Nevada, and returned hone st week-end. Til- Lidles Literary Club resumed meetings after a vacation during the siinimer months. Thursday afternoon af-ternoon ,,f last week when Mrs. Jesse (Ireerie and Mrs. W. S. Chip-man Chip-man entertained at the home of Mrs. Greene. There were twenty-two Present A special feature of the afternoon was the reading of the Play 'Let I's Be Gay" by Mrs. Helen II Dixon of Provo. Delicious refreshments re-freshments were served late in the aft-riio,,ri The KMer Quorums of the Fourth ward together with their partners. sK-nt Thursday evening of lajt week at Saratoga. Swimming .ind lunch followed by dancing constituted consti-tuted the entertainment. There were 112 In the nartv which , declared one of the best ward soc ials for ome time. 14.-14c 14.-14c 21c L'o.- :)!V if. TRY OUR SAUSAGE AND HAMBURGER IT IS THE 68ST Bolev's Inc. TELEPHONK 4 WE DELIVER TAX FREE OUT-OF-TOWN TELEPHONE TELE-PHONE CALLS ARE TAX FREE WHEN THE TOTAL TO-TAL CHARGE IS LESS THAN 50c U. S. Govt. Tax l-' iIN ;,c to 99c Tax 10c f 1 .00 to $1,911 tax ir,c ?-'.00 and up. . .Tax 20c h the maximum tax The Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. iys Aydelotto entertained rs of the SorosU . ! 1'. 10 last Friday afternoon, opening meel iiik of I l,e "I- a Mil muter .0 .1 1 1 01 i.-rs enjoyed mm i.i 1 I,. it wc rk a ft ei w h 1. I , ,. en: urn cd. I 'rai'l itile lllelllbeiship S ,l.i ill In compliment to her mother. Mns. C F. Johnson of Iehl, whose birthday oetnred Wednesday, Mm. Vern Beck of this city enterUlncd at dinner that evening at her home. 'overs were laid for Mr. and Mm ' F. Johnson, Mr and Mrs C. L. John-uin. Ferd Johnson of Lehl. Mr. and Mrs Melvln Reynolds of I rovo, and the members of th Heck family SPECIAL' At Prices That Amaze You Girls' DRESSES Sizes 4 to 14 qop HOSt 2 Ui Real Values Fast Colors New jj j MEN'S BLUE DENIM BOYS' DAu) OVERALLS Striped 49c aj Men's Dark Hick; Overalls-59c Pa; iceckam Hand It1 CONES cmm 2 for 5c 5c ANY FLAVOR While Tier Enipian Mi CARD OF THANK8 To all those who rendered assistance assist-ance in any way during our recent bereavement, the death of our son and grandson. Joseph S. Storrs, we extend our sincere thanks and appreciation. ap-preciation. We are especially grateful to those who sent flowers, proffered the use of cars and assisted as-sisted at th set-trices- Mr. and Mrs. J. B- Btorrv. Mr. and Mrs. Wllford Storrs. Bishop and Mrs- Jos. H- Storrs. 0 THIRD WARD PRIMARY TO COMMENCE SATURDAY The Primary Association of the Third ward will resume meetings Saturday (Tomorrow) commencing at 2 o'clock p, m. The opening aocial will be In the form of a home-coming party- The offlcrs have arranged a good program and refreshments will be served. The parents are invited as well as ell children of the ward of Primary ae. FARMERS 4 WOE; LEAGUE r, On Sunday, Jsfc one hundred msrir ers and Worksite" Unemployed cool Mrs. Alfred Chadwlck and small daughter, Joyce, returned Sundiy from Salt Lake. The little girl has been In the L- D. 8. hospital the pivU several weeks and Mrs. Chadwlck Chad-wlck has remained In Salt Lake lo be with her. Vern Friends here of 'Tat, by" and I'-nr.". Messrs Clarence (irant and It iv Shelley, thrill out of boys do their stuff at rule convention In last Mrs Shelley boys on the piano, numbers, includ'ig campaign song t hey had the honor Delbert Draper, wrote the words was composed by n of st (ieorre. a teacher In this city campaign ciouk wrlt- lieai Intr th the state ileum, "Kden Saturday lerompallieil it,, They ;i ing three 'he I'etnocratli I'"" U hi. h of Introducing, "late c:;i Irinan. "id the music ''"'I K Fordha lornii-r iiiusi The or'i-Hial 1 I'v Messrs Crant and Shelley i'i ov.-r hig .ni, thev were forcd stop a number of times due to ' thui. 1 lions applause from the ' I ' opycniloii i:,n . "i" i" ' , r the photic fr I 'I'll. "Ik I. .1 Itcguents in f'gilen 1,1 h tune ,11,1 , ,t ' ' I' was l.roa.lcasted M'YL and Kll 1..1 h. IM, ,1,.., le,l with KI.U, ppe- ' "I I'M I pi IVc, s,.V. Mr. and Mns. George Meredith, and Mr and Mrs. Leo Meredith attended the wedding reception of Mr and Mrs. Le Grande Silver hold at the Jensen home on Hyland drive In Salt Lake Wednesday night Miss Helen Plenson has returned to her home in Huntington Park. California, after spending the summer sum-mer here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pleraon, and Mr and Mrs. Wm. Thornton- Mrs William Chlpman entertaJn-ed entertaJn-ed the officers of the First District of the Federated Women's Clubs tit her, home Wednesday- Business matters occupied the forepart of the afternoon after which Mrs. Chip-man Chip-man served her guests, ten in num-b num-b r. a tasty lunch. The mombers of the Young I .-idles and Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association stake boards held a meeting Wednesday night at the homo of the stake superintendent. super-intendent. Lloyd B. Adamson. Following Fol-lowing the business aesslon, Mrs. Adamson served refreshments. The I -idles Missionary Society of the Community Church entertained the executive of the Salt Lake district dis-trict at the local Church Thursday. The American Fork ladles brought box lunclxM which were enjoyed at noon Th,o meetings convened a' 111 and again at one P "' I '1 were about thirty visitors American Fork kb old-fashioned s was gerved; htthi! ed by the can Fork. A rood Urn Wf The followtmmfl trtbuted to the I Ing: John R, man Merc. Lit, Bakery and Bate-' GOATUltf Donald, the tm4 Mr. and Mn Is Friday moraituM tal. The baby mis Monday m' Surviving hl i Donald and IK Coates, and fft Mrs, William ;, and Mr. and Hit' of American To J The baby "; cemetery, what services wereW INCREASED ' ATTENM Twenty-four school age t,e J ducted at the d afternoon bet and thOM.'3 only tyJ have physical oeftj mother. falWM"i ment that the eBM three p. m- i ... tv r. Nurse Lyanc" Friday SPEd' Sliredded Wheatiesanu-'j n I 10 bars 2 1!)S. pYuit 1 P.G.sor fU"' Peanut "r, 1 , Bluef Caulinoffer.P i M) l!.s Flour.5"1') ROB 1 1 |