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Show '.WtZjUZ- 1 THE AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN (FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1932 'id icIa nf 'jjfll Plant frjTdSrt re- r.er city- fiSr Y" -To "rov,ded .for " print .... nuiDment Jtoth. city's ; , twoio.u-.- tond Interest; Crime Picayune Gi city property Wlllewaa llVij Ud rate for this j jrh, indicated rate Lprfuctlon of iitorUlly on ... ItUKlid w this fur- mad the to the de- 5 explain, by th Cement of munl-(i munl-(i public Improve-itrtnf Improve-itrtnf this year, i fundi aegregated L mt year's tax flat of a series of Lgflatet issued Lbe paid In 19S5. Jijlaj the tax rates Inri to apena dedicated t obligations, hthari have I to reduce the rate aipayers. IjbTloualy Is wor-aswty wor-aswty eommenda-Jtu eommenda-Jtu reduction Is t, It gt without toferation of tax V tulnr agencies. iple and preced- w hope mat I fortune may nnir Inallttes. theoneanticipai-I theoneanticipai-I hu alao built a stem without the bf bonds or bor-tn bor-tn dectric rates In EMUiderably lower (on the Louisiana onpanjr acquired 1Y STUDENT HUME STUDIES I haves Sunday WU, Maryland, Fui student Naval Aca-expects Aca-expects to academy next the eomple- ork. He has tl here visiting trienda Id Kaow 1 and tin who has of reflection tMni about the of dtLbUdi.- i Parrot I f liarrnt i.,k I " n till U lilted gutes u Carolina H u far north With Our Missionaries ICS Cannon Street, Poughkeecele, N. T. Dear Mr. Oalaford: July ti th la what la commonly called "Pioneer Day" In the Mormon Church, and la celebrated aa a State Holiday in Utah. It waa upon thia date In 147 that Brlgham Young and 141 Mormon Pioneers arrived in the Great Salt Lake Valley, Val-ley, after a trek of 1,000 mile from the ahores of the Mlaaouri Klver. The history of the memorable memor-able journey, their hardships, together to-gether with the numerous trails and persecutions prior to the advent ad-vent to the west, la aubstajitally written, although none to generally known In this part of the world. Thia pioneer event la alao being reverently celebrated In the East today by a group of Latter Day Saints and Missionaries in the Eastern States Mlaaion, they gather at Palmyra, New York, which la the birth place of the church. A three day conference la now In progress friends and members through the entire county are gathered to hear the stirring history of the Mormon Pioneers recounted. The conference is conducted by the Eastern States Mission and will be presided over by James H. Moyle of Halt Lake City, who is 'mission president. The Pioneer address will be given by Elder G. A. Iverson of Washington, D. C. Elder Iverson Is former District Judge of Salt Lake County and la now Special Assistant to Attorney General of the United States. Seven conference sessions are to be held during the three daya and has been the custom In the. past; all sessions will be held In the open with the summer aky for a celling and the trees and flowers of the historic Grove forming the walls of the traditional "conventional hall". While In the Eastern States Mission Mis-sion it haa been my privilege to attend at-tend the Palmyra conference the meetings have been spiritual feasts. and the memories of them will always al-ways be Inspirational to me. I will attend the celebration this year, after which I Intend to return to my home In the Rockies; as I have been released from mission service. Please accept my sincere thanks for you having sent to me the American Fork Citizen While I have been in the mission field. Each week I look foreword to receiving it and it has been a great service in keeping me In touch with the activities ac-tivities of the Home Folks which, I can assure you has been both stimulating and edifying. I greatly appreciate your thought-fulness thought-fulness and kindness to me, Mr. Gaisford, and wish you continued success. Lu Rae Buckwulter. o Ten Yelars Ago Now Ten Tears Ago Now The school board met Tuesday and let the contract for the building build-ing of a new gymnasium In Alpine, to the Chlpman Mercantile Co. for the sum of $18,767.00. The Vjlldlng is to be completed by January 1st, and work haa already commenced on the structure. Ten Years Ago Now James Bodell, 18 years of age, a renldent of Herriman, was drowned at Crystal Hot Lake, at the point if the mountain, while bathing at 8 o'clock Saturday evening1. The Ig hot pool was well patronized at the time of the accident, and a near panic ensued when the word went ACHES, NEURITIS AlG'A, LUMBAGO . . . f hlv. M Pain. t,i,. r B,y Asp,nn. FdiaU! .che Aspirm ntv a r'ukt it. th. n r - "yrr 11 They don't depress the heart, or otherwise harm you. Use Ihem just as often aa they can spare you any pain or discomfort Just he sure to buy the genuine, Examine the package. Beware f imitations. Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer manufacture of mono-aceticacidcster mono-aceticacidcster of salicylicacid. saw r m m '------ - pONT drive on thin, U risky tires this Fall and Winter. With tire prices so low it doesn't pay to take chances. Come in-get our liberal offer for your old tires. We'll do everything we can to help you get those thin, risky tires off your car. We'll make a proposition prop-osition to you on the world's greatest tire for safety, long Ufe and economy the Goodyear All-Weather. Don't take chances on thin, risky tires. Come in see us. Lifetime Guaranteed A Bargain GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY SupertirUt Cord Tire l-'i-'feSf Aalowaa Kachlafmln Fall Owslss SOUKbs-CL. 4.50-20 4.50-21 4.75-19 4.75-20 B.00-1 B.00-20 5.00-21, 5.25-18 Me of lack . . 4.7 4.SS 4.VS MS f S5 Each In Pain $J.JO J.70 J.OS 4.50 4.S7 4.71 4.80 4.9 S.JO Tutxi O.St i.oe 1.14 i.i 1.01 Cash Prices Other Sizes In Proportion American Fork Motor Co. TELEPHONE 17 AM. FORK PREORIC MARCH NOW STARRING WITH SYLVIA j 8IDNEY IN 80CIETY DRAMA Th m-lectlon of Fredric M,in h for the leading male, role in !'. mount's "Merrily We.ii.i i n,.r whli'h iH a picture dranuitlznti,,,, ,,f t'leo Lucas' startling novH (lr it ywir aK. is not a casual clmi.-,. ,,f ,(. ';i-UniC offlie, reports xtudm ,,tfi. cIuIh. , The dramatic stature (,f Kredrli-Murrh Kredrli-Murrh lum Increased niatin.iK. i the eyes of the public In his latest ' films, Klrungers In Love ' and ' I r ! Jkyii und Mr, Hyde." in TIMELY TOPICS BY C V. HANSEN THE LOVE OF MONEY We read that the "love of money in th root of all evil." Mark the word. -the. l)VE of money-we do not denounce the posMeeslon of money; that would be mere affecta-Hon affecta-Hon and hyiHM-rtny. Where mony has tpen Justly earned, It is to some 'xtchi, a testimony to a man's char-iilcr char-iilcr and rapacity. Christ never dennunevd the mere possession of thoHft mtnr-v hnr ttiu KivA ,,f It It Km n i'n iuriH no r-acnea tne ht t,ts nf tra- IllH dramatic artistry. Today March stands almost alone In his capacity for an utiusnally Kreat rane of dramatic r..i i, Im inis wide versatility that led i 'mount officials to assign liiir I present difficult role. ) As Jerry. In MIsk Lilr.xs' oriKin.il 'story. "1. Jerry Takes The.-. j,)iin I he has a part. In the ilr;im.iu.ed ; version. "Merrily We .. to -i that Is similar to the oi. lie p .r-! .r-! trayed so effectively in My sin." I with Tallulah Hank head plajinK ,,p-poslte ,,p-poslte him. Thus, again he play the part of a truly lovaMe m.m i. 'set with a craving for liquor a l.nl.l .1.... L 1 of a domestic tragedy, in wi,it ayivia Sidney as his wife Is dramatic contra, foil. March's succea on th- screen is the result of training, hard work, and an Inherent d ramatic talnt, which with the years htm mine to full flower. He started life as a banker, but figures and finance proved uninteresting. He felt the lure of the stage and resonde,i to Its call. Fifteen years a.-" he start, ed his dramatic work m the test of schools a dramatic repertoire Mother of 7 Still Young wealth, but the callousness of wealth, not the money, the Insatl-ahle Insatl-ahle greed, the passionate quest of It. which is the withering, hllghtlng thinir that eats Into men's souls with a fiery and uncurable corrosion. Whether a man Is what we call wealthy. Is not the qu?stlon. A poor man may be as nvariclous over his J pennies as a rich man is over his I dollars. It Is a question not of ' I session, but of temper; and any i man who hoards, and scrapes, and! pmelies. and Is greedy, because he looks to money as the great end of lire Is a traitor to the spirit of rin ist. "Ah" wild a very rich man as ho showed a visitor over his costly mansion, "all I cet out of this Is his board and lodging." Have you ever 'thought of that, dear reader? Have you ever stopped to think that beyond be-yond the. vulgar satisfaction of f'-ellntt that you are rich, there Is nothing to be got out of greo't wealth but reat embarrasenier t ? Yet there ar men who are wi'.ite-haired wi'.ite-haired at forty, who for the love of money have given up eve, ythtng, and now are nothing but so many scheming bruins angling for more money. There are others who have .'. her hi 1 company ana sieaany advanced to Kt their money by means that they the rank of a Broadway featured would not care to speak about, player. Then he was draft, d for n no . has the general thirst for riches, and the general belief In wealth as the prime end of life been pictures. In "Merrily We Go to Hell." which cornea to the Cameo Theatre Sunday, Sun-day, Monday and Tuesday. September Septem-ber 11, 12 and 13, Mar. h for the first time co-stars with Sylvia Sidney. FOURTH WARD SUNDAY NITE PROGRAM The Klders Quorum of the ward will l.e in charge of the Sunday night program. The speakers will be Kenn-th Robinson and Elmo Ivo rs A ! splendid program of mUKic, e'c. will also he given. All are Invited. so great as In ours; and for that reason. It is well to remember that we may buy our gold too dear. When nation seeks wealth before righteousness, and the youth of the nation covets luxury instead of character, revolution is not far distant, dis-tant, and If it be true, that what the youth of the nation think, the nation na-tion will soon think, It Is only bv regeneration of youth, that sia-; sia-; ion i an come. T'niS woman who gives 1 organs the right stimulant need not worry about growing old. Her system doesn't stagnate; her face doesn't age. She has the health and "pep" that come from a lively liver and strong, active bowels. When you're sluggish and the system needs help, don't take a lot of "patent medicines." There's a famous doctor's prescription for just such cases, and every druggist keeps this standard preparation. It is made from fresh laxative herbs, aetivt senna, and pure pepsin. Just ask for Dr. Caldwell's syrup pepsin. Take a little every day or so, until every organ in your body feels the big improvement. The next time you have a bilious headache, or feel all bound-up, take thia delicious syrup instead of the y . i jj i ... u m usual cathartic. You'U be rid of all that poivnous waste, and you haven't weakened the bowels. You'll have a better appetite, and feel better in every way. The constant use of cathartics is often the cause of a sallow complexion and lines in the face. And so unnecessary I Would vou like to break yourself of the cathartic habit? At the same time building health and vigor that protects you from frecrucnt sick spells, headaches, and colds? Get a big bottle of Dr. Caldwell's syrup pepsin today. Use often enough to avoid those attacks of constipation. When you feel weak and run-down or a coated tongue or bad breath warns you the bowels need to b stimulated. Give it to children instead of strong laxatives that sap their strength. It isn't expenahra. WE WOULD LIKE TO about It, and would be glad to hear KNOW ABOUT IT about It. 8uch Items are new and we would appreciate having th It is up to you to make this paper very Interesting, by telling our reporters re-porters about the news: If anyone had died. . Eloped. Left town. Embezzled. Had a fire. Had a party. Bold a farm. Been arrested. Come to town. Stolen a dog or his friend's wife. Committed suicide or murdered. Fallen Into a well. Inherited a legacy. Had an auto accident Lost an auto. Bold or purchased a same telephoned thia office. The newspaper la the beat com munity asset there la. It la the thing that makes for the solidarity of lta population; It advertises the town and Its Interests elsewhere; It boosts the town In a variety nf ways) and never stops. And then It provides pro-vides news interest and entertainment entertain-ment for great numbers of th people peo-ple of the community. No Ue LuoL.nj for 1h:m Why waste time looking for eusj ihl Thev are all taken. Florid 1 animal TlmesvUnlon. The publishers would Uka to know tleM. Yoia't Presumed Pojwer The meaning of the word yoga. In Sanskrit. Is concentration. Th j essence of tbls school of philosophy la meditation. Theoretically, at least ' lta devotees can acquire even la this pedigreed word ntlr command tt lm : tary matters by eorUln Mettle pr out that Bodoll was lying at the bottom. Ten Tears Ago Now W. F. Mitchell, who for the past two years has been a resident of this city, had all the fingers of his left hand cut off Tuesday of Ijib! week, while working at the Tinllc Standard Mill near Goshen. Ten Yearn Ago Now Labor Day was one of the biggcM in the history of the Tlmpanogos Cave. On that day over f00 people visited this natural wonder, which Is by far the larKcsl crowd to no thru In any one day. Ten Years Aro Now Mr. and Mrs. Neldon Mm of Can-per, Can-per, Wyoming, are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl, horn Saturday. Mrs. Llm, formerly Mts.s Verdell Webb, Is at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Webb here. Ten Years Ago Now Mrs. Mary Maudsley, who for the past seven years, has been employed In the Dry Ooods Dept. of Chlpman leave the 16th of the month Halt Lake, where she has ac cepted a position with Walker Hros store. Ten Years Ago Now Hay dee Johnson, daughter and Mrs. Len Jackson, and i r TuM-.ti inn of Mr and un.nip -" Mrs. E. Iverson, were married In the Halt Lake temple September 6th o Birds Killed i Flight Thousand of blrda. esnedairj warbler, are killed orln mlp tioa by flying Into telephone wires r hnlMlnga, or by similar accidents ft ore.. Miss of Mr. iKGHLGrn (msfstsm &simm ana Hvu&mm&j ixx mf& QSRliailOHi (SOyfilllJ? GnrsBi1O0 I dM aria, dtpaadsbl jroa riruMa ll tnicslr Infllwl sod SMf Get tout money's worth from your horn hearing plxnfJ Don't continue paying a premium for obsolete hand firing or for costly automatic fuels. Install an Iron Fireman Automatic Coal Burner in jour present furnace and enjoy all of the luxuries of automatic home heating pint genuine savings in your fuel bills. Iron Fireman gives better heat for less money because It barns small-sized, low-cost coal automatically and efficiently. In addition to cutting fuel costs, Iron Fireman provides steady, eren heat regardless re-gardless of weather conditions, eliminates the wasteful smoke nuisance, and reduces furnace care to a minimum. Learn what an Iron Fireman can do for you. We will gladly make a surrey of your heating plant and render a report that shows just what savings and betterments you may expect when Iron Fireman takes orer the job of giving your home better heat for lees money Telephone us today! -Telephone 23 Lehi- M. S. LOTT PLUMBING & HEATING STATE STREET, LEHI |